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#571 Isochroma

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 12:01 AM

At precisely 4:56p PST I received the audio connector adapter necessary to restore audio playback on my machine.

I have excellent full-ear headphones.

It's been about two minutes of listening to Spiral Empire and I have already noted:

1. The sound is more amazing than Oxiracetam. More detailed, vivid and hyperreal than ever before!
2. The sound is slower! No matter all the other racetams I took alone or in combination - none could provide verifiable mental acceleration like Sunifiram!

I must conclude that Sunifiram has the most amazing effect on audition of any drug I have ever taken except cannabis, psychedelics and anticholinergics.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 24 April 2013 - 12:03 AM.

#572 baronjpetor

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 12:18 AM

Received my Sunifiram yesterday. Took around 9mg in the afternoon.
Woke up twice during the night and had some weird nightmares. When I woke up this morning, I had a pretty bad brain fog and I felt like I had lost around 25 IQ points. I was already tired, coming back from an exhausting weekend, so maybe it's not a consequence of Sunifiram effect.
Took 3 doses today (9-10mg each time) without any noticeable effect and I still feel pretty tired. I'll stick to it tomorrow though.

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#573 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 12:50 AM

I have this sitting in my desk. Will wait tomorrow to try it out. Just tired after the Hederagin and Phenylpiracetam yesterday. Also, just quit sertraline cold turkey and feeling these weird brain pauses.

#574 Isochroma

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 01:44 AM

It's time for me to update the World on my Sunifiram regimen.

From the first day I started it on 2013/04/05 to today - 2013/04/23 - it has been 18 days.

The first day I experimented with doses - starting at about 12mg and moving up to 139mg and finally settling on 25mg x 6 per day (every three hours), along with 5g Piracetam x 6/day (also every three hours).

From that day to this, these are the two most important results:

1. The brain fatigue that could never be cured but only partially reduced by: Piracetam (75%), Aniracetam (80%), Oxiracetam (90%), Pramiracetam (90%), has been reduced 100% by SUNIFIRAM. Gone. Bye-bye Death. See ya later alligator. Even all the other racetams stacked in high doses and combined with the best possible circadian-correct lighting, diet, vitamins, minerals and exercise couldn't do it. SUNIFIRAM made it effortless. Beyond. Modafinil 2.0.

2. From a normal, constantly steady daily sleep requirement of 8 - 8.5 hours, the first day of SUNIFIRAM dosing brought me down to something heretofore new and thoroughly impossible according to my own experience and Medical Science: 5 hours.

Every single night without end or diminishment - I sleep 4.5-5.5 hours. Roughly half of what I needed before.

Let me emphasize that I do not use an alarm to wake up and only wake up naturally - so I sleep until I feel completely refreshed.

Furthermore, even though it seems as if I am not sleeping enough, I notice two more points:

2a. The regenerative power of my sleep per slept hour has increased by about 90%, thus sleep finishes in ust over half the time. The brain measures how much regen and calibrates sleep to that need. I know this will be difficult to believe, but my entire life has been 8 - 8.5 hours and I'm normal in how I sleep. I'm not on psychiatric meds, I don't have weird circadian rhythms, I have no cyclic disorder, etc.

2b. My sleep defragmented. If there was any disoptimality in my previous sleeping, it was awakening about four times per night. Since starting Sunifiram I don't wake up at all during the night.

There's more too! Those were just the most noticeable effects.

Now for the subtler yet more powerful results:

1. I have to think hard about typing but am not making the same mistakes so often. Yet even while I must type slower, I am finding new words and ideas.

2. When I look behind my eyes - at my inner self - the shape, texture, clarity and light of the machinery inside there - it is clearer than it has ever been, eternities beyond what other racetams or anything else could deliver. I see something else there too: a new rhythm that moves at a fixed speed yet finds the most perfect motions to deliver results, the most ideal letters to make a perfect spelling and the best possible words to build a paragraph, page, paper or entire novel.

