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Kidney rejuvenation by WNT upregulation

wnt rejuvenation kidney

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#1 Logic

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Posted 03 September 2014 - 01:13 PM

...the researchers were able to pinpoint a specific molecule responsible for renal cellular growth called the "WNT signal." Once activated in specific precursor cells in each kidney segment, the WNT signal results in robust renal cellular growth and generation of long branches of cells... We were amazed to find that renal growth does not depend on a single stem cell, but is rather compartmentalized," said Dr. Dekel. "Each part of the nephron is responsible for its own growth, each segment responsible for its own development..."

One way to upregulate WNT signalling is by supressing DKK1 with L-Throenate.

However care should be taken when upregulatig WNT due to cancer concerns:
"..."...while cancer biologist have mainly focused on the Wnt signaling pathway as the primary “early driver” of cancer. there is something else going on too.. Wnt drives β-catenin into the nucleus where it activates the transcription factor TCF to “turn on” the EMT. Watson believes an “even more important villain than Wnt signaling has been virtually staring us in the face for two decades”. That “villain” is interleukin 6 (IL-6). IL-6 is the master cytokine mediator of inflammation and immunity..."

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#2 Logic

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Posted 03 September 2014 - 01:36 PM

Macrophage Wnt7b is critical for kidney repair and regeneration
"...Here we show, using the kidney as a model, that the Wnt pathway ligand Wnt7b is produced by macrophages to stimulate repair and regeneration... these findings suggest that macrophages are able to rapidly invade an injured tissue and re-establish a developmental program that is beneficial for repair and regeneration..."

Interesting! Does increasing WNT signalling enhance macrophagy and does macrophagy play an important role in regeneration!???

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#3 Avatar of Horus

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Posted 04 September 2014 - 03:46 PM

Macrophage Wnt7b is critical for kidney repair and regeneration
"...Here we show, using the kidney as a model, that the Wnt pathway ligand Wnt7b is produced by macrophages to stimulate repair and regeneration... these findings suggest that macrophages are able to rapidly invade an injured tissue and re-establish a developmental program that is beneficial for repair and regeneration..."

Interesting! Does increasing WNT signalling enhance macrophagy and does macrophagy play an important role in regeneration!???

I think they speak about that the macrophages produce the Wnt to signal to the kidney epithelial cells for regeneration.

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#4 Logic

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Posted 04 September 2014 - 07:54 PM

Macrophage Wnt7b is critical for kidney repair and regeneration
"...Here we show, using the kidney as a model, that the Wnt pathway ligand Wnt7b is produced by macrophages to stimulate repair and regeneration... these findings suggest that macrophages are able to rapidly invade an injured tissue and re-establish a developmental program that is beneficial for repair and regeneration..."

Interesting! Does increasing WNT signalling enhance macrophagy and does macrophagy play an important role in regeneration!???

I think they speak about that the macrophages produce the Wnt to signal to the kidney epithelial cells for regeneration.

AH; true now that I have re read it.
Thx Avatar

So its the macrophages turning on WNT signalling in a localised fashion in damaged areas after they have done their job of consuming everything that is beyond repair?
Cool! :)

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: wnt, rejuvenation, kidney

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