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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#211 OpaqueMind

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Posted 28 May 2013 - 10:04 PM

This morning I stimulated almost all frontal lobe sites for 2 minutes a piece, F1, F2, F3, F4, F7 and F8. About 2 hours later I was meditating and was so damn tired I had to get into bed and sleep for an hour. This may or may not have been related to the treatment. What happened afterwards was almost certainly related... after riding my bike to the uni library I sat down to meditate and within 10 minutes I reached a deeper state than I have in a long time. Concentration was profound and effortless.

#212 peakplasma

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:08 AM

This morning I stimulated almost all frontal lobe sites for 2 minutes a piece, F1, F2, F3, F4, F7 and F8. About 2 hours later I was meditating and was so damn tired I had to get into bed and sleep for an hour. This may or may not have been related to the treatment. What happened afterwards was almost certainly related... after riding my bike to the uni library I sat down to meditate and within 10 minutes I reached a deeper state than I have in a long time. Concentration was profound and effortless.

I believe that the "sleepy" feeling is from the excess ATP causing a slight increase in available glucose. It really helps me fall into a really deep refreshing sleep.

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#213 lostfalco

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 01:12 AM

This morning I stimulated almost all frontal lobe sites for 2 minutes a piece, F1, F2, F3, F4, F7 and F8. About 2 hours later I was meditating and was so damn tired I had to get into bed and sleep for an hour. This may or may not have been related to the treatment. What happened afterwards was almost certainly related... after riding my bike to the uni library I sat down to meditate and within 10 minutes I reached a deeper state than I have in a long time. Concentration was profound and effortless.

Hey Opaque, that's awesome man. Thanks for keeping us updated. It sounds to me like you've read all the research and are really doing this right. My experience has been that the concentration and endurance keep increasing over time. I'll be interested to see if this happens with you as well. It's pretty damn cool, huh?

I've also noticed that avoiding the temptation to laser the same spot every day really makes a difference as well. I laser every day but I rotate the spots like you've been doing....I think this is very important. As a side note, I took 4 days off last week just to see what would happen and I really noticed the difference. I started back up again 3 days ago and I'm back to where I was. Anyway, that's very anecdotal but the effects do seem real.

#214 lostfalco

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Posted 31 May 2013 - 04:47 AM

Oxygen Experiment Update

So, I have recently obtained:
1) oxygen concentrator (http://www.aliexpres.../888595160.html)
2) vibration plate (http://www.bulletpro...vibration-plate)
3) pulse oximeter (http://www.walgreens...cd-00007702343c)

I have tried all three individually with good success but I've had this little one-two stack in mind for quite some time (the pulse oximeter really doesn't count).

My simple theory is pretty obvious...vibration causes blood to flow into microvessels (especially of the brain) while a little extra oxygen (not too much and not for too long) helps with cognition. My stack was 10 minutes total vibration. First three minutes with oxygen canula in one nostril only, at 70% oxygen at 2L/min followed by 4 minutes without supplemental oxygen followed by 3 more minutes with extra oxygen. I used the pulse oximeter to check my oxygenation level. Each time I used the oxygen my percentage went up from 98% to the maximum 99% within 20 to 30 seconds. It held there for about two minutes after I stopped breathing the concentrated oxygen.

My results were awesome. I did this around 3pm and had absurd focus for the rest of the day. I was really only expecting a temporary boost but I had a ton of energy until about 11:15pm. The main thing I noticed was that I had access to pretty much all of my memories. I was with friends that whole time and my social brain and conversational energy were operating at their peak levels. I'm definitely gonna keep pursuing this and see how my results track when I actually test them on things like cambridgebrainsciences. Anyway, take this for the one time anecdote that it is...but day one on this 'stack' was very encouraging.
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#215 lostfalco

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Posted 03 June 2013 - 05:53 AM

Wow, check out this article on the biochemical mechanisms of optimal learning. Apparently there is an initiation phase, a labile phase, and a stabilization phase...and spaced repetition owns (we already knew that). http://www.kurzweila...arning-problems
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#216 mettmett

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 10:06 PM

.what kind of safety goggles do you use for the infrared treatment? could you refer me to any?

#217 peakplasma

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Posted 06 June 2013 - 10:34 PM

.what kind of safety goggles do you use for the infrared treatment? could you refer me to any?

