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Introducing Niagen from Live Cell Research

live cell research niagen

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#91 ceridwen

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:10 PM

It reduced my tinnitus enormously

#92 onz

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:15 PM

Hi Ethan,

I've previously placed 3 orders with live cell research and successfully received shipping to Australia. But now your site only offers shipping to USA, Canada, and UK?

Why has this changed? Are you comfortable to pass on international customers to your competition? e.g. HPN

#93 Ethan Furman

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Posted 04 March 2015 - 09:23 PM

We did a small test with shipping to Australia, but it wasn't cost effective. For the time being, we have discontinued our service to Australia, but are currently looking into ways to make it work again.

#94 Daniel Cooper

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 01:30 AM

I just got a rather breathless email from LCR. Peer reviewed publication of trial results pending. Did find this claim rather worrying.


And right now is absolutely the best time to stock up on this revolutionary new supplement, as we’re expecting a huge demand in a few months when the results of this study are made public.
To give you an idea of what we’re expecting...over the last week alone (after news of this successful clinical study leaked in the UK media) niagen” became one of the most Googled internet searches in the entire United KingdomThe Live Cell Research team is now scrambling to get our production ready to meet this international demand.


Except of course it didn't become the one of the most googled search terms at all. See here.

And a screenshot.



Why do vendors feel the need to try to hoodwink us?





Crap like this leads me to have zero confidence in anything else a vendor says.




Edited by Daniel Cooper, 05 March 2015 - 01:31 AM.

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#95 airplanepeanuts

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Posted 05 March 2015 - 10:29 AM



We apologize for the misinformation; however, speaking as the forum representative on behalf of Live Cell Research, I can tell you there is definitively keen interest in the UK for nicotinamide riboside...enough so that we are currently working out plans to deliver our first shipment across the pond.



What does that mean? In what way would that be the first shipment, as you are shipping to the UK already.

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#96 yipbop

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:10 PM

Hi, is it safe to take Niagen with other supplements and nootropics?

#97 Ethan Furman

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Posted 14 April 2015 - 05:59 PM

Yes, Niagen is safe to take along with other supplements. However, we always recommend you to consult your physician before you start any supplementation programs.

#98 Amorphous

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Posted 30 May 2015 - 09:52 PM

I bought a bottle of Live cell research Niagen. There is no expiration date on it. However it is printed with MFG 151111. Does that mean it was manufractured on 11/15/2011? 

Would that be expired already?

#99 Amorphous

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 09:40 PM

Since the Niagen can't be manufactured on 11/11/2015, it most likely to be made on 11/15/2011. It is way passed 2 years. I've sent an e-mails regarding this and received no response yet. 

If I didn't get response tomorrow, I'll get contact paypal to get refund. How disappointing!! What kind of a company would send expired products to customer?

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#100 Vastmandana

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 10:20 PM

dude, no offense, but you need to chill out.  First, it's the weekend and people have other things to do than jump on your ill conceived presumptions.  Nicotinamide Riboside didn't even exist for sale in 2011.  Before you go on about questioning the integrity of others you should take a good look at your own lack of due diligence.

Edited by Vastmandana, 31 May 2015 - 10:26 PM.

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#101 midas

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Posted 31 May 2015 - 11:01 PM

I think Niagen was launched in May 2013 (http://newhope360.co...namide-riboside) and the earliest reference I can find tying Live Cell to Niagen is last summer so I think your going to be fine with that as long as it actually contains Niagen.

Personally after reading some comments made in this thread I would think twice about using Live Cell Research for Niagen. HPN and Elysium are the two I have used.