3. A wonderful yet subtle feeling of excellentness.

4. If I had not taken Pramiracetam, I would not know about the last effect. It's not the GodSpeed of Piracetam, but it is higher intelligence. Really higher. Something that no saturation doses of Piracetam, Aniraceta, Nefiracetam, Oxiracetam or Noopept could deliver. An effect which Pramiracetam's limited power could only show like a beautiful sunrise. Sunifiram became the noonday Sun full of brilliant power shining down upon the mindflower. A power to burn, a power to learn. The feeling is so difficult to describe yet it is so obvious that it stands like a thousand-ton behemoth inside my mentalscape. It's the feeling of a giant superlogical metastructural smooth shiny skyscraper. It's massive, heavy and certain. It knows the final truth and now it's with me.

It has been Hell waiting these long days to fully test Sunifiram before dumping all the result data down to Fulvio Gualtieri today in a passionate email full of perfectly writeable descriptions of completely impossible effects.

I ended the letter telling him to try it himself. He's getting old and deserves to see the Sunshine that his dedicated efforts delivered to this World.

Now that the World has vantagecc (UK) to deliver Sunifiram to the EU his dream may just come true - he lives in Italy, home of antiaging research.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 24 April 2013 - 02:06 AM.

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#575 Isochroma

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 02:31 AM

It does seem that there is a problem with Sunifiram though. Something's been bugging me lately about that molecule - it seems to be lacking the obvious componentry need to fully actualize its potentially infinite potential: symmetricism.

Posted Image


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CAS# 6091-41-4

For some silly reason Gualtieri et al. never bothered to even synthesize never mind test Sunifram's dimer - Dirifiram, which is para-dibenzoylpiperazine with Chemical Abstracts Service# 6091-41-4.

They stopped at partial symmetricism even though the molecule is obviously leading toward that destination.

My intuition says that the propanoyl group ought to be extended to a full benzoyl ring with the addition of four carbons, four hydrogens and a cyclization to complete.

The central piperazine ring is colored aqua while the opposite benzoyl rings are colored red and blue respectively.

I hereby declare that the next target for nootropic testing is Dirifiram. There are already suppliers with this new molecule for sale.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 24 April 2013 - 03:13 AM.

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#576 uglybuddy6

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 03:13 AM

Isochroma maybe you could help shed some light on this for me but how exactly does symmetry equal a better compound?
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#577 Isochroma

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 03:24 AM

It doesn't always make better compounds but it always makes new untested molecules for tasting!

And I love tasting new molecules.

Also, I hate dyssymmetricality. There's just something so much more right about Dirifiram.

Plus, there is precedent:

Posted Image


And finally, I think that the prime functional unit is the piperazine-benzoyl elements joined together.

The propanoyl group 'works' but it's an inferior substitute for what really belongs on the other side of the piperazine: a benzoyl ring.

Propanoyl is just an immature benzoyl ring. Lke plants, they grow and curl into new things.

Future tests will confirm.

Edited by Isochroma-Reborn, 24 April 2013 - 03:27 AM.

#578 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 04:52 AM

Wholey shit, the mental zaps are way too weird. Gotta taper down SSRI's.

#579 health_nutty

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 05:01 AM

It's time for me to update the World on my Sunifiram regimen.

From the first day I started it on 2013/04/05 to today - 2013/04/23 - it has been 18 days.

The first day I experimented with doses - starting at about 12mg and moving up to 139mg and finally settling on 25mg x 6 per day (every three hours), along with 5g Piracetam x 6/day (also every three hours).

Isochroma, you always write such interesting posts that appeal to my emotional nootropic need. If I'm honest with myself, I want nootropics for at least two reasons: 1) Have a experience where reality is altered (visual / auditory enhancement or changes). 2) Improved brain capacity / ability to learn

Against my better judgement (because of these glowing reports), I've tried upping my dose to 20mg 3x a day (from 10mg 3x a day). For me 20mg 3x a day feels like waay to much. I'm getting a headaches, my concentration is worse, I get stressed out easily, and I feel less sharp. 10mg 3x a day is much better (I'm 150lbs at 5'10"). At the lower dose I feel a mild stimulation, improved mood, and feel sharper.

