Dear friends,
We would like to organize donation of books on Life Extension to university libraries in different countries, especially where almost no such literature exists.
This project is supported by a small grant from Longecity.
For the initial package there were selected:
Aubrey de Grey. Ending Aging
Ilia Stambler. A History of Life-Extensionism Also freely available on line at:
What other books do you think should be included in the package? Would you donate books on life extension?
Please help arrange the transfer of books to your local university library: get the agreement of the library or university faculty, and find out the name and address to send the books.
Beside the direct effects of getting the books on life extension into university catalogues and reading lists, and thus strengthening the academic status of life extension research, there are additional benefits. We can use this opportunity to build up the network of longevity activists engaged in the project, we can build up the interest among students, especially in biomedicine-related topics, and we can find teachers and faculty members who may be sympathetic to the cause of life extension to build collaborations for the future.
This can also be an opportunity to organize book club events and discussions, with or without the book transfer, for those or other books on life-extension. From regular meetings of such discussion groups, there may emerge longevity activist cells.
This can also be an opportunity to increase education and writing on life-extension, for example by writing book reviews, on these and other books on life-extension. There may be small compensations for book reviews to be published at Longecity (and disseminated elsewhere).
If you would like to help and participate in the Book Outreach Project, please contact me. Here in PM, by email: or facebook
Ilia Stambler
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Edited by ilia, 23 July 2015 - 03:14 PM.