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#102 Amorphous

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Posted 01 June 2015 - 04:32 AM

Why would a company make a product (health supplement)  without an expiration date? Maybe I am an idiot, but I certainly won't ingest anything that is suspicious. I just don't understand the meaning of MGF 151111 and I sent mail to Live Cell Research to clarify but without response at all-- according to the website, it is supposed to open on SAT and SUN. I posted here hoping anyone who's used LCR Niagen could tell me something about it. Thanks for the response

#103 Ethan Furman

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Posted 02 June 2015 - 11:41 PM

Hi Amorphous - sorry for the delay, I was traveling abroad last week and got back last night. I spoke to a supervisor at customer support, who said we don't have a MFG date 151111. Would you mind messaging me your order information, and we can find out exactly what batch your order was from? (Rest assured, though, it is not possible that it was manufactured in 2011.) Thanks!



#104 Hebbeh

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 01:59 AM

Hi Amorphous - sorry for the delay, I was traveling abroad last week and got back last night. I spoke to a supervisor at customer support, who said we don't have a MFG date 151111. Would you mind messaging me your order information, and we can find out exactly what batch your order was from? (Rest assured, though, it is not possible that it was manufactured in 2011.) Thanks!


I also received 6 bottles stamped MFG 151111 on the bottom and wondered the same thing.

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#105 Amorphous

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 04:18 AM


Hi Amorphous - sorry for the delay, I was traveling abroad last week and got back last night. I spoke to a supervisor at customer support, who said we don't have a MFG date 151111. Would you mind messaging me your order information, and we can find out exactly what batch your order was from? (Rest assured, though, it is not possible that it was manufactured in 2011.) Thanks!


I also received 6 bottles stamped MFG 151111 on the bottom and wondered the same thing.




It seems like I am not the only one receiving this batch but the first one to ask about this batch

On the bottom of the bottle reads

Lot 0417504

MFG 151111



#106 Ethan Furman

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Posted 03 June 2015 - 11:56 PM

Amorphous - I'm waiting to hear back from the lab on what exactly that MFG 151111 number refers to, but I can tell you that your particular order was batched May 6, 2015, and expires May 31, 2017.

#107 Amorphous

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Posted 04 June 2015 - 06:27 AM

Ethan - Thanks for your info. As long as it is not expired I am going to start using it. 

#108 BigLabRat

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Posted 12 June 2015 - 08:21 PM

Well, I bought my first bottle of LCR Niagen via Amazon. Since it will be finished in the near future, I decided to see if LCR would offer better deals.


They do, especially on multi-bottle purchases.


HOWEVER, after you fill in everything and hit the submit button, they have a number of "Your order is not yet complete!", full-page offers that pop up, trying to sell you different deals, or different LCR products. (I believe I had to navigate my way through 6 pages of pop-up offers before my order was actually sent in and confirmed.) The pages are extremely tacky, and their 'no thanks' button is actually labeled "I Understand that This Offer Will Not Be Repeated!"


If I hadn't seen LCR on this forum before, and used their product via Amazon, I would have called my credit card company and cancelled the order, as the whole approach looks and feels like a scam. You know those links that you click on out of interest, and then the "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO LEAVE THIS PAGE?" window pops up? It's at about that level.


So, the website seems legit. But after you hit your submit button, be prepared to wade through a flood of "deals" that seem to be aimed at people who need to move their lips to read.


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#109 APBT

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 10:14 PM

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Posted Yesterday, 11:15 AM

Good day everyone, today Livecell research send me info about a new suplemment MIDOGEN, it says is a new mitochondrial booster, anyone have more info about this new supplement, its says that the best results are when it is combined with Niagen (nicotinamide riboside)


These last few days I’ve been FLOODED with emails about Midogen…perhaps the most revolutionary longevity supplement I have ever worked on.

We’ve spent over a year developing and testing this mitochondrial booster, one which increases both physical and mental energy. And the results have been phenomenal.

Midogen will go on sale this Friday, July 24th at Noon (EST).

I received hundreds of emails asking about Midogen, and two specific questions kept coming up:

  • “Can I take Midogen with Niagen?”
  • “Can you tell me exactly what’s in it?”

Our entire batch of Midogen will be very limited to only 3,000 bottles…and based on the demand I’m seeing, I expect that to be gone in hours, not days.

So make sure to sign up so you’ll be first in line to get Midogen one hour early at 11am (EST) this Friday.

