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Iodine is magical miracle - most underrated supplement!

iodine miracle magic

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#1 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 02:41 PM

A little bit of research will reveal that a supposed 80% of the world is deficient in Iodine. Iodine is critical for proper production of the thyroid and production of the Thyroid hormones which relate to having an abundance of Dopamine. Iodine is also essential in over 300 cellular reactions and the truth is it is almost entirely absent in most peoples diets. Even the FDA's daily requirement is over 100 times too low - it's at about 150mcg, and it should be at about 10-15mg. Iodine is also important for detoxing the body of things like Mercury, Fluoride, and Boride. Calcium and Magnesium should also be taken with Iodine, and D3 with Calcium and Magnesium, to maximize Iodines effects. Calcium/Magnesium/D3 can typically be found in a single pill.

While Iodine can be felt practically instantly with lasting effects, most people say the effects do not really peak until 2-3 weeks. This is supposedly because this is the time it takes for the glands to be detoxed and Fluoride and Boron to leave the body. If these effects are going to keep increasing, then damn, I am in love.

Day 1:
I bought myself some liquid Iodine(Lugols 2%), and started taking it. The first day I took 4 drops in a cup of juice. Within 5 minutes I felt an electrifying blissful glowing energy sweeping over my body. I felt like my eyes were bursting with an ethereal energy, as if mini fractal universes were radiating from within my iris. My thoughts had gained an extra couple dimensions in their complexity. This is all within just 5 minutes of drinking this.

It was amazing. Of course, the intensely deep thoughts become less as the day progressed, but one thing remained. The energy. I felt younger. 5 years younger in fact(I'm 21). The energy throughout the entire day did not wear off. Best of all, it didn't interfere with my sleep, it actually made me sleep better.

Day 2:
The next day I woke up still bursting with this iodine energy. I was filled with energy, but not stimulated in any way. It felt healthy. Before breakfast, I took more iodine, but this time an increased dose: 5 drops. 5 Minutes later the energy hit me. It was amazing. It did not feel like I was bringing myself back up, it felt like I was bringing myself up even further from yesterday, as overnight there was no decline from the previous dose 12-15 hours before. Later in the day I took another 5 drops. The effects increased again.

It is a common practice to continually increase the dosage of iodine until negative side effects are experienced. While iodine is toxic in excess, most people can easily go up to 50-100mg in extreme cases without any ill side effects. There does not seem to be any plateau. It would appear as if the effects just keep increasing.

Day 3:
I took 15 drops total spaced out over 3 dosing today. Each time I dosed, the effects continued to increase.

This is amazing, now folks. Not only do I feel so much younger, my brain feels incredibly organized. No other supplement on the planet has able to give me this sort of nonstimulating energy, that gives me a sort of driving focusing, and mental clarity and organization. In these 3 days I have gained an extreme organization with my school work and life priorities without feeling manic. Adderall for instance just gives me a lot of energy to do, but doesn't necessarily give me an enhanced clarity or organization abilities. I hate adderall infact because it makes me crash and I can't sleep for over 24 hours after a dosage.

Day 4:
I forgot to mention. My dreams have increased in complexity and clarity. I even had a lucid dream last night for the first time in a couple of months - I believe I had 3 last night in fact. Each night my dreams increase in complexity.

I am planning to hover around 16 drops per day for a while, split into 2 doses each. It's 9:34 AM. I haven't dosed yet, I slept for my regular period, and I am awake FULL of energy. I haven't felt this good in FOREVER. I will update this right after I dose. I'm fairly confident that electrifying energy will only become more powerful. I feel like my body is revitalizing itself from the inside out. This is great.

I also forgot to mention. I have never really been much of an avid reader. I can solve problems of very complex technical and mechanical problems with ease, but when it comes to reading I just get too distracted far too quickly. Iodine has given my brain this new dimension for enjoying reading. I am able to read any book now and enjoy it, as well as understand it! Understand: I haven't been able to enjoy sitting down and reading books for long periods for over 5 years. Every other aspect of my cognition has been wonderful. Iodine has not only given me back the gift to enjoy reading, but also boosted every other aspect of my cognition. I am simply in awe.

