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Launching the Fight Aging! 2015 $125,000 Matching Fundraiser for SENS Rejuvenation Research

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#1 reason

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Posted 01 October 2015 - 06:50 PM

Today I'm pleased to announce the launch of this year's Fight Aging! matching fundraiser in support of the work of the SENS Research Foundation, funding scientific programs to speed progress towards working rejuvenation therapies and an end to frailty and disease in aging. In 2013 we raised $60,000, in 2014 $150,000, and this year we're shooting at a cool quarter of a million dollars. You never know where the limits really are unless you forge ahead, and support for the treatment of aging as a medical condition is growing more rapidly today than at any time since the creation of Fight Aging!

We have kicked things off with a Reddit /r/futurology post this year, as we did last year. Please do take a look and share the link and this fundraiser with those who might appreciate it. The /r/futurology community has been a great help in the past, and a source of many new supporters of longevity science.

Front and center, I'd like to thank Josh Triplett, Christophe and Dominique Cornuejols, Michael Greve of forever-healthy.org, and Stefan Richter for joining Fight Aging! in putting money on the table to set up a $125,000 matching fund for this event. From today until December 31st 2015, we will match every donation to the SENS Research Foundation dollar for dollar. I'd also like to thank David Gobel at the Methuselah Foundation for leaping in to be the first donor, providing an additional $15,000 for SENS research this year. Only another $110,000 to go, and three months to do it in!

How do we create a real, actual medical rejuvenation industry? By building technologies capable of repairing the known forms of cellular and molecular damage that cause aging. These types of damage are well-cataloged, and there is broad consensus on their relevance to age-related disease, but surprisingly little work takes place in the research community when it comes to making use of this knowledge to create treatments. This is even more surprising given that where progress has been made, such in amyloid clearance, senescent cell clearance, and mitochondrial repair, even early stage outcomes are of great quality, and clearly well worth further attention.

Funding for SENS technologies has been underway at a modest level for a decade now, and I can point to concrete progress occurring as a result. The wheel is starting to turn, and prospective SENS and SENS-like damage repair treatments targeting the causes of aging are beginning to leave the labs for clinical translation. Our community created this achievement, through advocacy and a comparatively small amount of funding directed to speed and enable to most promising scientific programs. One of the great secrets of our age is that early stage research is very cheap, but next to no-one other than philanthropists is willing to fund it. Just as soon as a prototype can be built, however, other institutions flock to fund the next stages. When looking at this is seems pretty clear that creating new and far more effective medical technologies really does fall upon the shoulders of the average person with a little vision, and the willingness to stand up and make a difference.

For example, all of these growing lines of development were originally seeded by small amounts of funding at critical times over the past decade, all of it provided by philanthropic donations. You can find further details in the latest SENS Research Foundation annual report.

Firstly: from 2008, donors to the Methuselah Foundation and then SENS Research Foundation collectively helped fund the work of the Marisol Corral-Debrinski lab on allotopic expression of mitochondrial genes, a way to rescue cells in aging tissues from how-age-damaged-mitochondria-cause-your-cells-to-damage-you.php mitochondrial DNA damage. That was successful and in the years since then these researchers founded, grew, and found venture funding for Gensight, a company that is now devoting tens of millions of dollars to establishing the first clinical trials of this technology for inherited mitochondrial disease. Yet without the funding at the earliest stage, provided by forward-thinking SENS supporters, that early stage work struggled to find a patron. This is the sort of difference that we can make.

Secondly: The SENS Research Foundation has for years been using donor funds to support efforts to clear senescent cells from tissues, to remove their insidious contribution to the aging process. In 2015 the Methuselah Foundation and SENS Research Foundation have provided seed funding for the startup company Oisin Biotech that will be further developing one of these methodologies: these clearance technologies are leaving the lab and starting on their own journey to the clinic, one that will see them attract far greater funding. But again, without the years of low-level philanthropy, these are projects that languished unfunded by the institutional research establishment in their early stages.

Thirdly: One of the first and longest-running SENS programs was aimed at clearing age-related chemical junk from the cellular recycling organelles called lysosomes. With age, these organelles become clogged and faulty, and cells drown in garbage and broken components. The SENS Research Foundation has produced drug candidate molecules from studies of bacteria known to consume these compounds, and the long-time supporter Jason Hope has founded Human Rejuvenation Technologies to develop the first round of treatments based on this technology, aimed initially at removing the characteristic blood vessel plaques of atherosclerosis.

