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How Noopept ruined my life

nootropics noopept brain health supplements brain damage brain lesions health

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#1 gabejgregory2574

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 11:43 AM

*Before i continue on with my personal experience with noopept, i want to let everyone know that in no way am i discounting the efficacy of this substance nor am i criticizing anyones choice to use this highly regarded nootropic, everyones physiology is different and i am simply stating my experience that i had with this.*
So to start off with a little bit of background knowledge, i am a 21 year old uni student living in Sydney, Australia. In the past few years i have abused a certain few drugs namely benzos, alcohol, and ritalin.
I have always strived to find a substance that could improve my mental performance, as many of us on here have.
This urge to improve my mental "edge" has led me to try a number of the most prevalent nootropics, namely all of the racetams, all kinds of choline, bacopa, gingko, sunifiram, tianeptine, and many more.
When i first bought and discovered Noopept i thought it was a godsend, mental clarity, happiness, extreme memory, were just some of the amazing effects i felt from this potent nootropic.
Recently when i increased my dose i had a very different experience though....
It started approximately 7 weeks ago when i had a larger dose of noopept than usual. I had been taking 25mg a day orally for about 6 days and on the 7th i took about 50mg.
On the 8th day i was in the ER. Exictotoxicity!
Pins and needles all over my head, flushing of my face, severe panic attacks, muscle rigidity, confusion, severe sweating, dizziness, vertigo, grainy vision....
It hit me like a train, like a more hellish and panic infused version of serotonin syndrome.
Its now been 7 weeks since its happened and i still suffer many of the same side effects to this day.
I've seen several neurologists (MRI showed "small fractal brain lesions"), a neuropsychiatrist, GP's constantly, and been to the ER 3 times when it has gotten especially bad. Spent well over $2000(AUD) on medical treatment.
Now i am on a very strict diet plan which includes no MSG or free glutamates of any kind, this had eased some of the symptoms but i still live in constant pain...
I've had to drop out of my university course and quit my job doing sales due to the mental confusion (it took me well over 2 hours to write this), lack of focus, headaches, dizziness, and other debilitating side effects that this wicked substance has left me with.
I'm not writing this to scare people or to ask for sympathy i simply want to inform people of the dangers of using substances like noopept which dont have a whole lot of extensive testing done to them.
Feel free to repost this elsewhere or share it around, i'm trying to get the word out so no other people run into the same problems as i have had. I would not wish this even on my worst enemy. Its really ruined my life and i suffer depression everyday due to how much ive lost because of the dumb stupid mistake i made.
Any help on supplements that can restore neurons/regrow lost brain cells would be greatly appreciated more than you can imagine. My doctor said the 2 hemispheres of my brain are not working in synergy so any supplements that could combat that would be a miracle.
Thanks guys and stay safe.
Best wishes and love, Gabriel.

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#2 Galaxyshock

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 11:48 AM

Hmm 50 mg of Noopept causing excitotoxicity? I've read some people taking over 100 mg because of the dose-response curve. Is it possible your Noopept was contaminated with something?


edit: Actually it was 90 mg of Noopept this guy taking with shitload of other compounds:


Edited by Galaxyshock, 03 January 2018 - 12:07 PM.

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#3 gabejgregory2574

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 12:09 PM

i purchased my noopept from nootropics depot, i think that because of my previous benzo misuse that my GABA levels were already very low, i might of just needed that small nudge to push myself over the edge. I am not 100% sure it was exictotoxicity but all signs and symptoms lead to it. MRI showed brain lesions which is a very good indicator.

#4 Eryximachus

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 02:22 PM

Ok, well - excitotoxicity is pretty rare. Even for serious benzo withdrawal it's not common.  What benzos at what dosage were you taking?  When was your last dose prior to your noopept usage?  I do agree that noopept is a serious drug that shouldn't be used lightly.  But, if you just came off a 20mg of Xanax a day habit, then noopept and all racetams are definitely not good.  If you were seriously abusing, you need to wait 6 months minimum before you start drinking alcohol again, or even using caffeine.  You should be clean as a whistle, drug free, and at your age - do 1-2 hours of cardio EACH DAY.   That's the path to recovery.   