Now, as promised, I want to introduce you to the 3 Incredible Ingredients that make Midogen so revolutionary…

Ingredient #1: PQQ

Pyrroloquinoline quinone — or PQQ — was first discovered by research scientist Jens G. Hauge in 1979. At the time, it was believed to be a new nutrient.

Shockingly, this incredible compound went largely unstudied for many years.

Then a real breakthrough with PQQ came in 2010.

Dr. Robert B. Rucker, Ph.D, professor at UC Davis and President of the American Society for Nutrition – conducted a landmark study on PQQ in rats.

Rucker and his colleagues found that rats deprived of PQQ had weaker immune systems and aged faster.

However, when PQQ was reintroduced to their diets…these aging effects were reversed and the rats returned to good health!

But that wasn’t all they found.

They conclusively proved that PQQ promotes the spontaneous generation of new mitochondria within aging cells!

They had, for the first time, observedmitochondrial biogenesis initiated by PQQ.

Remember, mitochondria are the “power plants” of your cells…they give you all the energy you use to run, eat, think, get out of bed…everything.

But as you age, mitochondria die. This cellular decay results in less energy, poor thinking, fading memory…even wrinkles and deteriorating vision.

Or as we call it…Aging.

So the discovery of a way to increase the total number of mitochondria in your cells is a game changer…like a city discovering how to create dozens of new power plants.

To understand these results, it might help to refer to this picture of the lab mice used in the landmark UC Davis PQQ study.

The top mouse has been denied a PQQ diet; the bottom mouse has been fed a diet containing 2mg of PQQ for 8 weeks.

Mice fed the PQQ diet had 60% more mitochondria per cell than non-PQQ mice!

That’s right...60% more mitochondria per cell!

Imagine what you could do with 60% more mitochondria…and 60% more energy!

You’d have the energy you need to tackle those projects that have been piling up…to exercise and stay in great shape…to motivate and start that business idea you’ve been kicking around…

…and be as healthy and vibrant as you can when spending time with friends, family and loved ones.

I should point out that PQQ trials have recently begun on humans…and the results show boosts in energy, motivation…and even brain function.

In a 2011 human clinical trial in Japan, PQQ was given to 65 participants, aged 50-70 who suffer from forgetfulness.

After 24 weeks, researchers concluded:

“PQQ was found to improve not only immediate memory, but also other higher brain functionsand spatial awareness.”

Amazingly, this was the result of PQQ enhancing cellular energy in the brain.

Longer clinical trials are currently underway, and I expect the results to be even more exciting.

Now, I want to pause for a moment to answer a question I’ve been getting a lot:

“Can I take Midogen and Niagen together?”

The answer is YES!

Our flagship product — Niagen — improves mitochondrial activity in your body using NR(nicotinamide riboside).

NR is a vitamin proven to boost levels of NAD+…the compound that prevents cellular decay.

However, new evidence suggests NR is not theonly pathway for increasing NAD+.

In fact, the latest research suggests that another form of NAD is a second pathway that may be just as effective at preventing cellular decay.

This NAD boosting molecule is called NADH.

Ingredient #2: NADH

When oxidized, NADH converts directly into NAD+.

As Dr. George Birkmayer, the world’s foremost pioneer in NADH research has said, NADH is like“biological rocket fuel” for your cells!

NADH is already used medically for a variety of purposes. There have already been over 25 human clinical trials on the ability of NADH to:

  • treat chronic fatigue syndrome
  • improve mental clarity and alertness
  • boost concentration and memory
  • improve athletic endurance

In one study conducted at world famous Georgetown University, NADH was 4 times more effective than placebo in treating patients suffering from chronic fatigue.

In another major study, participants were asked to take NADH to counter “jet lag” after flying through 3 time zones.

Users reported a significant increase in mental alertness, visual spatial perception, reaction time, and multi-tasking abilities.

And in a landmark study at the University of Freiberg in Germany, Olympic athletes (cyclists and distance runners) were given 30mg of NADH for one month.