Make sure you get a decent pair.. maybe something like this?

I had a bit of a scare when I realized that my infrared laser penetrates right through my thick black blindfold. I went to the optometrist and luckily no damage or anything but I'm going to start using tinfoil until I get my goggles.

Edited by peakplasma, 06 June 2013 - 10:35 PM.

#218 cyberger

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 01:22 AM

I ordered the laser that @peakplasma bought from Ebay, but have only used it once, since am worried about eye safety

On a laser forum, the owner of a laser company made this point about buying cheap laser safety goggles:
"My position is to do no harm. Many have no qualms about recommending a particular safety system but in reality without having a third party to verify manufacturing claims a testimonial really isn't that good. My company does not cater specifically to enthusiasts but I've gone out of my way to get my company to offer low cost certified protection whereas hobby laser manufacturers and distributors do not so much as raise a finger toward certified safety when they know their laser systems are in the hands of amateurs. Sometimes I just don't get it." Quoted from: http://laserpointerf...-get-38322.html

This guy's company had a guide for choosing safety filters:

Not affiliated with them at all, but it looks like they sell (I think certified) lasers to protect from infrared, with a custom size frames for
$150 with an OD 7+ rating (attenuation factor of 10,000,000) in the 790-1080nm range:

I asked for a quote from LaserSafety and they recommended a glass with OD3+ protection (attenuation factor of 1,000):

So OD7+ looks like it would be a pretty decent protection. What OD rating are people using for their safety goggles? Or how are other people protecting their eye from damage from infrared lasers?
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#219 lostfalco

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 02:20 AM

I ordered the laser that @peakplasma bought from Ebay, but have only used it once, since am worried about eye safety

On a laser forum, the owner of a laser company made this point about buying cheap laser safety goggles:
"My position is to do no harm. Many have no qualms about recommending a particular safety system but in reality without having a third party to verify manufacturing claims a testimonial really isn't that good. My company does not cater specifically to enthusiasts but I've gone out of my way to get my company to offer low cost certified protection whereas hobby laser manufacturers and distributors do not so much as raise a finger toward certified safety when they know their laser systems are in the hands of amateurs. Sometimes I just don't get it." Quoted from: http://laserpointerf...-get-38322.html

This guy's company had a guide for choosing safety filters:

Not affiliated with them at all, but it looks like they sell (I think certified) lasers to protect from infrared, with a custom size frames for
$150 with an OD 7+ rating (attenuation factor of 10,000,000) in the 790-1080nm range:

I asked for a quote from LaserSafety and they recommended a glass with OD3+ protection (attenuation factor of 1,000):

So OD7+ looks like it would be a pretty decent protection. What OD rating are people using for their safety goggles? Or how are other people protecting their eye from damage from infrared lasers?

I've got these bad boys: http://www.eaglepair...lobalPage_ID=76

Here's a pair for $30 shipped. http://www.rcgroups....d.php?t=1882485

Here's a cool customer review of Eagle Pair OD 4+ goggles (he reviews goggles that block different wavelengths than mine, but same brand). Just scroll down the page for the review. http://laserpointerf...ebay-55221.html

Conclusion: "Completely blocks the specified wavelengths. You need not worry about any eye damage as a result of the beam hitting the glasses." Note: he used a 270mw laser with a 660nm wavelength and a 940mw with a 445nm wavelength.

Edited by lostfalco, 07 June 2013 - 02:32 AM.

#220 mettmett

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Posted 07 June 2013 - 01:47 PM

awesome thanks guys! also i hope i didnt overlook this when i was rereading the thread. but is everyone doing the f3 and f4 locations with their lasers? which ones have you been applying the laser at falco?

#221 brendan1

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Posted 08 June 2013 - 04:35 AM

I would have added this as a new thread but for some reason it won't let me due to a glitch in adding the stupid required tags but it applies to this thread-

Valkee lands $9.7m to improve your mood and wellbeing with its bright light headset