This is how the world is changed, a weight of small decisions to help, snowballing into significant projects. This is how, step by step, we can build a near future in which being old isn't accompanied by pain, suffering, disease, and death.

View the full article at FightAging

Edited by reason, 09 March 2016 - 11:09 PM.

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#2 pleiotropic

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Posted 02 October 2015 - 03:34 AM

I donated.  Thanks for your work in organising this and the work you do on your fight-aging blog.

#3 caliban

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 04:47 PM

This research fundraiser will be featured on LongeCity until the end of the year. 


We are also currently trying to gather ideas how LongeCity can further support this initiative. 

Any thoughts, please post below. 

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#4 Janusz Czoch

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 10:29 PM

This research fundraiser will be featured on LongeCity until the end of the year. 


We are also currently trying to gather ideas how LongeCity can further support this initiative. 

Any thoughts, please post below. 


Please consider keeping the SENS donate link or very similar open and displayed permanently and prominently. The reasons for doing so should I hope be abundantly clear.


Btw - I've just left a donation of $50.00.

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#5 Janusz Czoch

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Posted 18 October 2015 - 10:34 PM



Need a intro to SENS on the proposed re-vamped LC landing page.

#6 Alvin

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Posted 20 October 2015 - 07:24 PM

LongeCity has about 15,000 active Email addresses and about 15,000 nonactive Email addresses. It would be worth asking "Mind", to please send ayour research support request to all active Email accounts and to please make an exception and also send requests to the inactive accounts asking them to send out your donation requests.


Only a limited number of people get the LongeCity news letter, where your donation request was sent out. You can reach "Mind", who is the Membership Director, through the normal mail system on LongeCity.


                                                                                                                                                 Alvin Steinberg



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#7 Droplet

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Posted 22 October 2015 - 09:31 AM

Have donated $5. Not much but better than nothing.

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#8 caliban

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Posted 16 November 2015 - 01:48 AM

Members only: http://www.longecity...ing-fundraiser/

#9 Alvin

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Posted 17 November 2015 - 09:14 PM

I understand that we have 15,000 active Email addresses and about 15,000 inactive Email addresses. We should send out requests for donations to all 30,000 Email addresses that we have asking for donations to Sens. We may use that old saying, "The life you save may be your own." The cost of this to us would be nothing.

Edited by Alvin, 17 November 2015 - 09:36 PM.

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#10 caliban

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Posted 19 November 2015 - 10:03 PM

Between now and December 25th 2015 LongeCity will contribute to the fundraiser:    
- $0.10 for every “Thank You Point” point send by users to the (virtual) account “ThankSENS
- $1 for every $1 paid as reward to anyone responding to an open “call for commissions” by LongeCity
- $1 for every “like” of LongeCity on facebook over 4000

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#11 cwedgwood50

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Posted 20 November 2015 - 02:02 PM

You could add a page of banner ads to your website and ask members to click them. Not saying post them allover the site, just on a separate page. You get a small fee every time someone clicks.

Also, how about accepting crypto currencies like Dogecoin.
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#12 caliban

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Posted 13 December 2015 - 07:55 PM

It looks like we are well on the way reaching the goal, and 'smashing' the unprecedented record. 
The amounts donated to/via LongeCity during the period will go to SENS, no matter what.
However, the community has not leveraged the extra "no cost" resources that LongeCity is offering, 


1) so far only 3 people have donated "ThankYou" points to ThankSENS  
2) we have only counted 249 'likes' on facebook over 4000   

#13 cwedgwood50

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:21 AM

You could add a page of banner ads to your website and ask members to click them. Not saying post them allover the site, just on a separate page. You get a small fee every time someone clicks.

Also, how about accepting crypto currencies like Dogecoin.


Maybe whoever marked that down would like to come back and discuss it?

Seems like a pretty cheap shot to anonymously flame other peoples posts without any reason given.

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#14 Antonio2014

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Posted 14 December 2015 - 10:01 AM

1) so far only 3 people have donated "ThankYou" points to ThankSENS  
2) we have only counted 249 'likes' on facebook over 4000   


As for 1), maybe most users don't visit the subforum where the notice appeared. Also, maybe it's due to the fact that most users aren't interested in SENS but in nootropics or supplements. Anyway, 3 people is a very small amount.


