[Everything can be seen as having a "pharmacological action" - with the right supplements, diet, and mindset - when could easily perfect a genetic and physiologic re-invention of themselves that can baffle the human eye and mind.
You're on the right track there. Some of us are already doing it?(please read the writing undernieth my username).
Stress is good if ones system is geared to adapt. If its not one can enter a mode of stress-failure , which is something an inexperienced individual would have difficulty reconising. Testosterone makes the body gear up to grow, if one has not the dietry support(money to buy food, getting enough of what they need, reconising symptoms for needs and inbalances, etc) or nutritive stores(current body stores, hydration, liver, etc) available, cells will tier in their over stimulation. A cell that exhausts itself may leave it in difficulty, hence my comment about T aging.
It's not all muscular, muscle fibres can have tensile strength 6 times stronger than average with optimun Ascorbate levels, but you knew that right? Testosterone effects most things in the body, like the endocrine system! I hope I've helped explain myself. Please if you can find the time check out my new topic, it helps debunk Vitamin C and how dangerous it can be when supplemented willy nilly! http://www.longecity...ge/#entry713239
Edited by Multivitz, 12 February 2015 - 02:09 PM.