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Bowel cancer in dog


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#1 adam32

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:18 AM

My dog has always been very healthy and has never shown any signs of illness. Over the last week or so I noticed that he was a little more lethargic than normal and had gone off his food. As such I took him to the vets a week ago. To my devastation and surprise the vet said he had bowel cancer which has spread to his prostrate and other areas. In light of this the vet said there was nothing that could be done and he would be surprised if the dog lived more than a couple of weeks. The vet said he is losing blood faster than he can make it. This news came as such a shock as he has always been very healthy and only 3 weeks ago was jumping fences and running about like crazy. Even in spite of this news he still enjoys his walks and has been walking a few miles a day with me. I know nothing will probably cure him, however as he has only been given a few weeks left to live I gather I have nothing to lose by trying supplements etc. The problem is I want to use something that is evidence based, as there are so many companies that want to sell you anything just to get your cash.

I have been reading about resveratrol which looks promising, but does anyone know how effective this is in respect of bowel cancers in dogs? Also what do people think of barley grass? What would people recommend which is evidence based?

#2 renfr

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:39 AM

High dose liposomal sodium ascorbate can help, there's a cat who recovered from cancer thanks to it. You can also try vitamin C IV for the attack dose.

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#3 renfr

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 09:43 AM

Also make the difference between an agent that will destroy the cancer and an agent that will prevent cancer formation, revesratrol belongs to the second category, while it may be good to prevent you from developing cancer it will be completely useless if you have terminal cancer.

#4 adam32

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 10:24 AM

High dose liposomal sodium ascorbate can help, there's a cat who recovered from cancer thanks to it. You can also try vitamin C IV for the attack dose.

Many thanks for your advice. Do you know where to get the Liposomal variety of this in the UK as I have not seen it.

Also whats your view on barleygrass powder, Quercetin and Green tea?

#5 adam32

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 11:16 AM

Could I try something like the below and then add soya lecithin and put in a blender? From what I gather this will make the solution liposomal, although most of the information I have read call for one of those ultrasonic jewelry cleaners in the process. I have also seen reference to using glutathione powder in this process, although not sure of the significance. Can I do the below with Soya lectithin and a blender or do I need one of those ultrasonic things?

1) Ascorbic acid AKA raw vitamin C powder (C6H8O6)
2) Bicarbonate of soda AKA baking soda (NaHCO3)
3) Water (H2O)

1) Pour 1" of water in a glass
2) Add one teaspoon of Ascorbic acid
3) Add 1/2 a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda (which does not dissolve)
4) After fizzing stops add water to the top (the water is now clear VitC is fully dissolved)
NB.You are making sodium ascorbate and the fizz is carbon dioxide

#6 renfr

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 05:50 PM

No it will not, you need a sonicator and even with a sonicator there is no proof that DIY LET is really liposomal, I wouldn't do that for a life-threatening condition. I already tried with the sonicator and the results were quite poor.
Also ascorbic acid is a no-no against cancer, cancer likes acidity, that's why sodium ascorbate is the best choice as it is alkaline.
There's one reseller in Ireland where you could get the liposomal C : http://lyposphericnu...uk/default.aspx
I don't think you can find that in a shop you have to order it, but here's a list of UK distributors if it can help :
Abundance & Health Limited
Jonathan Orchard
+44 20-3239-4907

Beratung und Vertrieb/Tag24
Carola Bergmann Schippke

Health Industries 1997
Sarah Gibson
0035314737883(Intl) /08456061301(UK)

Holistic Family Health
Bonni Southey
+44 777-569-2947

JG Supplements
Justin Garner
+44 161-408-1544

Simply Nature Ltd.
Jane Moore
+44 1580-201-687

Vision of Hope Clinic
Dr. Andre Young-Snell
+44 1273-232-779

For a dog 2 boxes will be largely enough, an attack dose of 3 packets the first days then you can reduce to 1-2 packets a day, be sure to give him a lot of water. Do this for at least 2 weeks.
Also it is important that the first days that you give him non-liposomal sodium ascorbate, not more than 350mg per kg, this is because liposomal vitamin C levels do not instantly increase so you'd need to add non-liposomal sodium ascorbate the first days to start attacking the cancer. The advantage of liposomal C is that it is very well absorbed and most of it goes into the cells while plain vitamin C mostly goes into the bloodstream and only a fraction enters the cell membrane.
If he has heart problems reduce the doses because sodium ascorbate can slightly elevate blood pressure.

