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Lostfalco's Extensive Nootropic Experiments [Curated]


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#721 EncyclopediaBrown

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 04:23 PM

And agreed, diet is something nobody will ever agree on...

Speaking of nutrition....

Hackerschool Soylent


#722 swen

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 06:12 PM

So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?

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#723 mettmett

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 08:27 PM

check the led with your cell phone camera. even if it doesnt look bright to your eye it might be really bright through the cameras eye

#724 BigPapaChakra

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:11 AM

What about specific nutrients or supplements that enhance myelinogenesis? I was thinking about TONS of raw, pastured egg yolks. I just don't know if that would really have an effect, but as Falco said way back, his favorite brain food was (is?) raw eggs. Dave Asprey also promotes his 'Get Some Ice Cream' all the time, and one of the ingredients is raw eggs. Hmm, maybe eat that weekly and see what happens? Take phosphatidylcholine? I wonder. Any ideas would be great!

Hey BigPapa, seems you are reading a lot on Dr. Jack Ruse. Great find about ketosis and performance, I dindt know that full adaptation to keto can take up to 12-24 months.

I think you already saw his Epi-Paleo Rx and I post it here for others too, also he seems to propagate the theory on human brain evolution due to food rich in sea food, so maybe it can have something common with human myelinogenesis:

This diet is the best at controlling inflammation at the brain level to affect hormonal modulation and epigenetic expression
The levels of the pyramid are ordered from best choice for the human brain to next best.
1. The base of the Pyramid is shellfish (oysters) other than crustaceans: Provides the most nutrient density of any food source for optimal functioning of the human brain.
2. The second level of the Pyramid: Crustaceans
3. The third level of the pyramid: Fish
4. The fourth level of the pyramid: Offal/organ meat of pastured/grassfed animals. This is where micronutrient density is greatest in meats but not seafood!
5. The fifth level of the pyramid is where ‘modern day paleo’ begins its pyramid base at our 4th level: grass fed skeletal meats.
6. Pastured eggs if there are no medical contraindications of inflammation like an AI*
7. Seeds and nuts* shading to omega 3 nuts is fine but this becomes important if there is a serious EFA imbalance only on direct testing


Yeah, I have been reading a lot of his work. It takes me awhile, though, because I read them chronologically and then look through the cites, so I haven't reached the Brain Gut series just yet, though I have skimmed that and skimmed the section in his book that delves into the diet. I'm really transferring over to his advocated diet, but I'm also really interested in the work of Dr. Ray Peat, lol. There are actually a lot of studies linking fructose to better body composition, higher REE, and so on, and I think it really has to do with the composition of fat in the diet. I.E. Dr. Kruse advocates a seafood based diet, therefore fructose wouldn't mix with the PUFAs, Dr. Peat's foods (he isn't really a diet 'guru') shouldn't be mixed with PUFAs. Fructose and PUFAs, especially with alcohol in the mix, well, the mix just wreaks havoc on your body to my limited knowledge thus far. Until I start ridding myself of this HPPD and TULIP really starts kicking in, I can't take on the task of reading both Dr. Peat and Kruse at the same time, both having some very different ideas (although they both like LLLT lol).

One thing that is interesting, is that frucotse has anticonvulsant activity in rats, similar to that of ketones, check the attached file. I don't know, I can tell I'm becoming increasingly keto-adapted, and I don't like the idea of having to snack/eat every 2-3hrs as many Peaters/Peatarians do. Right now I can IF, have a small high-fat snack which still keeps in in the fasted state (not a lot of protein, thus, autophagy), not eat for another 5-6hrs, then do tabata sprints and not even be hungry for dinner. I'm trying to gain weight, so I make sure I eat adequate calories, but so far adopting some of Dr. Kruse' ideas and cycling in and out of ketosis has done some wonders for me.

#725 Werper

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:08 AM

"So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?"

Was wondering the same thing.

#726 typ3z3r0

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:25 AM

"So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?"

Was wondering the same thing.

From the description: "Here is a powerful LED device I designed and sell, consisting of 45 red (660 nm) and 45 infrared (850 nm) LEDs. The pulses of light are 250 mW/cm^2."

If you look at the image, you can see that only half of the LEDs are producing visible (red) light. Those are the 660 nm LEDs. I have the 48-LED device as well, and you can only see red light when it illuminates your skin in the area that you use it on, since they're 850 nm LEDs. I used bluetack to cover the sensor so I can use it in any lighting environment though. If you see red light on your skin and it heats up after a while, it should be working perfectly fine. :)

Edited by typ3z3r0, 06 September 2013 - 03:27 AM.

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#727 Werper

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 02:15 PM

"So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?"

Was wondering the same thing.

From the description: "Here is a powerful LED device I designed and sell, consisting of 45 red (660 nm) and 45 infrared (850 nm) LEDs. The pulses of light are 250 mW/cm^2."

