Dihexa: "it would take 10 million times as much BDNF to get as much new synapse formation as Dihexa."
Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:44 PM
Posted 02 July 2013 - 10:48 PM
It all sounds really good...has any one tried PQQ (10mg) + Fish Oil + CDP Choline (250mg) and then used the laser?
I be really interested in the results
Nothing like piling on confounding variables to render a new drug study virtually worthless!
Posted 03 July 2013 - 12:49 AM
I think overall my Dihexa experience has been underwhelming. My experimentation however is related to my ALS, not for any desire to improve cognitive abilities.
You are venturing into unknown territories with your experimentation.
- The effects of the drug on the nervous system might have to reach certain threshold levels before you can experience an improvement in your condition, leading to a "sudden onset" after days or weeks of no apparent effects.
- A regenerative effect on your nervous system might have a more gradual onset, yet simply require a longer exposure than what you've done so far to get anywhere.
If anything, please keep at it!
It would also be interesting to hear your current and future scores @ the working memory tests you've been doing. If anything they can be an indicator that something is happening.
Edited by progress_, 03 July 2013 - 12:52 AM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 09:06 AM
<p><p>Just did the memory test.
<a class="bbc_url" href="<a class="bbc_url" href="http://neutralx0.net...me/mini04.html" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://neutralx0.net...ini04.html"</a> rel="nofollow external" title="External link"><a class="bbc_url" href="http://neutralx0.net...04.html</a><br" rel="nofollow external" title="External link">http://neutralx0.net...html</a><br</a> />
Before my max memory items was 2 and I tried many times to get beyond 2, this time I did 10 and could have done more buy they have two coins that look very similar and that is why I stopped at 10.
I think I was able to remember more because the images were invoking strong memories of touch as I looked at them. I could easily think about how those images felt.
One odd thing I noticed after my first dose of dihexa was that evening I had incredibly vivid dreams in which I was having strong tactile sensations in my dream. I brushed it off as coincidence but after doing this memory test I am now convinced Dihexa is indeed causing additional neuronal connection in my brain, in particular it is allowing me to combine the senses. This is a very common tactic in memorization.
Wish I had this in college.</p><p>Unfortunately it does not seem to be helping my motor neurons.
Well, that is some good news, I suppose. Can't really complain with enhanced cognition if nothing else (assuming Dihexa is behind this).
I also experienced greatly enhanced vividness in my dreams the first night I took Dihexa. I didn't experience that same vividness on the following days, though. I haven't been taking it lately because I started getting migraines -- I don't know if this was due to Dihexa or some pre-existing issues with my mental health. Either way, I will resume dosing tomorrow morning and try some memory tests.
Have you been taking Dihexa on an empty, or full stomach? I've been recommended to take it on an empty stomach in the mornings for maximum absorption. Just something for you to chew over.
P.S., what is your logic behind the olive oil?
Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:10 PM
It all sounds really good...has any one tried PQQ (10mg) + Fish Oil + CDP Choline (250mg) and then used the laser?
I be really interested in the results
Nothing like piling on confounding variables to render a new drug study virtually worthless!
I am a little dyslexic...but anyways...
Thanks Blwjobwery

Posted 03 July 2013 - 02:20 PM
Does Dihexa release more BDNF or act like BDNF?
How is it taken?
Does it work the same way as NSI-189 (how does NSI-189 work? :P)?
Where have you guys ordered it from?
Posted 04 July 2013 - 01:49 AM
Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:21 AM
It's funny you should mention this...I've been running 20mg PQQ http://www.amazon.co...-3&keywords=pqq + 300mg CoQ10 http://www.amazon.co...&keywords=c0q10 + laser + 5g D-Ribose for the past four days. So far, it's been profound. Clearheaded focus and mental energy for days. I think that there is a real possibility here for true enhancement well beyond what I am currently capable of. Keep in mind, of course, that I'm still on my usual stack so the substances are really piling on right now.It all sounds really good...has any one tried PQQ (10mg) + Fish Oil + CDP Choline (250mg) and then used the laser?
I be really interested in the results :)
I used the one human PQQ + CoQ10 study for dosing.
There is an excellent 4 paragraph discussion of mitochondrial optimization on page 17 of 'Aging Matters Magazine' (Issue 2, 2013) by 'Smart Drugs' author himself Dr. Ward Dean. Here are his recommendations: 1. Increase Number of Mitochondria: PQQ, 2. Increase Mitochondrial Energy Producing Intermediates: D-Ribose (5g/day), Creatine (5g/day), CoQ10SR (100mg/day), NADH, and IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP).
My creatine is on the way, but I haven't decided about the NADH and ATP-Boost yet.
Edited by lostfalco, 04 July 2013 - 03:06 AM.
Posted 04 July 2013 - 02:25 AM
Sorry, Dihexa thread! I don't mean to derail this discussion. I'll copy the above into my thread and get out of here.It's funny you should mention this...I've been running 20mg PQQ http://www.amazon.co...-3&keywords=pqq + 300mg CoQ10 http://www.amazon.co...&keywords=c0q10 + laser + 5g D-Ribose for the past four days. So far, it's been profound. Clearheaded focus and mental energy for days. I think that there is a real possibility here for true enhancement well beyond what I am currently capable of. Keep in mind, of course, that I'm still on my usual stack so the substances are really piling on right now.It all sounds really good...has any one tried PQQ (10mg) + Fish Oil + CDP Choline (250mg) and then used the laser?
I be really interested in the results :)
I used the one human PQQ + CoQ10 study for dosing.