I've been taking Suni for 6 days, most at 10mg x 3 with a few 20mg doses.

Overall I'm pretty happy with Suni, but I haven't experienced the amazing benefits others have. I'm waking up a bit easier, but I still NEED my 8 hours to feel truly rested. If had to get less and I've suffered just as before. I've felt some stimulation, but it has absolutely not eliminated my caffeine tolerance. I would describe it as combining two stimulants (caffeine and the suni) for an additive effect. I've also only gotten the classic red light enhancement at 20mg doses (if I don't get the headache I don't get the red enhancement).

Since it is a new chemical, I'm going to stick with the 10mg 3x a day dose.

#580 kenj

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 08:08 AM

Been taking Sunifiram for 2+ weeks now, and I like the mental acuity so far. It took a couple days I think before I started noticing. I'm at ~30-35mg bid.

The effects on memory and creativity are what I notice the most. YMMV, but to me it feels like an upgraded version of Aniracetam. Just like Coluracetam felt like supercharged Pramiracetam. :)
Um, what's up with this compelling desire to always compare these noots with each other? I simply want to color mark their effects in the body, for greater individual classification and understanding. Sunifiram definitely feels GREENish to me. Mmmm, yeah, I FEEL the GREEN vibrance here. :-D
(The first couple times I took Piracetam for example back in 05 I felt the presence of something BLUE :-D )

Speaking of Coluracetam, this is probably the most potent (subtle, though) noot for me. These "sunny" effect that some people seem to experience with Sunifiram, I got with Coluracetam. I also experienced some novel "16:9 (widescreen'ish)" thinking during my trial period of the Colu from ScienceGuy which was so fascinating. Incredible.
BTW, I had to lower the dose to 10mg/day at the end because I was getting into slight cholinergic 'overdrive' (affected mood, tense shoulders, etc.)

No ill effects with Sunifiram. I sleep like I usually do. I still take my coffee, etc.
I agree with folks here that you really need to exercise your body throughout the day to truly feel these 'new' noots.

#581 Psionic

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 09:15 AM

Now that the World has vantagecc (UK) to deliver Sunifiram to the EU his dream may just come true - he lives in Italy, home of antiaging research.

Yes he got it, sunifiram is finally available within EU. Hopefully we will get as good results as you have :)

#582 Introspecta

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 09:35 AM

Anyone mix Sunifiram with Phenibut. I took a week and a half off of the Sunifiram and had been taking phenibut for a few days. I then tried sampling the Sunifiram with some caffiene and DMAA and it had some interesting effects. It really felt like I was tripping for a bit. After about an hour the anxiety and uncomfortable feeling passed and it left me super focused but I was surprised to have such a strange effect. Especially when only taking 1 gram of Phenibut 8 hours before.

#583 Bismarck

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 03:43 PM

Before this review I want to disclose that I have been taking 75mg setraline ( zoloft ) daily as well as hydergine ( possibly bad idea to combine with zoloft ) phenylpiracetam/piracetam ( alternating ) .

Overall I found sunifiram very interesting, the visual enhancement is amazing and its is slightly stimulating and synergizes with caffeine.

For recreational use I found 8 - 10mg working fine , recreational meaning doing outdoor activities. At a 8 - 10mg dose my desire to work dropped incredibly and my desire to read and learn new things, watch new Movies or just do new stuff greatly increased.

It definetly induced slight mania. I find that it reduces my ability or will to emphasize with people.

I should say that not only did my desire to work go away but its almost like my ability vanished to do it. It is very wierd indeed. I vowed myself to stop several times but I regressed everytime because the recreational upside was slightly addicting.

I found that 2mg works fine , I can work as normal and dont have a problem getting my things done, it might even increase my ability to do so but I cant tell.

Due to this experience I will drop zoloft to 50mg/ day / hydergine 0.25 tid / suni 2mg tid and I wont be taking any racetams for a few days due to the concerns of excitotoxicity.

