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Cerebrolysin Adverse Effects Advice

cerebrolysin side-effect

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#1 Krabby

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:46 AM

Hello. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if anyone has any advice in order to help my situation.

After reading about nasal administration of cerebrolysin I thought I would give it a shot as I do not trust myself with needles and I felt that it would get me in a good mind-set for university which is approaching. I dosed for about 5 days at 1pm with 1ml (0.5ml in each nostril which translates to about 5-7ml IM according to the research papers) without noticing any effect apart from a slight headache and pressure on the front of my brain. After this I took a 2 day break like some people have suggested as I was out of town. On these days I noticed that I would lose concentration slightly when focusing on something and I found trying to operate a new piece of technology harder than it would usually be for me.

After taking the cerebrolysin the next day after this break I felt a very distinct pressure at the top of my head very quickly after dosing. It sort of felt like a heavy headache but without the pain, It had the symptoms of what I felt the day before but amplified. Throughout the day I felt constantly confused, it would take me a long time to process any information at all and my memory was very poor when trying to recall information. I just felt like going to bed the entire day. At 11pm however the bad symptoms seemed to dissolve away and I felt quite a pleasant feeling of a clear mind and general happiness. This is what I thought cerebrolysin was supposed to feel like. This feeling lasted throughout the night and into the morning, even after sleeping.

At 1pm, still experiencing the ‘good’ effects, I thought I would dose again as I thought the bad symptoms were a factor of my body getting used to it. After applying 1ml into my nasal cavity I quickly got hit by the worst experience yet, it was like the day before but much worse. It was so bad that I was unable to do any work at all throughout the day. My brain just felt like it was being squashed or tangled. It’s kind of the feeling you get when you’re stressed and you relax your brain in order to get clear head (except that does not work). I waited the whole day as I thought the same thing would happen around 11pm. It did not.

It has been 3 days since I have taken any cerebrolysin and the horrible effects are still there. I am even finding writing this passage very difficult, sorry for the bad sentence structure. I have tried to play some video games and I have found that I am taking a very long time to learn the controls and that it will take me a few seconds in order to figure out which button to press. Simple menus on the TV, for example, have suddenly become very challenging as I am unable to focus on what I am doing with the looming sense of confusion and heavy head. I just feel like going to bed right now even though it does not seem to help in any way. It just feels like I have a headache constantly and I am unable to do any work at all. I thought this might be due to the fact I took an ‘overdose’ and a smaller does would help the situation but I am afraid to take any more. I'm starting to think the bad effects I am getting are the good effects everyone else is getting.

I would like to know if anyone else has ever had these sorts of effects, from the reviews I have read nobody has really had any bad experiences which is getting me worried.
University is approaching soon and I really hope that this does not last until then. Any input would be appreciated.
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#2 Passion

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:08 PM

Where did you get this Cerebrolysin? Was it meant specifically for intranasal administration? If not, what did you do to prepare it for this use case? As far as I know, the injectable is mixed with saline and I don't know (really, I have know idea in either direction) if that's meant for intranasal use. Further, did the solution come in an ampule? If so, did you do anything to protect the solution from bacterial (or other) contamination after opening the ampule?
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#3 nefarious one

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Posted 07 September 2013 - 11:18 PM

It would interest me to know where yours came from, and when you ordered it.

I ask because one box of one of my latest orders gave me site infections across the board for the entire five vials' worth. Mine was ordered (as always) through Nootropics.EU and I have chalked it up to simply being a bad batch. But I would be curious to know if they were a part of the same general timeframe of being ordered. I have given myself thousands of IM and SubQ injections and never had that issue until that box. I have moved onto another box and been completely fine ever since.

Hope you feel better soon.
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#4 Krabby

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:05 AM

Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.

I also ordered my cerebrolysin from nootropics.eu on the 12/08/2013. It actually went through my mind that I may have gotten a rotten batch but I'm not sure what the chances of that happening is. (I have it in the back of my mind that the chemical is an extract). I'm curious as to whether your 'bad batch' had any adverse effects aside from the site infections such as the ones I have been experiencing?
I know it might have been reckless of me to go the intranasal route but other people seemed to have a similar reaction to it as IM so I thought it would be safe considering how it is delivered to the brain. I have never taken the substance IM so i'm not sure if I just react badly to it in general. I have not generally reacted to nootropics well in the past (seeing little to no effect) but i'm not sure how relevant that is considering the different methods of action.