Edited by Eryximachus, 03 January 2018 - 02:24 PM.

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#5 Eryximachus

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 02:27 PM

Hmm 50 mg of Noopept causing excitotoxicity? I've read some people taking over 100 mg because of the dose-response curve. Is it possible your Noopept was contaminated with something?


edit: Actually it was 90 mg of Noopept this guy taking with shitload of other compounds:



That looks like a different user. But wow. That post is CRAZY.   That guy has undoubtedly crashed and burned since then.  

#6 jack black

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Posted 03 January 2018 - 04:38 PM

Ok, well - excitotoxicity is pretty rare. Even for serious benzo withdrawal it's not common.  What benzos at what dosage were you taking?  When was your last dose prior to your noopept usage?  I do agree that noopept is a serious drug that shouldn't be used lightly.  But, if you just came off a 20mg of Xanax a day habit, then noopept and all racetams are definitely not good.  If you were seriously abusing, you need to wait 6 months minimum before you start drinking alcohol again, or even using caffeine.  You should be clean as a whistle, drug free, and at your age - do 1-2 hours of cardio EACH DAY.   That's the path to recovery.   


I think you nailed it. one can get excitotoxicity from benzo withdrawal and maybe noopept pushed him over the edge.

cursory search indicates that noopept and piracetam work via NMDA receptors (part 3.1): https://examine.com/...ements/noopept/


maybe this is why some people on those 2 substances go into mania and crush?

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#7 gabejgregory2574

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 08:58 AM

Ok, well - excitotoxicity is pretty rare. Even for serious benzo withdrawal it's not common.  What benzos at what dosage were you taking?  When was your last dose prior to your noopept usage?  I do agree that noopept is a serious drug that shouldn't be used lightly.  But, if you just came off a 20mg of Xanax a day habit, then noopept and all racetams are definitely not good.  If you were seriously abusing, you need to wait 6 months minimum before you start drinking alcohol again, or even using caffeine.  You should be clean as a whistle, drug free, and at your age - do 1-2 hours of cardio EACH DAY.   That's the path to recovery.   


Thats exactly what i have been doing, eating 6 serves of veggies, 2 serves of various berries, 2 serves of meat, and brown rice for my carbs daily. Supplements daily have been fish oil, multivitamin, grape seed, and probiotics. Exercise is a really good suggestion as its one of the only ways to naturally increase BDNF, ive been trying to do 15 mins of intense cardio each day.


In terms of my benzo abuse it was years ago and i only used maybe 20mg of valium a day for a few months on and off, nothing too heavy but did have a couple nights taking 10mg of xanax plus alcohol. Last use of benzos before this incident was over a year ago.


As i stated previously i'm not entirely sure it was exictotoxicity, another theory that i came up with is that it might be due to Noopept increasing HIF-1a factor, NSAIDs like ibuprofen have been very efficient in calming down some of the dizziness and fainting i have been feeling (allowing more oxygen to get to the brain).


Another thing worth mentioning is that i was a heavy pot smoker for many years (quit a few weeks prior to this incident and haven't smoked since), might of had some sort of contribution but i'm guessing minimal.


Some of the effects seem to get much worse on some days, i'm still in the process of getting various tests done because i haven't seen much improvement in my symptoms, going in to get a spinal tap done within the next few weeks.


Thanks for all the help Eryximachus, your support means alot more than you would think  :)


Peace and love guys, Gabriel.

#8 Eryximachus

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Posted 04 January 2018 - 02:00 PM

Well, marijuana is bad news.  I'm really, really amazed at the rapid legalization of it here in the US.  I think all drugs should be legal, but it's a strange choice.  Sure, the intoxicating dose to lethal dose is ridiculously safe.  But the association with severe mental illness is well documented.  Don't use it ever again. It's not worth it, and the contribution may very well be significant.  Cannabinoid receptors are very poorly understood at this point.  This is part of the reason we haven't been able to make an improved drug derivative.   It was easy to make morphine and heroin from opium.   Also easy to make amphetamine from Ma Huang.  There are many drugs that are derived from plants that are well understood, but that is not the case for marijuana.  