If you have barley grass powder and quercetin well give it a try, green tea though is rather a preventive agent, this guy has had some success with barley grass + curcumin (a strong antioxidant) + vitamin C : http://www.mirror.co...r-using-1325900

Not sure about using glutathione, while it is a very strong antioxidant there is some controversy in its use for cancer as it "might" feed the cancer even more. As a caution don't use it, don't give him NAC too

#7 adam32

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Posted 11 May 2013 - 08:29 PM

Many thanks for your helpful information but I don't understand your quote below:

Also ascorbic acid is a no-no against cancer, cancer likes acidity, that's why sodium ascorbate is the best choice as it is alkaline.

From what I can gather if you add Bicarbonate of soda NaHCO3 (baking soda) to Ascorbic acid then you get sodium ascorbate. There is even a video on youtube showing this. I can't link to it as I can't post links as a new member but if you search youtube you will see.

Many thanks

#8 renfr

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 12:32 AM

Yes sure, if you have a bottle of ascorbic acid just add some baking soda to get sodium ascorbate.
That's because baking soda is alkaline and ascorbic acid acid.

#9 adam32

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 09:15 AM

Yes sure, if you have a bottle of ascorbic acid just add some baking soda to get sodium ascorbate.
That's because baking soda is alkaline and ascorbic acid acid.

Many thanks for clarifying this regarding the Sodium Ascorbate. As per the youtube video and other sources I tend to mix one spoon of ascorbic acid with half a spoon of baking soda (2:1 ratio) Is that correct or should I be using equal parts?

Also you say about making sure he gets plenty of water. I am worried about this as at the moment I have made the solution very concentrated so I can squirt it down is throat very quickly from a couple of syringes. When I am giving it to him he is really fighting (and very distressed) so if it was diluted with a lot of water it would take forever for him to have it which would be a real fight and extremely stressful for him. He is though drinking water as normal. What do you think about this?

I have placed an order for some liposomal vitamin C, so this should arrive in a few days. As such it is reassuring to know that you recommend non liposomal to begin with, so at least no time will be wasted while waiting for the liposomal to arrive.

I was also wondering if I should give him the barley grass powder at a similar time to when I give the vitamin C or should this be given at different time?

One other thing to mention is I know the vitamin C is a laxative, so I don't know if this is a good or bad thing for the dog? He has been unable to go to the toilet for over a week with just the occasional diarrhea, although this has been very little and he has not vomitted really at all - as such I am not sure where the food has gone that he has been eating, however the vet did say that the size of the cancer would make it very difficult for him to go to the toilet as time goes on, however since he has had the vitamin C he went to the toilet in the night. This was a little soft and darker than normal but It was quite firm.

One last question is that the vet has prescribed the dog Tramadol Hydrochloride (pain killer) and Zitac (supposed to help against sickness) Will these medications interfere with the treatment you have recommended?

Many thanks for your help

#10 ta5

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 08:13 PM

Maybe carb restriction and curcumin/turmeric.
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#11 renfr

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 08:16 PM

Yes sure, if you have a bottle of ascorbic acid just add some baking soda to get sodium ascorbate.
That's because baking soda is alkaline and ascorbic acid acid.

Many thanks for clarifying this regarding the Sodium Ascorbate. As per the youtube video and other sources I tend to mix one spoon of ascorbic acid with half a spoon of baking soda (2:1 ratio) Is that correct or should I be using equal parts?