You can find more about Iodine online. I suggest everyone here do their research on it. I am using Lugols 2% liquid iodine. It seems to be the popular choice. In a small number of people it has been known to cause upset stomach and aches, presumably from Fluoride/Boron detox, but for most people it is the number one winning form. Even a simply glance at the Amazon reviews for the product blew my mind.

Edited by Siro, 17 November 2013 - 02:42 PM.

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#2 blood

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:15 PM

I add a few drops of iosol to my water, every so often. Don't notice any positve or negative effects.

Is your post satire (like the guy who says his arms are too sore for masturbation)?

Is it possible that you are experiencing a manic episode?

Edited by blood, 17 November 2013 - 03:17 PM.

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#3 theconomist

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:18 PM

Amazing. I've been taking iodine for the past few months, I usually take 1000 mcg twice a week yet feel absolutely nothing.
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#4 maxwatt

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 03:40 PM

If you use iodized salt, you should have adequate iodine status. If you occasionally eat seafood, likewise.
If you have Hashimoto's thyroiditus, iodine supplements can be harmful. A surprising number of people don't know they have this condition.

Some regions' soil is deficient in iodine, and there it is possible to develop an iodine deficiency if one eats locally grown foods. Inland places like Montana, Michigan.... or central Asia, parts of China.
Supplements can protect against thyroid cancer in case of a release of radioactive iodine by a reactor meltdown - a surplus of iodine protects against the uptake of the radioactive isotope. Maybe keep some around if you live near a nuclear power plant. But I doubt most people will benefit from supplemental iodine.
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#5 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:11 PM

My post is not satire in any way. I was being 100% serious about the effects that I experienced.I do not eat seafood or iodized salt. I most likely did have an iodine deficiency. You have to note, for me to feel the effects I felt above, I've been taking roughly equated to 10-20mg or so, each day. Ideally Iodine would be in meat and vegetables, but the sad fact is this is only the case if the soil contains iodine, and and in most of the world the iodine in the soil has been depleted.

Maxwatt I disagree with you about most people not being able to benefit from it. Most people aren't taking enough to realize the actually benefits. People need to be taking 10-15mg at least. Take a look at the Amazon reviews for liquid iodine products like Lugols and you will see a good 90% of the people who took similar doses to the ones above experience amazing effects.
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#6 Hebbeh

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:25 PM

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#7 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:29 PM

I have seen that thread about eye color changing. I have been paying close attention to my eyes. While that's not the reason I am taking it, I would be happy to see my eyes go from brown to lighter.

#8 zorba990

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 04:56 PM

I think you mean Bromide and not Boron. What about overdose?
How much iodine do they really eat in japan :
This summary says (1-3mg) which is still quite a bit more than in the US.

However, going hyperthyroid looks pretty horrible (with the worst effects seeming to be higher in China and Japan):

In Chinese and Japanese people with hyperthyroidism, 1.8–1.9% experience TPP. This is in contrast to North America, where studies report a rate of 0.1–0.2%

(Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a condition featuring attacks of muscle weakness in the presence of hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland).Hypokalemia (a decreased potassium level in the blood) is usually present during attacks. The condition may be life-threatening if weakness of the breathing musclesleads to respiratory failure, or if the low potassium levels lead to cardiac arrhythmias(irregularities in the heart rate).[1][2] If untreated, it is typically recurrent in nature.[1])
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#9 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:06 PM

I think you mean Bromide and not Boron. What about overdose?
How much iodine do they really eat in japan :
This summary says (1-3mg) which is still quite a bit more than in the US.

However, going hyperthyroid looks pretty horrible (with the worst effects seeming to be higher in China and Japan):

In Chinese and Japanese people with hyperthyroidism, 1.8–1.9% experience TPP. This is in contrast to North America, where studies report a rate of 0.1–0.2%

(Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a condition featuring attacks of muscle weakness in the presence of hyperthyroidism (overactivity of the thyroid gland).Hypokalemia (a decreased potassium level in the blood) is usually present during attacks. The condition may be life-threatening if weakness of the breathing musclesleads to respiratory failure, or if the low potassium levels lead to cardiac arrhythmias(irregularities in the heart rate).[1][2] If untreated, it is typically recurrent in nature.[1])

You raise some good points. Yes I meant bromide, I get the two mixed up.

