TULIP Experiences Thread: Anecdotes and Quantified Self
Posted 25 September 2013 - 11:32 PM
Posted 26 September 2013 - 12:19 AM
I'm pretty interested in trying this out

Posted 26 September 2013 - 01:05 AM
@mmats: To an extent, I agree. But I wouldn't neglect to look into everything Dave says. He is rather honest for a business man - his probiotics were taken off the market because they weren't up to his standards of quality, and the same was done to his original collagen protein formula. He actually made a post on facebook describing that there were too high a level of mycotoxins and/or histamines (I don't remember, I could have sworn it had something to do with orchratoxin) and they needed to be pulled. I know from personal conversations with the moderators on his boards that he and his family actually use his products, it's not like they just make money off of it. But, he has said contradictory things. Early on, he said that he made no money off of his products and that it was to only support the blog, researchers, etc. but on the second Joe Rogan Podcast, he defended himself (as did Joe) for making money off of the products. Mycotoxins are a very real issue though. There's a few HUGE old books written by these physicians on it, but they cost a few hundred dollars and aren't available somewhere on the net. Dave is a canary, though, and hence why he goes to extremes speaking about and avoiding mycotoxins/molds. You may not need to do that. The Silicon Valley Health Institute, which Dave is affiliated to, had some member speaking about mental health and neurological diseases, and he spoke about mycotoxins as well - you can simply get tested for them. Personally, I think for many, Dave's coffee may have the effects it does more so because of the lack of histamines and compounds that cross-react with gluten, rather than mycotoxins (unless you are sensitive to them); then also the fact that it is probably more 'nutrient dense' due to the fact of where it is grown and how it is processed and handled (organic and shade grown in a healthy ecosystem tested for even radiation and so on).
Posted 26 September 2013 - 01:24 AM
haha Dave introduced me to the idea of LLLT, so I can't complain about his marketing tactics too much. With that said, I def understand where you're coming from. As far as his science...I like some and I'm not a huge fan of some. Regardless, he's earned his place on my influences list and I really appreciate his exhaustive attempts at enhancement. Thanks for your kind words mmats. You're right on imo...high quality, evidence based scientific studies are the best foundation.Falco, sorry but Dave Asprey and his mycotoxin babble is the biggest bunch of salesman BS Ive seen. Other than that, I appreciate all your other scientifically backed input as always.
Posted 26 September 2013 - 03:02 AM
What's up Rior? Cool you're interested in trying it man. 850nm is a very good wavelength. I personally think that a low dose on the whole brain is the most effective. Targeting is possible but slightly limited with LLLT (the light has to pass through skin, blood, bone, etc.). Depends on your goals whether targeting is the right choice. =) You could use the 48 LED (sort of) or an ebay laser if you choose that route. Here's my quick summary page. Check it out and feel free to ask me any more questions you might have! http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/I want to be clear here -- The primary source of LEDs everyone is using are 96/48 IR LEDs that you've linked to on Ebay? I know you've mentioned the 808 frequency, however those IR LEDs on ebay don't seem to be programmable in such a fashion. Is 850nm good enough for LLLT? It seems that with such a potentially large LED setup (96, for example) you have less control over which areas you target (like specifying particular Brodmann's areas) is this bad, or is generally targetting the dorsolateral PFC or ventrolateral PFC, etc good enough?
I'm pretty interested in trying this out :)
Edited by lostfalco, 26 September 2013 - 03:15 AM.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 09:46 AM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention - very interesting stuff. The 48-led light thing you link to on your profile page has a feature "Auto Power-On Sensor, only turn-on when the surrounding is dark.". Does that mean you can't use this thing in a light room, or is there some way to turn it on?
Posted 29 September 2013 - 02:11 PM
Thanks for bringing this to our attention - very interesting stuff. The 48-led light thing you link to on your profile page has a feature "Auto Power-On Sensor, only turn-on when the surrounding is dark.". Does that mean you can't use this thing in a light room, or is there some way to turn it on?