In terms of hygiene I made VERY sure that everything I did would circumvent infection and the spread of bacteria. Throughout the whole process I would wear rubber gloves and applied rubbing alcohol to all surfaces and equipment (trying to prevent any buildup on the applicator). I made sure that I sealed the cerebrolysin vials with clingfilm and kept it in a mini-fridge along with the rest of the equipment.

Also, just for the record, I deleted my original post before anyone replied as I felt it needed it's own topic. Sorry if that seems selfish.
I appreciate your concerns and efforts Passion, it is very kind of you. I'm not sure what to suggest in terms of IN as people seem to find it a better administration method in terms of cost. I don't want to stop them just because of my individual case.

I want to say i'm feeling better but as soon as the symptoms start to subside slightly they come right back an hour later.

#5 nefarious one

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 12:11 AM

I would very strongly advise you to not take anymore and go to a local health foods store and get some Echinacea. Are you having any fever, flu, or cold like symptoms? My site infections brought on the worst infection that I've had in probably a decade. It was with the entire bottle. I know a part of that is due to another item that I am running, but very suffice to say that Cerebro was the only actual compound in me at the time. I'm not going to elaborate on my situation beyond that.

If you have any antibiotics, take those in lieu of the Echinacea. at this point, your body likely needs some sort of immune response, which the Echinacea will boost.

Thanks for setting the record straight, btw.

Your batch coincides exactly with the time that mine was ordered. I would chalk it up to a bad batch, in my very inexperienced opinion, and take something for your immune system to fight off whatever is going on. I have heard from other suppliers that there were a marginal amount of issues with the stuff going rancid in the vials, and I'm going to believe that you and I both got one of those vials. My efficacy was still present, but those infections were simply awful. I went IM and subQ, it didn't matter. They were everywhere.

I've since finished that box and onto a new one, with no issues whatsoever as usual. I don't blame anyone outside of the manufacturer and simply bad luck.

Really hope you feel better soon.
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#6 MasterHerb

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 03:09 AM

I have taken nasal cerebrolysin a couple times.....I too experienced what seemed to be a dull headache on both occasions. I took a Tylenol each time it happened and my headache quickly dissipated. I have not had any negative effects since. I ordered my batch late August. I guess this substance just acts differently in certain people. For now, I have decided to lay off cerebrolysin. I hope you feel better soon!

Edited by MasterHerb, 08 September 2013 - 03:13 AM.

#7 vlk

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 01:39 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your experience Krabby, and I hope you feel better soon.

Maybe it is a bad batch or you are sensitive to something in it, but to me that sounds more like the effects of an excessively large dose rather than contamination...
You didn't state your age, but you mentioned that you are starting University; if you are about 18 you could still be growing and Cerebrolysin could be having a much larger effect on you.

I have never personally experienced those effects from Cerebrolysin, but it does sound similar to my experiences when I first started experimenting with various nootropics and assumed that more=better.
I found that with a proper focus on meditation / Dual-N-Back or any other mental training programme, I could tolerate more without experiencing this brain fog.
Are you currently engaging in any brain training activities?

Also, as others have said, it might be helpful if you could also post the ampoule size, batch number and expiry date of the Cerebrolysin that you were using...

#8 Psionic

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 02:53 PM

I hesitated whether post my experience or not. I am first time cerebrolysin nasal user, the effects from the first three vials have been very positive and I encountered more vivid dreams, better mental endurance and some kind of strange dreamy effects on psyche, everything enveloped with pleasant emotial memories from the past so it can be pattern that some kind of healing is going on here.. I dosed exactly 1 ml twice daily.

However with the 4th vial there has been pressure in my head, short term memory problems and brain fog with constant headache. I am more slower than usual but the progress on cognitive tasks that I am doing is fine. I am also no longer aware of my dreams as from the start. I will try to dose once more today and then go to our band practice and lets see what happens.

