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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans


Point Claim topic 2012

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#1 caliban

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 01:23 AM

'₮hank You' points are one way of recognising, rewarding and incentivising high value contributions to the LongeCity community and mission.

Some point rewards are automated, but the most significant rewards are disbursed by the 'ThankYou' account at irregular intervals.

In the past, points awarded via this route were tallied by the Teams Coordinator but collating these tallies has proved difficult at times. For now,we are reverting to a system of self-declarations and nominations.

In this thread, everyone is invited to declare actions that you have taken to advance the community or the cause.
Please do declare your contributions however small!
We WANT you to have these points, they are an important aspect of making LongeCity function.
Only by making yourself known here will you enable LongeCity to develop this system and inspire others to follow suit.

If you have any questions about the system or what kind of actions *you* could help with please contact the TeamsCoordinator.

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#2 Droplet

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 06:43 AM

Copied and pasted...

Posted the following quote on an article about the strain on the NHS due to elderly patients:

Until we start fighting aging itself head on, these tragedies will continue. It is the fact that we cannot halt the degeneration of senescence that is causing the issue, not how many years these poor old people have been on the earth. We need more work by groups like Methuselah Foundation, SENS and Longecity to help turn the tide on involuntary human suffering.

Article here: http://www.telegraph...f-collapse.html

Posted 17 September 2012 - 05:08 PM
Left the following message:

Scientists need to root out the true cause of the problem - aging itself. Until they start doing more than just plugging the holes, there will forever be age related suffering. We need more scientists to collaborate with Longecity and The Methuselah Foundation!

Full article here: http://www.guardian....end-of-comments

Also did this one:

Alzheimers is a horrendous tragedy but it is the decline imposed on us by the passing of time that is the big problem. When we pull together to cure aging, we will annihilate Alzhemers and dementia along with other miseries. Getting old really should NOT have to mean getting sick in these modern times! Scientists at places like The Methuselah Foundation and Longecity should really be given more funding to research rejuvenation therapies to remove this curse from humanity permanently!

Full article here: http://www.guardian....end-of-comments
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#3 Droplet

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Posted 19 September 2012 - 01:03 PM

Left the following:

This is horrible that such a ticking social timebomb like a rise in dementia cases is being ignored. There are thankfully charities out there trying to put an end to age-related degeneration that focus on research.

Rest of the article is here: http://www.dailymail...led-trials.html
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#4 Droplet

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Posted 27 September 2012 - 08:37 PM

Added the following comment on an article about a new anti-aging drug that may come about in the future:

This is amazingly good news..just imagine a world where growing old doesn't have to mean getting sick any longer and where we can continue to be in amazing health and contribute for many more years to come! It's nice to see healthy life extension getting a step closer to reality.

Rest of the article is here: http://www.dailymail...later-life.html

#5 Droplet

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Posted 01 October 2012 - 06:43 PM

Left the following message that may or may not get published:

A possible answer to all of this stares us in the face: we should try to utilise medical and scientific advances to make it so that getting old doesn't mean getting ill, thereby simply curing old age. Movements for healthy life extension already exist out there so why don't more governments look towards this solution? It would end age-related suffering and mean that the elderly would not need to be cared for, not to mention the preservation of their wisdom.

Full article here: http://www.dailymail...ldren-2050.html
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#6 Droplet

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Posted 03 October 2012 - 12:54 PM

Left the following that may or may not be published:

Perhaps if people invested in REAL rejuvenation therapies instead of slapping chemicals on their faces we'd see better progress. We should look for the real fountain of youth (though not as a literal fountain) and rejuvenation.

Whole article here: http://www.dailymail...air-within.html
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#7 Droplet

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Posted 17 October 2012 - 06:14 AM

I don't know if it is worth the points but I have actively created and maintained the following topic with a view to getting written up at least an idea for a booklet as described. I am taking inspiration from the ones religious folks normally hand out in the city and trying to produce something around our cause that gives it a "human face."


I need a few more quotes then I'll look into wording and posting up my attempts for your judgements. :)
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#8 Droplet

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 06:08 AM

Probably worthless on the points front but I'll declare just in case. I was actually bothered to find out how to fill this out and be bothered to fill it out:

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#9 Droplet

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Posted 26 October 2012 - 10:42 AM

Having the intiative to repost Caliban's topic regarding EU research advice requests in every European sub forum such as here: http://www.longecity...ch/#entry542421

I even had a go at my German but probably can't gain extra points even if this contribution IS worth something...oh well, no harm in being cheeky, is there? ;)

Edited by Droplet, 26 October 2012 - 10:42 AM.

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#10 Droplet

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Posted 02 November 2012 - 04:15 PM

I left the following message on an article about declining memory in your thirties that may or may not get published:

If people supported REAL ways to stop age-related degeneration then maybe we would not have to fear our minds and bodies breaking down on us. Rejuvenation therapies and healthy life extension are ways forward!

