We weren't expecting to get asked into a group buy, so that definitely threw Paul and I for a loop. I'm part of the hidden thread now. Our answer right now is maybe. I need to PM Scienceguy (and a couple others) about a few things. There are also people both comfortable and uncomfortable with going with another lab entirely, which could or could not complicate things. Helping this community out with this is still in the cards, but I need to do some PM's because that will help elucidate the situation and hopefully help get this GB advanced a bit faster.
- Jason
Please join the group http://www.longecity...si189-groupbuy/
It makes it a bit easier for me to organise, and allows me to message everyone with important updates.
I have paid the lab now, so they will be starting the synthesis as soon as all the raw materials arrive, but there should be enough NSI-189 left for you and a few more people.
Hi Everyone,
I would just like to make very clear that I am not involved in any regard whatsoever with this GROUP BUY.
Due to some unwarranted false accusations and allegations that have recently been made against me in another thread (specifically that I am somehow in cahoots with a certain CHEMIST and CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LAB and seeking to monopolize the custom synthesis of nootropics on LONGECITY, even though the multiple GROUP BUYS that I am currently involved with I was in fact requested to help with by the respective OP and did not 'GATECRASH' the party so to speak) I am needing to distance myself from GROUP BUYS for a while; and let other fine ladies and gentlemen carry the torch without my involvement regarding these...

VLK has sent me a PM asking me to confirm to you all that he has paid the CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LAB he is using so as to reassure everyone that there is no likelihood of any fraud happening; wherein, I have only just discovered via VLK's PM message that he is using the very same CHEMIST and CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LAB whom I have used previously more than once and with whom I have recently been falsely accused of being in cahoots with... As such, I have no possible way of knowing whether he has or whether he hasn't paid the lab,
but it is highly improbable he would have asked me this if he hadn't.

Personally, I am of the view that the more REPUTABLE CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LABS that manifest to provide supply of LEADING EDGE NOOTROPICS in response to the significant demand, the better... IMO competition is healthy, drives prices downwards whilst also motivating high quality of product be maintained... Therefore, it is great to hear of the birth of other labs like JASON's wherein it would be very good indeed if they transpire to produce quality products, and IMO the sooner we have more reputable labs to choose from the better
Furthermore, LONGECITY MEMBERS like VLK and YADAYADA and whoever else steps up to manage and spearhead GROUP BUYS should be commended; as the sooner we have more people who are trusted within the LONGECITY COMMUNITY to run these, the better for everyone... and if it happens to come out of this that it becomes abundantly clear that I in fact do NOT have some evil scheme to monopolize the custom synthesis of NOOTROPICS as part of a master-plan to take over the universe then that would be great too...
Edited by ScienceGuy, 18 October 2013 - 07:45 AM.