I cannot believe there is an evolution debate in a thread about evidence supporting a specific religion. So stupid, I would expect to see crap like that on Facebook, not here.
The KCA hinges on A-theory of time being correct. Currently, A-theory has been largely abandoned by physicists in favor of B-theory of time, which has some supportive evidence from QM. Nowadays you typically only see some philosophers (not most), and you guessed it, theologians! Favoring A-theory of time. Why? Partly because it's intuitively satisfying, despite the fact that a great deal of things shown to be true in science are counterintuitive. Religionists tend towards intuitive reasoning, it's part of the reason they are religious.
I tend to agree with you here but evolution deals with time. There is a false bigotry that Theists do not consider evolution. We will discuss this later when we try to make the case for Christianity and a view of Genesis.
God in much of theism is timeless and God exists without the universe. The KCA is about the universe becoming and has to do with time. Anything less than God, such as the universe, exists in time. Time is a measurement of the less than the whole. If you were the alpha and the omega, you would not be in time. The KLC is about the cosmos becoming and the implications of that.
What time is it by the way? Does it depend on QM? Is that why we are religious, because we can tell time? That intuitive reasoning will get you every time.
Enjoy your infinite regress.
The universe is defined as being the totality of all existence. Not really surprised you don't define God as being part of reality. If God was part of the universe he'd be subject to actual logical reasoning, but as you have defined God, we can't really falsify the existence of God.
Let me reply to this post for you.
"NAME CALLING!" OFF-TOPIC. Forum rules that way! Bad atheist.
1. It is possible to add biological information.
2. There are more upward steps than downward steps (or at least a way to get more upward steps than downward steps at least some of the time).
3. There does exist a gradual genetic pathway that can be climbed in tiny, incremental steps.
In order for evolution to be true, not only does information have to be added over time, but each successive change must occur in a living organism and it must be conserved by being passed on to offspring. Thus, the change cannot kill the organism or seriously disable it, or the change will not be passed on. This must be the case for EVERY step in the entire evolutionary sequence, no matter how small. At every step you must have a functional organism. Thus, the changes must be gradual enough that the tiny upward steps (if they exist) can achieve each new level without killing or disabling the organism.
We used evolution as an argument for the existence of God.
1. Kalam argument used with cause and effect Evolution as evdience for God.
2.E-coli proof of evolution???
3.PALEY’S old watch argument for design.
1) The element common to both watches and life is: Both are preceded by a language (plan) before they are built
2) The essential difference between naturally occurring pattern and an intelligent design is language
3) All language comes from a mind DNA.
4) Therefore all things containing the logic of language are designed
For evolution to be true, natural selection must take place.
Antibiotics and bacteria prove natural selection or something akin to natural selection is taking place.
The way you constructed the proof reminds me of mathematical induction.
Mathematical induction is a method of mathematical proof typically used to establish a given statement for all natural numbers. It is done in two steps. The first step, known as the base case, is to prove the given statement for the first natural number. The second step, known as the inductive step, is to prove that the given statement for any one natural number implies the given statement for the next natural number. From these two steps, mathematical induction is the rule from which we infer that the given statement is established for all natural numbers.Also, I think it's fascinating that after you were called out on your logical fallacies, you began accusing everybody else of committing them. What's that called? Denial?
Godel's incompleteness proof
“Anything you can draw a circle around cannot explain itself without referring to something outside the circle – something you have to assume but cannot prove.”
Gödel proved that there are ALWAYS more things that are true than you can prove.
Any system of logic or numbers that mathematicians ever came up with will always rest on at least a few unprovable assumptions.
Here’s what it means:
Faith and Reason are not enemies. In fact, the exact opposite is true! One is absolutely necessary for the other to exist. All reasoning ultimately traces back to faith in something that you cannot prove.
All closed systems depend on something outside the system.
You can always draw a bigger circle but there will still be something outside the circle.
As spoken by William Lane Craig.
Faith and Reason, raised an eyebrow with me. You forgot to convert to lowercase, that would've hidden the CnP more efficiently:
http://consultingbyr...ot-enemies.htmlGodel's incompleteness proof only proves that everything we know is modeled by the human brain. The brain creates references to other known facts, it happens all the time.
Not all systems of logic and numbers rest on unprovable assumptions. Wouldn't you agree that the concept of having one apple and getting another apple aptly describes 1+1=2?
No? Ok, let me go more slowly. You in hand, uuuuck, take da apple? Ok... Now someone put da odder apple in yous hand... now house manies apples shadowhawk gots?! 3! No shadowhawks! You has 2 apple.s..
So, let me see if I got this straight, the fact that shadowhawk can draw a circle, and then draw a bigger circle around it, proves that faith and reason are not enemies and that all of mathematics rest on unprovable assumptions? Ok, makes no sense.
Edited by Deep Thought, 07 February 2014 - 06:29 PM.