I would've thought the easiest way would be to put blu-tack or something over the sensor.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 02:19 PM
What's up Rior? Cool you're interested in trying it man. 850nm is a very good wavelength. I personally think that a low dose on the whole brain is the most effective. Targeting is possible but slightly limited with LLLT (the light has to pass through skin, blood, bone, etc.). Depends on your goals whether targeting is the right choice. =) You could use the 48 LED (sort of) or an ebay laser if you choose that route. Here's my quick summary page. Check it out and feel free to ask me any more questions you might have! http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/I want to be clear here -- The primary source of LEDs everyone is using are 96/48 IR LEDs that you've linked to on Ebay? I know you've mentioned the 808 frequency, however those IR LEDs on ebay don't seem to be programmable in such a fashion. Is 850nm good enough for LLLT? It seems that with such a potentially large LED setup (96, for example) you have less control over which areas you target (like specifying particular Brodmann's areas) is this bad, or is generally targetting the dorsolateral PFC or ventrolateral PFC, etc good enough?
I'm pretty interested in trying this out
Update: Sorry, I realise I've posted it in the experiences thread. I got carried away reading! More than welcome to delete this Lostfalco and move it. Sorry again.
Hi Lostfalco, first off, excellent work you've put into this, I (we) all really appreciate it! Just a quick question regarding the 48/96 LED devices - Would we be using the entire thing on the EEG areas, or just an individual LED from the device? (Take it apart and use only one?).
As I'm from the UK, would something along the lines of this be suitable for the LED device - http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f29d92120, the specifications seem similar to your American recommended devices. To target the areas more 'precisely', would the 48 LED be better?
I would also be using this diagram as a start for the areas, again, would this be correct? https://en.wikipedia...20_system_(EEG). Thanks, Lostfalco, again!
Edited by sv3ngali, 29 September 2013 - 02:24 PM.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 02:40 PM
No problem...I hope it works for you. =)Lostfalco,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention - very interesting stuff. The 48-led light thing you link to on your profile page has a feature "Auto Power-On Sensor, only turn-on when the surrounding is dark.". Does that mean you can't use this thing in a light room, or is there some way to turn it on?
The sensor will generally be covered when you put the LEDs against your head. If you want to make sure it's covered then blu-tack works or you can dim the lights. Happy lasering!
Posted 29 September 2013 - 02:53 PM
No worries about the thread location. =)Update: Sorry, I realise I've posted it in the experiences thread. I got carried away reading! More than welcome to delete this Lostfalco and move it. Sorry again.
Hi Lostfalco, first off, excellent work you've put into this, I (we) all really appreciate it! Just a quick question regarding the 48/96 LED devices - Would we be using the entire thing on the EEG areas, or just an individual LED from the device? (Take it apart and use only one?).
As I'm from the UK, would something along the lines of this be suitable for the LED device - http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f29d92120, the specifications seem similar to your American recommended devices. To target the areas more 'precisely', would the 48 LED be better?
I would also be using this diagram as a start for the areas, again, would this be correct? https://en.wikipedia...20_system_(EEG). Thanks, Lostfalco, again!
Thanks for your encouragement. It really makes me happy to know that it's helping people.
I use the entire array of both LEDs on my entire brain. I use the 96 on the sides, top, and back of my head and I use the 48 on my forehead (just for convenience). Keep the doses VERY low to begin with. I've changed my recommendations to 30 seconds per location to start with. I'm making a YouTube video right now and I'll post it next week to show the positions. For now...the description is on this page. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
Remember...start slowly and only add if you need to. The ideal is zero minutes. Glad you're joining us. Let us know how things go. =)
btw...Derren Brown fan?
Edited by lostfalco, 29 September 2013 - 02:55 PM.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 03:16 PM
No worries about the thread location. =)Update: Sorry, I realise I've posted it in the experiences thread. I got carried away reading! More than welcome to delete this Lostfalco and move it. Sorry again.
Hi Lostfalco, first off, excellent work you've put into this, I (we) all really appreciate it! Just a quick question regarding the 48/96 LED devices - Would we be using the entire thing on the EEG areas, or just an individual LED from the device? (Take it apart and use only one?).
