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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#1621 xks201

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 03:51 PM

CM someone please tell me where I can get rectal ozone treatment? Lol

Nikolai tesla used to brag of how this killed all kinds of pathogens.

#1622 Nattzor

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 04:02 PM

CM someone please tell me where I can get rectal ozone treatment? Lol

Nikolai tesla used to brag of how this killed all kinds of pathogens.

The results demonstrate that ozone/oxygen mixture administered by rectal insufflations is innocuous and it is able to increase the antioxidant defense of the organism.

- http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/20017603

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#1623 lostfalco

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 05:23 PM

Please pass on your thanks to this moron, and let him know all the work and effort he's probably putting in on some website devoted to maximizing the potential of every second of life (and beyond?) is very much appreciated.

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm not a huge contributor to the website but I read from it multiple times every day, and I can't thank all of you enough for sharing your thoughts, experiences, knowledge and wisdom. My life has become better for it, and I love you all.

Here's to a great 2014!

haha Thanks DamnedOwl! I know he appreciates the encouragement after suffering a devastating holiday Scrabble defeat at the hands of his 90 year old grandma. I swear that I saw tiles in her sleeve! That's what I like to tell myself at least.

I think this statement of yours pretty much says it perfectly, "I can't thank all of you enough for sharing your thoughts, experiences, knowledge and wisdom. My life has become better for it, and I love you all." 100% agreed! HUGE thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread in 2013. I've learned WAY more than I've taught and gained WAY more than I've given. I can't wait to see what we come up with in 2014! You guys are awesome.
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#1624 lostfalco

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 05:29 PM

I'm currently looking into building my own LLLT helmet, anyone got suggestions?

What's up Nattzor? I know this has been mentioned before...but have you looked into http://www.overmachogrande.com/ ? He gives some step by step advice for building your own laser helmet. Still kind of expensive though.

Edited by lostfalco, 01 January 2014 - 02:11 AM.

#1625 lostfalco

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 05:49 PM

Congrats on the great thread,

I've used the 850nm 48 LED


for 3 sessions now EOD @2mins/spot. NAC + vit. C supplemented as well.
So far - nothing, no sides, no benefits. Not tired, sleep as usual.
However, what bothers me is that when I hold the device in my palm in the dark and film it with my camcoder it doesn't shine through. How in the world is it supposed to penetrate my head then?


Hey Steve...cool you're trying this out. Check out zawy's excellent discussion of light penetration/skull transmittance here for a quick intro. =) http://heelspurs.com/led.html#deep

#1626 lostfalco

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 06:37 PM

I posted an expanded version of my analysis of Nattzor's data to http://www.gwern.net/LLLT (Hopefully he'll run another experiment with my suggestions and I'll have even more to write up!)

Umm...did I mention you're a badass? Seriously though...extremely well done as always gwern and I completely agree with this, "Overall, Nattzor has conducted an excellent self-experiment which is a model for others to emulate." Thanks for taking the time and putting forth the effort to record data that is useful for all of us. Sweden ftw, indeed.

#1627 montana2012

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Posted 27 December 2013 - 08:57 PM

Congrats on the great thread,

I've used the 850nm 48 LED...
However, what bothers me is that when I hold the device in my palm in the dark and film it with my camcoder it doesn't shine through. How in the world is it supposed to penetrate my head then?


Hey Steve...cool you're trying this out. Check out zawy's excellent discussion of light penetration/skull transmittance here for a quick intro. =) http://heelspurs.com/led.html#deep

Thanks. I've seen this site and exactly not seeing my hand glow like zawy's got me worried.
However, I don't worry anymore. I overdid LLLT the other day and now I know for a fact that the light makes it through. My IQ feels like 50 right now, but I know I will recover some time soon.

I can't believe we have LostFalco, Gwern, Joe C. and of course Dave in a single thread! Thank you all.

What I added to TULIP is baking soda and Cerebrolysin. I am very experienced with both and would recommend.

Edited by montana2012, 27 December 2013 - 09:00 PM.

#1628 Joe Cohen

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 03:39 AM

I'm not recommending this for most, but I started using LLLT on my thyroid. Still in experimental stage. Anyone else doing this?

