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Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."

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#151 megatron

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 10:03 PM

Wow hadora, after those results Dihexa looks even more promising!

yeah it look very promising of course :) and easy to synth

Are we organizing a groupbuy for this? As far as I'm concerned the PRL-8-53 groupbuy is over, :D This stuff should be cheaper, anyways. :DD

Yes, we should initiate a group purchase very soon. I hope this can be done the coming week. It would be awesome to have started experiencing the effects before the next semester. I really hope this could be THE drug to revolutionize the world of nootropics, because the current products on the market (racetams, stimulants etc.) are bullshit!

I don't know how it is for you guys, but grandiose delusions are such major parts of my life, and after I found this forum I've become obsessed with becoming more intelligent. After mys closest family, this is the most important aspect of my life. IQ-wise I'm a couple of points higher than average, but I have this feeling that I never really can become "whole" without standing out from the crowd. I just feel that I have to be in the 90th percentile, and the 60th - 70th percentile is nowhere close to cut it. Please, let this be the drug to at least give some moderate improvements!

yeah it will be a good idea but we should wait until people finish their experimentation with PRL 8 53 :~

Nah, I'm saying let's just go for it. Getting PRL 8-53 and testing it will take several months, so we should just get Dihexa. If PRL 8-53 fails, then we'll have Dihexa at hand or else it'll probably take like half a year till we get Dihexa.

Edited by Megatrone, 31 March 2013 - 10:13 PM.

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#152 spookytooth

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 10:16 PM

I am 100% in on a group buy!
This is one of the most interesting compounds I have encountered so far!

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#153 Metagene

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 10:23 PM

I really want to contribute so count me in as well!

#154 nootlyinclinded

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 10:36 PM

I'm not sure you guys realize how much it costs to synthesize Dihexa. Trust me, it was not cheap at all. The PRL compound is many times cheaper to synthesize than this one for sure.

#155 sparkk51

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:35 PM

Lol, the people in this thread and the PRL one seem to be very hopeful of the extraodinary nootropic effects these two compounds have to offer. Of course, I also dont want to see these group buys falling apart so maybe we should do what we can to hype this...

#156 Izan

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Posted 31 March 2013 - 11:47 PM

i also made the payment for prl 853, but i see a lot of people in the thread over there are pussying out. i'm in for a group buy for dihexa, make it happen.

#157 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 12:36 AM

Actually, I'll sit this one out. Given the concerns expressed by Rior.

#158 progress_

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 01:39 AM

This is a great thread! It transformed me from a long time lurker into a member :)

#159 sunshinefrost

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 07:41 AM

Nootly ! I have a few questions for you,

Are you still taking it ?
Did you notice any difficulty sleeping?
How would you describe The feeling on it (are you quicker, wiser, thoughtful, mindful, reflective, relaxed, smarter etc.)
Are you responding the same way every day ?
Any side effects ?
What else did you notice ?

Thanks for the previous responses

Edited by sunshinefrost, 01 April 2013 - 07:58 AM.

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#160 Colli

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 01:03 PM

If there's ever a group buy for Dihexa, I'm in.

#161 zeroskater6979

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Posted 01 April 2013 - 01:07 PM

Me too

#162 Psionic

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 01:15 PM

It is interesting that others want to get this peptide synthesized as well. Anyways, I've been noticing this sort of manic personality going on. I am better able to perceive and interpret another person's body language; moreover, I am able to see and detect a person's microexpressions. I am more inclined now to hearing changes in a person's tone of voice and how that correlates to their internal emotional state. Simply, I am more aware of things now. I am constantly thinking and plotting now.

Let the rats have some fun! I am in if the price will be acceptable. And I believe it can be if theres enough participants..

Strong beef stock and its healing gut/brain properties induced this emotional distinctions in me as well (this imbalance I believe was caused simply by bad todays nutrition and a LOT people todays have this problems..)

#163 Major Legend

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 05:11 PM

Dihexa sounds really awesome, but maybe we should do a little thinking - if growth factors are researched as targets to surpress cancer, because they are over expressed in tumours, what would over expressing HGF do to normal cells? Remember these are only tests on rats, the results are fairly impressive but cancer can stay hidden for many years. I'm really interested because I have some form of brain damage, but the thought of encountering cancer a few years down the line is a scary thought, although I know correlation is not causation and its HGF in cancerous cells is over expressed BECAUSE OF the tumour cells, not that high levels of HGF will cause cancer. (at least I can't find anything regarding that)

How does artificially enhanced cellular growth correlate to cancer anyways? is there any information on this? It seems malignant cells are over expressing growth factors anyways, hence it being cancer. Most of the research turning up is about targeting these factors as novel solution to restrict tumour growth.

Edited by Major Legend, 02 April 2013 - 05:12 PM.

#164 hadora

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:05 PM

Actually, I'll sit this one out. Given the concerns expressed by Rior.

The cancer risk is overrated in my opinion, why would they take the time, money and effort to develop such compound if they knew the cancer risk were a problem ? and They know alot more than us in the cancer field since they are developping anti cancer compounds

#165 hadora

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:09 PM

as for the group buy, i think it would be difficult because of the nature of the compound, a peptide degrade very rapidly if it is not frozen

as for the price, i got 1 gram for 1200 USD from the only company that i asked, but i don't think it will be more expensive if i request 4 or 10 grams because of economies of scale
if injected 1 gram give you plenty of dose but if swallowed it give 50 to 100 doses

Edited by hadora, 02 April 2013 - 07:16 PM.

