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ADHD, My 10 Month Cerebrolysin Cycle and Dr Russell Barkley

adhd cerebrolysin

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#1 5IMON

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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:27 PM

First off I'll introduce myself and give you a brief background.


My name is Simon I’m from the UK and  I was diagnosed with severe ADHD 16 years ago (I’m now 25 ) since the age of 19 I have been striving to try and find better treatments for this than simple dopamine / norepinephrine  agonists and uptake inhibitors ( I’ll tell you why later) I have been on all of them except Atomoxetine and Adderall. I have been on this site since 2009 and rarely post so If you have ADHD or want an insight into ADHD you will definitely find this helpful.


 I first started a long course of Hydergine + Tams/ PRL-8-53; was: PRL 8-147:  etc  which was ok 6/10 but I lacked working Memory and attention span it just wasn’t strong enough to remedy my symptoms. I then moved straight on to Cerebrolysin. I am the only (to my knowledge) person who has done a 14 month course (5 days on 2 days off) no breaks inbetween of this and only this nootropic (RussianBear is the only other person who has come close at 6 months)Please speak up if you have!   I am now back on it after a 2 month break.


For everyone interested in Cerbrolysin please ask any questions below and I will answer. The only thing I will say for now is that it work incredibly well and massively improved my working memory, learning and attention, you also become stress and depression free (a well noted side effect of cere).


I came off of it due to a difficulty with verbal fluency  (finding the right words to say quickly) and a difficulty sleeping depsite eliminating all caffeine. These did subside once I cam off the Cere


 I have read a lot of the posts on the site about ADHD symptoms and understanding and I must say it is OUTDATED.


Dr. Russell Barkley is the pioneer in ADHD and he has found that ADHD is NOT inattention, inhibition and impulsivity BUT a disorder of EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS AND SELF REGULATION.


This translates into two things: PERFORMANCE AND KNOWLEDGE.

“We cannot perform what we know”- Dr. Barkley


Im not going to type out all the new found information on ADHD as you visit the links below.


Here are some of DR Barkley’s Literature from his site;

·         http://www.russellba.../adhd-facts.pdf

·         http://www.russellba...D_EF_and_SR.pdf


I would say the MOST beneficial thing you guys should do is take a look at the videos of one of the most ground breaking development lectures from Dr Barkley, produced  in 2008;




The total lecture is about 6 hours but it changed my life. I implemented his techniques back at University and got the grade and consequently, the Job (City Broker) I always wanted.


I will warn you though some of the things he says are a little hard to swallow.


Finally, please like this post if you found it helpful, we need to raise awareness of this so we can help each other. Because as we all know, ADHD is a Monster.

Edited by 5IMON, 27 November 2014 - 01:34 PM.

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#2 5IMON

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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:32 PM

Sorry, Typo at the Top can the moderator change the title to 14 months instead of 10 , thanks

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#3 Candidatus

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Posted 27 November 2014 - 02:14 PM

Very interesting!


I've done 2 Cere cycles (4 weeks each) in the past so I know a thing or two about it but 14 months straight is just surreal. Few questions:


1. Was the effect you got cumulative?

2. When did you start to feel the effects?

3. Did you have any side-effects beside those you mentioned above?

4. Why on earth did you decide to go for such a long time with this nootropic?



#4 5IMON

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Posted 27 November 2014 - 03:34 PM

Very interesting!


I've done 2 Cere cycles (4 weeks each) in the past so I know a thing or two about it but 14 months straight is just surreal. Few questions:


1. Was the effect you got cumulative?

2. When did you start to feel the effects?

3. Did you have any side-effects beside those you mentioned above?

4. Why on earth did you decide to go for such a long time with this nootropic?





1. Up until a certain point. I would say 2.5 months for maximum effect then the effects it remain constant. Its doesn't tail off at anytime either whilst on.


2. In terms or verbal fluency -Month 8. However I continued cycle as it wasnt that bad (this effect remained constant)  My sleep was deffo effected from months 10-14 -Which continually go worse. By the end i was suffering minor insomnia.


3. No other side effects.


4. Because it worked far better than pharmaceutical medication and I had the financial ability to run it indefinitely. On reflection it was great being able to remember things so well (ADHD = very poor working memory)


Hope this helps

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#5 Mind_Paralysis

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Posted 30 November 2014 - 12:29 AM

Cerebrolysin, huh...?

It's hard to comment on this thread, because the compound we're talking about here, is somewhat... ephemeral. I'm having a lot of trouble finding information on it's chemical make-up and mode of effect.


Could you by chance give a run-down on what you know about the compound?

I found this article, which seems to imply that it's a acetylcholine -reuptake inhibitor, or some such?



Does it effect the NMDA-network as well? They keep babbling on about excitotoxins as well, which in my mind implies that it lowers the aggressive NMDA-receptors that have been observed in alzheimers-patients.