The problem with hyperthyroidism is it is a hard to clarify condition. A person is rarely totally hyperthyroid. They usually have a couple of the symptoms, sometimes less, sometimes more. The problem is every persons body chemistry is different, so there is not really a definable amount of T3 and T4 thyroid hormones that will make somebody go 'hyperthyroid'.

'Hyperthyroidism' is more so a spectrum type disorder. Comparable to autism in a way. Nobody is simply autistic or not autistic. There are spectrums involved. Hyperthyroidism could be defined as when thyroid hormones reach a level where uncomfortable side effects arise. There is no on or off switch. It's a gradual thing. Nobody goes immediately hypo or immediately hyper.

For instance, one person could have 100x the normal level of thyroid hormones and not have any hyperthyroid symptoms, while another person could have half of the normal level of thyroid hormones and not have any hyper, or hypo symptoms. It totally depends on how the body handles the thyroid hormones and the chemical reactions surrounding them.

The risk of hyperthyroidism is real with iodine supplementation, but not as scary as people imagine. If a person goes hyperthyroid from too much iodine, they simply dial back their iodine and take a bunch of vitamin c.

In my case, I can feel the progression of the hormones. It is gradual. I am a LONG ways off from any hyperthyroid symptoms. As pointed out before, it is not a instant flip process into hyperthyroidism. I will feel it long before it happens. As long as I don't make any massive dose increases, there should be no issues what so ever regarding hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is not easy to miss. As long as a person carefully dials up, or dials down their iodine supplementation, hyperthyroidism can easily be avoided.

It's also worth noting that Lugols iodine solution contains Potassium Iodide as well as Iodine. Potassium is important when supplementing with Iodine, as you have pointed out above. All in all, there are tons of people who supplement Iodine and don't come anywhere near going hyperthyroid.

Edited by Siro, 17 November 2013 - 05:08 PM.

#10 ta5

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 06:21 PM

I can't argue with your positive experience. Maybe you were deficient. I take 320mcg/day from Kelp. I would be concerned about much higher intakes. LPI says:

In iodine-sufficient adults, elevated TSH levels have been found at iodine intakes between 1,700 and 1,800 mcg/day. In order to minimize the risk of developing hypothyroidism, the Food and Nutrition Board (FNB) of the Institute of Medicine set a tolerable upper level of intake (UL) for iodine at 1,100 mcg/day for adults. Very high (pharmacologic) doses of iodine may also produce thyroid enlargement (goiter) due to increased TSH stimulation of the thyroid gland. Prolonged intakes of more than 18,000 mcg/day (18 mg/day) have been found to increase the incidence of goiter.

Observational studies have found increased iodine intake to be associated with an increased incidence of thyroid papillary cancer. The reasons for this association are not clear. In populations that were previously iodine deficient, salt iodization programs have resulted in relative increases in thyroid papillary cancers and relative decreases in thyroid follicular cancers. In general, thyroid papillary cancers are less aggressive and have a better prognosis than thyroid follicular cancers (33).

The RDA for iodine is sufficient to ensure normal thyroid function. There is presently no evidence that iodine intakes higher than the RDA are beneficial. Most people in the U.S. consume more than sufficient iodine in their diets, making supplementation unnecessary. Given the importance of sufficient iodine during fetal development and infancy, pregnant and breast-feeding women should consider taking a supplement that provides 150 mcg/day of iodine (see Deficiency).

Because aging has not been associated with significant changes in the requirement for iodine, our recommendation for iodine intake is not different for older adults.

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#11 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:08 PM

I guess I shall see. So far my experience has been nothing but wonderful, and beyond. I quite literally fill like a new me. It is like I got an upgrade. No supplement has ever made me feel this wonderful for such a sustained period in so many different ways.

Even my life long coldness in my hands/feet is gone. I now don't feel cold/chilly in room-temperature rooms. It's really nice.