I think we should be much more careful with dosing as it seems to be very dependent on time of administration and dose itself. It seems that Cerebro can be very potent when administered nasally and so we should give our brains more load/workouts, otherwise its like taking steroids without physical exercise, isnt it?

Edited by Psionic, 08 September 2013 - 02:55 PM.

#9 nefarious one

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 02:55 PM

Holy shit.

I think it suffices to say that the nasal administration needs to be exercised with EXTREME caution!

Really hope you guys get to feeling better - stop the nasal! Just shoot it! :(

#10 Krabby

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:40 PM

I'm really starting to worry as I do not feel like myself, throughout today I felt complacently spaced out and disconnected to reality. I feel like my brain is dying, I have never felt like this before.
I did take quite a lot of noopept today however as I needed to interact socially and it did help. I'm not sure if this has left me in a bad way.

Does anybody know how this stuff is made? Is it synthesised or is it still extracted from pigs brains like I have read?
I'm really hoping that this is not one of the cases like the growth hormone which gave a lot of people the 'mad cow disease'.

I have check the packaging and stuff and the product is not out of date (although it is in a different language so it is hard to read a lot of it). It expires in 2016.
The ampules are 5ml each and I have taken 7ml in total. I'm 18 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by batch number.

My friend has given me some antibiotics, it is called doxycycline. Does anybody know if this would be a good idea to take?

#11 Nattzor

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 07:49 PM

It is made from pig brain afaik, which could imply a prion disease. I however doubt it if you got it from a serious source.
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#12 MasterHerb

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 08:31 PM

I'm really starting to worry as I do not feel like myself, throughout today I felt complacently spaced out and disconnected to reality. I feel like my brain is dying, I have never felt like this before.
I did take quite a lot of noopept today however as I needed to interact socially and it did help. I'm not sure if this has left me in a bad way.

Does anybody know how this stuff is made? Is it synthesised or is it still extracted from pigs brains like I have read?
I'm really hoping that this is not one of the cases like the growth hormone which gave a lot of people the 'mad cow disease'.

I have check the packaging and stuff and the product is not out of date (although it is in a different language so it is hard to read a lot of it). It expires in 2016.
The ampules are 5ml each and I have taken 7ml in total. I'm 18 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by batch number.

My friend has given me some antibiotics, it is called doxycycline. Does anybody know if this would be a good idea to take?

I would stop taking anything for time being.....and go see a neurologist.

#13 unregistered_user

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 10:12 PM

I'm really starting to worry as I do not feel like myself, throughout today I felt complacently spaced out and disconnected to reality. I feel like my brain is dying, I have never felt like this before.
I did take quite a lot of noopept today however as I needed to interact socially and it did help. I'm not sure if this has left me in a bad way.

Does anybody know how this stuff is made? Is it synthesised or is it still extracted from pigs brains like I have read?
I'm really hoping that this is not one of the cases like the growth hormone which gave a lot of people the 'mad cow disease'.

I have check the packaging and stuff and the product is not out of date (although it is in a different language so it is hard to read a lot of it). It expires in 2016.
The ampules are 5ml each and I have taken 7ml in total. I'm 18 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by batch number.

My friend has given me some antibiotics, it is called doxycycline. Does anybody know if this would be a good idea to take?

You're fine. This sounds like 90% panic. I suggest you discontinue all supplementation except for maybe fish oil. You have not caused any permanent damage to your brain. Do you exercise? Try adding in some cardio and keeping a good eye on your diet while you work through this. Your brain is incredibly resilient. Give homeostasis an opportunity to balance you back out.

I would share your experience in the other thread too, however, simply as a caution to others who are experimenting so they can make an informed decision.

I don't doubt the intranasal Cere has impacted your cognitive ability or perception, but I am very confident that you will return to your usual baseline.
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#14 cyberger

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 10:50 PM

I'm really starting to worry as I do not feel like myself, throughout today I felt complacently spaced out and disconnected to reality. I feel like my brain is dying, I have never felt like this before.
I did take quite a lot of noopept today however as I needed to interact socially and it did help. I'm not sure if this has left me in a bad way.

