I've been an "Iron Watcher" for years now, donating blood and taking IP6 to keep stored/excess iron levels minimal (ferritin below 50). The over-mineralization theory of aging and disease incorporates well into most theories on aging like Calorie Restriction (= mineral restriction), oxidative stress (iron/fenton reaction generates hydroxyl radicals) etc.
While I've been preoccupied with iron for some time, I just noticed copper as "the other evil mineral" in a paper from George J Brewer hear: http://danmurphydc.c...ewer-CU-ALZ.pdf
"Risks of Copper and Iron Toxicity during Aging in Humans" (see attached pdf at bottom of post)
What I noticed in this paper aside from some rather astonishing facts about copper and dementia, was that most people with elevated copper got their high levels from taking supplements containing copper. It's always bugged me that supplement makers throw things very few people are deficient in into their formulas simply so they can call them "complete" in their promotions.
After reading this paper, I'm concerned a lot of folks dropping expensive, high quality "complete" multi's may be poisoning themselves with daily copper supplementation. Mr Brewer doesn't list his sources, but his argument is compelling, and may warrant further research for anyone taking a daily multi containing copper. Can anyone confirm or disprove his statements like:
"In the general population, those in the highest fifth of copper intake, lose cognition at over three times the normal rate."
"Free copper levels are elevated in the blood of AD patients compared to agematched controls; the higher the free copper, the lower the cognitive ability."
"Rabbits fed diets to develop Alzheimer’s disease would only do so if they also drank tap water; they did not develop Alzheimer’s disease on the same diet if they drank only distilled water. The researchers determined that it was trace amounts of copper in the tap water that made the difference"
"Organic food copper is bound to proteins and is processed by the liver, which does not allow excess release into the free copper pool in the blood. Inorganic copper consumed in drinking water or mineral supplements bypasses the liver and contributes immediately to the free copper pool in the blood"
Give it a look and let us know what you think. Is copper really this toxic? Is it OK to supplement it every day/forever in our multi even if it's a brand we know and trust? Feedback Please!
P.S. NAC and IP6 appear to be the best copper chelators!
Attached Files
Edited by synesthesia, 01 September 2013 - 06:23 AM.