-I realized my increased oxidative stress and insulin resistance, which I've been able to fix with diet, supps and lifestyle, was a result of my thyroid gland not working properly (likely an autoimmune issue that I've had for ~15 years caused by leaky gut and food sensitivities). The tricky part was normal blood test results for thyroid function.

-I suspect many people who get tired from LLLT, PQQ and other mito enhancers have underlying thyroid or less likely pituitary issues.

-I'm developing a protocol to deal with thyroid abnormalities.

-The short story is to supplement with ~300mcg iodine and 100mcg 2X/day selenium. Iodine should be titrated up after every couple of days by 300mcg until ~1200mcg is achieved. Fluoride should be removed from your water. Reduce bromide exposure.

-If you're having cognitive issues as a result of your thyroid gland not working properly, fixing that will have more of an impact than everything else combined.


Our results reveal an increased generation of reactive oxygen species and impairment of the antioxidant system in patients with hyperthyroidism, and particularly in patients with hypothyroidism. These findings indicate that thyroid hormones have a strong impact on oxidative stress and the antioxidant system.

These findings suggest that LLLT was effective at improving thyroid function, promoting reduced TPOAb-mediated autoimmunity and increasing thyroid echogenicity in patients with CAT hypothyroidism.

Edited by Joe Cohen, 28 December 2013 - 04:13 AM.

#1629 lostfalco

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 06:22 AM

Just ordered some Nicotinamide Riboside to try out....kinda pricey, but very intriguing. http://www.tigerfitn...en-p/niagen.htm

Check out 3Alarm's recent post on it here (I'm sure most of you already have =)). http://www.longecity...uy/#entry631739

And the reddit discussion: http://www.reddit.co...n_trials_after/

  • Highlights
  • NR efficiently increases NAD+ levels in mammalian cells and tissues
  • NR supplementation increases SIRT1 and SIRT3 activities
  • NR largely prevents the detrimental metabolic effects of high-fat feeding
  • NR enhances mitochondrial function and endurance performance

As NAD+ is a rate-limiting cosubstrate for the sirtuin enzymes, its modulation is emerging as a valuable tool to regulate sirtuin function and, consequently, oxidative metabolism. In line with this premise, decreased activity of PARP-1 or CD38—both NAD+ consumers—increases NAD+ bioavailability, resulting in SIRT1 activation and protection against metabolic disease. Here we evaluated whether similar effects could be achieved by increasing the supply of nicotinamide riboside (NR), a recently described natural NAD+precursor with the ability to increase NAD+ levels, Sir2-dependent gene silencing, and replicative life span in yeast. We show that NR supplementation in mammalian cells and mouse tissues increases NAD+ levels and activates SIRT1 and SIRT3, culminating in enhanced oxidative metabolism and protection against high-fat diet-induced metabolic abnormalities. Consequently, our results indicate that the natural vitamin NR could be used as a nutritional supplement to ameliorate metabolic and age-related disorders characterized by defective mitochondrial function.

#1630 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 06:22 AM

Hey Joe, interesting observations and thoughts. I agree with you. You should definitely look into Broda Barnes and Hans Selye - they've researched, written, and spoken about the thyroid and steroid hormones (and their role in adaptation, evolving, and resilience) ad nauseam. It isn't surprising you believe you have thyroid problems yet the tests show a normal thyroid - they are highly inefficient. They tell you nothing about the tissues and cells themselves. Check your temps, pulse, and if you have the money, get your resting metabolic rate checked, especially if they can measure how much CO2 you put out. That'd be a lot more informative. TSH is okay when looked at with these numbers.

There is a good amount of information on red and infrared light and the thyroid. I've seen a few studies indicating it can aid in reversing hypothyroidism. If you read Broda Barnes and Selye, you'll come to see that we should spend as much time upregulating and maintaining our thyroid as our brains: it controls nerve regeneration and myelination, as well as being the sole contoller of an organisms resistance. I just found Hormones and Resistance 1 and 2 from Professor Hans Selye and it is an extremely in depth look at the interaction of thyroid and steroid hormones and enhancing our resilience. It's phenomenal. I've started reading it and doing a lot of the Khan Academy biology courses so I can get an understanding for what Ray Peat told me in emails - the knowledge I've been learning through studying the people Peat cites (rather than Peat himself) has lead me to stop eating a ketogenic diet (the information on insulin+glucose enhancing animal survival when exposed to toxins, or the thyroids role in create complete immunity to various poisons and toxins is fascinating).