As for Facebook, I don't know. I don't use it.

Edited by Antonio2014, 14 December 2015 - 10:04 AM.

#15 pleiotropic

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 06:09 AM

However, the community has not leveraged the extra "no cost" resources that LongeCity is offering, 

1) so far only 3 people have donated "ThankYou" points to ThankSENS  



It's kinda confusing? I couldn't figure out what it was or how it was supposed to work.  There wasn't any instructions on the page that was linked to, I clicked on 3-4 different things and gave up.  I went and donated $100 to SENS by paypal instead.


I took another attempt now and found that by clicking on the ThankSENS user profile link, there's an option to donate in Mongolian Tugrik () to that user.  



Edited by pleiotropic, 18 December 2015 - 06:11 AM.

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#16 caliban

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Posted 18 December 2015 - 10:49 PM

While Reason's fundraiser has successfully concluded with a record-breaking amount, you will have seen that SENS is still receiving matched donations from a new programme.  



pleiotropic thank for your donation of $100 USD and ₮4 ThankYouPoints to the effort.


I have added another tooltip about this key aspect of the LongeCity community.  


There are numerous ways you can donate your own ThankYou points to the 'virtual user' ThankYouSENS -- for example by going to its profile page  and clicking on "donate" 

This costs you no money, but LongeCity will donate to SENS 10 cents for every 1 point that is in the account by Dec 25th.   



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#17 cwedgwood50

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Posted 19 December 2015 - 02:54 PM

You could add a page of banner ads to your website and ask members to click them. Not saying post them allover the site, just on a separate page. You get a small fee every time someone clicks.

Also, how about accepting crypto currencies like Dogecoin.

Maybe whoever marked that down would like to come back and discuss it?
Seems like a pretty cheap shot to anonymously flame other peoples posts without any reason given.
Whoever you are who keeps flaming my posts without justification, you are a coward. You have been given the opportunity to argue your point and clearly do not believe you would win.

I have no problem in being proved to be I'll informed in my views if you are able to do so by reasoned arguement. I follow a scientific method and you do not. You are a bad scientist my friend.

Edited by cwedgwood50, 19 December 2015 - 02:58 PM.

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#18 pleiotropic

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Posted 20 December 2015 - 06:23 AM



It could be that you suggested longecity commit click fraud to raise money.   It would quickly be detected by the ad provider and longecity would be banned for life, thus defeating the purpose of having ads on the site at all.  



#19 Droplet

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Posted 20 December 2015 - 01:59 PM

Have just donated some points to ThankSENS. :) Its a great idea, especially given that I don't have a lot of real money to donate and I'm sure that other people are in the same boat in that respect.

#20 cwedgwood50

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Posted 21 December 2015 - 09:07 PM

@pleiotropic I assume that you and 'anonymous coward bad scientist' are not one and the same so I thank you for your reply which you put your name to.

In answer to what you said though, no I am not suggesting that anyone commit click fraud and to be fair I can't really see how you could come to that mistaken belief from what I wrote at all.


From the link that you pasted it defines click fraud as:

"Click fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on the Internet in pay-per-click (PPC) online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad's link"


I do not advocate anyone imitating anyone else or setting up automated scripts for that purpose. All I suggested was the legitimate use of pay per click as used on millions of other websites worldwide.


It seems that your argument is that pay per click is bad because some unscrupulous people will try to fraudulently abuse it. I assume you don't have a credit card or a bank account then?

Come to think of it maybe this was why 'anonymous coward bad scientist' does not have an identity, s/he is a victim of identity fraud.


Anyway I'm sure everyone will keep marking this down as off topic so I won't keep replying. I really couldn't give two hoots if Longecity do add ppc or not. I have lost all interest in this site.


Whilst I originally posted as a response to a call for people to contribute fresh ideas in the newsletter, I have met only a hostile unfriendly response, so I will just do like most other people would and take my enthusiasm and money somewhere else.


Whilst I admit that LoneCity cannot be responsible for the actions of idiots like 'anonymous coward bad scientist' I do hold the admin partially responsible for their behavior as they provide the buttons on the forum that allow user to attack comments of others namelessly and avoid the use of reasoned scientific debate to determine an outcome.