In an effort to build a headset device that can brighten your days by stimulating your brain with light, Helsinki, Finland-based health technology company Valkee has picked up 7.4 million euros ($9.7 million) in funding.
The investors are both current and new backers, the latter group including an unnamed “international fund”.
Valkee makes a pocket-sized light therapy device that channels bright light via the ear canals into the brain, launched in 2010 in Europe under the CE Class II medical device certification.
The device has been clinically tested to completely remove seasonal affective disorder symptoms of 92% of study participants, and a daily 12-minute dose is studied to have beneficial effects on mood and wellbeing, the company says. Its user base now stands at more than 45,000 people in over twenty countries.
“A staggering 87% of users recommend Valkee to their friends. They have adopted on-the-go bright light as part of their daily wellbeing. Our strongest customer base is in German-speaking Europe, the Nordic countries and Japan,” says Pekka Somerto, Valkee CEO.
“We have discovered a new mechanism for the way light positively impacts mood and performance. As a science-driven consumer electronics company, we aim at further deepening our understanding of how bright light affects humans, and turning this science into easily usable healthcare and wellness products,” says Timo Ahopelto, Partner at Lifeline Ventures and Valkee Chairman.
With the funding, Valkee will expand its market areas, reseller network and use cases. Currently, the company has clinical trials ongoing in the areas of jet lag, cognitive performance and different depression types.


#222 lostfalco

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 02:28 PM

Awesome new pregnenolone discovery! It increases NMDA response by a novel route.

"PregS approximately doubles the cell’s response to NMDA
via a mechanism that is pharmacologically and kinetically distinct from rapid positive allosteric
modulation by PregS. The number of functional cell surface NMDARs in cortical neurons
increases 60 -100% within 10 min of exposure to PregS"

Kurzweilai.net Article: http://www.kurzweila...-mental-decline

Journal Abstract: http://molpharm.aspe.../mol.113.085696 (the Full Text PDF is on the right hand side of this page)

#223 lostfalco

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 03:10 PM

This article really is an excellent summary of current pregnenolone research. Check this out.

"The results of clinical trials indicate that the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
are ameliorated in patients receiving adjunctive treatment with pregnenolone (Marx et al., 2011),
concordant with elevated serum levels of the neuroactive steroid PregS (Marx et al., 2009).
PregS enhances learning and memory in animal models (Gibbs et al., 2006; Marx et al., 2011)
and enhances LTP at hippocampal CA1 synapses (Chen et al., 2007; Sabeti et al., 2007;
Sliwinski et al., 2004). PregS at micromolar concentrations acts as an allosteric modulator for a
variety of neurotransmitter receptors, including glutamate, glycine, and GABAA receptors (Wu
et al., 1991; Majewska and Schwartz, 1987). In particular, PregS enhances activation of
NMDARs containing NR2A (NR1/2A receptors) or NR2B (NR1/2B receptors), while inhibiting
receptors containing NR2C (NR1/2C receptors) or NR2D (NR1/2D receptors) (Wu et al., 1991).
Rapid enhancement of NMDAR function by PregS is evident on a time scale of seconds,
consistent with direct allosteric modulation of cell surface NMDARs (Park-Chung et al., 1997;
Wu et al., 1991)."

"This report shows that PregS pharmacologically stimulates NMDA efficacy by enhancing
receptor trafficking to the cell surface." Ummm...badass!

I've been using this stuff for months now. http://www.amazon.co...gnenolone 100mg

Warning: DO NOT start with a large dose. I slowly built up my dose over time.

The article also suggests a possible pregnenolone stack with d-serine (glycine site) for enhanced learning, memory, motivation, etc.
I have this d-serine. http://www.smartpowd...erine-100g.html
Here's Patrick Arnold's d-serine. He also has transdermal pregnenolone spray. http://www.prototype...Powder-p/ds.htm (Note: sorry, looks like Patrick is out of stock right now 6/11/13)
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#224 lostfalco

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 03:59 PM

Other possible stack ideas (could be really bad ideas, so please research before trying). There are excitotoxicity risks here.

Pregnenolone + D-serine (glycine site) + D-aspartic acid (glutamate site)

Pregnenolone + D-serine + D-aspartic acid + Aniracetam + MCT Oil + Glucose...I tried this a few weeks ago and had excellent focus and task switching abilities for 2.5 hours (subjective experience, not measured)

I think you could also add Piracetam to this mix for an extra boost. I would suggest keeping ALL of these dosages VERY low in order to test your reaction. I'm also not sure that I would do this over time. It seems pretty risky.