You should also check out Dr. Sircus' literature review on sodium bicarbonate, along with Examine.com's literature review - sodium bicarbonate will be a key compound in aiding in my thyroid health. I may start nebulizing sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide, too. But okay, sorry for ranting. Thanks for your input, makes me want to experiment with using infrared or red light on the thyroid, so keep us posted!

By the way, for anyone interested, check out BookZa.org for tons of free books. Also, check this out for some highly enlightening information: http://www.sigmaaldr...atch partialmax (databases of all known metabolic pathways)

#1631 lostfalco

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 07:01 AM

I’m using this stack for three weeks now. I can read and study for hours without distraction. I’m almost immediately in the “zone”. Also my memory improved greatly (7 to 14 on the monkey ladder game). Furthermore I’m remembering things from my past with great detail. Until now no side effects occurred. :laugh:

Hey, what's up Rumpelstiltskin? Thanks for the update man. Very cool that that monster stack is working well for you. I think you're definitely wise to keep the MB and LLLT as separate as possible. 850nm light is probably ok with the extremely low dose MB but it doesn't hurt to be safe. Are you using Kordon? http://www.amazon.co...m/dp/B00025646W

Cool pdf, thank you for sharing that !

No problem =)

#1632 lostfalco

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 08:16 AM

Hey guys, I've been doing 808nm LED on my head, on and off since ~2001. Also 645-820nm pulsating laser 5mw, or solid 50mw red or 500mw 808nm, probably more frequently than the LED, since about 2002.

Dave! What's up man? Really cool to hear from you. All this laser stuff pretty much goes back to you and a mention you made in one of your old podcasts about shooting a laser at your head. Look at all this craziness you started. ha

Seriously though, thanks for the mountains of free information on your site and the literally thousands of ideas I've gotten from you. I know that myself and a number of other people on this thread have benefited GREATLY from your work. Much respect.

I also do a TON of other life extending things, lots of which I write about, some of which I haven't yet due to lack of time.

I know you've mentioned that the new The Bulletproof Diet book is coming out sometime in 2014...any new updates or info on a release date?

I slept for <5 hrs per night, EVERY night, for 2 years to see what would happen. Often it was 2-3 hours. Nothing bad happened. Cortisol dropped, 24 hour heart rate monitoring said my autonomic nervous system was that of someone younger than me. I'm averaging 6 hours these days (now at 6 hrs 3 mins avg for the last year) because the risk curve of 6 hours is nearly identical to 6.5 hours in the studies I cite on my site showing that people who sleep 6.5 live longer than those who sleep 8.

I know that FIR LEDs on the head can reset circadian rhythm, but have not thought that it had much of an impact on my low sleep requirements. The biggest difference for me is making sure I have BHB in my system to make ATP (I use Brain Octane oil for that) and scrupulous avoidance of natural and manmade toxins that cause brain fade. But this thread has me wondering if my "upgrade my mitochondria at any cost" strategy helped. I also used methylene blue for a while in 2008. Rectal ozone too played a huge role in making my mitochondria rock.

The sleep thing is very interesting...especially the relationship between ATP, adenosine, and glia. Nattzor/EnLilaSko posted some very interesting info on ATP and sleep back in September http://www.reddit.co...changes_during/ and stephen_b posted on the discovery of the 'glymphatic system'. http://www.longecity...230#entry618416 http://www.longecity...320#entry619454
I think that your focus on mitochondrial enhancement may very well have played a role in your ability to remain healthy even with reduced sleeping time.

Hope this info is helpful. Lostfalco's work has inspired me to upgrade my LED setup; I was thinking of soldering together some new emitters but these days I have far too little time to play that way very often. It was easier to be a biohacker before I had kids and started writing. :) Now trying the 850nm dirt cheap camera illuminators!

Awesome that you're gonna try the LEDs out! I really look forward to hearing your experiences with them. Talk to you soon Dave.

Edited by lostfalco, 28 December 2013 - 08:19 AM.