Edited by Siro, 17 November 2013 - 07:11 PM.

#12 CholinergiX

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:16 PM

I agree with you Siro

You have one mistake you said boron but actually we are detoxing bromine not boron. Boron is actually essential for parathyroid gland, and helps detoxing toxic fluorides from the body.

I am taking 12.5mg of iodine for about a year and i have very good effect, also helps me with mercury toxicity.

You should take with it magnesium, ascorbic acid or some ascorbate, selenium and you should do salt loading protocol. It helps to detox, and you will feel effect on your brain after some time as it increases myelination and few other things.
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#13 zorba990

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:25 PM

Food for thought, hypothyroid might actually be beneficial to life extension
So ramping it up with iodine megadose might shorten lifespan.

#14 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:28 PM

I agree with you Siro

You have one mistake you said boron but actually we are detoxing bromine not boron. Boron is actually essential for parathyroid gland, and helps detoxing toxic fluorides from the body.

I am taking 12.5mg of iodine for about a year and i have very good effect, also helps me with mercury toxicity.

You should take with it magnesium, ascorbic acid or some ascorbate, selenium and you should do salt loading protocol. It helps to detox, and you will feel effect on your brain after some time as it increases myelination and few other things.

Yes you are right. You're the second person to point out the boron/bromine mix up. I would go back and edit my first post but it will not let me.

Food for thought, hypothyroid might actually be beneficial to life extension
So ramping it up with iodine megadose might shorten lifespan.

I don't doubt it. A slower metabolism would make sense for a longer lifespan. Though, I am not particularly plagued by concerns of lifespan, for my own personal reasons.

#15 timar

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 07:45 PM

Welcome to the magical miracle world of: The Placebo EffectTM ;)
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#16 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:14 PM

Welcome to the magical miracle world of: The Placebo EffectTM ;)

Haha... definitely NOT a placebo effect. My first initial doses were practically psychedelic. The first dose I took I was only expecting mild energy increases and to put it at bluntly as possible it felt like I had mini fractal universes bursting and radiating from my eyes. I wasn't actually seeing them visually, but they were in my minds eye, so to speak. Far from a placebo.

Even if all the energy went away, I am very much enjoying this warming sensation my body has constantly now. So nice to be able to wear shortsleve shirts inside without being cold. I think I might be able to go naked as well, which was something I could never do without getting cold.
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#17 SanjayK

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 09:56 PM

Iodine has done a lot for me. Used to fall asleep on Sat/Sunday for naps, overly reliant on coffee and caffeine. Now I have more energy throughout the day.

It's really restored my libidio and since it's anti-fungal it also helped my digestive system.

Pick up the Brownstein book on Amazon. There are quite a few iodine forums on Facebook, CureZone & Yahoo Groups - you'll find people even with Hashimoto's benefiting from iodine supplementation.

The studies cited never include the use of iodine co-factors that are critical to the proper transport of Iodine.

Iodine levels in humans have been declining for years - and iodine that was in our diet (ex - in breads) has been replaced with bromide.

You will detox a bit with iodine - and it's tough for 2-3 days but it's worth it.

Here's a snippet around Hashimoto's and iodine usage from an interview with Bernstein:

Dr. Eric: There seems to be a great deal of controversy as to whether people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis should supplement with iodine, even if they have a deficiency. I admittedly have been guilty of this as well, as I always was taught that people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis should avoid iodine because it will worsen their condition. When I attended your seminar you told the audience you usually have had no problems giving your patients who have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis iodine supplementation. Can you please elaborate on this?

Dr. Brownstein: Animal studies show that you cannot cause Hashimoto’s disease in an animal unless they are iodine deficient and they are given a goitrogen. That is what is happening to our human population; we are iodine deficient and we are exposed to an ever-increasing amount of goitrogens like bromide and fluoride.

Dr. Eric: If it’s fine for people with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis to take iodine, then why do some people feel bad when supplementing with iodine?