But, you SHOULD be fine at this point regarding benzos.  20mg is a high dose, but still within the therapeutic index, but more for the epilepsy/muscle spasm spectrum.  Despite all the nuttiness you read on benzos, I think the withdrawal is not so bad if not abused.  For all drugs, genetics play a role.  With a global internet, even 1 in 100,000 is enough to fill a message board.  


If you do a medline search, you will find that low blood plasma levels of cholesterol is the only known biological (i.e. blood test) predictor for suicide.  Cholesterol is the largest component of your brain after water, and men only produce about 40% of what is needed.  This is true for all predator species. Note how often cats simply eat the head of their prey. It's for the cholesterol.   Try adding 2-3 raw egg yolks per day into your diet.  Heat causes oxygen to bind to molecule points where fat is supposed to go (hence the low density lipoproteins in humans).  So having it raw is necessary for maximum effect.  I've eaten thousands of raw egg yolks over the past 15 years. Never got sick once.  


Keep working on the cardio.  Fifteen minutes is not enough.  Definitely get up to an hour at least.  Running is boring I know.  Mix it up.  Swimming. Surfing. Boxing.  Football. Rugby. Whatever you can. High intensity intervals (i.e. sprinting vs marathons) are better for overall health. You can do it.  

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#9 Kinesis

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 03:33 AM

Thank you for sharing this. Noopept can affect people very differently. Some can apparently take 50 mg and hardly notice it; but even 5 mg is very powerful for me. Something else to be aware of is that it can have some carry over from one day to the next. The same dose on day four can still be adding to the dose from day one or two. Anyone trying it for the first time should go very low until they know how it affects them. Come to think of it, that’s good advice for any unfamiliar substance.

It sounds like you are doing all the right things in response. All the best to you for a speedy recovery!


Edited by Kinesis, 05 January 2018 - 04:00 AM.

#10 Duchykins

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 06:21 AM

"Now i am on a very strict diet plan which includes no MSG or free glutamates of any kind, this had eased some of the symptoms but i still live in constant pain..."

This won't do you any good.

#1   You literally need glutamate, especially if you want to stay "smart."   It's the most important neurotransmitter, especially for learning

#2  Glutamate in your food won't mess with your brain (otherwise migraineurs like me would have to avoid it and I don't have to)

I can't even microdose noopept for the migraines it triggers.  Something else about it fucked you up.

Best thing you can do for your poor half-baked cells is to keep your electrolytes balanced - ALL of them (especially potassium and magnesium) - AND keep your cell energy stable (do not skip meals , do not *DO NOT* skimp on the carbs, do not skip sleep).

Excitotoxicity is not caused by glutamate all by itself.  There has to be a malfunction along the way which leads to the cell actually triggering excess extracellular glutamate AND the opening of calcium channels, allowing calcium ions to flood the cell and overexcite it (there's a reason they put the "electro" in electrolyte).   A lot of different things can cause this including low cell energy, low potassium and low magnesium.

Your diet change probably seemed to help because when you cut out foods with MSG or "free glutamates" that means you cut out a bunch of junk food that's also chock full of tyramine, histamine and sodium.  You're still eating protein which means you're still eating glutamate (again, which you need)

Edited by Duchykins, 05 January 2018 - 06:34 AM.

#11 jack black

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 02:43 PM

the advice here is all over the map. my take is if noopept did is via NMDA signaling, the OP should take anti-NMDA meds/supplements (tianeptine/memantine, etc). Mg is a good start, but it's difficult to pump Mg to the brain. the OP should also look into boosting BDNF to regenerate fried neurons.