#1633 Rumpelstiltskin

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 01:58 PM

Hey, what's up Rumpelstiltskin? Thanks for the update man. Very cool that that monster stack is working well for you. I think you're definitely wise to keep the MB and LLLT as separate as possible. 850nm light is probably ok with the extremely low dose MB but it doesn't hurt to be safe. Are you using Kordon? http://www.amazon.co...m/dp/B00025646W

Hey Lostfalco. I’m using kordons MB with Absorbic Acid. When you combine the two you’ll get a transparent solution which may work better (They also used this form in the Rember studies). I don’t know if it’s safe to use MB with LLLT, as there is no data on that. But when you consider the absorption properties, the dosage and the time I take in between; I think it’s most likely safe. But of course there’s always a risk that shouldn’t be underestimated. Furthermore it would probably not be wise to take MB in combination with Zembrin or an SSRI as it could result in Serotonin Syndrome.
Until now it gave me good results. I’m also contacting some of my suppliers in China and Europe if they can synthesize Nicotinamide Riboside for me. Then I will capsule it myself so it’s much cheaper. Can’t wait to try it, and I’m looking forward to hear your experience with this substance.
Cheers! Rumpelstiltskin :)

#1634 Nattzor

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 03:07 PM

What's up Nattzor? I know this has been mentioned before...but have you looked into http://www.overmachogrande.com/ ? He gives some step by step advice for building your own laser helmut. Still kind of expensive though.

Hmm, only seems expensive because he thinks lasers are the only effective way. Changing to LED might be waaaaay cheaper, I'll look into it.

#1635 montana2012

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 04:02 PM

-I realized my increased oxidative stress and insulin resistance, which I've been able to fix with diet, supps and lifestyle,

Hi Joe,
What are the other benefits of kombucha for the brain, except for fixing insulin resistance?

I can't wait to get hold of your book, looking forward to it

Best regards

#1636 Joe Cohen

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 04:25 PM

Hey Joe, interesting observations and thoughts. I agree with you. You should definitely look into Broda Barnes and Hans Selye - they've researched, written, and spoken about the thyroid and steroid hormones (and their role in adaptation, evolving, and resilience) ad nauseam. It isn't surprising you believe you have thyroid problems yet the tests show a normal thyroid - they are highly inefficient. They tell you nothing about the tissues and cells themselves. Check your temps, pulse, and if you have the money, get your resting metabolic rate checked, especially if they can measure how much CO2 you put out. That'd be a lot more informative. TSH is okay when looked at with these numbers.

There is a good amount of information on red and infrared light and the thyroid. I've seen a few studies indicating it can aid in reversing hypothyroidism. If you read Broda Barnes and Selye, you'll come to see that we should spend as much time upregulating and maintaining our thyroid as our brains: it controls nerve regeneration and myelination, as well as being the sole contoller of an organisms resistance. I just found Hormones and Resistance 1 and 2 from Professor Hans Selye and it is an extremely in depth look at the interaction of thyroid and steroid hormones and enhancing our resilience. It's phenomenal. I've started reading it and doing a lot of the Khan Academy biology courses so I can get an understanding for what Ray Peat told me in emails - the knowledge I've been learning through studying the people Peat cites (rather than Peat himself) has lead me to stop eating a ketogenic diet (the information on insulin+glucose enhancing animal survival when exposed to toxins, or the thyroids role in create complete immunity to various poisons and toxins is fascinating).

You should also check out Dr. Sircus' literature review on sodium bicarbonate, along with Examine.com's literature review - sodium bicarbonate will be a key compound in aiding in my thyroid health. I may start nebulizing sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide, too. But okay, sorry for ranting. Thanks for your input, makes me want to experiment with using infrared or red light on the thyroid, so keep us posted!

By the way, for anyone interested, check out BookZa.org for tons of free books. Also, check this out for some highly enlightening information: http://www.sigmaaldr...atch partialmax (databases of all known metabolic pathways)

Thanks BPC,
I've been researching the thyroid more heavily for a few months and experimenting for a couple of weeks so I have come across many of the sources you mention and tests to determine function. I've actually also done an ultrasound, which came back normal. My issue is rather unique with bouts of hyperthyroidism. The reason I think the results came back relatively 'normal' was because of the fact that I've been treating it for the past 5 years. The only thing that was slightly below normal was total t3, which indicates HYPOthyroidism - probably an artifact of my treatment. Anyway, I've been taking the recommended amount of iodine (150mcg) for years, since all mainstream research indicates that there's no benefit and possible harm for going over.