As I'm from the UK, would something along the lines of this be suitable for the LED device - http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3f29d92120, the specifications seem similar to your American recommended devices. To target the areas more 'precisely', would the 48 LED be better?
I would also be using this diagram as a start for the areas, again, would this be correct? https://en.wikipedia...20_system_(EEG). Thanks, Lostfalco, again!
Thanks for your encouragement. It really makes me happy to know that it's helping people.
I use the entire array of both LEDs on my entire brain. I use the 96 on the sides, top, and back of my head and I use the 48 on my forehead (just for convenience). Keep the doses VERY low to begin with. I've changed my recommendations to 30 seconds per location to start with. I'm making a YouTube video right now and I'll post it next week to show the positions. For now...the description is on this page. http://www.longecity...1887-lostfalco/
Remember...start slowly and only add if you need to. The ideal is zero minutes. Glad you're joining us. Let us know how things go. =)
btw...Derren Brown fan?
Excellent, thanks for that, I'm placing my order now! I will keep you updated.
I'm looking forward to the Youtube video!
Ha, definitely, I've seen him a few times around England. The things he does on stage are pure wizardry! Such an entertainer.
Edited by sv3ngali, 29 September 2013 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 03:33 PM
http://www.longecity...210#entry594781Ha, definitely, I've seen him a few times around England. The things he does on stage are pure wizardry! Such an entertainer.
Posted 29 September 2013 - 05:26 PM
http://www.longecity...210#entry594781Ha, definitely, I've seen him a few times around England. The things he does on stage are pure wizardry! Such an entertainer.
Excellent! Wouldn't be able to pull the wool over my eyes when I start TULIP! Also, the eBay link I posted above, is that the correct device to purchase (UK stock that's all!)
Posted 04 October 2013 - 02:27 PM
Skp 8/14/13
Hey Lostfalco,
You mentioned that the Ebay laser heats up after several minutes. I purchased a vetrolaser almost a month ago and noted that it does get warm also after some time. I don't feel any heat/warmth actually coming out of the laser but the laser itself is warm to the touch after some time. When you were using the vetrolaser, did you just laser a couple spots or so and then take a break from it for however long it took for the laser to cool down before proceeding? My protocol in the last 1.5 week has been to laser 8-10 spots total, alternating 4-5 spots every other day and taking a day or 2 off each week.
I'm not taking any other brain enhancing supplements at the moment but I have definitely noticed increased focus from the laser itself. Before the laser, whenever I had to concentrate on something or just surf the net, I'd have these annoying somewhat obsessive thoughts that would just take over. Since lasering, these thoughts have begun to disappear, and I feel I am more in the moment, more in the zone. I can't wait to see the results in 3 months! I'll begin adding the CoQ10/PQQ TULIP protocol in a few weeks along w/a few other supplements.
Skp 8/14/13
Great explanation regarding the primal brain and thanks again for bringing the Vetro to my attention! This has certainly helped w/my self-diagnosed semi-ADHD and also my dream recall has been the best in years. Dreams have been vivid and much of the time I can remember what I'd dreamt about even several hours after waking up so memory recall has certainly been enhanced. Normally, if I remember a dream, I can recall it once I wake up but then forget all about it. Wish I'd known about LLLT when I was in college many years ago. I might go back. =)
That's a relief that the Vetro shouldn't cause any heating issues. Glad I bought the Vetro and having the convenience of just lasering in one go for 10-15 min each time. After 15 min, the last area of skin to be lasered is still cool to the touch. Knowing that it is medical grade gives me peace of mind.
Edited by lostfalco, 04 October 2013 - 02:28 PM.
Posted 08 October 2013 - 07:46 PM
Posted 06 November 2013 - 08:44 AM
"As for LLLT, when I first began it, I remember getting headaches from lasering most EEG spots at one go so I knew I was overdoing it due to the increased vasodilation. When I began the same routine again 2 weeks ago (2-3 min each spot, 12-15 spots), I didn't get a single headache so I'm guessing there has been a change in brain architecture (??) and that my brain can handle the increased blood flow/vasodilation. I have long dark hair so maybe I should bump up the time once a week or so. Right now, I'm doing 2 days on/1 day off.
