Personally, I'd wait to see what happens to the first round of Guinea pigs. It would be a nice if they could let the lab know that there is more interest pending, so the lab has the opportunity to make a large enough batch. They might do that anyway- at any rate the larger batch they make, the less it should cost (or the more profit they'll make). Whoever is organizing this round should definitely talk to the organizer of the previous round.
I agree with NINER that it is a sensible course of action to wait to see "what happens to the first round of Guinea pigs" before anyone else organizes further group buys.
Whilst I admire and fully understand everyone's enthusiasm, I feel the need to point out that what (if any) positive pharmacological effects NSI-189 has on HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS is entirely unknown at this point in time. Specfically, NSI-189 has been specifically shown to improve cognition in instances wherein HIPPOCAMPAL ATROPHY is present; and hence if your LAB RAT is not suffering from this in any regard it is quite possible NSI-189 will have negligible noticeable beneficial effect on cognition. Consequently, it would be advised to await the results of the first lot of testing
Furthermore, any addition NSI-189 would have to be synthesized from scratch; in that it is not possible to add more to the existing batch, which is almost finished.

i'm in and shouldn't the first group have recieved their batch by now?
There is a slight delay. Nothing of concern. Sooner or later we will have it, and take over the world! Muhahahha. 
There is no delay as the LEAD TIME for the first batch is circa 5 WEEKS from after when all raw materials are received by the lab which took circa 2 WEEKS, which means the production should in fact be completed ON TIME