Dr. Brownstein: Iodine can cause a detoxification reaction whereby the body releases bromide. I believe this is where many of the adverse effects are coming from. I explain this in my books. My experience has clearly shown that vast majority of patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders improve with iodine when it is used as part of a holistic treatment regimen.

Do some react negatively to iodine? Yes. Iodine is not for everyone, but, my clinical experience has clearly shown adverse effects to iodine are rare when it is used appropriately.

Dr. Eric: So then this should also be the case with hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease too, as while most of my patients with hyperthyroid conditions do fine supplementing with iodine, I have had a few who were deficient in iodine, yet didn’t feel great when first supplementing with it.

Dr. Brownstein: Absolutely. The entire country is in a state of iodine decline.

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#18 zorba990

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:42 PM

The creators of curezone do seem to be rather enamored with iodine.
Another opinon here

Of course that site does seem to have an anti iodine agenda so who to trust?
It would certainly seem prudent to test thyroid factors with blood work before and after/during heavy supplementation.

Edited by zorba990, 17 November 2013 - 10:44 PM.

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#19 niner

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 10:46 PM

Iodine deficiency is fairly common. We don't use as much salt, much less iodized salt, as we used to. Iodized salt that sits around, particularly in higher humidity environments loses its iodine. The iodide is getting oxidized to iodine, which is volatile. When I started using potassium iodide at 225 ug/day, I noticed a distinct improvement. I was probably a little hypothyroid, and it sounds like Siro may have been as well. His experience was probably not placebo, or at least not entirely placebo. I have a problem with Lugols, though. The difference between iodine and iodide is the same as the difference between chlorine, a deadly green gas, and chloride, an ion that we can't live without. Elemental iodine is a powerful oxidizing agent; drinking it is kind of like drinking bleach. Iodide is a benign ion that your body has a need for. I'm not aware of any need for I2, the elemental form of iodine. The ironic thing is that when you drink iodine in Lugols, the first thing it will do is rip the electrons from the nearest biomolecule it can find, thus turning itself into iodide as it wreaks havoc with your biochemistry. Why not just skip the injury and take iodide in the first place?
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#20 Absent

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 11:08 PM

Iodine deficiency is fairly common. We don't use as much salt, much less iodized salt, as we used to. Iodized salt that sits around, particularly in higher humidity environments loses its iodine. The iodide is getting oxidized to iodine, which is volatile. When I started using potassium iodide at 225 ug/day, I noticed a distinct improvement. I was probably a little hypothyroid, and it sounds like Siro may have been as well. His experience was probably not placebo, or at least not entirely placebo. I have a problem with Lugols, though. The difference between iodine and iodide is the same as the difference between chlorine, a deadly green gas, and chloride, an ion that we can't live without. Elemental iodine is a powerful oxidizing agent; drinking it is kind of like drinking bleach. Iodide is a benign ion that your body has a need for. I'm not aware of any need for I2, the elemental form of iodine. The ironic thing is that when you drink iodine in Lugols, the first thing it will do is rip the electrons from the nearest biomolecule it can find, thus turning itself into iodide as it wreaks havoc with your biochemistry. Why not just skip the injury and take iodide in the first place?

I have heard that as well. Lugols is toxic in high enough doses. Half of a 60ml bottle can kill somebody. I read somewhere that there was a distinct reason elemental iodine is included, though I do not recall. A lot of people, on Curezone, for instance, said taking tablets of simply potassium iodide versus taking Lugols, they noticed big differences. Namely in that Lugols was far more effective.

I believe I read somewhere that it is good to take anti-oxidants when dosing with Lugols, so maybe there's a good reason for it.

#21 SanjayK

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 11:43 PM

The creators of curezone do seem to be rather enamored with iodine.
Another opinon here

Of course that site does seem to have an anti iodine agenda so who to trust?
It would certainly seem prudent to test thyroid factors with blood work before and after/during heavy supplementation.

Hmm…that's an interesting response.

It could very well be placebo effect that I've experienced with iodine and I don't have before and after blood work to go by.

But is salt flushing all the iodine out? People aren't flushing with salt day after day - they just do it up front.

The people on these forums are taking about 50-100mg a day for 2-3 months and then reducing to about 10-15 on a permanent basis.

