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Free Micelle Quercetin for Members $60 Value Free. Shipping 20 available.

quercetin micelle absorption bioavailability

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#1 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 02 April 2016 - 01:38 AM

Hi Everyone,



To avoid issues with advertising here, lets please not talk about any specific company, vendor, supplier or branded product in this thread. 



I am going to have about 20 (Twenty) (50 ml) bottles of Micelle Quercetin available for members sometime next week. Yes these are free.


How do I get one?

To get one, please reply to me here first (to keep count of who wanted one first, second, etc). I will later contact you to get your name and address. This is specifically for nuts like me that want to test out a new product based on micelle absorption technology. I can only ship within the USA for free... if you live anywhere else, I am sorry... it will be simply too expensive for me to ship out something for free to you.


I just seriously want to have people try it out here and give me their honest opinion before considering moving forward with it completely and spending marketing dollars. If it works out and you guys think it's a great product, then we will have discounts all around for the members here, not a problem. Now if the product is just horrible, then you guys will have saved me from producing something that people may not like for one reason or another. 


As you know I am a lifelong member here, so I can only provide the 20 bottles to folks that have paid memberships, and not just visitors to Longecity. 


If you are interested, just reply to this post, so that I can see who wanted one first, second, third.. etc. At the end when we reach 20, I will Message you to get your name and address to ship it out. If by chance we don't get to 20 volunteers to try it out, I will need to cancel this altogether it would tell me that it's probably not something people may want.


You will get:

1 bottle (50ml) of the special liquid micelle quercetin, shipped to you within the USA.


In exchange, you promise:

1- That you are over 18 and will stay on at least a 1 month regimen and provide honest feedback and suggestions, during or after that month is up.

2- Try different dosages, but not go over my maximum suggested serving of 7 pumps (or squirts), and no more than that. 

3- Try it with food, hot/cold beverages or shakes, etc to see what you think makes it easy to take.

4- Take a "before picture" of your face and one afterwards to see if anything has changed after a month on the regimen. (Probably nothing, but I just wanted to cover this aspect)

5- That you are healthy and don't take meds or that your doc will approve of this before you take it.


Now I warn you, the stuff doesn't taste yummy so you will need to mix it into something to mask the taste. I personally will be trying it on my skin where it isn't noticeable to see if it affects any wrinkles or causes discoloration other than looking like a light spray tan. I will let you know if I see anything interesting on skin... but i cannot suggest any of you try it on your skin. If you do, you agree that you are on your own and that I have nothing to do with.


What is my interest?

I have read that Quercetin can take care of some Senescent cells at about 50mg/kg in a rodent model. That is about 3.5 grams normally for a 70kg person. The Micelle quercetin increases the absorption of quercetin, but at this time we are not sure by how much it increases it. I believe It can be as simple as a conservative 80 fold increase up to a non conservative 185 fold estimate. So a 10mg dose could essentially be considered the same as 850mg of Quercetin on the low side of the spectrum. 


Again, we are just using estimates, but wanted I really wanted your help to see if this micelle quercetin may actually help volunteers here in the forum. 



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#2 Hebbeh

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Posted 02 April 2016 - 01:47 AM

I would certainly be interested Anthony
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#3 stefan_001

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Posted 02 April 2016 - 02:17 PM

Hi Anthony, Posted this also in another discussion. Would you have view about it?

In this abstract which is interesting for many positive things (neural outgrowth) I also noticed this about quercetin:

In addition, we found that quercetin, one of the active constituents, increased Vav3 mRNA expression.

because in this article VaV3 is a target for cancer drugs:
VAV3 mRNA was markedly increased in breast cancer specimens and regulated biological parameters critical for the growth of breast tumors and their metastatic dissemination to the lung16. In addition, VAV3 was reported to be directly correlated with tumor recurrence and overall patient survival17. VAV3 expression was also elevated in androgen refractile prostate cancer cell lines and prostate cancer clinical specimens18. VAV3 knockdown greatly attenuated prostate cancer cell proliferation19 and inhibited breast cancer cell growth20.

Might suggest caution with mega dosing?

#4 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 02 April 2016 - 05:48 PM



1- I believe it was in vitro and not in vivo like some anti-cancer quercetin studies that are available. 