If you look at the image, you can see that only half of the LEDs are producing visible (red) light. Those are the 660 nm LEDs. I have the 48-LED device as well, and you can only see red light when it illuminates your skin in the area that you use it on, since they're 850 nm LEDs. I used bluetack to cover the sensor so I can use it in any lighting environment though. If you see red light on your skin and it heats up after a while, it should be working perfectly fine. :)

Yes, I should of mentioned that because of the heat I felt, I did believe it was working.

#728 lostfalco

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:04 PM

So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?

Yep. Mettmett is right on here swen. Near infrared light is very dim to our eyes. Just make sure you cover the sensor (it will pretty much happen automatically when you place the LEDs on your head) and the array will turn on. As he mentioned as well, your cellphone cam probably works great here (mine does) and you can also go into a very dark room (bathroom, maybe), close the door, and shine it against the wall. The heat is a pretty good indicator as well. Looking forward to hearing your results! I hope it works for you. =)

And I agree...Scott Roberts/heelspurs/zawy is an excellent resource. He actually came on the thread a few months ago and taught us some things. Check out his contributions here. http://www.longecity...s/page__st__120 His comments start at post #149.

"So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?"

Was wondering the same thing.

From the description: "Here is a powerful LED device I designed and sell, consisting of 45 red (660 nm) and 45 infrared (850 nm) LEDs. The pulses of light are 250 mW/cm^2."

If you look at the image, you can see that only half of the LEDs are producing visible (red) light. Those are the 660 nm LEDs. I have the 48-LED device as well, and you can only see red light when it illuminates your skin in the area that you use it on, since they're 850 nm LEDs. I used bluetack to cover the sensor so I can use it in any lighting environment though. If you see red light on your skin and it heats up after a while, it should be working perfectly fine. :)

Yes, I should of mentioned that because of the heat I felt, I did believe it was working.

Yep. You're good. =)

"So I have this 48 led ( http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a80a68672 ) but without the adapter here, I bought one in a store.

But I'm wondering if my adapter is the right one because my led lights are not bright at all, I would think that it would shine through my fingers, like on this site: http://heelspurs.com/led.html (thanks Nattzor), to go through your skull.

Any experience?"

Was wondering the same thing.

From the description: "Here is a powerful LED device I designed and sell, consisting of 45 red (660 nm) and 45 infrared (850 nm) LEDs. The pulses of light are 250 mW/cm^2."

If you look at the image, you can see that only half of the LEDs are producing visible (red) light. Those are the 660 nm LEDs. I have the 48-LED device as well, and you can only see red light when it illuminates your skin in the area that you use it on, since they're 850 nm LEDs. I used bluetack to cover the sensor so I can use it in any lighting environment though. If you see red light on your skin and it heats up after a while, it should be working perfectly fine. :)

I like that bluetack idea. Thanks typ!

Edited by lostfalco, 06 September 2013 - 02:58 PM.

#729 typ3z3r0

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Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:11 PM

Haha. No worries! At first I tried to use a little bit of electrical tape, but it didn't stay on. The bluetack has worked perfectly. :)

Edited by typ3z3r0, 06 September 2013 - 03:31 PM.

#730 lostfalco

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:03 AM

Hey guys, quick question for everyone. Do you guys think it would be ok for me to go through the thread, copy peoples' quotes about their TULIP experiences, and paste them in the "TULIP Experiences" thread? It seems like it would probably be ok since they're already public and I would just be moving them but I wanted to hear what you guys thought in case there is something that I haven't thought of. Thanks everyone!

Edited by lostfalco, 08 September 2013 - 12:46 AM.

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#731 xks201

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 02:20 AM

Can you post the lasering points falco?

#732 lostfalco

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 02:33 AM

Can you post the lasering points falco?

The best I can do for now is send you here. http://www.longecity...-lostfalco/ I'm pretty much lasering my entire brain right before bed. If I do it during the day then I usually take about 20 minutes after I'm done lasering, close my eyes, and breathe deeply. I've found that on the rare occasions that the supplements make me a little too amped, this really calms me down and makes me very focused. For a 'calming dose' I usually keep my times very low and I NEVER do it on my off day.

For pre-bed dosing I'm doing more than 1 minute per spot and always less than 10 minutes per spot. Start low and only go as high as you need. Days off are necessary imo (as of now).

I'm working on a YouTube video and I'll most likely post it within a week. Sorry I can't be more specific about the precise regions right now. I don't think it has to be EXTREMELY precise...just pretty close to these recommendations. =)

Edited by lostfalco, 08 September 2013 - 02:35 AM.

#733 lostfalco

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:21 AM

I just compiled a number of my TULIP experience posts and put them in the experience thread. It's been REALLY interesting to back through this thread and see how far we've come. Huge thanks to EVERYONE who's posted! You guys have helped me immeasurably. http://www.longecity...uantified-self/

Edited by lostfalco, 08 September 2013 - 03:22 AM.

