- Life Extension, General Health;
- Alertness, Cognition, Mood
- Sports, Performance, Bodybuilding
- Medical
- Weight Loss
- Beauty, Cosmetics, Skin, Anti-Aging

Posted 08 June 2017 - 10:48 PM
Posted 10 June 2017 - 05:15 PM
That's enough incentive to try and use this stack feature here. Now I'm a bid disappointed. Because it doesn't allow a certain time-period for editing like here on the forum with preview. For example formating appeared different than I typed in, an illustrative picture doesn't show, and with many ingredients to fill in it's too easy to make mistake with numbers and units. Without a chance to correct it.
We hope that by now everyone has understood the distinction we are aiming for: the 'regimen' feature is for presenting and discussing structured regimens that can be considered, compared and potentially adopted by others down the ages, the forums are for more free-wheeling conversation that might be more speculative, protracted and less likely to hold a swift take-away message for others.
Considering all these shortcomings, the forum to me now seems a much better place to present with precision. The limited editing features make it really not that useful. And I actually don't see any advantage of using it - beside winning a 100 bucks.
Or maybe it wouldn't be to hard to upgrade it with full editing features?
Edited by pamojja, 10 June 2017 - 05:15 PM.
Posted 12 June 2017 - 02:04 PM
On the forum, you get a 10min window for editing obvious typos.
On the feature, the editing period is unlimited- but only for Members.
I have changed the permissions for registered users for now - so you can correct your listing.
Posted 12 June 2017 - 09:30 PM
Posted 27 July 2017 - 01:20 AM
Hi caliban...
I'd like to enter the competition in the Life Extension, General Health category. I've got a Teloyears test result that is positive and I'll take a stab at summarizing how my regimen helped to achieve that result. I've got a Zymo Methylation test order in the works and if I have the results back in time, I'll include that info also.
Was wondering if a couple changes could be made to the Add Stacks page here...
I'd like to report that I donate blood to the Red Cross (to dilute aging factors in blood plasma based on the SENS supported science done by Irina Conboy).
- A plausible--and usable in other cases--name for Dosage might be the word Intervention.
- If Monthly and Every Other Month could be added to the list of valid Frequencies that would be great too.
Just to confirm... I can edit the post associated with my Stack Competition entry over time until Sept 1, correct?
Edited by HighDesertWizard, 27 July 2017 - 01:28 AM.
Posted 31 July 2017 - 02:38 PM
When does the contest close? I see that leadership will draw up a shortlist on Sept.1st, but presumably entries will have to be in for consideration some significant time before that.
To be clear, does one post entries in Regimens or in Stacks? Does one have to flag them as entries somehow?
PING! Caliban ...?
Edited by Michael, 28 July 2017 - 06:02 PM.
Posted 31 July 2017 - 07:48 PM
If the powers that be want people to enter their contest, then please answer this moderator's questions. I want to know what he asks as well. Pervious posts were totally unclear.
Posted 03 August 2017 - 08:54 PM
I'll say it again. I have stacks I'm willing to submit, IF caliban can pls give answers to Michael's questions? Strange situation as this was supposed to be an effort to encourage people to use this often ignored forum area.... ?
Posted 03 August 2017 - 10:15 PM
thanks for the suggestions. We won't be changing 'Dosage' to 'Intervention' at this time, as that might not be clearer, but I'm sure people will understand your meaning. We won't be adding an 'every other month' schedule as that is probably quite rare, but you can add that to the comments.
Yes, you can edit your stack, but voters might not keep up with your edits.
thanks for the ping.
The contest closes Sept 1st. 00:01 GMT. I can't predict how long drawing up the shortlist will take after that, but it might be a while.
One can only post entries here. That feature is variously called 'stacks' and/or 'regimens'.
No flag necessary, all entries will be considered.
Posted 18 August 2017 - 11:30 AM
currently most popular regimens by user rating per category:
- Life Extension, General Health - Thymus Rejuvenation by LeeYa
- Alertness, Cognition, Mood - Study Stack v1 by btnngo
- Sports, Performance, Bodybuilding - Alpha Male Stack by RonBurgandy
- Medical - PAD and additional Remissions by pamojja
No entries have been received in the categories "Weight Loss" and "Beauty, Cosmetics, Skin, Anti-Aging". Due to the late stage of the contest, it is unlikely that late entries in these two sections will be considered for a prize.