The himalayan sea salt just becomes part of their daily routine - the salt flush is just for up front. It probably does flush the iodine along with the bromine.

#22 Dolph

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 08:51 AM

My post is not satire in any way. I was being 100% serious about the effects that I experienced.

Yes, and they are absolutely typical for a placebo! There is just no way iodine could cause effetcs like that. Especially not within a few minutes! The only explanation would be that there is a good amount of crystal meth added to the solution.
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#23 CholinergiX

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 12:00 PM

"Within 5 minutes I felt an electrifying blissful glowing energy sweeping over my body. I felt like my eyes were bursting with an ethereal energy, as if mini fractal universes were radiating from within my iris. My thoughts had gained an extra couple dimensions in their complexity. This is all within just 5 minutes of drinking this."

I just realised that it sounds pretty like DMT experience, perhaps your pineal gland gets activated? Pineal gland is the second place in body where iodine accumulates, and so toxic halides.

sorry my english
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#24 hallucinogen

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 02:48 PM

Taking more than 150-300mcg of iodine per DAY is Very Unwise and will theoretically do more Harm than GooD...
(BEST SOURCE being Icelandic Kelp extract, not the Norwegian because they are leading metal manufacturers in the world, and you can only imagine what they dump in the water near their shores...)

PS. Some manufacturers DO Add crystal meth and other stimulants into their supplements, and even Chocolate bars........I kid you not. This is real

Edited by hallucinogen, 18 November 2013 - 02:52 PM.

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#25 CholinergiX

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 02:58 PM

Taking more than 150-300mcg of iodine per DAY is Very Unwise and will theoretically do more Harm than GooD...
(BEST SOURCE being Icelandic Kelp extract, not the Norwegian because they are leading metal manufacturers in the world, and you can only imagine what they dump in the water near their shores...)

PS. Some manufacturers DO Add crystal meth and other stimulants into their supplements, and even Chocolate bars........I kid you not. This is real

How do you explain that it helps so many people in miligram dosages?
For example I am taking this, and it helps me o lot, and there is no added meth or something, because I made my lugols solution myself.
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#26 Absent

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 06:33 PM

It's day 5. I am on 8 drops in the morning, 8 in the afternoon - 1 drop contains 1.5mg Potassium Iodide and 1mg of Elemental Iodine, so daily I am taking 24mg Potassium Iodide and 16mg Elemental Iodine. All I can say is, this stuff is amazing. I have never had this much nonstimulated, calm, focused, and serene energy. My sleep has never been so restful. My dreams have never been so vivid and emotional. My cognitive processes have never been this organized. My test taking abilities in my classes have gone up. I got 95+'s on exams in all of my classes that I typically get ~80's in. These test were taken on day 3 or so.

Most remarkably is my body temperature is so high. I no longer have any chills what so ever. There is this one class I have where the room is always cold and everybody always has jackets on and has their arms tucked to their side. I used to have terrible bouts of shivers in that class it was so cold. Now, I am warm in there. I see everyone around me trying to stay warm and I am debating on taking my thin jacket off, which I have never thought about before.

I also find my confidence and motivation way up. Also noted is that all of the supplements I have been taking have increased in efficiency. I have now a very sharp focus and motivation. I am able to work for hours on my school work and get it finished, while staying focused and motivated the whole time to do extremely quality work. I used to just get bored mid way through.

The great thing about all of this is the effects are building! My sleep is getting better. My energy is increasing. My body temperature is increasing. My thought organization is increasing. Every passing day. There has so far been no decline what so ever in the initial effects, but a continual rise.

My post is not satire in any way. I was being 100% serious about the effects that I experienced.

Yes, and they are absolutely typical for a placebo! There is just no way iodine could cause effetcs like that. Especially not within a few minutes! The only explanation would be that there is a good amount of crystal meth added to the solution.