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#734 Joe Cohen

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:22 AM

At first I thought it best to stimulate only certain parts, but as I mapped the brain I realized all parts are used for higher order cognitive function, except the occipital cortex. I stimulate once every 2 weeks for 5 seconds an area, mainly because I have lots of other mitochondrial enhancers in my toolkit and I don't stack mitochondrial enhancers. I also need lots of rest days.



Functional breakdown - Brodman's Area

Reading 6,39
Writing 40
Comprehension 22,20,21,37,39,40,5,7,6,9,10,23,26,,29,30,31,38,43,44,45,47
(Expression 44,45,46,6,8,9,10,13-16,21,24,32,33,47)

Planning 6,8,9,10
(Behavioral inhibition 6,8,9,10, 13-16,24,32,33,39,40,44,46,47,)

To speech 20,22,23,26,29,30,31,38,47

Working memory 5,7,6,8,9,10,20,24,32,33,40,41,44,45,46,47(27,28,34,35,36,48)
Retrieval 8,9,10,26,29,30,31,24,32,33,38,40
Encoding (27,28,34,35,36,48) 9,10,24,32,33,37,46
Episodic memory 6,44, 45, 47
(Topokinetic 23,26,29,30,31)

Experiencing/Processing 38, 11, 47, 46,(27,28,34,35,36,48)

Most important areas EEG10-20
1) F3- DLPFC
2) F4 - Intermediate frontal
4) Fp1 - left front forehead (Asprey stimulates this to wake himself up)
2) F8-Right anterior temporal lobes, Broca's area on left hemisphere
5) F7(orbital)
)P4, P6(angular gyrus), P2(superior parietal),- Attention, P4 also creative math problem solving

Numbers=Brodman's Area. Corresponding EEG10-20 sites

Executive functions:
9 - Granular frontal - AF3, AFz, AF4 (also memory)
10 - Anterior prefrontal Fp1, Fpz, Fp2 (also memory)
44 - Opercular FC6
45 - Triangular F8
46 - Middle frontal AF8, F6, AF7, F5
DLPFC 9,10,11,12, 45, 46, Superior part of 47,

7 - Superior parietal P1, Pz, P2,
39 - Angular gyrus P5, P3, P4, P6

20 -Inferior temporal FT9, T9, Tp9, P9, FT10, T10, TP10
21 - Middle Temporal T4, TP8, TP7,
37 - Occipitotemporal T5, T6, P10

DLPFC=9 and 46 and broder definition includes 9-12,45,46, some of 47.

Edited by Joe Cohen, 08 September 2013 - 03:25 AM.

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#735 MasterHerb

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 04:51 AM

Hey guys, quick question for everyone. Do you guys think it would be ok for me to go through the thread, copy peoples' quotes about their TULIP experiences, and paste them in the "TULIP Experiences" thread? It seems like it would probably be ok since they're already public and I would just be moving them but I wanted to hear what you guys thought in case there is something that I haven't thought of. Thanks everyone!

Hey lostfalco have you tried the ebay supplement yet? If so can you please compare its effects to the life extension supplements? I will soon start testing TULIP.....I have just been busy trying some other compounds recently.

#736 Plasticperson

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:02 AM

if one is using led's the time of the treatment should be 10 minutes according to naeser study

#737 Nattzor

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:30 AM

Joe, where did you get those placements from?

#738 mettmett

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:43 PM

if one is using led's the time of the treatment should be 10 minutes according to naeser study

the reason falco urges people to start out low is because of hormesis. you have to find the right balance. if you do too much you could in fact harm your brain cells

#739 Nattzor

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 01:45 PM

LostFalco: Why do you recommend to remove the glass from the LED lamps?

#740 Plasticperson

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 06:38 PM

i notice a substantial decrease in cognition the days following lllt. i wont be continuing with the treatment.

#741 xks201

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:06 PM

I'm lovin the laser therapy...shined it on my gf and she felt she felt different within 30 seconds. Lol

#742 Plasticperson

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:17 PM

I'm lovin the laser therapy...shined it on my gf and she felt she felt different within 30 seconds. Lol

Perhaps i need to try a laser and not led's. i followed the naeser study but started with 1 or 2 minutes each spot; instead of the initial start of 5 minute 10 seconds found in the study.

#743 lostfalco

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:44 PM

I'm lovin the laser therapy...shined it on my gf and she felt she felt different within 30 seconds. Lol

Perhaps i need to try a laser and not led's. i followed the naeser study but started with 1 or 2 minutes each spot; instead of the initial start of 5 minute 10 seconds found in the study.

Sry Plastic.

Driving cross country will write more tomorrow. If comfortable, please describe: Age? Healthy? Total number of sessions? Consecutive days? Diet?

