I stumbled upon the BF-7. Couldn't find any information here related to it.
One of the white-paper cited study abstracts:
Brain factor-7 extracted from Bombyx mori enhances cognition and attention in normal children.
Kim K1, Park S, Yoo HK, Lee JY, Jung HY, Kim DH, Lee HJ, Kim JY, Youn YC, Marshall MR, Kim SS, Jeong Y.Author informationAbstractIt has been reported that brain factor-7 (BF-7) extracted from Bombyx mori improves cognitive functions in normal juveniles and adults as well as cognitively impaired patients. Clinical studies with normal children evaluated the role of BF-7 on brain function in these patients. The objective of this study was to improve cognitive functions of normal schoolchildren with BF-7. Forty-six normal healthy children were divided into two treatment groups: BF-7 (9.9 +/- 1.18 years old; 9 boys, 14 girls) and placebo (9.8 +/- 1.03 years old; 10 boys, 13 girls). The Color Trails Making Test was used to measure the efficacy of BF-7 on cognition and attention. Results showed that BF-7 reduced the response time by an average of 23% for the Color Trails Making Test. Moreover, BF-7 improved the accuracy of the task around twofold. The results reveal that BF-7 improves brain function for attention and cognitive flexibility in children.
White paper attached.
Any thoughts?
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Edited by rikelme, 21 October 2015 - 10:57 PM.