Also you say about making sure he gets plenty of water. I am worried about this as at the moment I have made the solution very concentrated so I can squirt it down is throat very quickly from a couple of syringes. When I am giving it to him he is really fighting (and very distressed) so if it was diluted with a lot of water it would take forever for him to have it which would be a real fight and extremely stressful for him. He is though drinking water as normal. What do you think about this?

I have placed an order for some liposomal vitamin C, so this should arrive in a few days. As such it is reassuring to know that you recommend non liposomal to begin with, so at least no time will be wasted while waiting for the liposomal to arrive.

I was also wondering if I should give him the barley grass powder at a similar time to when I give the vitamin C or should this be given at different time?

One other thing to mention is I know the vitamin C is a laxative, so I don't know if this is a good or bad thing for the dog? He has been unable to go to the toilet for over a week with just the occasional diarrhea, although this has been very little and he has not vomitted really at all - as such I am not sure where the food has gone that he has been eating, however the vet did say that the size of the cancer would make it very difficult for him to go to the toilet as time goes on, however since he has had the vitamin C he went to the toilet in the night. This was a little soft and darker than normal but It was quite firm.

One last question is that the vet has prescribed the dog Tramadol Hydrochloride (pain killer) and Zitac (supposed to help against sickness) Will these medications interfere with the treatment you have recommended?

Many thanks for your help

Yes it's probably that, you can see yourself if you have sodium ascorbate since ascorbic acid will have a strong taste and be acid while sodium ascorbate will taste soft and will be alkaline (it tastes like salted water).
You need to give him a lot of water throughout the day not during administration, that's because elimination of the cancer will cause a release of toxins and make the urine darker which is not very good for the kidneys.
If he's fine with the dose you gave him and this doesn't cause diarrhea, up the dose but not too much.
For barley grass, don't give it at the same time, sodium ascorbate being alkaline is might interfere with proper metabolization of barley grass, the stomach normally breaks down molecules in a slightly acid environment.
The laxative effect is not a problem and the medications shouldn't interfere, as for zitac it might help with cancer as it reduces acid secretion but it doesn't seem to have a very good safety profile.

Edited by renfr, 12 May 2013 - 08:17 PM.

#12 adam32

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Posted 12 May 2013 - 09:53 PM

Ok thanks for that advice. I forgot just one other thing as the dog is also on Metacam, which comes in a liquid. Any idea what effect this will have on the treatment you propose? Also is the vetinary medication (Tramadol Hydrochloride, Zitac and Metacam) ok administer at the same time as I do the vitamin C? I only say this as if I can get everything done together then it is less stressful for the dog.

I will follow your advice regarding the barley grass but wonder how long I should wait after he has had the Sodium Ascorbate - would 2 hours be ok?

As for administration I tend to only make about 30ml to fit into two 15ml syringes. This is obviously very concentrated considering in a human they would have an entire glass of water. The problem is if I were to dilute it more then I would be there all day with the syringe and it is very stressful for the dog. Thought the day he is drinking more water than normal, however I don't see how I could give him anymore as it would stress him out too much if it was forced.

As for diarrhea he does have this, however for the last 9 days whatever has come out has always been diarrhea even before I started the Sodium Ascorbate.

Just a final thing, do you have any idea how long it should be before I should start seeing some results if the treatment is going to be successful? I think one of the main issues as the moment is the dog has completely gone off food. He won't even eat fresh chicken (he was eating this a few days ago) but bizarrely eat a 1/4 can of dog food (I don't like giving him dog food but if he won't eat I figure this is better than nothing). My real worry is if he stops eating altogether then he will just die.

#13 renfr

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 02:40 AM

It won't interfere with metacam, there's practically no medication that it could interfere with and yes wait at least 2 hours before giving him the meds so that it gets absorbed, practically you could give him everything at once but as a caution and to maximize absorption you should give it at different times.

For the diarrhea if your dog can eat yogurt give him some tablespoons it will help reduce the diarrhea.