LLLT still puts me in the zone and I know that when I begin to ruminate and have obsessive thoughts, it's time to go back to LLLT. That alone without any supplements is good enough for my semi-ADD. I can still remember dreams from a few days back as if they were memories. A couple days ago, I only slept for five hours but felt like I had slept for 8 hours as I didn't have that foggy hangover feeling I usually get from a lack of sleep. It feels like my brain has received some kind of a special "brain lubrication" that's clearing out the brain fog and cobwebs.
I should also mention that I haven't worked out in ages and we all know that exercise is one of the biggest cognitive enhancers around. I used to do certain yoga workouts that helped me w/concentration but somewhere along the way, I lost motivation to continue. I'll certainly go back to working out once I get my ass in gear. The CoQ10/PQQ seem to be giving me the extra energy I need to get off this negative feedback loop."
Edited by Skp30, 06 November 2013 - 08:47 AM.
Posted 18 March 2014 - 07:28 AM
Edited by liber, 18 March 2014 - 07:29 AM.
Posted 18 March 2014 - 11:28 AM
TULIP discussion starts on page 10 of this thread at post #286 http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/63228-lostfalcos-extensive-nootropic-experiments/page__st__270
Lostfalco 7/3/13
It's funny you should mention this...I've been running 20mg PQQ http://www.amazon.co...-3&keywords=pqq + 300mg CoQ10http://www.amazon.co...&keywords=c0q10 + laser + 5g D-Ribose for the past four days. So far, it's been profound. Clearheaded focus and mental energy for days. I think that there is a real possibility here for true enhancement well beyond what I am currently capable of. Keep in mind, of course, that I'm still on my usual stack so the substances are really piling on right now.
Lostfalco 7/6/13
I'm over a week now and this combo, along with a couple of the other things I've been doing, has been ridiculously good. My brain is as fast as it's ever been...in fact, I actually feel like this may be true enhancement as opposed to just optimization. It kinda makes sense if PQQ actually adds smaller, more efficient mitochondria as some of the research indicates it might. I've been combining this with lasers, oxygen, glucose, etc. and the results have been phenomenal. I'm preparing a long post about it right now with more details.
Lostfalco 7/8/13
Opaque! Dude, its freaking amazing isnt it? I was totally hoping you would try it since you have the Vetro as well. I think we are in true enhancement territory here. More mitochondria plus enhanced mitochondrial function. I'm thinking we should call it The Ultimate Laser Protocol or TULIP. What do you think? Abelard would be proud.
The Core: PQQ + CoQ10 + laser
I'll post more after work when I'm not on my phone.
Lostfalco 7/9/13
The number one thing is speed. My thoughts are just lightning fast...way faster than they've ever been. The most interesting thing about it to me is that it's that way all the time. It's not like I dose in the morning and then slow down four hours later. This is part of what I mean when I say I feel changed. This just seems to be how I am now. It makes sense given the proposed effects of PQQ and photobiomodulation. I just have to make sure I get enough calories.
The second thing is endurance. I just don't get mentally tired during the day. Even if my body gets tired, my brain is still going.
The third thing I've noticed is actually related to the speed factor...sociability. Conversations are moving in slow motion for me now. I'm just ahead of the people I'm talking too. You know that feeling when the other person is talking and you are desperately searching your thoughts for what to say next? I just don't have that right now. I feel three steps ahead with multiple options at every step as to where I want to take the conversation. I made a very cute, fit doctor (she's probably 28) laugh so hard a few days ago that she pretty much started crying. She asked if I wanted to see her new car and go for a drive and I had to tell her I had a girlfriend (awkward). She said to call her if I was ever single. I've spent a number of years working on social skills, but this was just effortless. Regardless, my goal is not to sleep with a hundred people, it's to help a hundred patients.