There is an excellent 4 paragraph discussion of mitochondrial optimization on page 17 of 'Aging Matters Magazine' (Issue 2, 2013) by 'Smart Drugs' author himself Dr. Ward Dean. Here are his recommendations: 1. Increase Number of Mitochondria: PQQ, 2. Increase Mitochondrial Energy Producing Intermediates: D-Ribose (5g/day), Creatine (5g/day), CoQ10SR (100mg/day), NADH, and IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP).
My creatine is on the way, but I haven't decided about the NADH and ATP-Boost yet.
Edited by lostfalco, 04 July 2013 - 03:05 AM.
Posted 04 July 2013 - 06:59 PM
please provide a like here to your thread where i can keep in touch and exchange ideas

Posted 05 July 2013 - 02:32 PM
Posted 11 July 2013 - 04:50 AM
Posted 11 July 2013 - 04:33 PM
I'm determined to buy some Dihexa, take some tests, experiment with varius doses, and post here the process and the results daily.
Could someone help me out in the process?
My first step is to find a fiable lab in Europe that synthesize Dihexa for me at a price not too high (I'm a student). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Posted 11 July 2013 - 05:16 PM
Sorry about my english, I'm not a native speaker.
I'm determined to buy some Dihexa, take some tests, experiment with varius doses, and post here the process and the results daily.
Could someone help me out in the process?
My first step is to find a fiable lab in Europe that synthesize Dihexa for me at a price not too high (I'm a student). Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Wont work that way. If you're just gonna synthesize a bit it'll cost more than you can afford. Try to get in the next group-buy instead.
Posted 11 July 2013 - 11:21 PM
Wont work that way. If you're just gonna synthesize a bit it'll cost more than you can afford. Try to get in the next group-buy instead.
Thank you. Do you know where that groups are formed? There is another thread for that? Thanks.
Posted 12 July 2013 - 11:31 AM
Wont work that way. If you're just gonna synthesize a bit it'll cost more than you can afford. Try to get in the next group-buy instead.
Thank you. Do you know where that groups are formed? There is another thread for that? Thanks.
People create group-buys themself. I'd recommend for you to wait until a few more has tested (until the group-buy is done) and then do one yourself/join another one.
Posted 16 July 2013 - 06:04 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 11:09 PM
Posted 16 July 2013 - 11:22 PM
I took it for two weeks but it didn't seem to be helping so discontinued.
Earlier you wrote:
"Wish I had this in college. Unfortunately it does not seem to be helping my motor neurons."
Do you still wish you had it in college? In other words, is your disappointment primarily related to your failed expectations for ALS amelioration?
Posted 17 July 2013 - 08:16 PM
so how can you be sure that you got the real dihexa and not something completly unrelated ?
Posted 18 July 2013 - 01:36 PM
guys i have a doubt you had the real dihexa synthesized, someone told me earlier in this thread ( i think it's Erebus ) that you need not only the sequence but you need the peptide structure too which i don't find anywere
so how can you be sure that you got the real dihexa and not something completly unrelated ?
Answer: we don't know for certain.
But, seeing as ***I*** have had the sequence synthesized by THREE different (and completely unrelated) companies who gave me almost the exact same MS analysis (one of which was confirmed by Erebus), I think it's safe to say that I must be close.
Also, HP's supplier (who is a different source again) produced a compound with almost the exact same MS analysis results as the THREE companies that synthesized my 'Dihexa'.
Posted 04 August 2013 - 07:26 PM
The goal of this project was to begin to evaluate the therapeutic potential of a small molecule activator of a growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor, which is known to protect nerve cells from damage, stimulate new connections among nerve cells, and induce the production of new neurons form stem cells. The hypothesis guiding the study was that the drug candidate Dihexa would be effective at restoring motor function that was lost in a standard pre-clinical model of Parkinson’s disease. The results of this study confirmed this hypothesis, demonstrating that Dihexa, given by abdominal injection or orally, completely restored lost motor function. Moreover, staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), a marker for the dopamine neurons that were lost following chemical lesioning, returned to near normal after 34 days of treatment. Studies are still ongoing to determine whether this recovery of TH staining was due to the presence of new nerve cells and/or the expansion of the appendages of surviving neurons.
Edited by Xenix, 04 August 2013 - 07:27 PM.
Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:06 PM
Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:46 PM
Let's get this group buy on its feet.
I agree.
Posted 31 August 2013 - 01:55 AM
I agree.Let's get this group buy on its feet.
I Concur!
Posted 31 August 2013 - 01:59 AM
I agree.Let's get this group buy on its feet.
I Concur!
Posted 31 August 2013 - 12:23 PM
I am utterly and completely baffled! What they mean by this? You have a restoration in movement and neuron damage in 34 days?
Of cource this is not a human study?
Amazing, somewhat scary or the next nobel price in medicine.
Posted 31 August 2013 - 01:55 PM
How much do you guys want to acquire?
Edited by Megatrone, 31 August 2013 - 02:10 PM.
Posted 31 August 2013 - 02:11 PM
Posted 31 August 2013 - 02:47 PM
10grams of Dihexa will cost 5,000USD
OR 50g for 9,500
OR 100g for around 14k
OR 1kg for 27-30k
Considering how small a dosage is required (2mg/kg in rats orally), I think 50 grams would be more than enough - even after the HED is translated (25-40mg/dose). This stuff seems (from what I can reason) that it only really needs to be taken on one cycle, with hopefully permanent effects.
If we go with 50 grams (hopefully my maths is right here) 50 participants would pay $190USD for a gram... or 25 participants could get 2 grams for $380USD
Obviously the more that is sythesized the cheaper the price per gram will be -- but I am unsure of the demand -- and it would be a major hassle for the person who is packaging and sending out 50-100 samples... I'd just really like to start the ball rolling here...
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