How much sodium ascorbate are you giving him right now?
If he can handle this dose give him half the dose later in the day a second time.
you might start seeing results after 1 week but overall it's the liposomal that will be the most powerful against the cancer along with barley grass, first you'll give him in the morning half a packet and see how he reacts, if he's fine with that 2 hours later give him the other half then you can start the attack dose.
non liposomal vitamin C is still very important since it's boosting his immune system and stop cancer proliferation
How much does the dog weigh?
Did he stop eating after beginning of the treatment? And when did you start giving him zitac, metacam and tramadol?

#14 adam32

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 10:36 AM

He has been on zitac, metacam and tramadol for just over a week (since he was diagnosed with cancer) While on this medication diarrhea seems to have been made worse. When reporting this to the vet she suggested I stop the Metacam to see if this will help, however the diarrhea is still the same. In my opinion the medication is making the diarrhea worse, although it is possible this may just be coincidence. He was having diarrhea before I started the vitamin C, as I only started this in the last 2 days. From the Xray he has a huge cancer growth in the bowel and in other places as well. So digestion is obviously very messed up.

As for the dose of vitamin C that I give him, he has about one does of 2500mg in a 2ml syringe. I know it is very concentrated however he is a lot less stressed if I can get it over quickly. The dog weighs 12kg but before the cancer weighed 18kg. He has quite a large coat so I did notice him loosing weight. I feel really bad for this as it seems this just happened so quickly.

As for eating he has been going off food more and more for about 2 weeks. At first I put it down to him just feeling a little unwell and never thought in my wildest dreams that he had cancer. I would say as far as eating he is getting gradually worse everyday, so don't think it has anything to do with the vitamin C treatment, although this morning he eat a full can of dog food. This is unusual as the only medication he had yesterday was the zitac as he kept spitting the other tablet out.

Generally his energy levels go up and down. One minute he may look half dead, but a few hours later he wants to go on a walk and even ran for a few seconds when playing with another dog

One other thing the liposomal vitamin C that I ordered is from this link:

The problem is it does not say if it is the sodium type? If not will I have to add baking powder like I am currently doing to the Ascorbic acid?

One last thing what type of yogurt would you recommend? Should it be a probiotic yogurt?

Thank you so much for your help

#15 Logic

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 11:48 AM

Have a look at the stacks recommended here:

But keep in mind that things are absorbed differently by dogs, so the dosages will vary and need to be researched.
Its important to use a multiple substances to fight cancer; so as to block all means of mutation/escape IMHO.

Mitochondria in cancer cells are switched off so that they cant send a 'this cell is dangerous; kill it now!" signal to the immune system.
DCA, Mebendazole, Green Tea are known to kickstart 'off' mitochondria
and C60oo should keep those mito's on. (synergy)

Note that a friend of mine is now Lymphoma free from using the LEF stack + EV coconut oil (virus-cancer connection) mebendazole and hemp seed oil.

Edited by Logic, 13 May 2013 - 12:00 PM.

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#16 renfr

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 04:59 PM

Coconut oil is a good idea, it will boost his thyroid and make him more hungry. I wouldn't suggest C60 though, it's experimental and no one knows about long-term effects plus there's no evidence that it can cure cancer.
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#17 Logic

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 09:38 PM

Coconut oil is a good idea, it will boost his thyroid and make him more hungry. I wouldn't suggest C60 though, it's experimental and no one knows about long-term effects plus there's no evidence that it can cure cancer.

Coconut Oil does a lot more than that.
It strips the lipid layer off of virii that have such a layer which enables one's immune system to 'see' and kill the virus. Its also effective against a large number of bacteria.
As there are a number of studies showing a connection between virii and cancer; its a good idea to try and kill as many virii as possible.

Lets see...
This guy has a dog dying of cancer, but he shouldn't try C60oo (in combination with mitochondrial 'kickstarters') because they might kill the dog..? :|?

I think there is more than enough evidence that C60oo is a powerful mitochondrial anti-oxidant.
As such it is taken by many intelligent people with years of training and experience in the 'art'.

