Here's an interesting website:
How do I properly use HGH? What dosage should I take?
How do I properly use HGH? What dosage should I take?
Human growth hormone is measured in IU (international units) and mg (milligrams). 1 mg equals approximately 3 IU while 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg.
The dosage depends on the goal. People generally use 2 IU per day for anti aging purposes, between 4 to 6 IU for bodybuilding, weight loss and fitness, between 8 to 16 IU is used for short duration to treat severe burns or recover after injuries.
Doses below 3IU per day usually bring no side effects while people can notice the improvement of their skin, better sleep, more energy, eating junk food without gaining weight, etc.
After several weeks at 4IU and above some people will start to feel some side effects of somatropin. Slight water retention can be noticed in your fingers, toes and face (HGH makes the muscle cells hold more water and are thus temporarily inflated). Some people occasionally feel tingling sensation in their fingers and palms - this is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. It is described in detail in the "effects of HGH" section. In practice carpal tunnel syndrome is the only side effect which actually bothers the user. Most athletes simply ignore it and continue the cycle for as long as they can. If the carpal becomes unbearable, they lower the dose or discontinue use until the side effects are gone. It usually takes about 2-3 weeks for the carpal tunnel syndrome to completely disappear.
When using 4IU and above, it is good to split the dose in two daily injections. Half in the morning and the other half in late afternoon. You should avoid taking HGH before bedtime because the body releases its endogenous HGH (3rd dose) when you falls asleep. If you take the dose before bedtime it might interfere with your endogenous HGH release.
I wonder if these HGH figures are really just an indirect measure of physical activity.
On average, people become increasingly inactive as they get older, (of-course, there are exceptional individuals).
And we know that physical activity generally raises HGH levels.
The average level of HGH ranges between 800mcg at age 20 and 400mcg age 30.
It seems to me, that for most people, aged over 50,
200mcg would be sufficient to raise HGH levels to the levels of your 30s.
This is based off a simple reading of the chart presented in my earlier post (2 or 3 posts up).
The website above is suggesting 666mcg for 'anti-aging'. But that would put most people over
50 on 866mcg. That would be more than an average 20 year old gets !
Who has published these guidelines ? Could it be the manufacturers ?
i.e. The very people who are likely to benefit by the sale of this product ?
Common sense suggests to me that an average 30 year old isn't deficient
in HGH. The average HGH level for a 30 year old is 400mcg.
It seems to me that a 40 year old, with an average level of HGH of 300mcg
Only needs 100mcg to bring him/her upto the HGH level of a 30 year old.
So that would be (less than) 1/3 of 1IU.
A 50 year old only needs 200 mcg to bring his/her HGH up to 400mcg.
So that would be (less than) 2/3 of 1IU.
I wonder if the 2IU recommendation expresses a desire for profit,
rather than any concerns for the good health of customers.
But returning to this 'HGH levels are an indirect measure of physical activity' hypothesis
I would like to see studies of the HGH levels of marathon runners, iron man & triathalon participants.
I wonder if someone has already done these studies... nicely tabulated by age and sex.
If anyone knows of such studies please let me know.
I would be very grateful.
Edited by playground, 24 September 2015 - 02:54 AM.