Their performance in rigorous endurance tests was measured before and after.

The athletes who took NADH had an averageincrease in muscular energy of 7%!

Now, this may not seem like a significant number to you, but remember: these are Olympic athletes who have spent their entire lives training their bodies for optimum performance.

They were supposed to be at their absolute peak - BEFORE the study. Yet this simple compound allowed them to increase muscular energy even further — despite how strong they already were at the start!

The amount of energy it could increase for a person who is not a high-performance athlete isimmeasurable.

And because NADH also stimulates neurotransmitters in your brain, it’s not surprising it has shown profound benefits intreating low mood.

In a two-year study in Vienna, 205 depressed patients took 10mg of NADH.

After just four weeks, 93% of patients had a significant increase in mood, with no side effects reported.

Put these studies together, and NADH has been proven to treat:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Joint Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of concentration
  • Loss of memory
  • Low mood

By boosting cellular energy, NADH improved ALL of these symptoms in thousands of patients!

But there is still one more ingredient that, when combined with PQQ and NADH, has created one of the most incredible supplements we’ve ever tested…

Ingredient #3: Trans-Resveratrol

The final ingredient in Midogen in Resveratrol, which you may have heard about. It is sometimes referred to as “the ultimate antioxidant.”

It’s the naturally occurring ingredient in red wine that makes it “heart healthy.”

It has also been shown in multiple studies toreduce obesitycombat diabetes, and reduce inflammation.

But resveratrol is included here not simply for its heart benefits, but because it performs a very specific function when taken with PQQ.

You see, PQQ can activate sirtuins — the genes that control longevity.

And resveratrol is the single most powerful activating agent known to initiate this longevity boosting process!

This is why I refer to Midogen as…

“The Ultimate Mitochondrial Booster.”

To summarize how incredible these three ingredients are when taken together, let me use an analogy from the “Wild West”:

Imagine your body’s mitochondria are horses.

These horses generate energy, pulling your stagecoach across the frontier.

Well, NADH increases the strength of each horse…

While PQQ increases the total number of horses…

…and Resveratrol is the whip!

Imagine how much faster you could go by increasing the strength and total number of horses pulling you.

Well, that’s exactly what happens when you increase the size and total amount of mitochondria in your cells!

And that’s why 87% of Midogen users experienced more energy

…89% had more motivation

…and 88% had clearer thinking!

In just two weeks!

In short, Midogen is a revolutionary formula that can increase mental energy, physical energy, and longevity.

And because it functions on a completely different pathway than Niagenthe combined effects may be the greatest we have ever tested.







Edited by daco222, Yesterday, 11:30 AM.


#110 APBT

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 10:23 PM

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Posted Today, 10:27 AM



I had a similar reaction to the LCR advertising. They can't be targeting Longecity Members.


Last Wed, I wrote them in response to that "big announcement" a crabby email:
<<If you really have some research results, tell us what this compound is, what the response rate in the placebo group was, etc.  
But take me off the mailing list for this kind of say-nothing trashy, sleezy advertising.>>
Promptly on Wed., their main guy wrote back so promptly and politely, that I felt kinda guilty for how annoyed I'd been: 
<<Thank you for contacting Live Cell Research.  Per your request, you have been removed from our mailing list and you will no longer receive our newsletters.
If I can be of further assistance please let me know by replying to this e-mail.
Have a great day.
Bill Sharpe>> 
But then last Friday--just two days later--I received another copy of the exact same "announcement" I'd complained about. I forwarded the email trail back to them and this time the "team" wrote saying I was being removed from the mailing list.
Today I received the new email with the name "Midogen" but not much actual info. If I enter them in my "blocked senders" list, I won't be able to get shipping notices when I order. I guess I should switch to the other major supplier of Niagen--do they do less mass mailing ads or have better scientific content to theirs?
Their "Midogen" would be way down my priority list to read up on and consider taking. There are obviously some good candidates for anti-aging--Metformin, Resveratrol, Pterostilbene, etc. and even other promising compounds for mitochondrial health--PQQ and MitoQ, but there are literally hundreds being promoted out there--no reason at all to think MIdogen is one of the better. 
I've been taking 1500mg a day for 7 1/2 months now. I think I have slightly more energy on it and my skin seems healthier. The mild tendonitis I'd developed has cleared up and I'm thinking I'll go up to 2000mg. I know this has been discussed on the thread before--without resolution--but if anyone with chemistry/psychopharm saavy knows whether Niagen is or isn't a molecule that is going to benefit from sublingual administration, I'd love to hear. All I know there are all sorts of factors--size of molecule, solubility in saliva, PH, etc that effect this--but don't know how Niagen fits into those factors. I'm wondering if I'm wasting a lot of time opening the capsules to dump under my tongue . . .and wondering if I switch brands if I should get a sublingual powder. I don't think I'll ask LCR for their scientific opinion on this, LOL.