Other glycine site partial agonist...d-cycloserine. Buy here: http://newmind.com/p...ycloserine.html
I've never ordered from this company, so buy at your own risk. =)

Glucose: http://www.amazon.co...rds=now glucose
Aniracetam, Piracetam: http://www.newstarno...s.com/index.php (I've had VERY good experiences with this seller so far!)
D-aspartic acid: http://www.amazon.co...d-aspartic acid

#225 lostfalco

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 04:15 PM

awesome thanks guys! also i hope i didnt overlook this when i was rereading the thread. but is everyone doing the f3 and f4 locations with their lasers? which ones have you been applying the laser at falco?

fp1, fp2, f3, f4, temples


At most...2 days on, 1 day off per site. Every other day is also an option.

#226 OpaqueMind

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 04:21 PM

Hey LF, I'm curious what dosing schedule you used when elevating the dosage over time. I took about 25-50mg one morning a while back and had very sharp focus and excellent recall that day, however I started to get a headache sometime later and got only 6 hours of sleep that night, waking bolt upright after those 6 hours passed. Perhaps it was because I did not steadily increase the dose over time, or perhaps I am simply vulnerable to these effects. A lot of noots seem to give me insomnia, which is a shame, especially because the mechanisms according to that article you posted are very intriguing and as far as I can tell highly unique.

By the way, I shaved my head about a week ago and have been doing LLLT at all 20 EEG sites 3x a week. My memory, focus, eloquence, musical creativity, associational ability, hearing and sight seem to be improving gradually. However it is not noticeable unless I sit down to work, am stretching myself at the time or having a deep conversation. The effects seem accumulative and I'm very excited to see what this treatment will bring in the future. The only side effects I have noticed are a very occasional and slight headache, which may be due to the rapid and increased vascularization, metabolic demand and therefore greater bloodflow. Or it could be my brain melting, akin to the overclocking of a CPU. This side effect worries me slightly, so I might reduce my sessions to 10 EEG points, alternating between the sites every 2 days. All in all, you guys should really try this. Don't expect much in the way of immediately appreciable subjective effects; ascension is gradual, but thorough.

For those unwilling to go so far, I highly recommend lasering the temporal lobes, EEG sites T3, T4, T5 and T6. This is the seat of many memory related brain areas, and I focused on this area to good effect before I went full out. Unless you have long hair it is pretty easy to reach this area.

#227 lostfalco

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Posted 11 June 2013 - 04:48 PM

Hey LF, I'm curious what dosing schedule you used when elevating the dosage over time. I took about 25-50mg one morning a while back and had very sharp focus and excellent recall that day, however I started to get a headache sometime later and got only 6 hours of sleep that night, waking bolt upright after those 6 hours passed. Perhaps it was because I did not steadily increase the dose over time, or perhaps I am simply vulnerable to these effects. A lot of noots seem to give me insomnia, which is a shame, especially because the mechanisms according to that article you posted are very intriguing and as far as I can tell highly unique.

By the way, I shaved my head about a week ago and have been doing LLLT at all 20 EEG sites 3x a week. My memory, focus, eloquence, musical creativity, associational ability, hearing and sight seem to be improving gradually. However it is not noticeable unless I sit down to work, am stretching myself at the time or having a deep conversation. The effects seem accumulative and I'm very excited to see what this treatment will bring in the future. The only side effects I have noticed are a very occasional and slight headache, which may be due to the rapid and increased vascularization, metabolic demand and therefore greater bloodflow. Or it could be my brain melting, akin to the overclocking of a CPU. This side effect worries me slightly, so I might reduce my sessions to 10 EEG points, alternating between the sites every 2 days. All in all, you guys should really try this. Don't expect much in the way of immediately appreciable subjective effects; ascension is gradual, but thorough.

For those unwilling to go so far, I highly recommend lasering the temporal lobes, EEG sites T3, T4, T5 and T6. This is the seat of many memory related brain areas, and I focused on this area to good effect before I went full out. Unless you have long hair it is pretty easy to reach this area.

I started with 25mg (I poured out half of a 50mg) once in the morning. I did this for two weeks and then started using 25mg morning and 25mg lunch. I used this for two weeks and then went 50mg morning, 25mg lunch for two weeks. Anyway, you get the idea. I would do this to test tolerance and find an amount that works for you. You could also start WAY lower. There are 5mg pills available.

That's awesome about the laser. I've been debating whether or not to shave my head for a long time now. It's pretty damn tempting. Keep me updated on your progress. I'm really interested to hear how this works for you.

