All religions "work" for many people if they approach them the same way that Shadowhawk wants everyone to approach Christianity. the astonishing thing is that this is apparently not obvious to everyone on the planet.
Yes, they work as guidance of subjective reasoning. They provide a subjective context for objective reasoning.
The "awareness" as a mechanism(brain part - vmPFC) has nothing to do unless there is a context of a consciousness acting in reality. It can only contemplate, compare and disillusion such contexts based on comparison with other contexts experienced.
Awareness of these contexts is awareness of existence or "modes of existence". Awareness of different modes of existence is in essence awareness of *existence* as *mode of being an object* (an object - that reacts predictable to its context - when it is thrown it breaks, when it is poked it screams, whatever). Awareness of this allows you to choose a mode of being dynamically based on subjetive(explained further down as in fact sublimation of emotion from lower levels) mode of being(context) comparison handled by the awareness mechanism.
Theism provides an all-encompassing context that "need not be let go of ever". This enables deterioration/athrophy of the "awareness" mechanism of choosing modes of existence(contexts). It is not necessary to live by theism, it was rather used to arrive at the "right context"(theism) and then it was left to athrophy in that sense. Awareness still chooses "sub-contexts" but within the all encompassing context of theism which is option-confining.
Awareness is the last "behavior guiding" mechanism to evolve. (ventromedial prefrontal cortex)
Consciousness is the one before it. (prefrontal cortex)
Subconsciousness is the one before it. (amygdalian brain)
Uncosciousness is the first one. (basic nervous system - spinal cord)
Each of them infact gets its "task" from the one below it or in other words it sublimates to the upper layer for more advanced processing. Its duty is to perform the task *better* than the less evolved layer.
Unconsciousness is pure instinct. Think insects for example.
Subconsciousness provides awareness of state in order to enable momentary state sacrifice(manifested as motivation) for long term state benefit(social hierarchy provides this in reality, fights are temporary sacrifice for a long term status/breeding benefit). This provides better than instictual control(a better strategy of energy investment) which would never allow "meaningless"(in the short term) fights that endager the body.
Consciousness provides awareness of subconsciousness and self in relation to others - meaning awareness of the state change goal of the pending subconscious sacrifice. Since the state is relative to other(peoples) states the goal can be attained by changing your own state or other people states. This results in projecting goals to external or internal and resolving them. M. Klein paranoid schizoid reasoning.
Awareness provides awareness of consciousness meaning both the subconscious context that required the "state change"(goal) and the conscious effort to rationalize and achieve it. It allows for awareness the subconscious-conscious interaction and recognizing malfunctioning(self-defeating) situations that arise from the way they are connected/interact. It also allows individuality, it allows one to reject a subconscious-conscious resolution, to recognize its faultyness in comparison to other resolutions. The ability of the "awareness" mechanism to perform is in fact the essence of "wisdom"(of context). The ability of the "consciousness" to perform is the essence of "knowledge"(of control). The ability of the "subconsciousness" to perform is the essence of "strength"(to defeat). Lack of strenght causes compensating need to increase knowledge. Uncontrolled increase of knowledge(of control) reduces the need for "awareness" and thus produces narcissistic personality disorder for example.
So, what I'm saying here turns things completely upside down, but in fact sets them right.
As you can see, very thing that enables us to be aware of our existence is infact the last evolved TOOL of the DNA/cell that enables the most perfect(up till this point) behavior to evolutionary prosperity. It has a function as a tool of the cell in prolonging life as do all layers before/below it, it has a function to recognize behavior of evolutionary prosperity. Which is altruistic in essence as it requires "attempts" against "evolutionary ignorance"(in the form of DNA or knowledge mutations/adaptations) and attemps often mean failure, meaning it requires sacrifice.
Buddhists made a religion out of separating that tool from the all the sublimating "input" of the lower levels(conscious/subconscious/instinctual). It seems that if the "awareness" does not receive input, it feels bliss(by default). So all input to it is a form of pain(emotions are pain, things that need to be corrected for the organism to be "satisfied", they activate these layers from the bottom up which decide how to correct/satisfy) a form of suffering which buddhism correctly identifies and is in fact the way the organism has evolved and makes evolutionary sense as each layer improves control in a very explainable way. Together the layers form complex behaviors which puzzle psychologists for centuries but in fact it can be dissected and explained exactly as it happened/evolved.
And it proves that the mechanism of "awareness" was evolved to provide "improved behavior control" and is itself is a supreme tool for resolving the decisions required by the organized uncosncious tissues/subconscious drives/conscious resolutions in the direction of evolutionary prosperity. This is its purpose and can be observed. Alas, the same mechanism allows one to reject this notion and continue with inventing their own notions of what the awareness(of existence) mechanism is for. The decision to do this is still based on subjective weighing of evolutionary prosperity of commiting to this notion and one can never escape this except maybe through buddhist type mental practice.
Point is, the fact that we are "aware" of existence does not mean existence must have a universal "explanation". You are aware of existence in order to influence it and improve it. The fact that you are aware that you exist and society exists and the planet earth exists and the universe exists is for you to use and improve evolutionary prosperity. The fact that this awareness mechanism arose/evolved does not neccessitate that suddenly all life/universe has an externally set purpose(meaning a subject like god determining the set purpose). All life/universe is subjectively understood through conscious-subconscious experience and this understanding is all the attribution it can have. There is no purpose to things. There is just an understanding of them. The understanding of them seemingly implies "external purpose" while infact the tool for such understanding/comprehending was evolved/created and subject to satisfy internal purpose. This is essential blindness to what one is.
So we have a brain part that requires things to have purpose. And we are too blind to discern that this is a consequence of the function of the brain part which a real material mechanism/computer, it is not a neccessity of reality, it is rather a neccessity of our experiencing (that brain part working, doing its thing) of reality. The brain part causes a need to "understand". This need is a sublimation of needs of the lower layers. Being blind to this causes us to interpret this as a "need of the cosmos to be explained" a "vague need", not connected to a personal weakness but rather "out there" or whatever. Like we are accusing the cosmos for not explaining itself to us rather than accusing ourselves for not understanding it.
Edited by addx, 17 April 2014 - 12:04 PM.