#111 APBT

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 10:26 PM

Moved from Nicotinamide Riboside (NR/Niagen) personal experience thread




Ethan Furman
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Posted Today, 12:52 PM

Hi, my name is Ethan, I work here at Live Cell Research! Sorry if anyone has felt they're receiving too much contact this last week...we're obviously very excited about our newest supplement, Midogen, and are hoping to get the word out to as many people as possible. I absolutely apologize if you unsubscribed and still received an email...this unfortunately happens sometimes if our email provider is slow in updating. We NEVER send emails to anyone listed as "unsubscribed." There is also an unsubscribe link on every email, and I'm glad our phone support staff was also able to help you as well. And as you know, we try and send as much high-quality, educational content as possible, which many readers write in frequently to say they really enjoy.


One commenter above mentioned a bunch of good compounds believed to have an impact on longevity, and that's a good list with a lot of research behind it. I'd add that in addition to mentioning the three ingredients in Midogen -- PQQ, NADH, and Resveratrol -- it's important to consider the quality and source of the products. Our PQQ and NADH are shipped directly from the most trusted sources in Germany and Japan, quarantined upon arrival in the U.S., and every batch is tested for purity and potency. Every bottle receives a bar code and goes through rigorous processing to make sure you receive the highest quality product possible. We also offer a 90-day ironclad guarantee on EVERY order you place with Live Cell Research, and of course Midogen will be the exact same. For these reasons I feel Midogen, like all Live Cell products, is at the top tier of supplements available to anyone seeking cutting-edge health benefits. 

Hopefully this information helps. Thanks for commenting in this forum...glad to see so many people excited about the latest advances in longevity research!

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#112 APBT

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Posted 22 July 2015 - 10:31 PM

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Posted Today, 01:02 PM

Ethan Furman, on 22 Jul 2015 - 12:52 PM, said:snapback.png

Hi, my name is Ethan, I work here at Live Cell Research! Sorry if anyone has felt they're receiving too much contact this last week...we're obviously very excited about our newest supplement, Midogen, and are hoping to get the word out to as many people as possible. I absolutely apologize if you unsubscribed and still received an email...this unfortunately happens sometimes if our email provider is slow in updating. We NEVER send emails to anyone listed as "unsubscribed." There is also an unsubscribe link on every email, and I'm glad our phone support staff was also able to help you as well. And as you know, we try and send as much high-quality, educational content as possible, which many readers write in frequently to say they really enjoy.


One commenter above mentioned a bunch of good compounds believed to have an impact on longevity, and that's a good list with a lot of research behind it. I'd add that in addition to mentioning the three ingredients in Midogen -- PQQ, NADH, and Resveratrol -- it's important to consider the quality and source of the products. Our PQQ and NADH are shipped directly from the most trusted sources in Germany and Japan, quarantined upon arrival in the U.S., and every batch is tested for purity and potency. Every bottle receives a bar code and goes through rigorous processing to make sure you receive the highest quality product possible. We also offer a 90-day ironclad guarantee on EVERY order you place with Live Cell Research, and of course Midogen will be the exact same. For these reasons I feel Midogen, like all Live Cell products, is at the top tier of supplements available to anyone seeking cutting-edge health benefits. 