Does anybody know how this stuff is made? Is it synthesised or is it still extracted from pigs brains like I have read?
I'm really hoping that this is not one of the cases like the growth hormone which gave a lot of people the 'mad cow disease'.

I have check the packaging and stuff and the product is not out of date (although it is in a different language so it is hard to read a lot of it). It expires in 2016.
The ampules are 5ml each and I have taken 7ml in total. I'm 18 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by batch number.

My friend has given me some antibiotics, it is called doxycycline. Does anybody know if this would be a good idea to take?

Sorry Krabby to hear your experiences. I hope you have a quick recovery. Here's a few resources for possible side effects of cerebrolysin:

The manufacturer's 84 page prduct description lists very few side effects, and they are uncommon: http://www.hypermed....raph_screen.pdf
The closest side effect the manufacture lists to what you are experiencing is a psychiatric effect ('confusion'). Psychiatric effects (such as confusion, aggression, insomnia) occurred rarely at a rate of between 1 in 1,000 to 10,000 patients.

A user on Longecity reported a more exhaustive list of possible side effects:
"The side effects of Cerebrolysin are infrequent and usually mild and transient: agitation (aggressiveness, insomnia, rarely hallucinations), confusion, tremor, allergic reactions–very rare, in our expertise (fever, skin reactions, pruritus, local vascular reactions, headache, neck pain, limb pain, lower backache, dyspnea, chills, shock–like state), vertigo, headache, hypertension or hypotension, hyperventilation, hypertonia or hypotonia, fatigue, depression, apathy, flu–like symptoms, gastro–intestinal troubles (loss of appetite, dyspepsia, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting), rapid injection may cause heat sensation, sweatiness, dizziness, rarely palpitations or cardiac arrhythmias, injection site reactions (irritation, pruritus, burning sensation)": http://www.longecity...post__p__557902

As far as prion disease that seems to be more of a risk from cattle, not pigs. Also, Cerebrolysin has been around since the 1970s and I haven't seen anything yet which mentioned serious, permanent side effects. It is safe enough that it has even been used in newborn infants (http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/19008804).

Nootropics.eu ships from Lithuania, and the Lithuanian word corresponding to batch # is 'Serija' or series. It is printed on the carton above the expiration date, or on the glass ampuole in front of the expiration date.

Give your body a rest, and ask a doctor if you would benefit from antibiotics.
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#15 nefarious one

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Posted 08 September 2013 - 11:06 PM

some of these replies, omg.

dude, get on the doxycycline *NOW* and if it isn't improving within 24hrs, go to a doctor immediately.

I'm appalled at some of the input here. there is very, very clearly something not at all right and he's diverted from everything going on. How many lives do we get again?

Go to the doc, Krabby.
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#16 angus

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 08:08 AM


I also experienced some of @Krabby adverse effects but it disappeared 2/3 days after having stopped, so don't over panic.
Anyway, I doubt it's a batch issue.
I think it's more related to the fact that this saline solution is not appropriate for IN, just IM.
Unless another form of cer validated for IN appears on the market, i won't give it a try again, as i don't want to use it IM.

The only positive effect i had was, like some, an improvement on my sleeping patterns the first times i used cer intra-nasaly.

#17 Sholrak

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 08:58 AM

I suggested in the nasal thread, It could be inaproppiate using an intravenous/muscular designed solution to prepare nasal administration. I'm not certainly sure yet about if that is an issue or not.

Maye some constant like pH, or some agressive compound found in Cere is not benefitial to nose capilars or mucoses.

I recommend trying to figure out what version of Cerebrolysin is being used in nasal trials and if it's somewhat different from the original composition.

The possible adverse effects differe a lot from what you're telling us. There is no way it can make you dumber, or produce any damage. I'm plenty of convinced about it's safety.

Edited by Sholrak, 09 September 2013 - 08:59 AM.

#18 lourdaud

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:14 AM

I'm really starting to worry as I do not feel like myself, throughout today I felt complacently spaced out and disconnected to reality. I feel like my brain is dying, I have never felt like this before.
I did take quite a lot of noopept today however as I needed to interact socially and it did help. I'm not sure if this has left me in a bad way.

