Meissner reference pattern creates higher resolution MRI (also magnetically activated drugs)
use meissner effect magnetic screening or lensing to create a computational image processing reference pattern at the tissue, also make narrow fields as well as magnetically activateable drugs with brain area specificity
The meissner effect accompanies superconductivity, it is different than ordinary levitation. The meissner effect actually Excludes magnetic fields The video (link) has a graphic suggesting the fields "blob" at the sides, basically making a kind of magnetic lens. Whether you create a magnetic lens or just a screen with the meissner effect its possible to create regular angled polygonal patterns at a magnetic field.
Use these spiffy regular magnetic polygons to improve MRI as well as fMRI imaging, using them as a reference pattern to do better digital image processing.
A similar idea using lasers is an actual technology. Satellites view a laser produced image on the ground, permitting software to discern other features more clearly. The algorithms use the known reference image to remove atmospheric swirling optical effects. If I remember accurately this known pattern algorithmic image enhancement doubles or triples imaging resolution.
Thus using the meissner effect to create a reference image could improve MRI as well as fMRI (which describes brain activation on various events) resolution strongly.
Of course using a meissner effect screen suggests the possibility of very high intensity narrowly shaped fields ("beamlike") which could be used from area specific TMS to activating magnetic drugs at particular brain areas.
lets bring magnetically activated drugs to specific brain areas so they are activated with this narrow field technology, we could try out high concentrations of neurotransmitters at specific brain areas to describe or enhance function, or deliver drugs to tumors.
Magnetically activatable drugs could be anything from re angle able bismuth ferrocenes(link), to erythrocyte ghosts full of magnetic particles with drugs that release particles at specific field strengths, to pharmaceutically active peptides linked to diamagnetic atoms like bismuth that would rapidly change the (possibly branched) peptide shape to active at a magnetic field
(Bi)\/\/^^^\/\(Bi) - -- MagZap-- -> (Bi)-------^^^-------(Bi)

a public domain idea
Edited by treonsverdery, 30 August 2012 - 07:11 PM.