As such it is logical that it should synergise with the above mentioned and linked mitochondrial 'kickstarters' and protect said mitochondria long enough to allow them to send out their apoptosis signal, thus killing the cancerous cell. Or am I missing something?

Note that not a single cancerous cell was found in Baati's rats when they were autopsied, while most healthy animals have a few.

#18 adam32

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Posted 13 May 2013 - 11:25 PM

Thanks for your reply logic and renfr

Which green tea supplement woudl you recommend to kickstart the mitochondria? As for the C60oo I find this very confusing as some information I read on line indicated that this may even cause certain cancers, however I don't have the scientific knowledge to evaluate this. As such I think I may hold off it unless nothing else works. Out of interest where would I buy the C60oo from if I wanted to try it?

As for the coconut oil what sort of dose should I be giving?

It is interesting as today the dog seemed more bright eyed and eat 2 cans of dog food which he has not done for a couple of weeks. One problem remains though is the diarrhea - is this a serious problem? I always thought diarrhea was really bad as the body looses lots of nutrients? I bought the yogurt as suggested but he won't eat it. Maybe I will try and mix it in with the dog food tomorrow.

On another note I have a question that has been puzzling me. Many people recommend alkaline foods for cancer patients, so how is it then that many acid foods seem to be good for cancer such as tomatoes and other fruits, but substances like salt have been linked to cancer?

Many thanks

Edited by adam32, 13 May 2013 - 11:27 PM.

#19 renfr

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 12:20 AM

Coconut oil is a good idea, it will boost his thyroid and make him more hungry. I wouldn't suggest C60 though, it's experimental and no one knows about long-term effects plus there's no evidence that it can cure cancer.

Coconut Oil does a lot more than that.
It strips the lipid layer off of virii that have such a layer which enables one's immune system to 'see' and kill the virus. Its also effective against a large number of bacteria.
As there are a number of studies showing a connection between virii and cancer; its a good idea to try and kill as many virii as possible.

Lets see...
This guy has a dog dying of cancer, but he shouldn't try C60oo (in combination with mitochondrial 'kickstarters') because they might kill the dog..? :|?

I think there is more than enough evidence that C60oo is a powerful mitochondrial anti-oxidant.
As such it is taken by many intelligent people with years of training and experience in the 'art'.

As such it is logical that it should synergise with the above mentioned and linked mitochondrial 'kickstarters' and protect said mitochondria long enough to allow them to send out their apoptosis signal, thus killing the cancerous cell. Or am I missing something?

Note that not a single cancerous cell was found in Baati's rats when they were autopsied, while most healthy animals have a few.

I would be careful, it seems to be OK for humans but we don't know about dogs, better safe than sorry.
PQQ should be good enough to enhance mitochondria, it has a good safety profile while C60 looks more like some research chemical made in a backyard basement, remember that C60 is nanoparticles that aren't even digested or processed by your system, some may be eliminated but what about the rest that accumulates? The longevity study was only one study and you know how studies contradict every time plus rodents are not humans, while some molecules affect positively rodents it could turn rogue on humans, MPTP is a good example.
For instance C60 might cause severe nephrotoxicity, with all the medications the dog is already taking this is certainly a risk to avoid. Another risk is an herxheimer reaction which could kill the dog.
I know there are some people on this forum fanatically praising C60 but precaution should be advised, I mean he could try C60 on the dog but this would probably be a pointless risk.
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#20 adam32

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 12:30 AM

So are you saying I should consider using PQQ as well, or should I stick with the Vitamin C to see what the results are with this first? Also If I try PQQ are all the makes as good as each other?

#21 renfr

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 12:33 AM

Thanks for your reply logic and renfr

Which green tea supplement woudl you recommend to kickstart the mitochondria? As for the C60oo I find this very confusing as some information I read on line indicated that this may even cause certain cancers, however I don't have the scientific knowledge to evaluate this. As such I think I may hold off it unless nothing else works. Out of interest where would I buy the C60oo from if I wanted to try it?

As for the coconut oil what sort of dose should I be giving?