Does anybody know how this stuff is made? Is it synthesised or is it still extracted from pigs brains like I have read?
I'm really hoping that this is not one of the cases like the growth hormone which gave a lot of people the 'mad cow disease'.

I have check the packaging and stuff and the product is not out of date (although it is in a different language so it is hard to read a lot of it). It expires in 2016.
The ampules are 5ml each and I have taken 7ml in total. I'm 18 years old. I'm not sure what you mean by batch number.

My friend has given me some antibiotics, it is called doxycycline. Does anybody know if this would be a good idea to take?

Noopept always make me feel all spaced out and disconnected. Crb don't but combine them and the effects from noopept will probably be enhanced..

#19 Krabby

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 10:43 PM

Hello. Thank you all for your support.

After writing that post yesterday I lay in bed for about 3 hours (as I was unable to get to sleep) which gave me time to contemplate (which may have not been the best thing in my situation). Anyway, after staring at a wall for an hour or two the heavy head and confusion I had been experiencing seemed to suddenly dissipate in an instant and I experienced what seemed like a wave of euphoria. I looked around the room and noticed that I had an extremely clear head and what seemed to be an increased field of view. Walking downstairs I seemed to be noticing a lot more details in everything around me, I was able to focus on more than one object at once. I’m not sure if this is what the effects of cerebro are but it felt like what I was feeling the night before I dosed like final time.

Today I am quite conflicted as half the time I feel very, what I guess you could call, mentally fatigued and the rest of the time I am feeling a little confused but closer to normal than I have been feeling recently. However, the heavy head and pressure I have been feeling seems to have almost gone away, which may be a good thing. I have noticed that music seems to be a lot more vibrant than it used to sound if that is any indicator and I seem to have a lot more energy, particularly when I am talking to somebody.

I hope this means that I am slowly getting over it. Currently my mind is racing at 100mph but I still feel confused. I have not taken any antibiotics, if anyone can suggest any which might be useful my dad could prescribe me some for safe measure.

Anyway, thank you all for your concerns! Let’s hope my brain does not turn into a sponge.

#20 nefarious one

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 10:52 PM

any antibiotic will do. Doxycycline is just fine, or Amox. If your dad is a doctor, obviously he will know the dosage and duration of the prescription. You need to take an antibiotic for good measure.

Glad to hear things have improved. Never snort the shit again. Take the antibiotic and get some rest.

#21 kevers

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Posted 09 September 2013 - 11:32 PM

some of these replies, omg.

dude, get on the doxycycline *NOW* and if it isn't improving within 24hrs, go to a doctor immediately.

I'm appalled at some of the input here. there is very, very clearly something not at all right and he's diverted from everything going on. How many lives do we get again?

Go to the doc, Krabby.

I agree im concerned.

#22 Plasticperson

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 05:42 AM

cerebrolysin is a mix of amino acids and neuropeptides. amino acids won't be absorbed nasally. maybe its the lack of amino acids causing problems? the amino acids are basically raw building materials for any neurogenisis induced by cerebrolysin. maybe your deficient in building materials lol.. im sure youll be fine. i had an immune system reaction (flu symptoms) after the first couple doses however.

#23 nefarious one

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Posted 11 September 2013 - 03:26 PM

cerebrolysin is a mix of amino acids and neuropeptides. amino acids won't be absorbed nasally. maybe its the lack of amino acids causing problems? the amino acids are basically raw building materials for any neurogenisis induced by cerebrolysin. maybe your deficient in building materials lol.. im sure youll be fine. i had an immune system reaction (flu symptoms) after the first couple doses however.

Can you elaborate? Did you administer nasally or via injection? What exactly were your symptoms?

I've had a few more infections as well (site infections) with the cold/flu symptoms but I have them managed with motrin and echinacea. I'm looking forward to whenever this shit stops, that's for sure. :)

#24 NootropicEU

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Posted 12 September 2013 - 11:48 AM

cerebrolysin is a mix of amino acids and neuropeptides. amino acids won't be absorbed nasally. maybe its the lack of amino acids causing problems? the amino acids are basically raw building materials for any neurogenisis induced by cerebrolysin. maybe your deficient in building materials lol.. im sure youll be fine. i had an immune system reaction (flu symptoms) after the first couple doses however.