Finally, I would say that creativity and access to memories has been enhanced (these are kind of related due to the fact that creativity is often an unusual pairing of past remembrances). Yesterday, I parked in front of a building that I had only been to once or twice years ago. As soon as I turned the car off a memory came to me of a song that debuted on the radio the last time I was there. I laughed to myself and said out loud, "No way." I remembered that it was a rock song by the band Seether and the the first vocal note of the chorus was an E note. When I got home last night I checked iTunes and that song debuted in 2007, six years ago!...and the chorus note actually was an E (I checked using my guitar tuner).
Of course, these are all purely subjective and liable to all sorts of human error. Please view them as such. =)
I really look forward to improving my self testing methods when I have more time. Anecdotes are all I've got right now, but subjectively I've never felt better.
This brings me to my last point. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't stack amazingly well many of the traditional nootropics. Does anyone see any possible problems combining this with CILTEP? Anybody want to try it and report back?
Lostfalco 8/1/13
Opaque...great to hear from you man. I don't have a lot of time to write and I'll respond further to your awesome post, but I can't resist the opportunity to enjoy this moment a little. Here are a few VERY unscientific thoughts from me...very. (you get the idea, ha).
My visualizations too (mushroom-less), have been unreal. I can go into an almost altered state of concentration, build an image, and walk around in it like I'm there. The external world literally disappears and I'm...existing...in my own mental creation. Yeah, that's new for me.
You're exactly right...a huge part of intelligence (and creativity) is novel connectivity. I see connections and insights so 'effing quickly and consistently now that I can barely type fast enough to get them all down. Actually, I take that back...I CAN'T type fast enough. ha
I love that you mention quotes...isn't it amazing what's actually in our brains that we don't have access to? I can just reel off quote after quote after quote now and I'm not even trying to remember or memorize a thing. They're just there. My mom called me a 'walking encyclopedia' the other day and my sister said, 'holy crap, are you some sort of prodigy?" I enjoy the compliments...someday I'll tell them that I shoot a laser at my head every night. haha
I have SO many more stories about how this has already changed my life...acing job interviews (as far as I can tell), making REALLY hot girls laugh so hard that they introduce themselves to me at the end of the convo ("I'm Suzie, btw...what's your name?" = "I want to get to know you better"), reconnecting or deepening relationships with friends and family (it helps immensely to be able to remember hundreds of details about their lives and surprise them with random little bits of humor), etc. Um, yeah...I'm a different person.
I have noticed that I do need to slow down for people a little (I hope that doesn't sound conceited!). I can simply overwhelm them now with a blitz of ideas and stories and jokes. I usually take the deer-in-headlights look of fright on their face as a cue to back off a little. Tbh...it's one of my favorite problems that I've ever had. ha
Your thoughts on meditation and staying grounded are right on...more on this at a future time.
There's so much more to write (and I will), but I just want to say one last thing. The goal of all of this simple. In what is widely regarded as the greatest graphic novel of all time, Watchmen (major spoiler ahead!)....the 'villain' tries to create a common enemy for humanity in the form of a menacing extraterrestrial threat. This is completely unnecessary, imo. We already have thousands of common enemies...natural disasters, disease, disability, death, etc. 'IF' TULIP works as well for those of you reading this as it has for Opaque and I (nothing works for everyone), I would request that you use these newfound abilities to team up and contribute to battling these shared foes. We ARE going to win eventually...but the faster we can get there, the better.
Note 1: I could be delusional from taking a novel, untested supplement/device combo. I don't 'think' I am...but that is kind of what a delusion is. ha
Note 2: Is burnout/exhaustion coming? Not sure.
Note 3: Open question...does enhancing mitochondrial function in this manner accelerate aging? Maybe, maybe not. I don't currently have the answer. Regardless, there are certain quality of life trade-offs to consider here. For example...personally, I would be willing to live to 78 instead of 80 if it meant that I felt amazing to 78 while only average to 80. 75? I might go for this. 55? Probably not. There are MANY other ways to think through this problem, but that should give you an idea about the direction of my thinking.
Thanks for perusing my blatherings...be safe!
Oh, last thing...laser dosing and expectations. Please read the Naeser study to get an idea of how the effects gradually increase over time. ie. You're not going to morning dose on day 1 and prove the Goldbach Conjecture that night. =)
ebay laser output testing coming soon...promise. Also, if anyone else wants to test the laser/s and report back, please do! I wouldn't complain. Just google around to look for ways to do it.
