For those who didn't read my previous topic, my father has pancreatic cancer.
I found a paper from a french oncologist whom (who?) believe that two simple products could cure any cancer: Hydroxycitrate + alpha Lipoic acid. (google Metabloc + Laurent Shwartz if interested)
I could (and will

Anyway, his tumoral markers have dropped in a way that the chemo hardly explain according to our oncologist (-95% in three injections, two 75% dosed).
A scanner is scheduled in 4 weeks...
Limited In vivo data suggest that quercetin is strongly synergistic with those molecules, while, large amount of in vitro + in vivo data suggest that it could be a powerful weapon against cancer.
As often, the main obstacle is bioavailability. He's currently taking 3g/day with vitamin C.
I didn't anything conclusive about homemade quercetin liposome, the question is... Should I try anyway ?
My idea is to make Curcumin + vit C + R-ala + Quercitine liposome.
I have an ultrasound cleaner, soy lecithin and distliled water.
Should I try? Why? Why not?
I'm tired so my english is probably worse than usual, sorry for that !