I was thinking about starting a new blog that would cover a variety of topics, all of which, I suppose, indirectly relate to the main theme here, that being the value of life. I thought I'd name it, "Musings of a Polymath," and It'd take the structure of an informal conversation, or something long those lines. Anyway, I copied and pasted what I wrote for an introductory post below.
Please let me know if this is an idea worth pursuing, or if I should just throw it away. I want to use this blog for the purpose of sharing some unique ideas (and possibly some more mundane ones).
I titled it, "Something about History."
Hello, and welcome to my new blog! I’ll try to make the introduction brief, but there are several points that I would like to touch on before delving into the main content. I’m not entirely sure where to begin, so I suppose I’ll just start by talking a little about the background for this blog.
After being absent from the blogging scene for over a year, I recently began wrestling with the idea of writing again. It was an enticing thought, but very little beyond that; I didn’t have any clear plan in mind. One option I considered was resuming my old blog. I thought that, if anything, I could use it just to get a solid foundation, but after reviewing some of my old posts, I found several points that ultimately led me to discard it entirely, by which I mean that I changed the name and archived the posts.
Now because I don’t want to make the same mistakes again, I’m going to take a moment here to outline a couple of these points and the measures I’ve taken to correct them. I’ll start with one of the most concerning problems, and that was the style of writing I employed. I didn’t have any qualms about the content, but the presentation seemed a little too verbose, and while it could easily be argued that there’s nothing inherently wrong with a little verbosity, it did seem to convey—unintentionally, mind you—an air of pretension. Moreover, it came with the risk of alienating a large portion of readers, which is obviously counterproductive for anybody interested in building a subscriber base.
So, what’s the antidote, you ask? Candor, obviously. Without this crucial ingredient, you’re always running the risk of coming off as an ***hole, or, at the very least, communicating ineffectively.
Moving on...
Another problem with my old blog was the scope I limited myself to. By restricting myself to only one topic—that being immortality through biomedical intervention—I eventually started to lose interest, and, in consequence, my activity suffered (Consider for a moment the year gap I mentioned.). So what’s the solution? Expand the scope! And that’s exactly what I did by changing the name.
Again, moving on...
I’m looking up now at the volume I’ve written, and it’s much more than I was shooting for. The irony, of course, is that I devoted a whole paragraph to discussing verbosity... and then part of this paragraph explaining that (Candor, remember?). Anyway, as for the actual content of this blog, it could probably be described best by simply listing some of the topics I’m interested in. So here it goes: Medicine, health, physics, philosophy, religion, linguistics, music, information theory, video games (maybe), and miscellaneous random notes/compilations. I could go on for a while, but I’ll just stop myself here.
Until next time...
I wrote it on an impulse, and I think that shines through pretty clearly.