That is until coluracetam comes in which should be in a few days. Im looking forward to its effects and I do feel much better about its safety.

Edited by Bismarck, 24 April 2013 - 03:45 PM.

#584 dogshitwebsite

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 09:10 PM

Awesome that vantagecc started selling Sunifiram, pretty cheap too!
but do you guys think 98.2% is pure enough? I don't know what the rest might be as I'm not aware of the chemicals used in the synthetization....

#585 emckai

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 09:14 PM

Awesome that vantagecc started selling Sunifiram, pretty cheap too!
but do you guys think 98.2% is pure enough? I don't know what the rest might be as I'm not aware of the chemicals used in the synthetization....

Anything that is above 98% is pretty pure, but the other 2%, of course everyone will wonder what the other 2% may be. Just some impurities obviously.

#586 dogshitwebsite

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:39 PM

So.. for all I know, those "just some impurities" might as well be cyanide.

#587 emckai

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Posted 24 April 2013 - 10:41 PM

So.. for all I know, those "just some impurities" might as well be cyanide.

It's possible, but I doubt it.

#588 BSNstudent

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 12:54 AM

Suni- near photographic memory for me.. Recent test scores 88%, 95% since i've started, been using Suni for three weeks now. at 25-30mg x bid.
noopept also in combo with it, so that could contribute to memory increase, kinda wonder if they synergize ?

Overall, no side effects noted. besides mood changes, but that's typical, and stress is a major reason to that!

What test scores are 88 - 95%? Cambridge Brain Science working memory test? Tests for school?

25-30mg bid, so 60mg total per day?
How much noopept are you taking?

How many days of taking Sunifiram before you noticed the improvement in memory?

test scores for nursing school, they are not easy one bit.. previous scores earlier in the semester were 75-80% avg.. you have to maintain a 75 or above to stay in.. Its pretty rigorous here.

approx 60mg a day yes, and noopept is around 60-90mg.

It took about a week to really notice the improvements, but they are quite significant.
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#589 Isochroma

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 02:05 AM

Today I bought another ten grams of Sunifiram from New Star Nootropics - providing for another four hundred twenty-five milligram doses.

Next week I will buy 200g Oxiracetam and start stacking it with Sunifiram: (500mg Oxiracetam + 25mg Sunifiram) x 6/day.

It is time to see how the highest higher power multiplies with the highest lower power.

#590 baronjpetor

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 04:34 AM

Had some interesting results today with my Suni. Dosed 3x 11mg (9am, 1pm, 6pm) and it felt very stimulating.
I was feeling pretty good when I woke up although I had a very fragmented sleep (I normally feel like a wreck after this kind of night).
I felt quite motivated to get things done after my morning dose. Then I was feeling tired after lunch and I took the 2nd dose which made me... even more tired.
Took a 30 minute nap and then felt refreshed and motivated to work again. My 6pm dose made my motivation skyrocket. I played indoor soccer and was feeling that I had an extra edge (and extra agressiveness too) during the game.
So, my impression so far about Suni is that it works as an amplifier : if I'm feeling in good shape with a good energy level, things get even better after Suni. However, if I'm already tired, it makes me crash pretty bad.

#591 Kyle McGill

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 05:23 PM

Did anybody who had purchased Sunifiram from New Star Nootropics, happen to receive theirs in a vial that was laballed as noopept? It happened to me, and although the sheet says Sunifiram, I am still a little bit confused by this.

#592 emckai

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 05:29 PM

Did anybody who had purchased Sunifiram from New Star Nootropics, happen to receive theirs in a vial that was laballed as noopept? It happened to me, and although the sheet says Sunifiram, I am still a little bit confused by this.

I would email them about this issue.
Most likely you might have gotten Noopept if it's labeled Noopept.

#593 Kyle McGill

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 06:38 PM

Email sent. I hope this isn't the case, as 25 dollars for 1 gram of noopept isn't exactly a steal.