Upon upping my dose to 900mcg I started to feel hypothyroid. Getting hypothyroid from this dose only happens if someone is iodine deficient (which doesn't make much sense since I've been supplementing all these years.) or has an autoimmune thyroid issue. I'm up to 2500mcg now, and will scale back to a maintenance dosage of 1200mcg. There's lots more to the story that I won't get into here.

Anyway, I will research baking soda for thyroid health and give it a go. I plan to try some of your hacks that you wrote on BGF's blog. Keep up the hacking.


Edited by Joe Cohen, 28 December 2013 - 04:26 PM.

#1637 Joe Cohen

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 04:34 PM

-I realized my increased oxidative stress and insulin resistance, which I've been able to fix with diet, supps and lifestyle,

Hi Joe,
What are the other benefits of kombucha for the brain, except for fixing insulin resistance?

I can't wait to get hold of your book, looking forward to it

Best regards

Thanks Montana,

the book will likely take some time, so don't hold your breath.

Kombucha has all of the myriad of benefits of tea, which includes the many benefits of theanine, in addition to acetic acid, glucuronic acid, glucarate, lactic acid(some types) and a variety of health promoting acids. Kombucha deserves its own very large post. I also love that it gets rid of caffeine since I'm sensitive to it.

Edited by Joe Cohen, 28 December 2013 - 04:34 PM.

#1638 montana2012

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 05:13 PM

-I realized my increased oxidative stress and insulin resistance, which I've been able to fix with diet, supps and lifestyle,

Hi Joe,
What are the other benefits of kombucha for the brain, except for fixing insulin resistance?

I can't wait to get hold of your book, looking forward to it

Best regards


acetic acid, glucuronic acid, glucarate, lactic acid(some types) and a variety of health promoting acids.

How do you know that regular pomace doesn't have the same stuff/benefits? It tastes the same, lol. I've been drinking it for 5 days now. So far so good.

Thank you for all your hard work and the fact that you share with us so generously, Joe. Kudos.

Edited by montana2012, 28 December 2013 - 05:18 PM.

#1639 lostfalco

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Posted 28 December 2013 - 07:25 PM

Until now it gave me good results. I’m also contacting some of my suppliers in China and Europe if they can synthesize Nicotinamide Riboside for me. Then I will capsule it myself so it’s much cheaper. Can’t wait to try it, and I’m looking forward to hear your experience with this substance.
Cheers! Rumpelstiltskin :)

Wow, that's cool that you already have some potential suppliers. $47 is way overpriced but I just couldn't resist when I read the most recent article in Cell. I STRONGLY (but politely) recommend that everybody who has time check it out. =) Here's the full text pdf. http://www.tigerfitn...r122013-HPN.pdf

Declining NAD(+) Induces a Pseudohypoxic State Disrupting Nuclear-Mitochondrial Communication during Aging.
Gomes AP1, Price NL2, Ling AJ2, Moslehi JJ3, Montgomery MK4, Rajman L2, White JP5, Teodoro JS6, Wrann CD5, Hubbard BP2, Mercken EM7, Palmeira CM6,de Cabo R7, Rolo AP8, Turner N4, Bell EL9, Sinclair DA10.
Author information

Ever since eukaryotes subsumed the bacterial ancestor of mitochondria, the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes have had to closely coordinate their activities, as each encode different subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system. Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of aging, but its causes are debated. We show that, during aging, there is a specific loss of mitochondrial, but not nuclear, encoded OXPHOS subunits. We trace the cause to an alternate PGC-1α/β-independent pathway of nuclear-mitochondrial communication that is induced by a decline in nuclear NAD(+) and the accumulation of HIF-1α under normoxic conditions, with parallels to Warburg reprogramming. Deleting SIRT1 accelerates this process, whereas raising NAD(+) levels in old mice restores mitochondrial function to that of a young mouse in a SIRT1-dependent manner. Thus, a pseudohypoxicstate that disrupts PGC-1α/β-independent nuclear-mitochondrial communication contributes to the decline in mitochondrial function with age, a process that is apparently reversible.

Edited by lostfalco, 28 December 2013 - 07:36 PM.

#1640 Joe Cohen

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 01:32 AM

-I realized my increased oxidative stress and insulin resistance, which I've been able to fix with diet, supps and lifestyle,

Hi Joe,
What are the other benefits of kombucha for the brain, except for fixing insulin resistance?