Whole aticle can be read here: http://www.dailymail...y-thirties.html
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#11 Droplet

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:33 AM

I created the following article with a view to establish where in UK people are with a view to potential future uses for organisation of chapters and activism: http://www.longecity...-in-uk-are-you/
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#12 Droplet

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Posted 05 November 2012 - 07:41 PM

I have helped to promote Global Attempt To Abolish Aging - G3A at the behest of MrZeta. This could potentially help to promote further paths to taking action and unite other supporters worldwide. Original post here: http://www.longecity...3a/#entry544349

I also took time to translate it into German here: http://www.longecity...lish-aging-g3a/

Edited by Droplet, 05 November 2012 - 08:42 PM.

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#13 Droplet

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Posted 08 November 2012 - 12:50 PM

I have been repeatedly bumping and trying to stimulate interest on a number of topics in the Project Ideas forum...as well as bumping topics relating to volunteering as a subtle hint. ;)

Don't know if this is worth points but heck I'll declare just in case it is.

Why does it seem to only be me claiming points? :mellow:

Edited by Droplet, 08 November 2012 - 12:51 PM.

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#14 Droplet

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Posted 09 November 2012 - 10:10 AM

Left the following quote on an article about dementia that may or may not be published:

Dementia will cost us millions as will all aging-related disorders. This is why it makes economic sense to invest in rejuvenation therapies.

Read article here: http://www.dailymail...oo-illness.html
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#15 Droplet

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Posted 12 November 2012 - 02:44 PM

I pointed out a potential way to donate by mobile here: http://www.longecity...10/#entry545814 May be worth nothing but I'm going to declare just in case. :)
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#16 Droplet

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Posted 13 November 2012 - 07:09 AM

I came up with this potential fundraising idea: http://www.longecity...ng/#entry545954
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#17 Droplet

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Posted 19 November 2012 - 11:29 AM

I found an article about elderly and isolation and posted in the following topic as well as in other appropriate forums to generate discussion and hopefully action:

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#18 Droplet

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Posted 20 November 2012 - 03:17 PM

I found the following articles:


Edited by Droplet, 20 November 2012 - 03:23 PM.

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#19 Droplet

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Posted 21 November 2012 - 06:53 AM

Left the following comment on an article mentioned in the previous post:

If we could find a way of perhaps halting aging and/or rejuvenation therapies, we would not have to live in fear of a pre-determined biological clock. This modern age we really do not ned to just sit back and take the miseries and pain that old age bring unto us all without discrimination.

Rest of the article here: http://www.telegraph...e-to-live.html#

Posted this on another article:

Exciting news that we are making breakthroughs but we shouldn't stop at Alzheimers. We need to eradicate eVERY age-related disease and look into rejuvenation therapies for those unfortunate people who have been damaged by such afflictions. We are slowly progressing towards this and thankfully there are organisations and charities out there already trying to cure aging once and for all.

Rest of article here: http://www.telegraph...-new-drugs.html

Edited by Droplet, 21 November 2012 - 06:58 AM.

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#20 Droplet

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Posted 29 November 2012 - 09:26 AM

I kept on bumping the topic about Fight Aging Week as well as putting in ideas for freebies to raise awareness at any events should they happen here: http://www.longecity...ek/#entry548797

#21 Droplet

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Posted 04 December 2012 - 07:09 PM

Left the following comment on an article about the aging Baby boomers facing a health crisis:

Aging disables people making them unable to work their way out of poverty and is going to strangle our health system. I think that this is a huge reason for world governments to work on rejuvenation therapies. It really is sad to think that this generation and many more will suffer that unneccessary blight upon humanity known as aging!

Read the article here: http://www.telegraph...lth-crisis.html
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#22 Droplet

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Posted 24 December 2012 - 11:49 AM

I left the following in a topic about whether our fear of death is destroying the planet. It may or may not be published:

I think that it's our awareness of death that makes us behave so recklessly because we know we'll not be here long so we abuse the planet. Were rejuvenation therapies and the conquering of involuntary death brought into the equation, we would look after this world because we'd know it had to support us for a very long time. You'd be hesitant to crap in the fishbowl if you knew you would be swimming in it for a fwe thouand plus years.

Read article here: http://sustainablema...t/#comment-5532

#23 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 06 December 2013 - 10:46 AM

In this thread, everyone is invited to declare actions that you have taken to advance the community or the cause.
Please do declare your contributions however small!
We WANT you to have these points, they are an important aspect of making LongeCity function.
Only by making yourself known here will you enable LongeCity to develop this system and inspire others to follow suit.


I found the 2013 point claim topic, so I'll post it there.

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