Hopefully this information helps. Thanks for commenting in this forum...glad to see so many people excited about the latest advances in longevity research!

Good day, can you tell me the dose and amount of all the ingredientes per capsule, thanks for the information, and other question, why you prefer resveratrol versus pterostilbene? I know it's a mark of Chromadex, pterostilbene, but the researchers said that is best pterostilbene and resveratrol.


And you recommend the combination of NR with MIDOGEN, because one is an oxidant and the other is an antioxidant electron donor.

Edited by daco222, Today, 01:02 PM.



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Ethan Furman
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Posted Today, 01:29 PM

Hi Daco. Midogen contains: 10mg NADH, 5mg PQQ, and 300mg Japanese Knotweed (trans-resveratrol).


As far as the benefit of resveratrol vs. pterostilbene, both are powerful antioxidants, there's just more research at this point with Resveratrol, and we felt it was the more powerful ingredient when testing the Midogen formula. You can certainly take both for added benefit, it's up to you and what you feel works best in your individual case. As far as NR and NADH, you are correct, they are both ways of increasing NAD in your body...again, you are welcome to try both for yourself, but many users see added benefit using the two together. I personally take both in the form of Niagen and Midogen. 



daco222, on 22 Jul 2015 - 1:02 PM, said:snapback.png


Ethan Furman, on 22 Jul 2015 - 12:52 PM, said:snapback.png

Hi, my name is Ethan, I work here at Live Cell Research! Sorry if anyone has felt they're receiving too much contact this last week...we're obviously very excited about our newest supplement, Midogen, and are hoping to get the word out to as many people as possible. I absolutely apologize if you unsubscribed and still received an email...this unfortunately happens sometimes if our email provider is slow in updating. We NEVER send emails to anyone listed as "unsubscribed." There is also an unsubscribe link on every email, and I'm glad our phone support staff was also able to help you as well. And as you know, we try and send as much high-quality, educational content as possible, which many readers write in frequently to say they really enjoy.


One commenter above mentioned a bunch of good compounds believed to have an impact on longevity, and that's a good list with a lot of research behind it. I'd add that in addition to mentioning the three ingredients in Midogen -- PQQ, NADH, and Resveratrol -- it's important to consider the quality and source of the products. Our PQQ and NADH are shipped directly from the most trusted sources in Germany and Japan, quarantined upon arrival in the U.S., and every batch is tested for purity and potency. Every bottle receives a bar code and goes through rigorous processing to make sure you receive the highest quality product possible. We also offer a 90-day ironclad guarantee on EVERY order you place with Live Cell Research, and of course Midogen will be the exact same. For these reasons I feel Midogen, like all Live Cell products, is at the top tier of supplements available to anyone seeking cutting-edge health benefits. 

Hopefully this information helps. Thanks for commenting in this forum...glad to see so many people excited about the latest advances in longevity research!

Good day, can you tell me the dose and amount of all the ingredientes per capsule, thanks for the information, and other question, why you prefer resveratrol versus pterostilbene? I know it's a mark of Chromadex, pterostilbene, but the researchers said that is best pterostilbene and resveratrol.


And you recommend the combination of NR with MIDOGEN, because one is an oxidant and the other is an antioxidant electron donor.



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#113 Alex_G

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 07:36 PM

This ad by Live Cell Research bothers me. This is a link I got from the longecity.org website when I did a search on the site.



This ad is just like the ads that tell you how to make millions trading stocks or how to be the best lover on the planet.

They are all scams and this ad gives me the same felling.


This is basically for your info...


#114 Nick Kyz

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Posted 11 February 2016 - 09:01 PM

I take NR with food to prevent postprandial fatigue. I find it effective, especially in combination with PQQ and MitoQ.  So it's pretty clearly increasing NAD+ to my mind. 


Whether you want your NAD+ increased is another question. I'm sure it's not necessary for the vast majority of people. But it's a good tool in my toolbox.

  • unsure x 1

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