#594 RandleJS

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 07:17 PM

To Kyle McGill. I experiened almost the exact same problem as you. I ordered one gram sunifiram and received 2.5g noopept. It took a few weeks for them to correct the mistake but in the end it was worth the wait as I got additional sunifiram no charge as well as the noopept. Hang in there.

#595 emckai

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 07:36 PM

NSN customer support is very professional, whenever they make a mistake in an order they'll compensate by sending you more than you actually asked.
They'll probably let you keep the Noopept and send you more Sunifiram than you asked. If you ordered 1gram, they'll probably send you 2g or even 5g. Good luck!

#596 vali

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 07:45 PM

Isochroma: It is not my place to speculate as to what is going on in your head, so all I will say is that I profoundly doubt that this transformation is solely the result of Sunifiram. My guess is that several months from now, after many more increasingly excited posts, you will disappear from the forums again, only to return some time much later with more long and fascinating posts about some new nootropic. If my guess is incorrect, I apologize. If my guess is correct, please consider alternate methods for arriving at the state of mental health you desire, as nootropics, while helpful, are not clearly enough.

I am posting this here instead of as a private message because I have read this entire thread and have seen only a few other people express concern about Isochroma. While I appreciate the energy you bring to this discussion, I would advise you and everyone else to stick to lower doses (at least for now), take regular breaks, pay close attention to mental health and continue to get plenty of sleep.
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#597 renfr

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 07:53 PM

Isochroma: It is not my place to speculate as to what is going on in your head, so all I will say is that I profoundly doubt that this transformation is solely the result of Sunifiram. My guess is that several months from now, after many more increasingly excited posts, you will disappear from the forums again, only to return some time much later with more long and fascinating posts about some new nootropic. If my guess is incorrect, I apologize. If my guess is correct, please consider alternate methods for arriving at the state of mental health you desire, as nootropics, while helpful, are not clearly enough.

I am posting this here instead of as a private message because I have read this entire thread and have seen only a few other people express concern about Isochroma. While I appreciate the energy you bring to this discussion, I would advise you and everyone else to stick to lower doses (at least for now), take regular breaks, pay close attention to mental health and continue to get plenty of sleep.

Don't worry, he said exactly the same thing about piracetam back in 2010. Also said piracetam was "the god particle" :laugh:
I don't know what could cause only 5 hours of sleep but that might be dangerous and be explained by increased AMPA activity or glutamatergic activity which could cause long term excitotoxicity.
With sunifiram I can reduce my sleep and feel fine in terms of mood and mental function globally but still my performance is impaired notably reaction time due to lack of sleep.

Edited by renfr, 25 April 2013 - 07:54 PM.

#598 Southern_Lights

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:10 PM

I am posting this here instead of as a private message because I have read this entire thread and have seen only a few other people express concern about Isochroma. While I appreciate the energy you bring to this discussion, I would advise you and everyone else to stick to lower doses (at least for now), take regular breaks, pay close attention to mental health and continue to get plenty of sleep.

I have had similar concerns however did not post them. I am afraid that the "it feels good so it must be good for me" psychology is coming into play. The more research I do the safer sunifiram looks. However animal trials do not always translate.

My main concern stems from the research of Olney's lesions and how for some time scientists believed they existed in human brains because they had observed the effect in Animal studies. I would hate for the reverse situation to happen, for something to test perfectly fine in mice, but have detrimental effects on the human brain.

Side note: I'm excited for Cystamine, increases in BDNF and Antioxidant properties, alright!!
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#599 dogshitwebsite

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:43 PM

Does sunifiram have any effects on blood pressure? Even if no research mentions this maybe users still do?
I thought noopept shouldn't have any effect on that matter but now I'm finding some posts here and elsewhere about it rising the bloodpressure especially in already hypertensive people which had me stopping with noopept as my bp skyrocketed to 199/144 and my "normal" being 140/90.
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#600 golden1

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Posted 25 April 2013 - 08:50 PM

Some people said they felt like their BP was raised but I don't think anyone measured it with an actual bp device

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