I will just leave you with this thought as to why people are not contributing/donating in larger numbers. Could it be because you are a thoroughly unwelcoming, unfriendly community?   



#21 Multivitz

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Posted 22 December 2015 - 05:02 PM

I prefer to harmonise, not fight. If you're getting old too fast, then see what changes you can make to what you do.
Until EVERYONE has a balanced education, there will BE the distractive discontentment. And possibly amoral foolishness.
Earth, wind, fire, water. What does the reader know about these basic things.
There's a shortage of photonic knowledge. Re: Alex Putney.
The curve of population does NOT ride on the curve of common knowledge! So lets find the time to listen to others and have the health of mind to do the right thing and change(if need be) with Grace. Does the reader really KNOW about Grace, or is it just what they have heard?
Is the fundraiser going to build a database of living knowledge that is logically searchable for education purposes? I would subscribe. You never know, it could be popular if all the BS was taken out.
Sharing is caring, it don't just rhyme. Thanks.

Edited by Multivitz, 22 December 2015 - 05:16 PM.

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#22 Droplet

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Posted 23 December 2015 - 10:44 AM

We're all here to fight the curse of aging and to make death a thing of the past or at least a choice. Let's all try to use that to come together and do whatever we can to bring that to fruition sooner rather than later. :)



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Posted 27 December 2015 - 06:53 AM

@pleiotropic I assume that you and 'anonymous coward bad scientist' are not one and the same so I thank you for your reply which you put your name to.

In answer to what you said though, no I am not suggesting that anyone commit click fraud and to be fair I can't really see how you could come to that mistaken belief from what I wrote at all.


From the link that you pasted it defines click fraud as:

"Click fraud is a type of fraud that occurs on the Internet in pay-per-click (PPC) online advertising when a person, automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating a charge per click without having actual interest in the target of the ad's link"


I do not advocate anyone imitating anyone else or setting up automated scripts for that purpose. All I suggested was the legitimate use of pay per click as used on millions of other websites worldwide.


It seems that your argument is that pay per click is bad because some unscrupulous people will try to fraudulently abuse it. I assume you don't have a credit card or a bank account then?

Come to think of it maybe this was why 'anonymous coward bad scientist' does not have an identity, s/he is a victim of identity fraud.


Anyway I'm sure everyone will keep marking this down as off topic so I won't keep replying. I really couldn't give two hoots if Longecity do add ppc or not. I have lost all interest in this site.


Whilst I originally posted as a response to a call for people to contribute fresh ideas in the newsletter, I have met only a hostile unfriendly response, so I will just do like most other people would and take my enthusiasm and money somewhere else.


Whilst I admit that LoneCity cannot be responsible for the actions of idiots like 'anonymous coward bad scientist' I do hold the admin partially responsible for their behavior as they provide the buttons on the forum that allow user to attack comments of others namelessly and avoid the use of reasoned scientific debate to determine an outcome.


I will just leave you with this thought as to why people are not contributing/donating in larger numbers. Could it be because you are a thoroughly unwelcoming, unfriendly community?   


Its against the rules for a site owner to click their own ads or suggest that other members click those ads. Its click fraud and is a huge disservice to the company paying for those ads. Even if they didn't get banned forever for doing so the company paying for the ads can choose to stop their ads from displaying on your domain and eventually you're left with nothing but low paying service ads. Its also just plain dishonest. If you think about this for a bit you might come to agree.

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#24 cwedgwood50

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Posted 27 December 2015 - 10:31 PM

@mrwhitee Read what I wrote, go to school, ask your parents and someone with a bigger brain will explain to you that you are talking rubbish.

Why do you keep referring to my suggestion as 'click fraud' when I have proved that it was not?


I copied the definition of click fraud and then made it very clear that what I suggested did not match that definition. ergo It cannot be click fraud.

Another bad scientist. This site is full of them.


It's quite damaging to the whole arguement about fighting aging through science to then have so many members who do not take a scientific approach to their thinking.


Edited by cwedgwood50, 27 December 2015 - 10:36 PM.

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#25 temperance brennan

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Posted 07 July 2016 - 12:02 PM

Need a intro to sens on the proposed re-vamped LC landing page.

Edited by temperance brennan, 07 July 2016 - 12:03 PM.

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