#12 ceridwen

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 03:05 PM

Mg=magnesium? What about magnesium threonate? Problem with that is you have to keep taking it

#13 medievil

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 04:19 PM

Well, marijuana is bad news.  I'm really, really amazed at the rapid legalization of it here in the US.  I think all drugs should be legal, but it's a strange choice.  Sure, the intoxicating dose to lethal dose is ridiculously safe.  But the association with severe mental illness is well documented.  Don't use it ever again. It's not worth it, and the contribution may very well be significant.  Cannabinoid receptors are very poorly understood at this point.  This is part of the reason we haven't been able to make an improved drug derivative.   It was easy to make morphine and heroin from opium.   Also easy to make amphetamine from Ma Huang.  There are many drugs that are derived from plants that are well understood, but that is not the case for marijuana.  


But, you SHOULD be fine at this point regarding benzos.  20mg is a high dose, but still within the therapeutic index, but more for the epilepsy/muscle spasm spectrum.  Despite all the nuttiness you read on benzos, I think the withdrawal is not so bad if not abused.  For all drugs, genetics play a role.  With a global internet, even 1 in 100,000 is enough to fill a message board.  


If you do a medline search, you will find that low blood plasma levels of cholesterol is the only known biological (i.e. blood test) predictor for suicide.  Cholesterol is the largest component of your brain after water, and men only produce about 40% of what is needed.  This is true for all predator species. Note how often cats simply eat the head of their prey. It's for the cholesterol.   Try adding 2-3 raw egg yolks per day into your diet.  Heat causes oxygen to bind to molecule points where fat is supposed to go (hence the low density lipoproteins in humans).  So having it raw is necessary for maximum effect.  I've eaten thousands of raw egg yolks over the past 15 years. Never got sick once.  


Keep working on the cardio.  Fifteen minutes is not enough.  Definitely get up to an hour at least.  Running is boring I know.  Mix it up.  Swimming. Surfing. Boxing.  Football. Rugby. Whatever you can. High intensity intervals (i.e. sprinting vs marathons) are better for overall health. You can do it.  

Clonazepam withdrawal is damn easy

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#14 Futureman

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 04:37 PM

Eryximachus, "marijuana is bad news...association with severe mental illness is well documented." 


Can you provide links to any good studies supporting this? Marijuana can probably potentiate psychosis in people who are prone towards it, and high doses can induce temporary psychosis-like states for some people, but I haven't seen anything on a strong correlation between severe mental illness and regular marijuana use. Please provide references. 



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#15 Eryximachus

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Posted 05 January 2018 - 05:50 PM

Eryximachus, "marijuana is bad news...association with severe mental illness is well documented." 


Can you provide links to any good studies supporting this? Marijuana can probably potentiate psychosis in people who are prone towards it, and high doses can induce temporary psychosis-like states for some people, but I haven't seen anything on a strong correlation between severe mental illness and regular marijuana use. Please provide references. 





I really don't bother trying to explain to marijuana advocates any of this.  Nothing personal, but it's a pseudo-religion at this point and it's not worth my time.  Search medline yourself.  This is not news.   The correlation is there.   Irrespective of the cause, it's not worth the risk.  Most likely, it is genetic.   Really, all side effects are genetic.  But this is a serious one. If you're just looking to chill out, every other drug one can get has no association with psychosis.  


This is a guy with problems.  My recommendation is don't use marijuana.   Every psychiatrist in the world will say the same.  

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#16 Futureman

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Posted 06 January 2018 - 01:56 AM



It appears you may be right. My bad for never doing the due diligence and assuming what I've always assumed - that there is no evidence of any serious enduring side effects of cannabis use. You are right, this is not the place to discuss this, and the guy who started this post will be best served to heed your original advice and stay away from marijuana, at least until his symptoms are many years behind him. My apologies to him for distracting from the information he clearly needs. 

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#17 Eryximachus

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Posted 06 January 2018 - 03:25 AM



It appears you may be right. My bad for never doing the due diligence and assuming what I've always assumed - that there is no evidence of any serious enduring side effects of cannabis use. You are right, this is not the place to discuss this, and the guy who started this post will be best served to heed your original advice and stay away from marijuana, at least until his symptoms are many years behind him. My apologies to him for distracting from the information he clearly needs. 