There are less than 2 weeks remaining to submit or refine an entry, post comments and ratings!
Posted 21 August 2017 - 11:22 AM
I've submitted various stacks I've used for decades. The important thing with stacks is do your own research, take periods of time off regularly from everything, less can be more when combined with synergists, buy bulk from from reputable vendors, if you have to take an antibiotic, stop all supplementation until the course is over. If your getting side effects that aren't tolerable stop supplements one by one until it goes away, then discontinue the suspected culprit. Drink a gallon of water a day and exercise. There you go, no supplement shilling. Supplementation works, I'm living proof. My stack is worth more than money, and it's mine, all mine.... Good day!
Posted 22 August 2017 - 08:21 PM
I've submitted various stacks I've used for decades. The important thing with stacks is do your own research, take periods of time off regularly from everything, less can be more when combined with synergists, buy bulk from from reputable vendors, if you have to take an antibiotic, stop all supplementation until the course is over. If your getting side effects that aren't tolerable stop supplements one by one until it goes away, then discontinue the suspected culprit. Drink a gallon of water a day and exercise. There you go, no supplement shilling. Supplementation works, I'm living proof. My stack is worth more than money, and it's mine, all mine.... Good day!
Could you at least give some links to your most interesting stacks? Or even add your most matured to the new stack function?
The problem with the new stack function ìn my view is, that it doesn't really draw much attention or discussions, as it does on the forum. Many stacks there look like mere suggestions - sometimes even just one supplement - without much long experience with it. Just being put up, and asking for further recommendation. With rarely any responses. Maybe making additions there visible under current content would attract more attention?
Interestingly, yesterday some got really busy in voting, displacing my stack from rank 4th of top rated in all categories, down to rank 35th overnight.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 01:11 PM
Please don't vote tactically -the little money at stake is not worth it. Vote fairly for each entry you feel qualified to rate.
You can re-think and change your vote until tomorrow night.
All entries benefit greatly from comments!
Less so questions - better leave those for the forums where everyone can chime in.
Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:41 AM
The competition is now closed to new entries.
The rating function will remain available until the end of the weekend and then paused while we take stock of entries and ratings.
Shortlists will be presented for voting in the Immortality Institute section.
Thanks to all entrants - some very high quality submissions!
Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:45 AM
Damn it, just disqualified my own entry, by mentioning a small mistake and correcting it after the closing, it disappeared from any listing. The same must have happened to the interesting entry of HighDesertWizard, which was still visible this morning when I didn't had time to read it.
Edited by pamojja, 01 September 2017 - 10:47 AM.
Posted 08 September 2017 - 11:36 AM
Caliban, would you be so kind and after 1 week, please approve my stack again?
It is only confusing to other members whom I given this link to read:
Edited by pamojja, 08 September 2017 - 11:37 AM.
Posted 10 September 2017 - 05:50 PM
➔ the shortlist has been presented to Immortality Institute Members for voting
Voting closes Oct. 4th
Until then 'rating' entries remains reserved for members and entries cannot be edited.
New and pending entries are back online.
Posted 11 September 2017 - 07:43 PM
I've submitted various stacks I've used for decades. The important thing with stacks is do your own research, take periods of time off regularly from everything, less can be more when combined with synergists, buy bulk from from reputable vendors, if you have to take an antibiotic, stop all supplementation until the course is over. If your getting side effects that aren't tolerable stop supplements one by one until it goes away, then discontinue the suspected culprit. Drink a gallon of water a day and exercise. There you go, no supplement shilling. Supplementation works, I'm living proof. My stack is worth more than money, and it's mine, all mine.... Good day!
Could you at least give some links to your most interesting stacks? Or even add your most matured to the new stack function?
The problem with the new stack function ìn my view is, that it doesn't really draw much attention or discussions, as it does on the forum. Many stacks there look like mere suggestions - sometimes even just one supplement - without much long experience with it. Just being put up, and asking for further recommendation. With rarely any responses. Maybe making additions there visible under current content would attract more attention?
