I have started this thread with the objective being to discuss, decide upon and establish GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL that are to be followed and adhered to when carrying out and organizing future Group Buys within the LONGECITY community.
The intention here is that by adhering to said GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL the likelihood of the Group Buy proceeding to its conclusion smoothly and according to plan will be maximized; and it will also help to maintain good relations between everyone involved, throughout the Group Buy process.

To get the ball rolling here is my suggested first draft of said list of GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL:
PLEASE NOTE: These GROUP BUY RULES & PROTOCOL are authored by LONGECITY Members and Registered Users, not by LONGECITY Management who have no involvement in either authoring or implementing them. As such, they are not 'official' LONGECITY forum rules, but ones created by forum members.
Whilst it is recommended that these are followed during Group Buys it should be noted that it is not mandatory that every Group Buy do so. These are simply a set of guidelines that can be followed voluntarily should the ORGANIZER and PARTICIPANTS choose to do so for any particular Group Buy.
1) The Group Buy ORGANIZER should endeavor to the best of his or her ability:
a) To ensure that the product supplied is of the correct minimum QUANTITY and PURITY.
Remember that the order placed with the manufacturer is a legally binding contract for them to supply the respective product at the agreed QUANTITY and PURITY. It is therefore their legal responsibility to do so.
If they have problems scaling up the synthesis to the ordered quantity there can always be a conversation about accepting a lesser quantity, but all of the Group Buy PARTICIPANTS should be consulted about this and agree on it before the relevant Custom Synthesis Lab are informed it is acceptable.
Furthermore, in the instance that a Custom Synthesis lab is unable to honor its commitment regards QUANTITY and/or PURITY there should always be some sort of COMPENSATION as a result; an appropriate price reduction / partial refund for example, or if the PURITY is less than specified / originally agreed then a proportionately greater QUANTITY should be supplied by the Custom Synthesis Lab such that the total overall quantity of active ingredient as per ordered is still provided.
b) Maintain proper and decent communication with all the Group Buy PARTICIPANTS throughout.
Ensure that full transparency regarding what is happening is provided at all times, post regular updates; and don’t get defensive at frustrated Group Buy PARTICIPANTS venting their frustration at you. Work as a TEAM with the Group Buy PARTICIPANTS (you are all in this together) as opposed to ‘YOU’ versus ‘THEM’.
c) Never, ever provide full payment to a CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LAB / COMPANY up front.
Sometimes paying a DEPOSIT will be required, but this should typically be no more than 10% of the order total; and should only be paid if absolutely necessary.
d) When obtaining payment from Group Buy PARTICIPANTS ensure that ALL associated costs are obtained in one go.
This will include:
- Cost of product.
- Cost of shipping bulk quantity of product to whoever is managing the measuring out of the individual participant quantities (if applicable) and the shipping to all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS.
- Total cost of shipping the individual participant quantities to all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS (N.B. A fixed cost should be agreed that covers this, which is charged to all participants).
- Any and all associated transaction fees (e.g. PAYPAL fees etc.).
- Organizational Fee (if there is any) that is to be paid to the ORGANIZER for their services.
- The decision of which Custom Synthesis lab to use for the synthesis;
- Acceptance of any additional cost implications further to the original quote; and
- Whether or not to change supplier later down the line should problems arise with the one originally agreed upon
Do not simply opt for the cheapest quote.
4) Have the supplied product analyzed and tested by a reputable third party to confirm both that it is what it is supposed to be and its purity meets specification.
Whilst analysis via NMR SPECTROSCOPY (e.g. BRUKER) is the absolute ideal, simple confirmation of PURITY via HPLC is sufficient; and it is a LOT cheaper.
5) PARTICIPANTS in Group Buys should realize and accept that there is an element of risk involved in participating in a Group Buy.
Should things go wrong, whilst anger and frustration are understandable and in fact inevitable they should direct that anger and frustration at the right target, namely the root cause of the problem… for example, if the root cause of the problem is the SUPPLIER don’t direct your anger and frustration at the Group Buy ORGANIZER.
In the instance that a CUSTOM SYNTHESIS LAB / COMPANY is being used for a Group Buy the first time ever, everyone, including all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS, needs to accept that there will be a higher risk of things going wrong than if a company that has been used before is used (and even then success is not guaranteed).
EDIT (16th JAN 2014) - ADDED:
6) The ORGANIZER can choose to organize the Group Buy either for free or alternatively for an appropriate fee.
If the ORGANIZER wishes to charge a fee for their services they must first receive unanimous agreement from all of the Group Buy PARTICIPANTS that they can do so and regarding what amount.
EDIT (17th JAN 2014) - ADDED:
7) Before the Group Buy starts the compound of interest should be adequately researched and discussed.
To include: mechanism of action, side effects, intended application, possible interactions with other drugs, dose, stability of the compound, storage conditions, routes of administration, which leads to the amount to be ordered per each participant; as well as any patent issues.
8) Consistent active participation by all Group Buy PARTICIPANTS is encouraged.

Edited by ScienceGuy, 18 January 2014 - 07:35 PM.