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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Advertisers sought

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#1 caliban

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Posted 18 December 2012 - 11:50 PM

For over a decade LongeCity has presented a bustling platform for discussion and information exchange on advanced life extension. As a non-profit org we have consistently promoted grassroots science and advocacy projects by the international life extension community. Funding for these initiatives is raised in large part through donations, but also to some degree from advertisers. 

Those choosing to advertise at LongeCity gain unique exposure to a dynamic, growing and committed communityand the good-will of well-educated thought leaders in life extension science and advocacy. 
It is also a great way of 'giving back' something to the bigger cause of healthy life extension that many of our advertisers support.

There are 3 different ways of placing an advertisement atLongeCity:  

(1) Banners: 
Anywhere on our page where you see an advert and text similar to "support LongeCity by booking this space for YOUR ad"  - you can click on the text and it should take you to an order page for that slot. You can upload your ad straight from there. Payment via paypal.

➧ CLICK HERE to see a list of all'bookable' slots.

(2) Sponsored thread: 
Normally, promoting a product range is not allowed. Sponsoredthreads are the exemption. 

➧ clickhere 
for more info about sponsored threads  

(3) Other
If you want to go for one of the following, use the contactpage supplying as much info as possible.

a- Rolling ad in the carousel (top on left) -- (~$280/month)
b- Featured article -- Should be more than a simple advert and also contain some useful information (~$300). 
c- Associate link -- A 'featured' entry in our database of interesting links (~$50)
d- Discount for members -- A free form of advertising that generates significant exposure. Member discount codes can be shared at the restricted members forum or more sophisticated discount schemes can bedevised (usually free
e- Sponsored item in 'thank you 'store' -- LongeCity has a unique system of rewarding volunteers with 'Thank You' points. These points can beexchanged for small gifts: a book voucher, a DVD... or perhaps a product from a valuedsponsor (usually free). 
f- Mention in newsletter -- The LongeCity newsletter is sent monthly to over12.000 users with a live email address. Some of the above options may entail a free mention in thenewsletter (~$280/month). 

There are a few things that advertising money cannot buy at LongeCity (please don't ask). Among these are 'privileged' status that exempts you from the forum user agreement (including the prohibition against 'viral'marketing); any right in how the site is run (you can become a Member and vote in referenda instead) and any content that appears as if it was coming from LongeCity without making it clear that such content was'sponsored by'. 
For the broader advertising philosophy at LongeCity please read this article.

Click here to view the article

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