I can't wait to get hold of your book, looking forward to it

Best regards


acetic acid, glucuronic acid, glucarate, lactic acid(some types) and a variety of health promoting acids.

How do you know that regular pomace doesn't have the same stuff/benefits? It tastes the same, lol. I've been drinking it for 5 days now. So far so good.

Thank you for all your hard work and the fact that you share with us so generously, Joe. Kudos.

If you mean pomace to mean apple cider vinegar, I've tried it and kombucha is way more effective. ACV only contains acetic acid, which is good, but still lacking compared to KT.

#1641 stablemind

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 06:23 AM

I just started using the 48 LED from ebay today and lasered the F3/F4 area. Is it necessary to have short hair in order to do this? I have black hair which is getting pretty thick so I'm starting to wonder whether the LED can penetrate hair.

#1642 Nattzor

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 08:28 PM

Just checked earlier pages, how did your tests with "Russian Peptide Bioregulators" go? And regarding TUS, do you think 3 or 3.3 MHz can work?

Edited by Nattzor, 29 December 2013 - 08:31 PM.

#1643 Strangelove

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Posted 29 December 2013 - 10:45 PM

Rectal ozone too played a huge role in making my mitochondria rock.

Hi Dave,

interesting, any cheap ways to get into it at home?

#1644 Dave Asprey

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 12:28 AM

You need an oxy tank (very hard to get filled without prescription, but possible sometimes) or an oxy generator with a pediatric flow regulator (ebay or CL) and http://enaly.com/1000bt-12/ is the cheapest that works...but it's not calibrated. I got mine calibrated a while back and I have it at about 70% strength for rectal apps at 1/16 lpm.

This is complex stuff. You can die or permanently damage your lungs, eyes, or other parts. Do a LOT of research, or see an ozone doc to learn how first. :)

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#1645 Nattzor

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Posted 30 December 2013 - 08:29 PM

Also noticed that you wrote that you had a fairly long post on muscles/training and LLLT. What happened to that?


Edited by Nattzor, 30 December 2013 - 08:30 PM.

#1646 lostfalco

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:46 AM

Thanks. I've seen this site and exactly not seeing my hand glow like zawy's got me worried.
However, I don't worry anymore. I overdid LLLT the other day and now I know for a fact that the light makes it through. My IQ feels like 50 right now, but I know I will recover some time soon.

Glad to hear that you got some "results". Hopefully they'll improve as you go along. =)

#1647 lostfalco

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:53 AM

I'm not recommending this for most, but I started using LLLT on my thyroid. Still in experimental stage. Anyone else doing this?

I've done this a handful of times, but not enough to really give any quality feedback. I'm really interested in hearing how this goes for you.

#1648 lostfalco

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:06 AM

I just started using the 48 LED from ebay today and lasered the F3/F4 area. Is it necessary to have short hair in order to do this? I have black hair which is getting pretty thick so I'm starting to wonder whether the LED can penetrate hair.

What's up stablemind? Short hair is not a requirement. I just lightly press the LEDs through my hair until they rest against my skin. Seems to work pretty well. =)

#1649 lostfalco

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:39 AM

Just checked earlier pages, how did your tests with "Russian Peptide Bioregulators" go? And regarding TUS, do you think 3 or 3.3 MHz can work?

Hey Nattzor. I really liked the peptides...especially Cerluten and Pinealon. I will definitely be trying them again at some point.

TUS is still very experimental. The study I tried to copy used 8MHz http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/22664271 and they have recently moved on to 2MHz as far as I can tell. http://apsychoserver...en_SPR_2013.pdf The Boston study is still going on if anyone wants to get paid $50 to try it out. http://neurotrek.youcanbook.me/

To be honest, I'm not sure if TUS works at all so it's def hard for me to say whether 3MHz would work or not. =) I think at this point tDCS and LLLT are better options.

Edited by lostfalco, 31 December 2013 - 02:40 AM.

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#1650 lostfalco

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Posted 31 December 2013 - 02:47 AM

Also noticed that you wrote that you had a fairly long post on muscles/training and LLLT. What happened to that?


Unfortunately, that entire post is on my old Mac which is in storage at the moment. I think the studies that I listed in the exercise thread are a pretty good intro to some of the ideas though. http://www.longecity...s-and-exercise/

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