No worries.  This is an odd forum. Some brilliant information can be found, but a lot of people come here with what really amounts to mental illness.   They want some magic bullet or supplement, or often a cocktail of dozens of drugs...   It's sad.  All forums where psych issues are allowed are similar, and this is nowhere near as bad as truly daft websites like benzobuddies or something.  Most people aren't like you, who realize it's a life behind the name.  


Sometimes you just have to go with mainstream medicine, for better or worse.  

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#18 gabejgregory2574

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Posted 06 January 2018 - 11:04 AM

"Now i am on a very strict diet plan which includes no MSG or free glutamates of any kind, this had eased some of the symptoms but i still live in constant pain..."

This won't do you any good.

#1   You literally need glutamate, especially if you want to stay "smart."   It's the most important neurotransmitter, especially for learning

#2  Glutamate in your food won't mess with your brain (otherwise migraineurs like me would have to avoid it and I don't have to)

I can't even microdose noopept for the migraines it triggers.  Something else about it fucked you up.

Best thing you can do for your poor half-baked cells is to keep your electrolytes balanced - ALL of them (especially potassium and magnesium) - AND keep your cell energy stable (do not skip meals , do not *DO NOT* skimp on the carbs, do not skip sleep).

Excitotoxicity is not caused by glutamate all by itself.  There has to be a malfunction along the way which leads to the cell actually triggering excess extracellular glutamate AND the opening of calcium channels, allowing calcium ions to flood the cell and overexcite it (there's a reason they put the "electro" in electrolyte).   A lot of different things can cause this including low cell energy, low potassium and low magnesium.

Your diet change probably seemed to help because when you cut out foods with MSG or "free glutamates" that means you cut out a bunch of junk food that's also chock full of tyramine, histamine and sodium.  You're still eating protein which means you're still eating glutamate (again, which you need)


Thanks for the advice Duchykins,


I've definitely had a very severe reaction to MSG since this incident, the few times ive got to hospital with seizure like symptoms have been due to eating something like KFC which is full of MSG from their bread to their gravy.


When i refer to free glutamates im referring to them in their free form not bound to a protein chain, free glutamates are bad, bound glutamates are good, hence when i am still eating 2 serves of various meats per day.


Yes, magnesium is great, ive been also eating 2 bananas a day for the potassium and also a mag supplement morning and night.


Sadly despite my meticulous diet ive still seen no improvement in 7 weeks, hoping that one day ill be somewhat back to normal again.


Cheers for taking the time to help.


Best wishes and love, Gabe.

#19 gabejgregory2574

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Posted 06 January 2018 - 11:40 AM

Well, marijuana is bad news.  I'm really, really amazed at the rapid legalization of it here in the US.  I think all drugs should be legal, but it's a strange choice.  Sure, the intoxicating dose to lethal dose is ridiculously safe.  But the association with severe mental illness is well documented.  Don't use it ever again. It's not worth it, and the contribution may very well be significant.  Cannabinoid receptors are very poorly understood at this point.  This is part of the reason we haven't been able to make an improved drug derivative.   It was easy to make morphine and heroin from opium.   Also easy to make amphetamine from Ma Huang.  There are many drugs that are derived from plants that are well understood, but that is not the case for marijuana.  


But, you SHOULD be fine at this point regarding benzos.  20mg is a high dose, but still within the therapeutic index, but more for the epilepsy/muscle spasm spectrum.  Despite all the nuttiness you read on benzos, I think the withdrawal is not so bad if not abused.  For all drugs, genetics play a role.  With a global internet, even 1 in 100,000 is enough to fill a message board.  


If you do a medline search, you will find that low blood plasma levels of cholesterol is the only known biological (i.e. blood test) predictor for suicide.  Cholesterol is the largest component of your brain after water, and men only produce about 40% of what is needed.  This is true for all predator species. Note how often cats simply eat the head of their prey. It's for the cholesterol.   Try adding 2-3 raw egg yolks per day into your diet.  Heat causes oxygen to bind to molecule points where fat is supposed to go (hence the low density lipoproteins in humans).  So having it raw is necessary for maximum effect.  I've eaten thousands of raw egg yolks over the past 15 years. Never got sick once.  