I doubt that. I have had crystal meth(D-methamphetamine HCL as Desoxyn Pharmaceutical 10mg) before and it is way too stimulating, makes me crash, and makes it so I can't sleep for 24 hours. I can take Iodine before bed, feel these effects, and fall right asleep. In fact, it helps me sleep easier. The time that it took to come on is typical for a liquid solution, and considering Potassium Iodide is a salt and Elemental Iodine is so small, it likely got absorbed very quickly. I probably did have somewhat of a deficiency like others have said.

"Within 5 minutes I felt an electrifying blissful glowing energy sweeping over my body. I felt like my eyes were bursting with an ethereal energy, as if mini fractal universes were radiating from within my iris. My thoughts had gained an extra couple dimensions in their complexity. This is all within just 5 minutes of drinking this."

I just realised that it sounds pretty like DMT experience, perhaps your pineal gland gets activated? Pineal gland is the second place in body where iodine accumulates, and so toxic halides.

sorry my english

I do a lot of meditation, and on top of that experimenting with Piracetam has hyper activated my visualization abilities to a permanent level. Everybody's pineal gland is always active doing something regardless. I attribute those intense visualizations more to my highly developed visualization abilities coupled with the incredible energy rise from the Iodine.

There have also been a couple of other visualization type phenomenon, but I haven't mentioned them because I typically always have them to some subtle extent regardless of what supplements I am on. The increase in the strength of them usually always happens when my mind has an increase in energy.

Taking more than 150-300mcg of iodine per DAY is Very Unwise and will theoretically do more Harm than GooD...
(BEST SOURCE being Icelandic Kelp extract, not the Norwegian because they are leading metal manufacturers in the world, and you can only imagine what they dump in the water near their shores...)

PS. Some manufacturers DO Add crystal meth and other stimulants into their supplements, and even Chocolate bars........I kid you not. This is real

There is no crystal meth in this iodine. I know what crystal meth feels like even at micro and macro doses. On top of that I have a 5-set reagent test of Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, and Simon A/B, if I want to test it. I know for a fact that a person who doesn't regularly do stimulants such as myself is not going to be able to fall asleep 1 hour after dosing crystal meth -.-. So please, no more meth talk.

There is a lot of bad science out there and a lot of science is funded by people who also fund things such as the poorly done "Fluoride is good for your teeth" studies. A lot of science is funded by corporate powers intent on misleading the masses for whatever reasons, usually for their own profit. It's really a smart, yet unethical, business plan in such a scientifically driven world. Fund studies to come to some conclusion that your product is good for people, pay money to shut out the studies who say otherwise, and watch people buy up your product in an attempt to get healthy.

The fact is high doses of Iodine have been proven to help people. I'm loving the effects I am experiencing. They keep increasing and only getting more enjoyable, so I do not plan on stopping anytime soon.

It's just so nice to be able to go outside on a 55 degree gloomy day and actually feel like it's a wonderful day, despite the lack of any direct sunlight.

Edited by Siro, 18 November 2013 - 06:49 PM.

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#27 cuprous

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 08:54 PM

Siro - those are impressive results and I'm sure you've inspired more than a few people to do some research on iodine. That written the benefits you are experiencing do not seem like a viable new baseline for your well being and I would advise you caution. Consider tapering and stopping supplementation for a week to see if you have a graceful flight path back to your old self or if you experience some nasty reaction.

Alternatively there may be negative consequences ahead if you continue to dose so highly.

I don't mean to be all paternal but your states of ecstatic bliss are remarkable. Obviously us supplement folks don't believe everything is a zero-sum game but at the same time Limitless highs are too often accompanied by Flowers for Algernon endings.
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#28 Absent

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 09:14 PM


My personality has not changed at all. I have always been like this. Iodine has done nothing more than elevated my energies, warmed my body(literally), and organized my thoughts. I am very used to bliss states as I meditate a lot, they are nothing new to me. My personality has for a long time been naturally eccentric, estastic, blissful, ambitious, etc. My definition of personality being the way we all strive to behave and act. I aim to have this traits. While I aimed for these sorts of things, my mood/motivation state did not reflect it all of the time. It has been a fight most of my life.