As for the overclocking...definitely make sure that you are eating a quality diet, sleeping well, and meditating/relaxing daily. Those are especially important when you are increasing brain metabolism and ATP.
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#228 lostfalco

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 01:32 PM

Just doing some research and thought I would share. Here's Ray Kurzweil's brain supplement stack from chapter 1 of his book Transcend (2009). He's kinda smart (I think 'genius' applies here) so I take anything he says seriously (even if I don't always agree).

Vinpocetine 10mg 2x/day
Phosphatidylserine 100mg 2x/day for 1 month, 100mg/day thereafter
ALCAR 500-1000mg 2x/day
Ginko biloba 80-120mg 2x/day
EPA/DHA 1000-3000mg EPA/day; 700-2000mg DHA/day
Phosphatidylcholine 900mg 2-4x/day
SAMe 200-400mg 2x/day

#229 Metagene

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 01:48 PM

Has anybody tried Galantamine + Nicotene + Dual N-back to test/train working memory?

The simple theory is this:
1. galantamine allosterically modulates the nicotene receptors (and inhibits acetylcholinsterase)
2. the nicotene and extra acetylcholine stimulate alpha 7 receptors
3. working memory is enhanced due to alpha 7 receptor enhanced activity

I know people try this combo for lucid dreaming, but has anybody tried this for WM? I have been unable to find any discussions online. Any warnings from the chemists out there? I'd appreciate your much broader background knowledge on this idea.

I used Galantamine + Alpha GPC for lucid dreams in the past and have a unopened box of 7mg nicotine patches.

I might try this.

Edited by Metagene, 13 June 2013 - 01:49 PM.

#230 lostfalco

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Posted 13 June 2013 - 03:04 PM

Has anybody tried Galantamine + Nicotene + Dual N-back to test/train working memory?

The simple theory is this:
1. galantamine allosterically modulates the nicotene receptors (and inhibits acetylcholinsterase)
2. the nicotene and extra acetylcholine stimulate alpha 7 receptors
3. working memory is enhanced due to alpha 7 receptor enhanced activity

I know people try this combo for lucid dreaming, but has anybody tried this for WM? I have been unable to find any discussions online. Any warnings from the chemists out there? I'd appreciate your much broader background knowledge on this idea.

I used Galantamine + Alpha GPC for lucid dreams in the past and have a unopened box of 7mg nicotine patches.

I might try this.

Sounds cool Meta. Let me know how it goes for you. I tried this 2 days ago but i don't want to bias you with my experience. Try it out, report back, and we'll compare (only if you want to, of course).

#231 Metagene

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 12:01 PM

Okay I killed three birds with one stone :)

I woke up at 1:00 a.m, took 8mg of Galantamine plus 500mg of choline bitartrate and applied a nicotine patch. Fired up Dual n back for some early morning practice but within twenty minutes I headed off back to bed feeling ill.

Enter lucid dream. Wow the level of vividness and scale was unmatched. It began inside of a convenience store which I quick exited in pursuit of a dream character. Then I found myself in a brand new city setting before deciding to enter a large building. I got a litte annoyed at first when I couldn't keep my feet on the ground and then started to phased thru multiple rooms painted an unsightly pea green. Eventually I ascended into a larger chamber occupied by a massive power generator that extended endlessly into the horizon. I could feel the swirling blue enery currents as I floated past them. Everything went down hill after that. The dream ended with me in another room populated by creepy old people whom I verbally mocked before walking outside and waking up.

I made a few more vain attempts at Dual n back. Still felt out of it but I managed a 72% D4B. The nicotine patches will be put away for now. Hopefully my reward sensitivity has increased.

#232 lostfalco

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 01:39 PM

Okay I killed three birds with one stone :)

I woke up at 1:00 a.m, took 8mg of Galantamine plus 500mg of choline bitartrate and applied a nicotine patch. Fired up Dual n back for some early morning practice but within twenty minutes I headed off back to bed feeling ill.

Enter lucid dream. Wow the level of vividness and scale was unmatched. It began inside of a convenience store which I quick exited in pursuit of a dream character. Then I found myself in a brand new city setting before deciding to enter a large building. I got a litte annoyed at first when I couldn't keep my feet on the ground and then started to phased thru multiple rooms painted an unsightly pea green. Eventually I ascended into a larger chamber occupied by a massive power generator that extended endlessly into the horizon. I could feel the swirling blue enery currents as I floated past them. Everything went down hill after that. The dream ended with me in another room populated by creepy old people whom I verbally mocked before walking outside and waking up.

