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The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)

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#1 tham

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Posted 21 November 2012 - 10:54 PM

The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)

It is pretty obvious that the majority of the critics of this apparently positive study
were those cardiothoracic surgeons and cardiologists from the AHA, not to mention the
pharmaceutical companies, who do not want to see their "rice bowl" undermined.

Imagine the repercussions on their livelihood if the public were to learn that chelation
therapy is now a "proven" option to bypasses and conventional treatment for blocked
heart arteries ?

" Chelation-therapy heart trial draws fire "



EDTA chelation reappraisal following new clinical trials and regular use in millions
of patients: review of preliminary findings and risk/benefit assessment.


Questions and Answers: The NIH Trial of EDTA Chelation Therapy for Coronary Heart Disease


Design of the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT)


Clinical Trial Protocol, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). Version 2, pp. 1-53.


Clinical Trial Protocol, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). Version 2, pp. 54-93.


Protocol for Administration of EDTA Chelation Therapy, (updated 2012)


EDTA and Chelation Therapy: History and Mechanisms of Action, an Update


Scientific Rationale for EDTA Chelation Therapy in Treatment
of Atherosclerosis and Diseases of Aging


The improvement in renal function following EDTA chelation and multi-vitamin-
trace mineral therapy: a study in creatinine clearance.


EDTA chelation therapy in chronic degenerative disease.


Chelation Therapy for Vascular Disease

" Not only did Ernst omit important information, he also listed an inaccurate reference
for the meta-analysis by Chappell and Stahl. The meta-analysis contains reports
from thousands of patients with vascular disease who have been successfully treated
with EDTA chelation therapy, some of whom were told by cardiologists that there was
nothing else that could be done to help them. This alone is sufficient reason to allow
patients the option of receiving the therapy, and it should be a compelling reason for
adequate clinical trials to be accomplished. "


The Politics of EDTA Chelation

" Organizations like the American Heart Association and the American Medical Association,
which condemn EDTA chelation as ineffective for treating vascular disease, often quote the
Danish and New Zealand studies, mentioned earlier, to support their position. What they
fail to mention is that the Danish studies were criticized by the Danish Committee for
Investigation into Scientific Dishonesty because of improper randomization and double-blinding,
as well as premature breaking of the blinding code, which amounted to a deliberate bias. When
the results of the New Zealand study were examined by two independent statisticians, it was
concluded that the trial actually supported the efficacy of EDTA. "Virtually every study that
has looked at the efficacy of EDTA chelation in vascular disease has demonstrated
significant improvements."

It is unlikely that any other issue in modern medicine has been more highly politicized than
that of EDTA chelation therapy, and it is clear that most of the opposition to EDTA is due to
the threat this therapy represents, not to patients' health but to the bank balances of orthodox
physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and hospitals. Treating cardiovascular diseases is
big business in the United States (and the rest of the Western world), bringing in tens of billions
of dollars each year.

As Garry Gordon, MD, DO, the "Father of Chelation Therapy" has pointed out, "Every
time a surgeon does a heart bypass, he takes home a luxury sports car." Each CABG
procedure costs between $25,000 and $50,000; each angioplasty costs about $15,000;
drugs for reducing cholesterol, lowering high blood pressure, and normalizing heart
rhythm bring the pharmaceutical industry hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
And these are just the most common examples. What happens when you add EDTA
chelation therapy to this mix ? "

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#2 tham

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Posted 23 November 2012 - 02:27 PM

The correct link to the trial design.


Edited by tham, 23 November 2012 - 02:29 PM.

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#3 Nate-2004

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Posted 18 April 2017 - 02:28 AM

The results of the TACT trial aren't all that impressive. It doesn't appear to have much significance over placebo, even if you just go by the people who didn't drop out of the trial or the people they lost track of. It's not all that impressive to me. I certainly agree it needs more unbiased study with quality control, but yeah the funding should come from an unbiased source as well.

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