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Pramiracetam - large crystals?

pramiracetam crystals

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#1 krsna

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Posted 07 March 2013 - 11:39 PM

Hi I recently ordered Pramiracetam for the first time from a vendor on ebay 'naturalsupplements2012'. They seemed to have a decent reputation so I felt okay about this. When it arrived I tested the taste and smell to see if it matched what I've read - it tastes like burnt rubber tires, chemical, bitter, not entirely unpleasant (at least not to an inveterate green tea abusers taste buds) but definitely 'alien'. I took this to be a good sign. More worrisome however is that about half of it was in the form of large solid crystals. I'm not sure if this is really anything to worry about or not, as I would expect these drugs initially are synthesised as crystals until being ground down, but I thought I should ask to see if anyone else had any information on this. For what it's worth I threw the crystals into a mortar and pestle and ground them down into a powder.

I've only used this for two days, the first day was great, second day a lot of brain fog/derealisation, I'm thinking this has to do with my not taking a choline source, thinking I could get away with not taking it as I had with noopept (which so far I would say is the far far far superior nootropic).

#2 krsna

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 02:48 PM

That's disappointing to see no feedback, well for what it's worth, I'll share my decision on this. I've decided to toss the rest of the powder. The feeling of derealisation/brain fog and tunnel vision reminded me a great deal of my experimentations many years ago with nicotine gum. Back then I was going through a very emotional period in life, nicotine gum seemed like an ingenious discovery, it numbed my emotions and gave me amazing motivation and focus, I began to write again and take an interest in things I had previously given up on, I also lost all interest in alcohol as it didn't seem to affect me as much anymore. Well, one month into that regimen I suffered an enormous psychological crisis, a panic attack which would leave severe lingering traces of itself for the next 2 years. For 6 months of those 2 years I suffered what I can only describe as an everyday persistent panic attack at a moderate level. This is to say, from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep it felt I was in a state of panic attack. This was entirely chemical too, I logically -knew- that I had nothing to worry about, but my brain was *stuck* in this panic gear and was stubbornly refusing to get out of it. Well, nicotine works upon acetylcholine receptors, as I believe pramiracetam does. So, whether or not this might lead to a similar effect is a tenuous hypothesis at best, them being very different drugs and nicotine being a proven panic inducer.. but am I willing to risk it? No way. Especially not when I've been getting along so well with noopept. So, my two cents - if you order a powder from an ebay retailer and it comes partially in the form of crystals and gives a negative effect - don't risk your brain, toss it.

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#3 telight

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 03:01 PM

"not entirely unpleasant". You do not have pramiracetam my friend.
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#4 synapse

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 03:10 PM

good pramiracetam should have a crystalline appearance but generally does not clump

#5 krsna

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:43 PM

good pramiracetam should have a crystalline appearance but generally does not clump

Yes, I wouldn't even describe this as clumping. This was actual solid crystals, the size of smarties or skittles or something, I couldn't break them with my fingers, it took the mortar and pestle to grind them down. It seems strange to sell a 'powder' which is 50% in crystal form. Despite all of this, I tend to think I had legitimate pramiracetam, perhaps a tad contaminated if anything. It certainly had an effect upon my focus the first day, I found myself obsessively reading things online, almost incapable of prying myself away to do more important things, like I was attached to the screen and not in control. I'll probably stay away from the other *tams as I expect they will be similar to this in their effect, a sort of zombification, not really smarter just autistically focused. This is what I am enjoying with the noopept, it makes me feel more creative and intuitive, more emotional, these are the things I want in my life for a more rounded experience.

Edited by bowleaf, 08 March 2013 - 05:44 PM.

#6 health_nutty

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 05:53 PM

Pram tastes horrible and will chemically burn your mouth if you take in undiluted (I found out from an aborted sublingual administration attempt).

#7 krsna

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Posted 08 March 2013 - 06:43 PM

Pram tastes horrible and will chemically burn your mouth if you take in undiluted (I found out from an aborted sublingual administration attempt).

I've heard some people mention this, but it sounds like it may be an individual response to the substance and not universal - ie some people more sensitive than others. I certainly didn't experience any burning sensation, but I also just threw it on my tongue and washed it down with water right away so it didnt have much chance either. As I said, I didn't find the taste that bad, just sort of 'foreign' and chemical, like burnt rubber tires mixed with some other funk, but my tolerance for gross flavours is higher than average I'd imagine. I generally drink green tea as 3tbsp of loose leaf per cup of boiling hot water, well-steeped, where it becomes so bitter it's like raw cocoa or something and there's an almost alcohol sensation created in some of the flavour notes.

I'm feeling a bit better today anyhow, I still feel a bit 'hungover' almost, my head feels a bit raw and clouded but it's better than yesterday and I'm hoping it'll be back to normal by tomorrow. I really regret doing this experiment as previous to this I had spent the past few months in such a blissful state since discovering noopept. Now today when I took my noopept my brain feels so raw and tarnished that I didn't notice anything from the noopept - kind of like if you've skipped sleep for two days and then have a strong coffee, you can't really experience any subjective positive feelings from the caffeine because your brain is raw and abused feeling,

#8 maik2013

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Posted 22 November 2013 - 06:45 AM

Can anyone confirm that this supplier is trustworthy?
Because i get the same side effects from their Prami, i get extremely tired from their Sulbutiamine, i feel really shitty from their Phenibut.
I tried Aniracetam from a different supplier, perfect, DMAE, perfect, CDP Choline no side effects. Have i been just unlucky, that all the things i ordered from them, have these side effects. They are reported. But the difference between their Prami and another suppliers Ani is like day and night. Maybe i have to order Prami from one of the other suppliers to check it out.

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#9 osee321

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 10:08 PM

I got some Pramiracetam from Health Supplement Wholesalers, Excellent quality. Noticeable effect and best pricing I could find. I picked up 25g for 21.00.
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