If it truly affects both serotonin -receptors as an agonist, and the NMDA-network as an antagonist, then it sounds like a stellar compound.




The mode of administration doesn't fill me, ( and I can imagine quite a few others) with any greater feelings of euphoria - INJECTIONS are a total friggin' bummer, man. : |


I'm a bit apprehensive of this compound my friend, seems to me you're better off with a combo of Fasoracetam and Memantine, to me. Or maybe focalin and Memantine, or Focalin and Intuniv for that matter.


Or hey, Fasoracetam on its own, even.

#6 Keizo

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Posted 30 November 2014 - 08:01 AM


So some of the mechanism is mimicking or otherwise influencing the action of things like NGF and BDNF.


There was some sort of study on it with regards to ADHD, haven't found anything else on that http://www.everpharm...lysin-6-14.html


I can't really say how well it has worked for me regarding ADHD because I've had other problems (protracted benzodiazepine withdrawal, which I very much believe it solved).



"Cerebrolysin might also have neurotrophic activity of the
IGF-I type. In fact, Cerebrolysin contains detectable IGF
activity in antibody-binding assays (40)."
40. Chen, H., Tung, Y.C., Li, B., Iqbal, K., Grundke-Iqbal, I. Trophic
factors counteract elevated FGF-2-induced inhibition of adult
neurogenesis.Neurobiol Aging 2007, 28(8): 1148-62.




Edited by Keizo, 30 November 2014 - 08:42 AM.

#7 LongecityM20

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:44 AM

Hi Simon, 


I read about your experience with Cerebrolysin!


I have a Standardized Exam in 4 weeks! I have ADHD and its really had for me to focus, memorize, word recall and comprehend what I am reading. Do you recommend Cerebrolysin? or do you know of anything else that would benefit me in a short amount of time?



Also..I'm afraid of the whole needle thing with Cerebrolysin

#8 5IMON

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Posted 12 December 2014 - 08:48 AM

Ok first and most importantly is don't be afraid of the needle thing, I had the same worry like you before I injected . It's just a route of administration everything that goes in your mouth, sniffed up your nose, dropped into your eye ends up in your blood stream, so by injecting into your muscle it's the same thing. Look for the video on YouTube and you'll see it's quite simple.

All cerebrolysin is , is a branches chain amino acid. A peptide if you will.

So don't be afraid of it. It won't give you a stroke destroy your brain or all the other awful thing you could possibly think of happening. I'm a trainee fund manager in the city as a result of it (I can give you my linked in if you want me to prove it!)

There is a 70% chance you will respond (check the big cere thread on here for reference) but it depends how desperate you are , you don't want to be running ADHD meds alongside this IMO , I've tried it and it's not quite cricket

If you are going to just get passes in these exams then I would strongly consider it However if your executive function is strong enough to gain you 60/70% on tests then don't risk it do it when you have no time constraints.


And no there isn't anything better than cere IMO .

There are people TRYING to find the next big thing or something better but like everyone on this forum nothing is ever good enough for them and that my friend. Is a good thing.

#9 Fernando Laniado

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 07:10 PM


Semax vs Cerebrolysin?

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#10 Candidatus

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 07:23 PM



What about dosing? How much did you use?

#11 5IMON

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Posted 13 December 2014 - 08:34 PM

10ml 5 days on 2 days off

#12 Al Capacino

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 05:39 PM

Hi Simon. Nice post. I've been considering cere for a while but have been trying to weigh out the alternatives with easier administration such as nsi 189, botanicals, supplements, practically exhausted antidepressants bar maois except from mochlobemide which is a bit too weak against my depression.

Have you any experience or knowledge from people you know in regards to cerebrolysin sending depression into remission?

Another question, on your days off do effects last? I find I can sometimes control my mood with certain substances but on days off I feel terrible again. My days off tend to be weekends too so it's a craps weekend with no energy or desire then am back to work needing all sorts of crap to prop me up through the day.

#13 5IMON

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Posted 14 December 2014 - 07:53 PM

Check the big thread about cerebrolysin it is RENOUND For rendering people I a depression free state. I can testify to this , I can also testify with the stress free state that it puts you in.

As for off days I kept 20-30% of the positive benefits


#14 Babychris

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 08:49 AM

Did you use to stock cerebrolysin ? I mean open a bottle and keep them in vial ? If yes did you felt as good after an opened dose than a "vialed" dose ? 


I'm really liking cerebrolysin but It getting me sick don't know exactly why yet, maybe pork and me are not friend or just I'm not sufficiently clean when I inject myself ...

#15 5IMON

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 09:23 AM

You aren't getting sick due to unhygienic administration , IMO it's down to the peptide reacting with your blood, this is a well documented reaction (in both studies and the big cerebrolysin thread ) perfectly normal perfectly safe.

