I'm running an impormptu project to help determine how C60 works and I'd like some of your ₮ points to help me fund it. As you might know, 800₮ buys something like $160 for a longecity project. So I'll also need to get my project officially recognized and figure out how to do that. I could really use the extra points as the blood tests to help determine how C60 affects us will be expensive.
Currently there is a trial involving physical performance metrics happening in Europe, but I'd like to up the ante with a budget to do blood tests on an ongoing basis with fresh volunteers.
You can help out in lots of ways, we're going to need lots of opinions to help us determine which avenue of blood/tissue/etc testing would best suit our needs or tell us the most, help with referrals if you're friends are thinking about starting on C60, and maybe even morale support. Ideas and Thanks are always welcome!
How do you donate thank you points? Just click on the "₮" under my pic or rather ATM, lack of pic (soon to change).
You can check out the main discussion here:
Your thanks are very much appreciated and you're helping us move forward with both life extension and nootropic science! Let's take ACTION for higher functioning, longer lasting: ACTION! (all puns intended).