2- From what I can read quercetin likely does this on a cell type dependent manner: 

"quercetin (8) increases Vav3 mRNA expression, which in turn leads to neurite outgrowth "

3- I could not find any other study confirming quercetin and Vav3 expression, it is the only study I can find.


4- Most "Quercetin Cancer" studies show cell cycle arrest, cancer cell-specific inhibition and anti cancer activity of quercetin, and there appears to be thousands of studies: https://goo.gl/iKRPsR 


5- Can you find any other quercetin study that shows a correlation of quercetin to cancer? Because I can't find any, I only find anti-cancer quercetin studies.


Look Biology is complicated, we know that...

that is why we people and researchers in general don't rely on single studies and push for many more. At this time the tidal wave of studies that show quercetins anti-cancer effects seem to easily eclipse this one in vitro study, and this alone makes this study interesting but unlikely to be an issue in cancer because of the thousands of positive quercetin studies prior to this one. 


My offer still stands if you or others want to consider the Micelle Quercetin.




#5 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 04 April 2016 - 02:41 AM

So far we only have Hebbeh taking one of the Micelle Quercetin bottles available.


Will anyone else want to try it?



#6 normalizing

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Posted 04 April 2016 - 08:42 PM

im curious to try this too. but im confused as to what "micelle" means? never heard of any other supplement using such mechanism of delivery and im wondering of its safety since i doubt high absorption and high dose availability is necessary good considering in natural source we get very small amounts

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#7 shadowhawk

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Posted 04 April 2016 - 10:06 PM

I would try it and join in with your suggestions.  Interesting.

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#8 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 05 April 2016 - 06:14 AM

Yeay! 3 People so far!


Micelle appears similar to a liposome, but it has a monolayer of surfactants:



The Micelle Curcumin for example, was shown to beat all other types of curcumin on the market when it comes to absorption. 


So we decided to use the same technology on Quercetin.




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#9 DeadMeat

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Posted 05 April 2016 - 04:47 PM

The Micelle Curcumin for example, was shown to beat all other types of curcumin on the market when it comes to absorption.


In that study they chose to measure what they called "total curcumin"(free curcumin + metabolized curcumin) instead of just free curcumin. So it's not easy to compare that with the other formulations that measured free curcumin.

#10 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 05 April 2016 - 08:11 PM



what page does it state that?



#11 DeadMeat

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Posted 05 April 2016 - 10:18 PM

Their definition of total curcumin is under table 4 and 5 on page 522-524.

a) AUC, area under the blood concentration-time curve; Cmax, maximum blood concentration, CUR, curcumin; n.d., not detected; Tmax, time to reach maximum blood concentration.
b) Free curcumin concentrations were quantified by extraction of the analyte without prior enzymatic hydrolysis of conjugates with B-glucuronidase/sulfatase.
c) Total curcumin concentrations were quantified by extraction of the analyte after prior enzymatic hydrolysis of conjugates with B-glucuronidase/sulfatase.


From page 518, they did add beta-glucuronidase. Which converts metabolites as curcumin glucuronide back into free curcumin before the measurement with HPLC. So they measured total curcumin.

To each plasma or urine sample, 100uL beta-glucuronidase type H-1 from Helix pomatia (3 mg/100uL in 0.1 M sodium acetate buffer; Sigma-Aldrich Chemie GmbH, Schnelldorf, Germany) were added and samples incubated at 37C for 45 min.

#12 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 06 April 2016 - 02:41 PM



so free curcumin that becomes metabolized after ingestion, should not be accounted for? Interesting...


1- So which studies (Table 4) do you believe need to be considered inaccurate because of the testing difference?


I have dug up Merida's for example... and initially they did not detect any free curcumin:



2- For Merida: All plasma samples were treated with Helix pomatia glucuronidase/sulfatase before HPLC-MS/MS analysis. So would you say it was a good comparison to Merida, since no free curcumin was detected?



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#13 DeadMeat

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Posted 06 April 2016 - 05:31 PM

1) The ones that in that table under "CUR analysis" have "Free curcumin" instead of "Total curcumin".

2) Comparing to Meriva should be fine, since they also measured total curcumin.

#14 YOLF

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Posted 06 April 2016 - 08:11 PM

Please count me in for a bottle. I'm definitely interested!