I made a few more vain attempts at Dual n back. Still felt out of it but I managed a 72% D4B. The nicotine patches will be put away for now. Hopefully my reward sensitivity has increased.

Hey Meta, thanks for reporting back.

So, your experience sounds very similar to mine (except for the lucid dreaming part...sorry about the evil elderly, ha). I took 8mg of galantamine plus a 2mg nicotine lozenge (I've never smoked so they affect me pretty powerfully). I played 8 rounds of dual n back, felt very focused, performed at the high end of my abilities (but didn't feel 'enhanced'), started feeling a little sick/dizzy, and then tired out quickly. The slight sickness/dizziness was minor and very manageable but noticeable. Like you, however, I got pretty tired in a hurry.

I'm definitely interested in thinking through this and trying again though. One thing that really interested me is the fact that I didn't feel stimulated on an entire lozenge. I usually take half of one at a time and feel extremely wired. I didn't feel wired at all on double my normal dose. Also, I did feel as though I was operating at the high end of my abilities without much effort. It was like I was automatically there without any need for willpower. This makes me think that there might be something worth pursuing here...but maybe not. =)

What do you think? Any ideas for counteracting the negatives? Other things to stack here? (Anybody can chime in here if you want)

#233 Metagene

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 05:10 PM

No idea lostfalco. Looks like a double edged sword.

#234 lostfalco

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Posted 15 June 2013 - 05:40 PM

Yeah, I kind of agree. If I come up with anything I'll let you know...and please do the same if you do.

#235 lostfalco

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Posted 18 June 2013 - 06:56 AM

Recent Nootropic Experiments Update

Wow, there's so much that I don't even know where to begin...um...here goes.

Oxygen Update
My current daily stack now includes concentrated oxygen and the BP Vibration Plate. So, it looks something like this Modafinil + Pregnenolone + Low Level Laser + BP Coffee + Oxygen + BP Vibration Plate. I've also been adding Aniracetam to BP Coffee with good results but I'm not totally sure I'm gonna keep it at this point. I've been toying around with potent neurosteroid DHEA to very good effect...may add it permanently as well, but not sure.

Transcranial Ultrasound Stimulation
Well, someone had to be first. I've done this 5 times now and I think there is something VERY unique and interesting here. I think it has something to do with choline release but I'm not sure (Stuart Hameroff thinks it's microtubule vibration but that is kinda his pet quantum brain theory...and Roger Penrose's). Anyway, it is extremely stimulating but the near term effects only last for about 2 hours. It makes me a little scatter brained but insanely awake...and then ridiculously tired. I haven't quite figured out how to tame this one, but I'm working on it.

I just got some of this in the mail. http://www.antiaging...pro-vasopressin As we all know, Vasopressin is very dangerous and should be used with extreme caution (and very little water). I have been interested in trying an ultimate neuropeptide stack and using Vasopressin + Semax. I have this Semax. http://www.ebay.com/...=item19db90ed3b Anybody try this? Any cautionary thoughts? It seems to me that this could be a potentially photographic recall stack, but I also want to live. Thoughts here would be appreciated. =)

Russian Peptide Bioregulators
Speaking of neuropeptides, has anybody tried Cerluten, Pinealon, PK-O2, Brain Extract, Cytomaxes, Cytogens, or Peptomaxes. They are peptides that interact with DNA and cause gene expression. I have Cerluten and Pinealon on the way and they should be here within a week or so. Here are some very interesting links for more info.

tDCS + D-cycloserine
I am going to be trying this within the next two weeks. Studies show that this combo causes a 24 hour excitability increase in the area under the anode. I will stimulate my dlpfc and then spend an entire Saturday playing dual n-back. I'm very interested to see what happens (hopefully it's good).

I was able to purchase this device used (at a significant discount) from a kindly biohacker. http://www.upgradeds...in-trainer.html I've been using it this past week with good results and I can't wait to see what sort of improvements I can make.