Can you elaborate? Did you administer nasally or via injection? What exactly were your symptoms?

I've had a few more infections as well (site infections) with the cold/flu symptoms but I have them managed with motrin and echinacea. I'm looking forward to whenever this shit stops, that's for sure. :)

Cold/flu symptoms and what looks like site infections could one of the common allergic side effects cerebrolysin can give you.
Echinacea may in some cases worsen allergic reactions

#25 MasterHerb

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Posted 13 September 2013 - 11:41 PM

Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.

I also ordered my cerebrolysin from nootropics.eu on the 12/08/2013. It actually went through my mind that I may have gotten a rotten batch but I'm not sure what the chances of that happening is. (I have it in the back of my mind that the chemical is an extract). I'm curious as to whether your 'bad batch' had any adverse effects aside from the site infections such as the ones I have been experiencing?
I know it might have been reckless of me to go the intranasal route but other people seemed to have a similar reaction to it as IM so I thought it would be safe considering how it is delivered to the brain. I have never taken the substance IM so i'm not sure if I just react badly to it in general. I have not generally reacted to nootropics well in the past (seeing little to no effect) but i'm not sure how relevant that is considering the different methods of action.

In terms of hygiene I made VERY sure that everything I did would circumvent infection and the spread of bacteria. Throughout the whole process I would wear rubber gloves and applied rubbing alcohol to all surfaces and equipment (trying to prevent any buildup on the applicator). I made sure that I sealed the cerebrolysin vials with clingfilm and kept it in a mini-fridge along with the rest of the equipment.

Also, just for the record, I deleted my original post before anyone replied as I felt it needed it's own topic. Sorry if that seems selfish.
I appreciate your concerns and efforts Passion, it is very kind of you. I'm not sure what to suggest in terms of IN as people seem to find it a better administration method in terms of cost. I don't want to stop them just because of my individual case.

I want to say i'm feeling better but as soon as the symptoms start to subside slightly they come right back an hour later.

Feeling better?

#26 nefarious one

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Posted 14 September 2013 - 01:19 PM

yeah Krabby, an update from you would be nice.

#27 Krabby

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:29 PM


Sorry for not updating in a while, I have been busy moving to university and have had some trouble connecting to the internet.

I’m not quite sure what to say. To be perfectly honest I am quite scared and I’m not sure if it is real or if it is all in my head. After my adverse symptoms from taking the cerebrolysin I would just get waves of depression throughout the day, sometimes I would be feeling good and the next I thought the end was near. When it started to come to the time of moving out of my house I went into a very odd state of depression mixed with a really bad disconnected feeling and a major case of not feeling like myself. After living on my own for a week I noticed that this feeling would come in waves, much like my previous depression, throughout the day. One minute I felt almost normal and the next I felt like I was losing connection with reality. After I went home for the weekend however I have to say that I was feeling much less depressed and hopeless even though I still did not feel like myself. I’m in my 2nd week now and I feel like there are less highs and lows and just a constant feeling of what has been described above but not as intense as it got.

The feeling of disconnection is hard to describe but it is like I’m taking a back seat in my mind and am not involved in what my body is doing. I often find myself asking ‘is this real’. I have noticed most nights that I get this really bad when waking up. For the first few minutes I will be confused with what I was dreaming and reality, they will sort of merge and I will not feel like the world is real.

However, this aside, the major problem I have been worrying about is my memory. I feel like it has become very bad. I don’t know if this is due to moving to a new place and having a lot more responsibilities but my short term memory seems awful. I will often be doing something and moving onto something else and completely forget many aspects of what I was originally doing. I have 3 places where I would leave my keys for example and I would not remember where I left them after putting them down 3 minutes prior. Today I actually left them on the outside of my door and forgot about them. What is worrying me now is I am having trouble remembering if I had breakfast this morning or not. The problem is I have no material to compare my current self too as the only benchmark I have is a physiological needs assessment I had (which seemed like a very intense IQ test) but It cost a lot of money and I’m not sure how repeatable it is. This may all be due to more responsibilities and things I have to remember but I don’t remember it ever being this bad.