That said, if I had to simplify everything Iodine has done for me so far: it has made me feel MUCH healthier. I do not feel stimulated, I simply feel healthy. Most of my life has been a struggle for me, against myself. While I have accomplished much in my short time alive, it has been done out of a struggle to escape the lowly pit that was my day to day experience in my head. I don't think human beings are meant to be down/depressed/fighting for energy all day, especially in this society a lot of us live in where getting food is no problem.

I appreciate your concern but everything is fine in my eyes, from my point of view. I don't totally rule out the possibility that bad things can develop, but until then, I will continue this regimen. If there is one thing I have learned in my entire life, it is that sometimes it takes a walk into the dark to discover life changing things. If I had not adopted this philosophy of Risk versus Reward in life, I would not have accomplished any of my goals.

#29 markymark

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 09:18 PM

Listen up people !
It may sound a bit like bragging, but to all who did not (yet) read or watch some of the stuff on mg-Iodine, such as the youtube clips of Brownstein, Flechas and others, e.g. Miller etc. and all to quick rush to judgements like "Wellcome to the Placebo-Effect" etc.... please take your time and study the arguments of the so called Iodine Doctors (there are more than the three above). Work youself through the material an come back with reasonable arguments...

CholinergiX looks like being informed.

I perfectly know, that taking and advocating mg-doses of iodine sounds weired, but again please read the arguments in Brownstein's book and elsewhere, such as, that Fluoride, Perchlorate, Bromid and other goitrogenes were increasingly released into the enviroment. There has been an intensive debate about iodine at the townsend letters in 2005 http://www.townsendl...yiodine0805.htm and there is a lot of good information out there. Here is some more food for thought:

Last not least, the iodine project: http://theiodineproject.webs.com/

Some might also say, "who are these iodine doctors, this is no peer review stuff at evidence level 1a..." However I am happy to al least point to an excellent review article, by Aceves: http://www.ncbi.nlm....pubmed/23607319 on the extrathyroidal effects off iodine.
@Siro, do yourself a favour: Let your TSH levels and fT3, fT4 and Selenium whole blood being checked. In some people (the minority) the TSH level starts to rise to high after some days and weeks on mg-doses of iodine, while the levels of fT3 and fT4 remain within their respective reference ranges. Is the WolffChaikoff effect really a misconception? At least thats what Brownstein and Abrahams say. However, there must be high TRH in those persons who devellop (according to Brownstein et al.) harmless increases in TSH under 6-50 mg Iodoral and high TRH does also mean more prolactin.....

All in all I am of the opinion, that most, if not all people would benefit from moderate to higher mg-doses around 3-50 mg of iodine per day (at the same time selenium, magnesium and some other cofactors must be fixed). I have many questions I'd like to ask Dr. Brownstein.

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#30 Absent

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 09:49 PM

Thank you, markymark.

It's probably worth mentioning I am also taking a Multi that includes 200mcg selenium, and on the side a 2:1 Calcium:Magnesium supplement. I've read Cal/Mag/Selen are all very important with regards to the Iodine systems, which is why I take them. Plus, Calcium/Magnesium are good on their own as well. I will look into getting my blood tested, though I am not sure when that will be.

There seems to be a battle against Iodine in much of the scientific community.... funny though, the same people who fight against Iodine are the ones who advocate the harmlessness of fluoride, and the ones who back Iodine also back the argument that fluoride is very toxic and is slowly poisoning us all. People throw around the word "conspiracy" a lot, but the truth is calling something a conspiracy doesn't make it any less true. The word conspiracy after all doesn't imply some delusional fantasy, despite many people viewing the word this way, but rather a secret happening that is taking place. You also have to wonder what motivated the replacement of iodized salt with a brominized form? Of course not all salts are like this, but iodized salt has become increasingly rare.

I tell people frequently not to trust everything they read in a scientific paper, but to view points from the other side, as well as considering the possibility that somebody might have a reason to lie to you. All in all, a person should look at all of the evidence in the end to determine what is most convincing for them. With Iodine, we have some papers saying high doses are useless and dangerous, and we have tons of healthy individuals who have been taking mg doses of iodine for years without any problem at all while reaping its (seemingly amazing) benefits.

Edited by Siro, 18 November 2013 - 09:52 PM.

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