It is interesting as today the dog seemed more bright eyed and eat 2 cans of dog food which he has not done for a couple of weeks. One problem remains though is the diarrhea - is this a serious problem? I always thought diarrhea was really bad as the body looses lots of nutrients? I bought the yogurt as suggested but he won't eat it. Maybe I will try and mix it in with the dog food tomorrow.

On another note I have a question that has been puzzling me. Many people recommend alkaline foods for cancer patients, so how is it then that many acid foods seem to be good for cancer such as tomatoes and other fruits, but substances like salt have been linked to cancer?

Many thanks

If you want to buy C60 there : http://shop.owndoc.c...oil-pid203.html
It's shipped from Czech republic.

For coconut oil, one teaspoon per 5 kg of body weight.

Diarrhea won't cause a huge loss of nutrients at least not this one since it's probably linked to bowel inflammation caused by the cancer, if you can't get him to eat yogurt well either hide it as you said or give him high soluble fiber foods with water, it's good to know that barley is on the list of soluble fiber : http://www.nlm.nih.g...icle/002136.htm

Contrarily to what you think tomatoes or even lemons are alkaline foods ! http://rense.com/1.m...ns/acidalka.htm
While lemons and tomatoes taste acidic in the body enzymes will transform them into alkaline compounds but it is recommended to take pure alkaline foods than lemons or tomatoes since if your dog has an enzymatic impairment he might be unable to form alkaline compounds and this could turn rogue in the end, also the cancer is in the bowel so even if it's converted after citric acid might enter in contact with the cancer and feed it.

#22 renfr

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 12:48 AM

So are you saying I should consider using PQQ as well, or should I stick with the Vitamin C to see what the results are with this first? Also If I try PQQ are all the makes as good as each other?

I recommend either the Jarrows formula or the LEF formula but since it's a skinny dog it will be difficult to make a proper dosage, it's a strong antioxidant which is good for general health and it can enhance energy levels but again there's still this controversy of antioxidants being bad when there's a cancer because they might protect cancer cells, TBH this has never been proven true but the contrary hasn't as well. Vitamin C is an exception since it is an antioxidant for healthy cells but when it comes to cancer cells it is a pro-oxidant.
The medical field is mostly reluctant for the mere reason that chemotherapy is doing the exact contrary, chemotherapy aims at creating an oxidative environment to eliminate the cancer, the difference with vitamin C treatment is that chemotherapy even affects healthy cells and may cause death.

#23 adam32

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 09:09 AM

I recommend either the Jarrows formula or the LEF formula but since it's a skinny dog it will be difficult to make a proper dosage, it's a strong antioxidant which is good for general health and it can enhance energy levels but again there's still this controversy of antioxidants being bad

Thanks for the information on Acid / alkaline foods it was very interesting and surprising reading. As for the PQQ do you have any idea of the dosage for a 12kg dog? (dog should be 18-20 kg without cancer)

Also as another poster has stated green tea may help reactivate mitochondria, if so any idea which green tea extract is the best for this?

Finally do you think I should try these other things or just keep going with the liposomal vitamin C and barley grass for the time being and only consider these other things if the dog gets worse?

#24 renfr

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 06:26 PM

I recommend either the Jarrows formula or the LEF formula but since it's a skinny dog it will be difficult to make a proper dosage, it's a strong antioxidant which is good for general health and it can enhance energy levels but again there's still this controversy of antioxidants being bad

Thanks for the information on Acid / alkaline foods it was very interesting and surprising reading. As for the PQQ do you have any idea of the dosage for a 12kg dog? (dog should be 18-20 kg without cancer)

Also as another poster has stated green tea may help reactivate mitochondria, if so any idea which green tea extract is the best for this?

Finally do you think I should try these other things or just keep going with the liposomal vitamin C and barley grass for the time being and only consider these other things if the dog gets worse?

20mg is the highest standard tablet dose as I can see, I would cut it in two or use a 10mg tablet form.
For green tea, any kind would be fine, to ensure best absorption and quality you should take an organic form.
Well you should try this if vitamin C and barley doesn't seem to resolve the problem, how's the dog today?

