free radical sponge
might this be an area of concern? From what I've been able to grasp, strictly from a layman's perspective, in recent times it seems increasingly questionable whether anti-oxidants are cast as unqualified heros and free-radicals the villains of aging - their roles seem uncertain.
If we were operating in the realm of c60 theory, without Baati, and anectdotal evidence supported here - would the recent research of Sinclair and its implicit challenge to the free radical theory of aging make us much more cautious of the benefits of introducing such a powerful anti-oxidant in to the cell?
Although the human experimentation of c60 is encouraging, approaching 2 years for some, with the unfolding science I feel less reassured by the idea of mass elimination of free radicals. I recall reading for example, that free-radicals might act to flag damaged cells.
Thanks in advance.