Mechanically Induced Synesthesia (Yup, that's a nod to the Longecity Legend himself, Sir Abelard Lindsay)
I've had this idea for years now and I'm ready to try it. My theory is that the Brainport device (pioneered by neurosceience legend Paul Bach-y-Rita) could be used by healthy people as the ultimate learning and memory tool. For those who aren't familiar with it, the Brainport (there are other devices like it) consits of a grid of electrodes that are placed on your tongue. A video camera feeds electrical patterns into the electrodes based on what it films in the environment. Devices like this have been used for decades in the military and they are now being used to give blind people sight. Anyway, it seems to me that the Brainport could be worn while studying and the camera could be pointed at whatever it is that you wanted learn. Instantly, you would have an entirely extra sense to help you remember your assignments. This could be absurdly powerful in my opinion. Is there anyone out there who would be willing to build me one? (They are only for sale in Europe right now for $10,000). There are iterations that also consist of electrodes on the back or stomach and another version that uses sound waves instead. I've messed around with an app that works this way in conjunction with the camera on my phone. Yes, I staggered around my apartment for two hours one Saturday with a blindfold on and my video phone outstretched in front of me. Serious nerd alert. So, any engineer out there who could put together a mouthpiece electrode and write an app to go on my phone? We can talk about price. =)
Links: http://en.wikipedia....aul_Bach-y-Rita

Holy crap, I have pages more I could write but that's enough for now. ttyl lol omg and any other obnoxious acronym you can t.h.i.n.k. o.f.
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#236 BLimitless

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Posted 19 June 2013 - 11:24 PM

I wonder what the Schrodinger equation would taste like
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#237 lostfalco

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 02:29 AM

I wonder what the Schrodinger equation would taste like

haha I'm wondering the same thing.

Actually, what happens is that portions of your visual cortex actually take over and begin processing the information patterns from your tongue. It sounds really trippy. Check out Norman Doidge for more info. http://www.amazon.co...s=norman doidge

I also really like Baylor University neuroscientist David Eagleman's popular work on neuroscience. http://www.amazon.co...=David Eagleman I'm pretty sure he has some sensory substitution info in there as well.

If you haven't read Jeff Hawkins' white paper, check it out. I really like his attempt to discover the algorithm/s that the neocortex uses to process info. Sparse Distributed Representations are fascinating. https://www.groksolu...#cla-whitepaper

Here's Hawkins' old but interesting book on hierarchical temporal memory. http://www.amazon.co...on intelligence

And of course, I can't leave out hidden Markov models and the man Ray Kurzweil himself (not his best, but interesting nonetheless). http://www.amazon.co...ds=ray kurzweil

Here's a link to the page where I downloaded the sensory substitution app for my Android. http://www.seeingwit...com/android.htm

He also gives a pretty good description of how to piece together your own system for seeing with sound on this page. http://www.seeingwit...om/winvoice.htm If you've already got a pretty good computer and headphones you can do it for about $30 (for the USB glasses).

#238 lostfalco

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 02:49 AM

Speaking of memory, check out (if you already haven't) this awesome article on how to properly use Ritalin/amphetamines to study. Summary: imitate test taking conditions as accurately as possible while studying. Take Ritalin before you study and take it before the test. Make sure you are in exactly the same state mentally and emotionally while taking the test as you are while studying. http://thelastpsychi..._correctly.html

I've found this principle hugely important: 'practice' for a test, NEVER 'study' for a test. It'll change your academic life. (this is not my own idea btw, just found it helpful)

Additionally, this principle: memory is 're-creation', not 'retrieval'. You practice recreating a memory. It is nothing like searching through an old file cabinet or wandering the rows of a library looking for a stored item. It is also 0% like watching a movie stored in your head.

This book is fantastic (except for the chapter on memory enhancing supps/drugs) for anybody wanting to get a quick overview of memory. http://www.amazon.co...rt introduction

For entertaining videos on change blindness (which partially helps explain why memory is nothing like rewatching a stored video) check out Derren Brown's YouTube videos.

#239 Reformed-Redan

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Posted 20 June 2013 - 02:51 AM

I'm wondering if anyone finds Pregnenolone Sulfate online someone please let me know in this thread. Thanks a bunch.

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#240 lostfalco

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Posted 22 June 2013 - 01:17 AM

It's kind of astonishing to me that there is debate as to whether it's ok to enhance the brains of healthy people, but there is. Here is one of the MANY arguments in it's favor. It goes like this: If smarter scientists, then more inventions like this.

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