#25 adam32

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 08:44 PM

For green tea, any kind would be fine, to ensure best absorption and quality you should take an organic form

I presume yo mean making an actual tea drink rather than the concentrate tablets? Is it not good to buy something like this:

http://www.amazon.co...een tea extract

One thing that worries me is Green tea is linked to weight loss, something I definitely don't want with the dog.

how's the dog today

Well over the last 2 days he seems a little better, although he typically has more energy after having a long sleep for a few hours. In the last couple of days I have taken the dog off the painkillers as I honestly don't think he is in too much pain and don't want him being too sleepy. Yesterday he eat 2 cans of dog food which is a first for a long time. Today he has only had one but at least he seems to be eating a bit more. One thing I noticed today was that he was shaking a little in the legs when I took him for a walk. I have to say it was pouring with rain, so maybe he just got cold? I presume with cancer his body temperature mechanisms are messed up. Today he only went out for 15 minute walks, however although he is very tiered he just looked brighter in the eyes.

One positive thing is I notice his feces is not so dark, however you can still see a little blood in there so he is obviously still loosing blood. Another positive is that his stomach has stopped making so much noise.

Today the liposomal vitamin C came so that is really good news. I gave him 2 sachets of this so It will be interesting to see how things go over the next week. If he lasts until Saturday he has already passed the vets expectations as she said she would be surprised if he lasted 2 weeks. The way I look at things everyday he is a live is a bonus. Even if I can give him an extra few months of quality life that will be something. He is still very interested in life and gets up and waggs his tail when people come to the door and enjoys the many smells when I take him for a walk.

Edited by adam32, 14 May 2013 - 08:46 PM.

#26 Logic

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 09:21 PM

adam32; you haven't followed one of the links I gave you, have you!? :)

To kickstart Mitochondria:
Mebendazole is the active ingredient in de-worming medication, so go look for de worming meds and then read the bottle to make sure Mebendazole is the active ingredient.

To keep the mitochondria going long enough to send the 'kill this cancer cell' to your dog's immune system; C60oo may work or it may be unnecessary. Try the green tea and Mebendazole 1st.

Also do check out the LEF link I posted above as cancer is known to mutate like a virus.
ie: it may die oof 99% from 1 thing but the mutated cells that happen to have escaped that 1 thing come back and then that 1 thing does not work.

For the stomach you should be able to find a dog pro-biotic pill that he may take easier than yogurt. I don't know that adding fiber like FOS and Inulin will help for a dog, but worth a try.

C60oo in dogs:

Edited by Logic, 14 May 2013 - 09:30 PM.

#27 renfr

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 10:19 PM

For green tea, any kind would be fine, to ensure best absorption and quality you should take an organic form

I presume yo mean making an actual tea drink rather than the concentrate tablets? Is it not good to buy something like this:

http://www.amazon.co...een tea extract

One thing that worries me is Green tea is linked to weight loss, something I definitely don't want with the dog.

how's the dog today

Well over the last 2 days he seems a little better, although he typically has more energy after having a long sleep for a few hours. In the last couple of days I have taken the dog off the painkillers as I honestly don't think he is in too much pain and don't want him being too sleepy. Yesterday he eat 2 cans of dog food which is a first for a long time. Today he has only had one but at least he seems to be eating a bit more. One thing I noticed today was that he was shaking a little in the legs when I took him for a walk. I have to say it was pouring with rain, so maybe he just got cold? I presume with cancer his body temperature mechanisms are messed up. Today he only went out for 15 minute walks, however although he is very tiered he just looked brighter in the eyes.

One positive thing is I notice his feces is not so dark, however you can still see a little blood in there so he is obviously still loosing blood. Another positive is that his stomach has stopped making so much noise.