If young/healthy, possibly less time. If older, possibly more.

Naeser = elderly TBI

#744 lostfalco

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 08:01 PM

Those with experience please feel free to share ideas with Plastic. :) Illegal drive texting bad.
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#745 Q did it!

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 09:59 PM

Quick question,

Would it be a good idea to take apart say 2x 96 LEDS or use a few of the 48 LEDs and rearrange/place the LEDs into a configuration in the form of a wearable helmet or concave bowl you would place over your head? I know it sounds/would look silly but it would not be that much different what is already being done. This should allow one cover all of he areas on the skull at once and shorten the time spent "dosing".

I have the materials to do this. The lengthening of the wires of each individual LED is not an issue (time consuming yes) and creating a form factor to be placed into.


Edit: and I would be sure to incorporate tin foil into it somewhere lol.

Edited by Q did it!, 08 September 2013 - 10:01 PM.

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#746 mettmett

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 10:02 PM

yea thats the same idea several of us have had. i want to do the same thing.

Edited by mettmett, 08 September 2013 - 10:03 PM.

#747 Q did it!

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 10:09 PM

yea thats the same idea several of us have had. i want to do the same thing.

Ok then I will give it a try. Will report back on its performance and effectiveness/ease of use when I have time to build and test it.
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#748 mettmett

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 10:09 PM

I'm glad to see they finally got this web site up and working again. I'm the guy with the http://heelspurs.com/led.html page. If the 810 penetrates better, it might be best for deep injuries, but probably not by a large amount. 830 should have about the same penetration. If anyone comes by Montgomery AL I can let you try on my LED helmet if I haven't butchered it for parts. I'd be surprised if there is any more powerful "helmet" in the world, but if you place a gallon zip-lock bag of about 1 quart water on your head then place a $10 500 W halogen flood light from walmart within 1 to 3 inches, then you should get a lot more healthy light energy to your brain than my helmet. When compared in terms of the energy from LEDs and laser, this should provide about 20 watts in the "mitochondria-active" range (1/3 of the 500 W comes out as light like the sun, and about 1/4 of that light is in the healthy range of 4 wavelengths, and about 1/2 of that is wasted in not being on a specific wavelength like the LEDs). The water is to absorb heat. This assumes the head is bald or shaved. It covers about 200 cm^2 so the intensity should be 20/200 = 100 mW/cm^2 which I think is 3 times more intense as my helmet but with maybe 3 times less coverage. Maybe I will do 4 of these 500 W halogen surrounding my head with some water blocking contraption. I guess I could make and sell a copy of my helmet for $800. My costs are $0.15 per 830 nm LED 1,500 LEDs, $20 for 12 circuit boards, $20 high-power supply, $5 solder. Approx $300 in parts, 10 hours pain-in-the-butt work. Actually, I could have them pulse at 5 times the intensity using a 20% duty cycle. There are only specious theoretical reasons why this type of pulsing will help, and it has to be at a very fast 50 uS on, 250 uS off speed, if not 10 uS on and 50 uS off. In practice I am still trying to determine if pulsing is better. So far the result are promising. If I put a fan and box on each board with pulsing, it can be 3 times stronger so that treatment would be 5 minutes instead of 20 to 30 minutes ($1,600... I was and will be selling the boxes individually for $185). Lack of strength is where all LEDs devices on the market are failing.

im really considering trying this idea. much cheaper..and i was thinking that the broader range of wavelengths might be more beneficial than just a LED set to 830 or whatever
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#749 Joe Cohen

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 02:24 AM

I'm lovin the laser therapy...shined it on my gf and she felt she felt different within 30 seconds. Lol

Perhaps i need to try a laser and not led's. i followed the naeser study but started with 1 or 2 minutes each spot; instead of the initial start of 5 minute 10 seconds found in the study.

LLLT harmed my performance for a week after I did it, but I believe it strengthens the brain in the long run. I think people should do it once or twice a week and start very low. I do it for 5 seconds on each spot because I'm interested in tweaking what I already have, not getting a new operating system. Doing it more causes too much of a change in the brain that though I can see it being beneficial in the long run, you must keep in mind that you are probably rewiring your brain. IF you have TBI then it would be a good idea to do it for 5 minutes every other day. Otherwise, it will work in the long term if the dosage is kept low, but won't harm performance in the short term. Doing it for even 20 seconds ruins my sleep architecture.

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#750 Strangelove

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 06:28 AM

My 48 LEDs unit accepts DC 12V/AC24V power.

Uses in color machine 750-800 mA DC
Uses in b/w 300-800 mA DC

With these specifications and as I am not planning to use it with a camera... Which power adapter should I choose?
Go with the stronger 750-800mA?

Edited by Strangelove, 09 September 2013 - 06:29 AM.

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