Lostfalco 8/12/13
PQQ and CoQ10 can be very stimulating. Interestingly, I've found that if I feel a little overstimulated by them the laser actually helps even out the stimulation and turn it into a consistent flow of energy for the day. It also works the other way as well. If I'm not quite feeling 100%, the laser seems to give me that little boost to get me up there. My guess (if I'm not just imagining this...which I could be) is that the laser is not 'stimulating' per se, but regulatory. It'll be interesting to keep watching as more studies come out and shed some light on this.
Lostfalco 8/14/13
Hey Skp, that's very cool that the Vetro has been working for you! It's really interesting how the laser not only gives us more endurance, but more control. I've def noticed that too. My guess is that the added energy gives us a little extra "free won't"...the flip side of 'free will'. The primal parts of our brain are constantly sending us a stream of thoughts and the more recent parts decide yes or no, act or don't act, listen or don't listen. Our fundamental urges never really go away, but we now have more power over them. It's kinda exciting for a nerd like me. =)
Lostfalco 8/19/13
haha I'm sorry man. This is NZT. I never get tired and I have access to every facet of my brain. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. I really hope my brain doesn't explode in 6 months.
Future Experimental Directions As of 8/14/13
Add Mitochondra
1. PQQ (20mg) http://www.amazon.co...eywords=pqq lef
Optimize/Enhance Mitochondrial Energy
2. CoQ10 (300mg) http://www.amazon.co...words=coq10 lef
3. laser (808nm 200mw, 2days on, 1day off per 10-20 EEG site)
4. concentrated oxygen (70% oxygen, 3L/min; 3 minute 'sips' every 10-15 minutes, oxygenation tested with pulse oximeterhttp://www.walgreens...451_pla&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod6089451&sst=65bde3b7-52ce-49a8-5aa8-0000734a440c )
5. glucose (3tsp)
6. D-ribose (5g/day) http://www.amazon.co...d-ribose jarrow
Optimize Clean Up (this still needs significant work on my part)
7. Oxeloacetate (100mg) http://www.bulletpro...-aging-formula/
8. Glutathione (1 pump every 3-4 hours) http://www.bulletpro...ed-glutathione/
Future Experimental Directions:
9. Creatine
10. EPO I may try a hypoxic tent http://www.hypoxico....g-systems.shtml , intranasal EPO http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23813967 , injectible EPO (anybody have Lance's phone number?), etc. For those of you that blindly follow the media, EPO is not dangerous when used in doctor-monitored, reasonable amounts. If too much, then blood thickens, then death. If proper amount, then more red blood cells, then more oxygen, then more intelligence. It's illegal without a prescription. Hypoxic tent/room/mask is probably the better choice (just ask Michael Phelps http://www.hypoxico.com/ ), though expensive. I'll provide extensive links below on the utterly AMAZING neuroprotective and neuroenhancing properties of EPO. It enhances neuroplasticity, memory, attention, neurogenesis, and hippocampal function while reducing depression. It even affects cognitive function without affecting red blood cells!
11. Resveretrol Spray http://www.prototype...p?ProductCode=R and Leucine (thanks to Joe Cohen from http://selfhacked.com/ for introducing me to this idea...btw, it's not necessary to use spray here)
12. Metformin http://www.antiaging...formin-metforal
13. Mitoquinone
14. Idebenone http://www.newstarno...s.com/index.php
15. Ursolic Acid Spray (50 sprays) http://www.prototype...?ProductCode=UR I'm very interested in this substance for it's antiinflammatory properties and it's purported ability to mobilize brown fat to burn white fat. I do have concerns about possilble temporary infertility in males and it's somewhat untested state. (see the Examine.com article below for more info)
16. NADH
17. IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP)
18. Methylene Blue http://www.amazon.co...=methylene blue ( read this amazing article for info on methylene blue and its relationship to photobiomodulationhttp://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23806754 )
Special Acknowledgments:
Dr. Ward Dean: There is an excellent 4 paragraph discussion of mitochondrial optimization on page 17 of 'Aging Matters Magazine' (Issue 2, 2013) by 'Smart Drugs' author himself Dr. Ward Dean. Here are his recommendations: 1. Increase Number of Mitochondria: PQQ, 2. Increase Mitochondrial Energy Producing Intermediates: D-Ribose (5g/day), Creatine (5g/day), CoQ10SR (100mg/day), NADH, and IAS's ATP-Boost (combo of ALCAR, ALA, and ATP).