Today the liposomal vitamin C came so that is really good news. I gave him 2 sachets of this so It will be interesting to see how things go over the next week. If he lasts until Saturday he has already passed the vets expectations as she said she would be surprised if he lasted 2 weeks. The way I look at things everyday he is a live is a bonus. Even if I can give him an extra few months of quality life that will be something. He is still very interested in life and gets up and waggs his tail when people come to the door and enjoys the many smells when I take him for a walk.

Sounds good, if he's fine with two you can try giving him three sachets, note that you won't see the results of liposomal C right on the corner, it will take maybe one week to start see results, liposomal C slowly builds up and increases vitamin C levels in the body, once vitamin C concentrations start getting high it will start acting.
Tramadol might have caused him reduced appetite (http://www.ehow.com/...madol-dogs.html), the shakings are likely due to tramadol withdrawal which is an opioid, its withdrawal causes a sharp decrease in dopamine levels hence the shakings, if it gets severe give him tramadol again and reduce the dosage slowly.

Also for the green tea do not give him green tea and don't even think about tablets, green tea contains caffeine and you probably know that caffeine kills dogs, even a small amount can become deadly.

adam32; you haven't followed one of the links I gave you, have you!? :)

To kickstart Mitochondria:
Mebendazole is the active ingredient in de-worming medication, so go look for de worming meds and then read the bottle to make sure Mebendazole is the active ingredient.

To keep the mitochondria going long enough to send the 'kill this cancer cell' to your dog's immune system; C60oo may work or it may be unnecessary. Try the green tea and Mebendazole 1st.

Also do check out the LEF link I posted above as cancer is known to mutate like a virus.
ie: it may die oof 99% from 1 thing but the mutated cells that happen to have escaped that 1 thing come back and then that 1 thing does not work.

For the stomach you should be able to find a dog pro-biotic pill that he may take easier than yogurt. I don't know that adding fiber like FOS and Inulin will help for a dog, but worth a try.

C60oo in dogs:

Didn't know it was so beneficial in dogs, maybe I'm too skeptical about C60, it's a really uncharted substance. But I'm not sure if this increase in energy and activity will be of any benefit against the cancer.

#28 adam32

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Posted 14 May 2013 - 11:42 PM

adam32; you haven't followed one of the links I gave you, have you!? :)

I did read the links, however I am a little confused!

Regarding the DCA it seems very hard to buy this and one person mentioned possible testicular cancer side affects?

As for the C60 that seems quite a controversial subject o here. I think I may get some just in case nothing else works, especially as it will take a while to be shipped.

As for the Mebendazole is that a better option than the PQQ?

Many thanks

Edited by adam32, 14 May 2013 - 11:43 PM.

#29 adam32

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 12:02 AM

Also for the green tea do not give him green tea and don't even think about tablets, green tea contains caffeine and you probably know that caffeine kills dogs, even a small amount can become deadly.

Well the tablets I linked to were decaffeinated

As fort the Tremadol I don't think that was a problem as the dog was only on it for the first couple of days until the vet recommended I take him off it in light of the diarrhea

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#30 Logic

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Posted 15 May 2013 - 01:13 AM

adam32; you haven't followed one of the links I gave you, have you!? :)

I did read the links, however I am a little confused!

Regarding the DCA it seems very hard to buy this and one person mentioned possible testicular cancer side affects?

As for the C60 that seems quite a controversial subject o here. I think I may get some just in case nothing else works, especially as it will take a while to be shipped.

As for the Mebendazole is that a better option than the PQQ?

Many thanks

I have no idea where you can find DCA.

I think Mebendazole (I would try it and Green Tea together) is a better bet than PQQ:
If I remember correctly PQQ gives you more mito's per cell.
This will not help if they are turned off.
Mebendazole and Green Tea at least have some cancer studies behind them, but PQQ may strengthen the signal..?

Again I speculate that C60oo MAY help to keep kickstarted Mito's on and thus synergise with the above.
As the Baati rats didn't have a single cancer cell one can speculate that the method of action was that cancer could not turn off the mito's and that C60oo will at least keep the cancer from spreading.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cancer

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