Hi everyone,
To clarify, please kindly note the following:
1) The price stated in my previous post, namely US$ 54.50 / GRAM, is
for 200g order quantity; and if less is ordered, then the COST / GRAM is higher.
2) For a variety of reasons I am going to be ordering 100 GRAMS for myself

3) I am proposing making the other 100 GRAMS available to those of you participating in the GROUP BUY, at the same price, namely US$ 54.50 / GRAM. So as far as you are concerned the price is US$ 54.50 / GRAM for 100 GRAMS, wherein I myself will be buying the other 100 GRAMS

what's the name of that lab?
The lab is a reputable EUROPEAN LAB

If you say they are trustworthy I don't really mind that it's more expensive.
In my experience with them to date they are indeed trustworthy and a very professional organisation.

have you ever dealt with them...
YES, I have. It was this company that I used to custom synthesize 500g of COLURACETAM at >99.9% PURITY

and do you think you could get them to split the shipment in 3 different locations?
I think it simplest that I have the whole order shipped to me and I split the shipment accordingly, re-package, and mail the respective quantities to the other 2 locations.

I would of course handle all the shipments to participating individuals in UK and EUROPE.

Scienceguy, is this for the PHOSPHATE form used in the human trials?

Also I dont want to be the boogey man here but how do we (the funders) know that the collector (in "pay it square") really use our money to buy NSI-189 and not some sugarpills ^^
Is there any way we can check this?
I mean at $5000 some people get seduced to inmoral actions ;-)
I would like to suggest that I am in fact the one to place the order.

I do not have the necessary available free time to manage all the individual payments so would suggest that SUNSHINEFROST take on the responsibility of gathering all the funds from the individual participants and then wire the $5,450 TOTAL for the 100 GRAMS to me via direct bank transfer (I will PM my details to SUNSHINEFROST to allow him to do this if everyone is agreable); wherein I will then pay the custom synthesis lab directly for the 200 GRAMS TOTAL ORDER QUANTITY via my RESEARCH COMPANY (N.B. they only deal with companies)

In case anyone has any concerns whatsoever about
my MORALITY I suggest they might like to read about my actions in THIS thread:
COLURACETAM - User Feedback
Edited by ScienceGuy, 03 May 2013 - 04:53 AM.