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michael fossel senescent cells

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#1 alc

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 02:01 AM


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#2 Heisok

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Posted 05 November 2016 - 02:58 AM

Very interesting, thanks.


Curious if the following is accurate? "Consider the knee again. A common concern is that of chondrocyte senescence (leading to osteoarthritis) in professional basketball players. Because of repetitive high-impact trauma, they lose chondrocytes at an accelerated rate compared to people whose knees are not subject to traumatic cell loss. The remaining chondrocytes divide to replace the lost chondrocytes, accelerating telomere loss, and accelerating osteoarthritic changes. The clinical result is due to tissue failure at an early age."

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#3 alc

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Posted 28 November 2016 - 12:53 AM

Another recent post by Michael Fossel touching same subject:


"Teaching Cells to Fish":




of course his approach/explanations are making some groups/zealots very nervous ... [keep in mind that he is a M.D. and a Ph.D., so he was involved on both sides: clinical and lab as well]

#4 Oakman

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Posted 28 November 2016 - 07:27 PM

Seems Michael makes an argument against how to moderate, nay, reverse aging.... then fails to tell us how to accomplish what he says.


"In fact, we can reset the entire process and end up with cells that keep up with damage, just as your cells did when you were younger." But how?


I've recently read Telomere Timebombs, Defusing the Terror of Aging, by Ed Park, MD, 2013, that essentially has the same style of argument, i.e., simply get TA-65 working to "prevent aging and stave off illness." Forget everything else medical science says, as it is merely a distraction from the holy grail. 


At least he proposes an answer - TA-65. So by the end, I'm like, "This is great, get rid of all supps except for this one expensive one... and produce the anti-aging results I want!".


But when I go to the TA-65 source, they now only offer a 'limp biscuit' endorsement of their own product, and a far cry from the ultimate fix for aging:


"TA-65MD® nutritional supplements support immune health and can help reverse some of the obvious effects of cellular aging. They should be taken as part of an overall health and wellness regimen. TA-65MD® supplements have been proven safe and effective in more than a decade of studies and in use by people worldwide."  (T.A. Sciences)


Likewise, Michael needs to offer a workable, practical solution to his theory to test out... and when it's proven somewhat workable... I'll be somewhat more interested...

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#5 mrkosh1

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 12:16 PM

The issue is that turning on telomerase and having fully elongated telomeres may allow for a near infinite number of doublings, but there can be other problems in a cell that can cause dramatic harm. For example, even if the telomeres are long, damaged mitochondria can cause tremendous problems for a cell. Also, if a cell has accumulated certain types of aggregates and waste products that cannot (as far as we know) be removed via biology, then long telomeres won't do a lot of good.


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#6 Danail Bulgaria

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Posted 19 January 2017 - 12:57 PM

Imagine a factory which is operating at capacity, with a thousand workers.


Some of the workers are doing a great job, but some are ill and not working hard.


You can fire the bad workers and replace them with cloned good workers. 



Redirect your efforts into stem cells. 




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