Is 250mg too small of a dose ?
Considering numerous doctors and scientists and studies recommend taking 2 grams a day.
And the safe upper limit is 10 grams, the side effects from taking more than 10 grams, is Diarrhea.
Taken From The FDA Website
''It may be concluded from the above that the oral toxicity of Uridine is extremely low. For
example, dogs tolerated doses of 250”mg/kg bw/day for 120 days, there was no evidence of
reproductive or developmental toxicity at doses up to 416-mg/kg bw/day, and it was not
genotoxic. The only side effect reported in humans was diarrhea at daily oral doses greater than
approximately 10 grams/day. This is a self-limiting side effect. It may be further concluded that
Uridine, at suggested daily doses of up to two grams per day as a dietary supplement, should not
elicit adverse health effects.''
I think that we should be taking more than 250mg, considering the extreme low toxicity.
Ive been taking, 5 grams a day for 2 months, and 2 grams a day for 12 months.
Its relieved my depression and i have tonnes of energy now.
I think we should up the dose to at least 2 grams a day.
In my personal experience I felt no effects from taking just 250mg a day
What do you think ?
Edited by NootKing, 30 October 2013 - 04:45 PM.