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Do you think that Proline holds any value as a nootropic?

proline glycine noopept colostrinin collagen

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#1 William Sterog

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Posted 12 January 2017 - 08:48 PM

I've been taking Glycine as part of my sleeping stack lately.

glycine improved subjective sleep quality associated with shortened sleep latency and time to reach slow wave sleep 1

And I've been also wondering: why don't add some Proline to the mix?
We all now Noopept  

The major metabolite of administered Noopept appears to be structurally similar to the endogeous neurodipeptide known as Cycloprolylglycine (Proline and Glycine in a cyclic configuration).

And Colostrinin

A proline-rich polypeptide complex (PRP) Beneficial effects of PRP/Colostrinin in the case of Alzheimer's disease were shown in double-blind placebo-controlled trials, in long-term open-label studies and in multicenter clinical trials. A very important property of PRP/Colostrinin and one of its components, a nonapeptide (NP), is the prevention of Aβ aggregation and the disruption of aggregates already formed. Moreover, PRP has been found to modulate neurite outgrowth, suppress uncontrolled activation of cells, and reduce 4-HNE-mediated cellular damage. 2

And also Collagen

In mice fed collagen peptides either of low molecular weight (2,000 and 8% Gly-Pro-Hyp) or high molecular weight (30,000) as control, both in the drinking water for four weeks, noted that the low molecular weight peptides appeared to enhance neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (of the hippocampus) about 20% more than control and these effects occurred alongside mild anxiolytic effects.3

They suggest that proline peptides are, at least, interesting. I was unable to find enough information about proline itself, but what do you think? It is worth to add some Proline in my Glycine just to see what happens?

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: proline, glycine, noopept, colostrinin, collagen

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