A lot of people have said this supplement is good for a lot of things. Lots of joint supplements contain it. You can get it by itself. There was a video posted about health in Japan or Okinawa because their diets have lots of this.
If you google it, though, it seems there are some warnings
"A hyaluronan-rich environment often correlate with tumor progression, and may be one mechanism for the invasive behavior of malignancies. Eradication of hyaluronan by hyaluronidase administration could reduce tumor aggressiveness and would provide, therefore, a new anti-cancer strategy."
In a paper on hyaluronic acid and colon cancer, researchers wrote that "Hyaluronan (HA) is a cell-surface glycosaminoglycan that has been implicated in cancer progression......These data suggest that HA promotes adhesion to laminin and may thereby facilitate invasion of the basement membrane and metastasis in colon carcinoma."
Subject: Hyaluronic Acid, although promoted for many therapeutic uses, including counteracting side effects of aromatase inhibitors, may promote growth and spread of cancer cells and should not be used by cancer patients.
Hyaluronic acid is also known as hyaluronen (typing either term is tedious so I will abbreviate it as HA for the rest of this letter) is a relatively new on the market and is being promoted for a vast range of therapeutic uses. I am not going to focus on potential beneficial uses; this is a cautionary letter. This chemical appears important in the growth and spread of cancer tumors and should be avoided by anyone with cancer, particularly patients with breast cancer.
On Swanson there is a product that contains Verisol that I was interested in because it was a better price than other products but it contains hyaluronic acid which made me want to see if this is something that is alright to supplement.
Edited by ironfistx, 29 January 2015 - 06:30 PM.