#166 megatron

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:46 PM

as for the group buy, i think it would be difficult because of the nature of the compound, a peptide degrade very rapidly if it is not frozen

as for the price, i got 1 gram for 1200 USD from the only company that i asked, but i don't think it will be more expensive if i request 4 or 10 grams because of economies of scale
if injected 1 gram give you plenty of dose but if swallowed it give 50 to 100 doses

Why would you be injecting it when it's designed to be taken orally?

#167 hadora

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 07:49 PM

as for the group buy, i think it would be difficult because of the nature of the compound, a peptide degrade very rapidly if it is not frozen

as for the price, i got 1 gram for 1200 USD from the only company that i asked, but i don't think it will be more expensive if i request 4 or 10 grams because of economies of scale
if injected 1 gram give you plenty of dose but if swallowed it give 50 to 100 doses

Why would you be injecting it when it's designed to be taken orally?

it can be injected or taken orally, the advantage with injection is that you need a smaller dose

In ratz they use 0.5 mg/kg by injection and 2 mg/kg orally

Edited by hadora, 02 April 2013 - 07:58 PM.

#168 rikelme

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Posted 02 April 2013 - 08:15 PM

Nootly ! I have a few questions for you,

Are you still taking it ?
Did you notice any difficulty sleeping?
How would you describe The feeling on it (are you quicker, wiser, thoughtful, mindful, reflective, relaxed, smarter etc.)
Are you responding the same way every day ?
Any side effects ?
What else did you notice ?

Thanks for the previous responses

Yeah, nootlyinclinded, can you please provide an update? Thanks !

#169 megatron

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 09:19 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?
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#170 sunshinefrost

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 10:38 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

#171 hadora

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 10:54 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

or maybe the guy is just a troll ? :) the internet are full of them

#172 sunshinefrost

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Posted 04 April 2013 - 11:00 PM

Now that you mention it... I think i like it better if he's a troll, that would imply that dihexa may be what we expect it to be. If it were that good he would have raved about it right here. If it was unremarquable he would have been pissed to have payed heavy for this. So yeah, i dont belive he tried it.

Edited by sunshinefrost, 04 April 2013 - 11:02 PM.

#173 Hebbeh

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:26 AM

I've had discussion with nootly via PM....pretty sure he's legit.

#174 Rior

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 02:34 AM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

But see, that just means you're a helpful person. I'd think there are also a lot of people who may find fantastic benefits from a nootropic and are too distracted by the benefits it's having on their day-to-day lives to think of posting. Let's hope that's not the case here, as we all want to hear more reports.

#175 megatron

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 11:38 AM

Now that you mention it... I think i like it better if he's a troll, that would imply that dihexa may be what we expect it to be. If it were that good he would have raved about it right here. If it was unremarquable he would have been pissed to have payed heavy for this. So yeah, i dont belive he tried it.

That may very well be or it worked and he wants to keep the results to himself. If the latter is true, then I'm absolutely disgraced. After all, if it wasn't for this forum and this thread, he would never have heard about Dihexa. If this compound really creates new synapses, then there should be insane jumps in fluid intelligence in the long run. From what I've read thus far, it seems like synapses have a crucial role in intellectual capabilities. Even if he returns with negative feedback, I'm not going to devote all my faith in one single person when it comes to a chemical like this.

#176 libro

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:08 PM

Hm i was quoted by some very legit peptide-oriented lab for ~2000$ per 1gram, 98% purity.
It seems a bit pricey substance.
Simple math 2mg/kg - 1 dose ~120mg.
1 dose for 250$ :|o

#177 nootlyinclinded

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:36 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

or maybe the guy is just a troll ? :) the internet are full of them

this is the first time I've ever encountered where a person is accused of trolling for lack of posts. Please be aware that I take precaution in detailing my experiences as my experiences may be solely due to the placebo effect which means if I refrain from posting my experiences, it is out of scientific respect rather than some insidious plot to troll a message board upsidedown by failing to make a post to this thread. As of today, I've had no major experiences to chronicle but will however resume my usual dosage in order to possibly cause a cumulative effect on my intellectual capacities.
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#178 megatron

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 01:42 PM

Hm i was quoted by some very legit peptide-oriented lab for ~2000$ per 1gram, 98% purity.
It seems a bit pricey substance.
Simple math 2mg/kg - 1 dose ~120mg.
1 dose for 250$ :|o

That's because companies charge for the initiation of the synthesis, and not so much for the chemicals themselves. There's probably not going to be that big a difference whether you order 1g, 10g or 100g. I could be wrong though...

Edited by Megatrone, 05 April 2013 - 01:46 PM.

#179 sunshinefrost

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 01:45 PM

Nootlyinclinded, are you still alive?

whenever i discover a nootropic that works, like cerebrolysin, i hurry to write my experiences to people who are likely to be interested,ie this forum.... i want to share ma experience, especially if i'm the FIRST ONE EVER to use a nootropic !! So i suspect dihexa isn't that noticable or unbeleivably effective.

or maybe the guy is just a troll ? :) the internet are full of them

this is the first time I've ever encountered where a person is accused of trolling for lack of posts. Please be aware that I take precaution in detailing my experiences as my experiences may be solely due to the placebo effect which means if I refrain from posting my experiences, it is out of scientific respect rather than some insidious plot to troll a message board upsidedown by failing to make a post to this thread. As of today, I've had no major experiences to chronicle but will however resume my usual dosage in order to possibly cause a cumulative effect on my intellectual capacities.

I had not thought about a possible loading phase. It took me 13 days to respond to cerebrolysin so this may explain why you saw no major experiences.

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#180 megatron

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Posted 05 April 2013 - 01:47 PM

It could also be as simple as synapses take time to grow.
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