I found this webpage pretty interesting
http://www.cholester.../Vitamin-D.htmlDr. Cannel searched the literature for case reports of toxicity from pharmacological doses of vitamin D3. Although he found cases of vitamin D2 toxicity, he found only one, single case of vitamin D3 toxicity: one man took vitamin D supplements for two years that were mislabeled, containing up to 430 times the amount of vitamin D as was listed on the label. He took between 156,000 IU and 2,604,000 IU per day for those two years, and "recovered uneventfully after the proper diagnosis, treatment with steroids and sunscreen."
My wife was having recurrent miscarriages so I had her blood checked for everything. The first thing I had checked was probably the reason they failed. Her Vitamin D level was at 47, which is too low especially for a pregnant woman. I saw many instances on the net about people having early stage miscarraiges and low vitamin D levels. I told her to take about 10,000IU per day for a while to boost the level. She was worried because she read about 'vitamin D toxicity'. To convince her it was a load of crap, I took anywhere from 10,000IU to 30,000IU every day for nearly a month until we got her level checked again. I never got a 'before' test but was most likely higher than hers to begin with because I was doing a lot of gardening and am fair skinned where she is asian and staying mostly at home right now. I had my level checked with her so after nearly a month of that supplementation my report says
'25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Level: 193nmol/L. They mark 'toxicity as a level over 250.I've dropped back to 5000IU a day and I do not feel ill. I'll be dropping further to 1000IU soon as my level is fine and given it's half life, it'll be fine for a long time

Her level at the moment is 85 and as she fell pregnant straight away again, she at 8 weeks and everything looks very healthy and very strong. She will continue to take between 5000IU and 10000IU until the 12 week mark where I will recommend her to take 1000-2000IU with continued checking on her vitamin D levels.
How much IU does the body 'use' per day? I read somewhere it was around 4000IU but not sure of its accuracy. If thats true, taking anything less and avoiding sun will see the levels drop.
I found the link between vitamin D and cholesterol to be interesting. When her level was 47, her total cholesterol was 8.9 mmol/L (347.1 mg/dL) She has a family history of high cholesterol (and was told a lot of Asia does). Asians love white looking skin so they also avoid the sun so not to tan which is why you see them use umbrellas on a hot sunny day.
Her level less than a month later with a little bit of sun exposure and 'massive' vitamin D supplementation was 6.9 mmol/L (269.1 mg/dL). Done same time of day after fasting for the same period of time.
I'm a firm believer in Vitramin D3 supplementation. It's easy to skew a result to suit an argument though. Want Vitamin D to look bad? Use Mega high D2 and for prolonged periods. Want to tarnish antioxidants? Give someone massive amounts of the toxic synthetic version of Vitamin E (and only 1 of its 8 forms to throw the rest off balance) in stage 4 cancer. Patient still dies so I guess antioxidants are rubbish. Notice all testing on coconut oil is never done with the extra virgin cold pressed style? They use the RBD rubbish.
Vitamin D3 is very safe and healthy IMO

I believe also vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 work well together which is what she takes also. (90mcg per day)
Edited by shifter, 24 January 2013 - 10:45 AM.