#15 YOLF

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Posted 06 April 2016 - 08:17 PM

I would certainly be interested Anthony

The membership is $25 or $50, the bottle is $60. I think it'll be worth it ;)


#16 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 06 April 2016 - 11:55 PM


I would certainly be interested Anthony

The membership is $25 or $50, the bottle is $60. I think it'll be worth it ;)




I believe the membership is also not bad at all...

the amount of information this forum provides is amazing. We have years of information and data from people taking supplements here.


Thanks... We have 4 people now!

I am hoping we can get up to 20 people soon so that I can start shipping these out for you all to try.




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#17 dazed1

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Posted 07 April 2016 - 02:24 AM

Hi, i'm new to this forum, don't know if i fit the requirements of this project, but i would be very interested, since my ongoing allergies would be much less of an issue i guess with ingestion of good quality - absorbable quercetin, thanks.

#18 Qowpel

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Posted 08 April 2016 - 06:21 AM

Hello there, I too would like to partake in the trial and get one of these bottles. This seems exhilarating and incredibly interesting. I'd love to be a part of this.
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#19 Adam Karlovsky

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Posted 09 April 2016 - 04:57 AM

I'd like to take advantage of this opportunity. I am not in the US, but if the estimated postage is reasonable I'd pay for it to be sent to me.

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#20 ceridwen

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Posted 09 April 2016 - 08:11 AM

I am not in the US either but would like one of those bottles

#21 Mind

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Posted 09 April 2016 - 10:05 AM

Would be nice if it helped aging skin, but I am unsure through what mechanism. Theoretically, removing a few senescent cells in the skin would help, but the main reason our skin looks old is because of glucosepane, the development of age spots (ie, other undigestible junk), and UV damage.


That being said, I am well aware of the theory behind quercetin as a health promoting substance, so I will jump in on this trial.

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Posted 10 April 2016 - 04:38 PM

Ill take one if its still going on.

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#23 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 13 April 2016 - 08:42 PM

Ok Guys we have 9 people on the list so far I think...

This is still going on. I haven't shipped any yet as I wanted to get 20 members to try this out, to see if it is something good or not.


If you are a member, just chime in on this thread, and be added to the count.


Please, this is only for paying members of Longecity who have decided to get a membership here:


The membership is $25 or $50, the bottle is $60. I think it'll be worth it  ;)


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#24 shadowhawk

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Posted 13 April 2016 - 09:03 PM

Anthony, I already take quercetin and wonder if it matters.

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#25 JoeB

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Posted 16 April 2016 - 06:12 PM

Do micelles support absorption topically, too? Like the way liposomes do?

#26 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 18 April 2016 - 06:25 PM

Do micelles support absorption topically, too? Like the way liposomes do?



Yes they do, the difference (and correct me if I am wrong please) is that a liposome has a double wall while a micelle has a single wall.

And somehow, it appears (at least in one study) to do real good regarding absorption.


If you are interested please let me know. I think we still have 9 people interested and we need 11 more to have a decent amount of folks.


I really can't do free shipping to an international address that would kill me, but everyone else who is a member here is welcomed to try it out. It is a $60 value, that you are getting for free to try out, just because you are a Longecity member...


I didn't think price was really important, but a member here asked me to drop it in the thread since it is the current going rate of this amount of Micelle Quercetin. Again, please don't mention brands or links as I don't want this thread to get booted.





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#27 mpe

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 07:35 AM

Hi Anthony,

I'll give it a go and could you send one for my wife as well on the same deal.

I'm happy to pay extra for international shipping.



#28 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 04:45 PM

Hi Anthony,

I'll give it a go and could you send one for my wife as well on the same deal.

I'm happy to pay extra for international shipping.




Hi mpe,


I will check DHL pricing for you when we have everyone, but for now I will accept another 2 people taking the bottles... we now have a total of 11. 


We are getting there. about 9 more people and I will start shipping them out to you all.



#29 Jochen

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 06:24 PM

would appreciate such a bottle. Currently residing in Germany atm, but I am going to the US in June (travel) so I can have it send to some friends in the US prior to that.


Thanks a bunch for this Anthony!!

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#30 Anthony_Loera

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Posted 20 April 2016 - 06:44 PM

would appreciate such a bottle. Currently residing in Germany atm, but I am going to the US in June (travel) so I can have it send to some friends in the US prior to that.


Thanks a bunch for this Anthony!!


No prob, I can do that...


ok that's 12 people so far... we are getting closer!



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: quercetin, micelle, absorption, bioavailability

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