Dave Asprey: Introduced me to the idea of photobiomodulation/low level laser therapy in a podcast.
Con Stough and Andrew Scholey: Introduced me to the idea of concentrated oxygen and glucose as nootropics.
http://examine.com/s...noline quinone/
Source: http://en.wikipedia....inoline_quinone
"In humans, in one double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted in Japan in 2007, supplementation with 20 mg per day of PQQ resulted in improvements on tests of higher cognitive function in a group of 71 middle-aged and elderly people aged between 40-70, who outperformed the placebo group by more than twofold in their standardized memory tests.[18]Interestingly, co-administration of the unrelated compound coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) further improved performance on standardized memory tests when subjects also took 300 mg per day of CoQ10. No adverse effects were linked to the supplementation, and the results suggested that PQQ, especially when combined with CoQ10, can be used to improve mental status and quality of life in older patients, and help slow or prevent age-related cognitive decline in middle-age patients.
However, the study was not peer-reviewed and was published in a non-academic journal. No proper scientific study of PQQ effects on memory or cognition in humans has been conducted, as of 2013."
Ursolic Acid
http://www.amazon.co... stough scholey
http://www.amazon.co... stough scholey
http://www.amazon.co...uman capacities
Recent Meta-Analysis:
"METHODS: We systematically reviewed the published findings from animal and human studies exploring the potential of EPO to treat depression-related cognitive dysfunction and depression.
RESULTS: We identified five animal studies (two in male rats, two in male mice and one in male rats and mice) and seven human proof-of-concept studies (five in healthy volunteers and two in depressed patients) that investigated the above. All of the reviewed animal studies but one and all human studies demonstrated beneficial effects of EPO on hippocampus-dependent memory and antidepressant-like effects. These effects appear to be mediated through direct neurobiological actions of EPO rather than upregulation of red cell mass.
CONCLUSIONS: The reviewed studies demonstrate beneficial effects of EPO on hippocampus-dependent memory function and on depression-relevant behavior, thus highlighting EPO as a candidate agent for future management of cognitive dysfunction and mood symptoms in depression. Larger-scale clinical trials of EPO as a treatment for mood and neurocognitive symptoms in patients with mood disorder are therefore warranted."
Posted 18 March 2014 - 03:54 PM
Posted 03 May 2014 - 11:32 PM
http://www.amazon.co... stough scholey
So our community has a self-hack protocol when it comes to TULIP, but has anyone tried the supplemental oxygen, and if so, where have they sourced the equipment.
My interest in this site and this thread is about possibly healing some damage that may have come from inflammation from intense aerobic exercise and optimizing what I already have. Secondly, I'm an avid endurance athlete, and some of the interventions that involve mitochondrial biogenesis also apply to performance enhancement. I've read and talked to exercise physiologists who have experimented with supplemental hyperoxic training combined with high intensity exercise, and their studies showed it to be promising.
Though I would like to get faster, I'm probably not going to do anything that would make me a cheater if I compete, but there are still alternatives out there to, in additional to raising my cognitive level, raise my performance ceiling through raising RBC count and hematocrit, among other things.
Posted 24 May 2014 - 02:49 PM
I use the entire array of both LEDs on my entire brain. I use the 96 on the sides, top, and back of my head and I use the 48 on my forehead (just for convenience). Keep the doses VERY low to begin with. I've changed my recommendations to 30 seconds per location to start with.
I'm making a YouTube video right now and I'll post it next week to show the positions.