I never stock cerebrolysin. I order two month cycles at a time, if I open a 10 ml vial I use all 10ml (see my cycle details above) . I never use half and store it. It isn't a good idea , don't ask me why as I can't be bothered to explain

#16 Babychris

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Posted 15 December 2014 - 12:23 PM

No it's more likely due to an immune reaction from an exogenous substance, the body detect it as a stranger and activate all classical human reaction as being intoxicated by a microbia or a virus. 


I hope that my body will finally understand that it's supposed to be good for us haha (I hope it's not contaminated too...)

#17 Synaptic-Enthusiastic

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Posted 16 March 2015 - 09:17 PM

Check the big thread about cerebrolysin it is RENOUND For rendering people I a depression free state. I can testify to this , I can also testify with the stress free state that it puts you in.

As for off days I kept 20-30% of the positive benefits





I've been using Cere for almost three years now and I think it has changed me for the better. I do have a question, how do you manage yo get 25 10 ml shots a month without causing tissue damage to the gluteus and quads? That has been my only concern. Oh, and the fact that I've passed out when self injecting my quads. 


I'd really like to try a 7-8 month cycle. Thanks! 

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#18 Rior

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Posted 09 April 2015 - 05:53 PM

Simon, I just wanted to ask you for an update as to whether you've maintained your benefits now or not?  I've run Cerebrolysin in the past and seen incredible benefits that lasted for months as well, I'm considering running a cycle again after ceasing my ADD medication.

#19 5IMON

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:22 PM


Check the big thread about cerebrolysin it is RENOUND For rendering people I a depression free state. I can testify to this , I can also testify with the stress free state that it puts you in.

As for off days I kept 20-30% of the positive benefits





I've been using Cere for almost three years now and I think it has changed me for the better. I do have a question, how do you manage yo get 25 10 ml shots a month without causing tissue damage to the gluteus and quads? That has been my only concern. Oh, and the fact that I've passed out when self injecting my quads. 


I'd really like to try a 7-8 month cycle. Thanks! 


Late reply!




I used to do 5ml in each quad every morning. This was fine for tissue damage




Ive now changed to 10 ml in one quad which is again absolutely fine, Ive been doing it for the past 8 months for my cycle.




#20 matter_of_time

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Posted 16 August 2015 - 08:39 PM

I have done eight four week cycles in the last years. Maybe I should try a half year cycle.

#21 nicklesprout

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Posted 19 August 2015 - 04:34 PM

5IMON - did you say it cured your benzo issues? what were your symptoms that it cured? how long did it take to fix them?

#22 decky

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Posted 30 November 2015 - 10:11 PM

I too suffer from adhd, specifically the PI subtype. I really struggled with my undergrad studies and ended up getting a result that I know is less than what I'm capable. This has had a profoundly negative effect on my confidence. I did a degree in chemistry but I'm currently stuck working as a process technician. I would like to go back an study either a BEng in chemical engineering or do a M.Sc in Chemistry.


I was given Ritalin and concerta but they made me too anxious. They never really helped with motivation which is usually the biggest problem with me. I also suffer with depression and some mild anxiety.


Your post has inspired me to give cerebrolysin a try. I've just received my pins and alcohol wipes. I'm just waiting on the cerebro which could take up till a month to arrive. Hopefully it will solve the problems that I have.


Did you do any kind of brain training like luminosity or dual n back?

#23 Ltd

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Posted 12 February 2016 - 08:40 PM

Hi 5imon,
With reference to your use of Cerebrolysin; did you incorporate brain training, meditation or challenging studies as a means of improving cognitive function?
Further to this, may I ask where you ordered from?
I will look into the Dr Russell Barkley link. Is there a written report on his presentation or do you recommend watching he filled video?
Thank you for the insights to date.


#24 5IMON

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Posted 13 February 2016 - 05:38 PM



No I didn't  do any brain training etc. PM me for where I get my cere from.


Yes I recommend watching the whole 8 hour lecture it will turn your life around.

#25 5IMON

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Posted 21 March 2016 - 09:27 PM

Guys getting a lot of PM's asking to meet me to tell my story face to face so may organise a public workshop where we can share ideas.


Like this post if your interested so I know.

#26 jaiho

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Posted 22 March 2016 - 12:40 AM

Im interested in trying this for Anhedonia, most likely stress/anxiety induced.

You say it removes stress, and i get alot of physical symptoms of stress but without the emotional feeling of it. Think it would be good for returning the reward system to normal, considering ADHD also has dysfunction there?

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#27 5IMON

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Posted 22 March 2016 - 09:13 AM

The effects are global regardless of disorder. Reading the 75 page Cere thread on here demonstrates this. So consequently you would probably benefit.

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