Other things I have noticed are a lack of interest in activities I used to enjoy (such as video games) and 0% libido (seriously).
I am currently bouncing between facilities trying to find a place that will test the cerebrolysin I have but unfortunately everywhere is denying me as cerebrolysin is not a registered chemical in my country. If anyone has any suggestions please do say.

I really do hope that all of these symptoms are just from depression and anxiety and thinking about it 24/7 is just fueling whatever is going on in my head psychologically. I’m going to look into prion disease and I hope to god this is not what is happening to me. I am getting support from my parents back at home but I am wondering if anyone has a suggestions of someone I could go and see to get something done?

I’m sorry if this is incoherent, I’m feeling under the weather. I think writing this has made me feel worse.

#28 nefarious one

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 08:32 PM

Glad to hear back from you. In my opinion of having dealt with everything you're describing, it 100% sounds like anxiety and depression - more depression than anxiety, but some of that as well. If you're able, you may consider to go to the doctor or your university's clinic for help with this. It's very common for new students to experience and they will be able to help you best.

I would stop all supplements (including cerebro) and get yourself sorted out first with the clinic. I really wish you well man, I have wondered if all was OK or not. Please reach out in PM or on here anytime.


#29 Sholrak

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 01:00 AM

Thanks for updating your state Krabby. I hope you're doing better.

It's strange, at all. Maybe it's the nasal route. Or an infection (I tought this but it's useless, you're doing without injecting). The third reason could be contamined/bad state/fake Cere. Where did you purchased it?

If this statements are clear and correct, I would recommend you start thinking maybe Cerebrolysin it's not for you. How many things have you tried before this? You have to know it's not for beginners, and even not suitable if are not in a drastic situation looking for a drastic solution. What were you looking on it? Can you be more specific about that?

Cere does a lot of things, and I admit somehow it can do things over-worrying. Sometimes you feel everything is so real and present, you feel you're going to enter into panic. Only the days/cycles on it, and for me was shadowed by an amazing feeling anyway. I guess, the miraculous mechanism of this has to have its own contras, and this it the most remarkable one: it can make reality TOO REAL . Hard to explain again, but do you remember when you where a kid? When everything mattered a lot, when you did not want to loose a chance? When you had to be the better? When you could not forgive a defeat? That kind of mechanism of ambition/competition which pushed you to life, that overwhelming feeling of learning, curiosity, exploration, interest, non-boredom? YES, that's what Cere brings back.

I said in the other thread, it could become even scary, seriously. I understand your reasons to say it has damaged your brain, believe me. And you have to believe me too on this, it's benign. If you don't like it, just don't do it anymore, but it has not made any insult to your brain. The only trick with this nootropic is you have to domain it and train yourself on it. If you let time pass, you'll be fine. Trust me. It's a shocking situation to every human has tried this. I recommend, you start looking for what you exactly want from these 'smart drugs' and research a least a bit about the neurobiochemical aspect of it.

You sound like a newbie to this noot-world who tried the Cerebrolysin too soon and became impacted. It happened to me with Piracetam, Ciltep and Cerebrolysin. Every new susbtance is unknown until you end knowing it.

Again, sorry if I supposed anything wrong about you. Make sure the product was not n bad conservation state, there were no infection, etc... and then read my advice.

I wish the best for you.

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#30 vlk

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Posted 25 September 2013 - 02:42 AM

Please don't worry about prions in cerebrolysin.

The standard method of sterilising (suspected) prions on medical tools is hydrolysis - via immersion in a dilute NaOH solution.
This is how cerebrolysin is made, and it is even stored in ampoules in a dilute NaOH solution too.

Personally, I have had very good results from IN cerebrolysin, better than IM cere or any other nootropic I have tried so far - so I can imagine how these effects could be too overwhelming (and have a negative effect) for some people, especially if you are distracted with big changes in your life.

I can tell you from personal experience that depression and anxiety can cause the symptoms you describe. Have you considered talking to a counsellor? Your university may have a free counselling service, and it wouldn't hurt to just give it a try for a bit.

Hope you feel better soon.
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