So far 2014 is off to a great start for Lifespan BC. We've recently transitioned our executive director position and held and attended several events. We're looking forward to holding the largest conference yet this year.
January 18 - Movie Night #9: Limitless
February 2 - CryoBC Meeting
February 23 - Got to be good: Give, Get, Win tour
March 15 - Super Cool Cryonics Party with liquid nitrogen ice cream
March 22-23 - BIL Unconference - Vancouver
April 12 - CryoBC Meeting
April 12 - Cryonics (non-Google) Hangout - debriefing on this year's teens and twenties event in Florida
April 27 - Terra Nova Hike
May 10 - Movie Night #10: TED Talks about Anti-Aging Research.
June 7-8 - Vancouver Mini Maker Faire
June 15 - CryoBC Meeting
June 21 - Movie Night #11 AI/Singularity part 1
June 22 - Buntzen Lake Hike
June 28 - Movie Night #12 AI/Singularity part 2
June 29 - Mt. Seymour Climb
July 5 - Movie Night #13 AI/Singularity part 3
July 6 - Ambleside Beach Day Cancelled due to weather
August 9 - Lifespan Visits Victoria
August 22 - Cultus Lake Campout
September 20 - Movie Night #14: Transcendence
November 15 - Lifespan Conference with Aubrey de Grey
November 16 - Post-Conference Hike at Stanley Park
November 30 - Burnaby Lake Hike
As always stay up to date with our upcoming activities on Facebook and our Meetup page.
Edited by lunarsolarpower, 29 December 2014 - 08:28 AM.