Interestingly, yesterday some got really busy in voting, displacing my stack from rank 4th of top rated in all categories, down to rank 35th overnight.
Sorry, for late reply, an author, Newbold in "The psychiatric programming of people" has a stack or two worth trying and is where I started stacking. Available at alibris.com. used books. Anyone can benefit from his stacks, even sane, healthy people.
Posted 20 September 2017 - 04:21 AM
Hi caliban...
I'd like to enter the competition in the Life Extension, General Health category. I've got a Teloyears test result that is positive and I'll take a stab at summarizing how my regimen helped to achieve that result. I've got a Zymo Methylation test order in the works and if I have the results back in time, I'll include that info also.
Was wondering if a couple changes could be made to the Add Stacks page here...
I'd like to report that I donate blood to the Red Cross (to dilute aging factors in blood plasma based on the SENS supported science done by Irina Conboy).
- A plausible--and usable in other cases--name for Dosage might be the word Intervention.
- If Monthly and Every Other Month could be added to the list of valid Frequencies that would be great too.
Just to confirm... I can edit the post associated with my Stack Competition entry over time until Sept 1, correct?
Just an FYI.
I have spoken to Teloyears about there testing ... and I personally am not a fan ... but if its the best you can get... ok
Posted 09 October 2017 - 12:58 AM
RESULTS of the 2017 regimen competition
I. Life Extension, General Health - the LongeCity 'core' territory.
✮ WINNER! Longevity & Mood Stack by Adam Karlovsky
also shortlisted: Multi- Vitamin and Mineral stack ; My Stack (good for vegetarians/OCD personalities)
II. Alertness, Cognition, Mood -- arguably the 'niche' that LongeCity is most famous for and also received the larges number of entries. Very difficult selection due to the complexity of the subject matter and the available evidence base but perhaps surprisingly the overall quality of the entries was lower than in the first category. We also had many 'legacy' entries.
✮ WINNER! High performance memory stack by Lucas Cleto de Oliveira
also shortlisted: ʘ˩ʘ FOCUS stack for BRAIN BOOST ; Anti-Anxiety / Mood-enhancing Stack v2
III. Sports, Performance, Bodybuilding. Unsurprisingly, much fewer entries here than in the first two categories. Overall good quality, but a shortlist emerges that is less reliant on ratings and more on the other factors stated in the above criteria
✮ WINNER! ʘ˩ʘ FOCUS stack for MUSCLES & RECOVERY by Oakman
also shortlisted: Alpha Male Stack ; Stength, Endurance, and Vitality: An Exercise-Memetic and Synergism Stack
IV. Medical. A very tricky category (and, yes, the usual disclaimers apply - talk to your doctor); small, but with many good contenders
✮ WINNER! ʘ˩ʘ FOCUS stack for JOINT HEALTH by Oakman
also shortlisted: Allergies / Allergic Rhinitis Stack ; Control Rheumatoid Arthritis
honorable mentions:
➽ good quality entries in non-rated sections:
V. Medical Weight Loss; Weight Loss Regimen Stack by Gordo
VI Beauty, Cosmetics, Skin, Anti-Aging Visible Aging Signs by Nate 2004
➽ high quality entries that were inadvertently disqualified
Multi- Vitamin and Mineral stack by pamojja
Michael's "Tiered" Supplement by Michael
also cudos! to interesting regimens that were not considered for the contest.
Further details about the selection criteria and voting results in the members section
Congratulations and thanks to all who participated!
The competition might be repeated in the future.
In its immediate wake, we are announcing a "support for self-testing" initiative
The regimen forums will remain open for a bit longer on an experimental basis, to accompany the 'regimens' feature.
Posted 19 October 2017 - 04:40 PM
Hi Caliban, there is a failure of the link http://www.longecity...-comprehensive/
I went through the rest, and they work. I can not find the Stack looking through the Stack area, or I would post a link.
RESULTS of the 2017 regimen competition
I. Life Extension, General Health - the LongeCity 'core' territory.
✮ WINNER! Longevity & Mood Stack by Adam Karlovsky
Edited by Heisok, 19 October 2017 - 04:43 PM.
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