Keep working on the cardio.  Fifteen minutes is not enough.  Definitely get up to an hour at least.  Running is boring I know.  Mix it up.  Swimming. Surfing. Boxing.  Football. Rugby. Whatever you can. High intensity intervals (i.e. sprinting vs marathons) are better for overall health. You can do it.  



Thanks again Eryximachus for the help, 


Yes ive stopped taking all drugs and 2 full eggs in the morning are part of my diet, great by themselves with a little salt  :)


I'm trying to find new ways to exercise, currently im swimming and running for about 10 mins at 11.5km/h, hoping it will do me some good.

#20 Gorthaur

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Posted 06 January 2018 - 03:18 PM

If you really have glutamate-related excitotoxicity, it should be very easy to test that hypothesis by taking an NMDA antagonist like Memantine. DXM would work too, but I wouldn't really recommend it in this case due to its side effects. Theanine is also a possible treatment, but it could be risky. I've had paradoxical effects from Theanine, like insomnia, though most people find it relaxing. I honestly doubt that a doctor or even a neurologist will be able to help with this type of problem. I work in medicine, but I am not a doctor, yet I know that doctors almost never understand the balance of neurotransmitters, nor do they understand neurotoxicity. You would be hard-pressed to find a doctor who knows that ALCAR will treat an overdose of L-DOPA, or vice versa. 


I've had similar experiences, to an extent. I experienced about three months of blissful mild hypomania from piracetam and CDP choline when I first took it, followed by a sudden crash that took three months to recover from. I was still functional, though. I've also had issues with developing hypersensitivity to both choline supplements and dopaminergic supplements. Hypersensitivity will reverse itself by an order of magnitude all on its own if you wait a few months, but finding the neurotransmitter that has been thrown out of balance and correcting the levels through smart, evidence-based supplementation can quickly cure a lot of common problems people experience with nootropics and supplements. I don't know for sure that this is your problem, but trying Memantine, Theanine, and GABA to start with is the best advice I can offer.

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#21 recon

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Posted 07 January 2018 - 07:42 AM

What was the official diagnosis from the doctor?
What did they say it was caused by?
What were their advices?
Did you get follow-up checkups and what did they say in them?

#22 Maxpower

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Posted 10 January 2018 - 08:37 AM

Just wondering, I am not an expert, but would starting off with something mild like Lions Mane, to repair damage be an idea before going on to stringer Noots? How about even Cerebrolysin to repair the damage, would this sort of thing reset the brain before moving onto stronger nootropics?

#23 thigos

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Posted 10 January 2018 - 08:17 PM

 Exercise is a really good suggestion as its one of the only ways to naturally increase BDNF, ive been trying to do 15 mins of intense cardio each day.





I am in the same boat as you in many ways.  I read this article showing that the stress created from High Intensity training is not as productive or maybe counterproductive to the production of BDNF as compared to longer steady state cardio.  They did a study on mice that I found interesting.  I would much prefer weight lifting or High intensity cardio to longer endurance based cardio exercise.  I am going to try and provide the link.  Hopefully it works as I just registered on this forum today....



#24 Kinesis

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Posted 11 January 2018 - 03:35 AM

Thats exactly what i have been doing, eating 6 serves of veggies, 2 serves of various berries, 2 serves of meat, and brown rice for my carbs daily. Supplements daily have been fish oil, multivitamin, grape seed, and probiotics. Exercise is a really good suggestion as its one of the only ways to naturally increase BDNF, ive been trying to do 15 mins of intense cardio each day.

You’re on target with this. Healing won’t necessarily be overnight, but you will gradually get better. Don’t worry about trying to push molecular mechanisms like NGF or BDNF ... those are some of the things Noopept is believed to target. The last thing you need is more of the same. So avoid more Noopept, avoid similar acting or esoteric noots; I’d even be skeptical of natural NGF boosters like Lion’s Mane. Your diet sounds great. Take your multi, fish oil, and anything else you might need to avoid vitamin or mineral deficiencies. Think clean. Get your exercise. Plenty of sleep. Aim to be so healthy you couldn’t possibly feel bad.

