BACKGROUND: I was born with Dysautonomia, which has been explained to me as an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. My primary symptom or problem used to be extreme sensitivity to the effects of all meds, herbs, and most supplements. For example, taking a sip of a drink that contained Panax Ginseng would give me heart palpitations enough to convince me I was about to die, yet taking a sip of something with Valerian extract would knock me out for hours. In 2005, I discovered a temporary solution or fix to this problem in that Ashwagandha, when taken once daily, would eliminate these sensitives and allow me to live a seemingly normal life. I also discovered that both Chamomile and Holy Basil would counteract this. There were no apparent long term effects of the Ashwagandha use; if I discontinued the Ashwagandha, my sensitivities just returned.
THE INCIDENT: In Fall of 2009, under the assumption that acetylcholine seemed to be related to why the Ashwagandha extract was working to help me, I took CDP-Choline (Citicoline) as well as Choline Bitartrate. I immediately began to notice that I no longer need to take Ashwagandha daily, or anything daily at all, to relieve my sensitivities to meds and herbs. All of my sensitivities were gone completely, permanently. However, there was a major problem: EVER SINCE TAKING THOSE CHOLINE SUPPLEMENTS, which I only took for a few weeks at most and which has now been a total of 8 years ago, I noticed an immediate and extremely severe lack of energy and fatigue. I have had so little energy that I was in pain all the time, 24 hours a day. I had severe brain fog. It feels like the blood vessels in my brain are so constricted that there was no blood or oxygen getting through. My short term memory is impaired. I am unresponsive to most herbs and drugs, and some even have the opposite effect. If I take a small dose of Adderall for ADHD, it stays in my system for days and I have several days of insomnia. Also, ever since taking those choline supplements, my eyes are chronically bloodshot and you can see tons of little red blood vessels in my eyes all the time. My bladder is always constricted and as soon as I drink something, I have to go to the bathroom very shortly thereafter. I have an extremely flushed red face, which makes my cheeks extremely rosie all the time from constricted blood flow. And I have quick-sharp muscular pain upon any physical activity. I'm so desperate for help or relief, and I don't feel I have anybody to turn to. I need help, and I don't know where to turn to. I've tried so many things to reverse this from GABA supplements, vinpocetine, huperzine A, etc. The list of what I've tried is probably a hundred pages long. Any help or advice is appreciated. Best regards.
Edited by joejack101, 03 August 2017 - 07:41 PM.