Posted 31 August 2015 - 08:22 AM
Just ordered pretty much the exact same lights that Lostfalco recommends. After seeing surprisingly HUGE improvements on alot of symptoms with other Biohacking modalities, specifically Neurofeedback, i'm looking to dig deeper, specifically in other more permanent approaches; that is, i'm mostly interested in things that will train and/or permanently change your brain/body rather than something that makes you feel good for the next 4 hours. TULIP seems to be a good option here as it is low cost and almost no effort.
As I'm working on an intelligence enhancement project with Crowstream (one of the guys over at the TAGsync NFB thread http://www.longecity...-16#entry742001), it is likely that i will experiment with some other potentially synergistic modalities. For example, after getting ALOT of improvements with prefortal HEG-biofeedback, i will look more into whole brain passive HEG (requires almost a bald head). Training bloodflow to the whole skull might make a good addition and/or cycle partner for LLLT. I'll find out more about it, so far I only know one guy (golgi1) doing that (successfully).
Also if LLLT can stimulate neurogenesis, then it should make a good combination for brain-training modalities. I'm looking to balance beta and alpha amplitudes across left&right brain and ramp up SMR more, but as well I will heavily be training synchrony, specifically gamma-synchrony (which feels to be correlated to intelligence) alongside exercises like dual-n-back and other things that should ask the brain to grow. Over the long run, I'm looking to reduce the need for supplements&nootropics. I have been able several times to engineer a Modafinil-like state for days even outside of ketosis using precise Neurofeedback, however so far this hasn't been stable over longer periods. However it made me strongly believe that most performance-parameters can be hacked through EEG (permanently?); probably you all know people that appear to naturally have Modafinil going through their venes. Either way, thank you guys for all that information here, looking forward to improve my brain further. If anybody has questions regarding NFB, shoot me a message.
TLDR; getting into TULIP, will be stacking with Biofeedback/Neurofeedback and report back.
Edited by VastEmptiness, 31 August 2015 - 08:24 AM.
Posted 27 March 2016 - 06:20 PM
I just realized how off topic i was on that post ^. This one's gonna be short.
After roughly 15 sessions of 7-9 minutes whole brain 850nm LEDs + 10mg PQQ alongside my usual stack, i can summarize:
I adore LLLT. It's feels like finding another lost child for my regimen. I wasn't that hyped since getting into Neurofeedback.
Broad effect spectrum from the first sessions on includes:
- Strongly increased mood, sometimes euphoria (should try this with depressed clients, probably not with bipolar, eheh)
- Strongly increased mental sharpness (+vision, -brainfog) - stacks well with Ketosis, similar effects also very similar feel to Modafinil in terms of cognition (wakefulness is way stronger with Moda)
- Strongly increased energy levels (similar to Dopamine precursors)
- Increased creativity (this was HUGE in the beginning, almost like Gamma Neurofeedback)
- Deeper sleep (use before bed)
- Decreased need for sleep (first time)
- Decreased need for caffeine (never had this either, not even with Moda)
When the initial fatigue passes by the effects are strong and long lasting. Very strong but clean, cleaner than most nootropics
After getting strong adverse effects with ICES (potentially due to glutamate exitoxicity), I'm really glad having tried this protocol and seemlingy stumbled across a major mechanism in my symptom-complexes. Since I have strong mutations on SOD, MTHFR 1298c (BH4 cycle), etc. - the interaction with superoxide metabolism is probably why the effect is so large for me. It potentiated everything else I do with almost no effort. I will continue to cycle in and out and potentially start using the technology with clients for my peak performance coaching practice.
Oh yeah, CILTEP potentiated the effects, but felt too strong/overenergetic. HEG potentiates as well. SMR-neurofeedback seems to be synergystic as it trains the inhibitory systems to balance. It also reversed the muscle tension I've got of the PQQ in the beginning.
Thank you guys for pushing this method. I'll continue to do the same.
If anybody is down to crowdfunding an LLLT helmet - shoot me a message.
Edited by VastEmptiness, 27 March 2016 - 06:22 PM.
Posted 06 April 2016 - 03:21 PM
Hey, what's up VastEmpitness? I was wondering how LLLT was treating you after we messaged a few months ago. Great to hear that it's working so well for you! I'm kind of a fan myself. =)
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