Keep up the good work!


Edited by Kinesis, 11 January 2018 - 03:43 AM.

#25 fiftyyy

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Posted 11 January 2018 - 09:19 AM

OP, what was your diet at the time of the accident? Do/did you eat chinese or southeast Asian cuisine? If you did eat something along those lines, it could have provided significant amount of MSG. 


I've had bad experience with piracetam and "Chinese" food, even in eastern Europe some put tons of MSG in those kind of places.


Also packaged food/beverages are a suspect source of MSG, if you can recall what you ate at that time? 


Im kind of bothered, how nobody asked so far :D

#26 jack black

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Posted 11 January 2018 - 01:01 PM

good point above on glutamate along with aspartate in diet or energy drinks.


we should have asked about alcohol too, as chronic drinking upregulates NMDAR.

#27 neuroskynet

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 09:34 PM

It's quite a leap to assume that NMDA-related excitotoxicity was the cause of your episode.

First of all, per the studies, NMDA receptors are involved, but are NOT the primary mechanism of action - and NMDA activation is a small component, at best.

What you describe is quite likely due to cholinergic effects from the racetam-like effects of Noopept.

Noopept's main two mechanisms of action are:

1) BDNF increase

2) racetam-like acetylcholinesterase inhibition


If you were taking ALL of those other supplements AND quickly boosted your Noopept dosage, you likely experienced a sudden increase in cholinergic activity - that leads to parasympathetic symptoms such as bradycardia, confusion, changes in blood pressure, "pins and needles", and various other problems.

THAT is likely what you experienced - not NMDA excitotoxicity.


I know that everyone is different...but, still, I have people all over the spectrum of dosages and dosage changes tolerate Noopept without any problems (everything from 10 mg - 100 mg).

So, while this may have "pushed you over the edge", I seriously doubt that Noopept was your problem.

You're taking tons of other substances in a cholinergic stack that is somewhat redundant.

Edited by neuroskynet, 20 February 2018 - 09:41 PM.

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#28 zeropoint

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 10:04 PM




It appears you may be right. My bad for never doing the due diligence and assuming what I've always assumed - that there is no evidence of any serious enduring side effects of cannabis use. You are right, this is not the place to discuss this, and the guy who started this post will be best served to heed your original advice and stay away from marijuana, at least until his symptoms are many years behind him. My apologies to him for distracting from the information he clearly needs. 


No worries.  This is an odd forum. Some brilliant information can be found, but a lot of people come here with what really amounts to mental illness.   They want some magic bullet or supplement, or often a cocktail of dozens of drugs...   It's sad.  All forums where psych issues are allowed are similar, and this is nowhere near as bad as truly daft websites like benzobuddies or something.  Most people aren't like you, who realize it's a life behind the name.  


Sometimes you just have to go with mainstream medicine, for better or worse.  



Refering to yourself of course......marijuana is not bad news because somebody doesn't understand it.

You must be Jeff Sessions son....he said people who smoke marijuana are bad(similiar)


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#29 Eryximachus

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Posted 22 February 2018 - 11:32 AM





It appears you may be right. My bad for never doing the due diligence and assuming what I've always assumed - that there is no evidence of any serious enduring side effects of cannabis use. You are right, this is not the place to discuss this, and the guy who started this post will be best served to heed your original advice and stay away from marijuana, at least until his symptoms are many years behind him. My apologies to him for distracting from the information he clearly needs. 


No worries.  This is an odd forum. Some brilliant information can be found, but a lot of people come here with what really amounts to mental illness.   They want some magic bullet or supplement, or often a cocktail of dozens of drugs...   It's sad.  All forums where psych issues are allowed are similar, and this is nowhere near as bad as truly daft websites like benzobuddies or something.  Most people aren't like you, who realize it's a life behind the name.  


Sometimes you just have to go with mainstream medicine, for better or worse.  



Refering to yourself of course......marijuana is not bad news because somebody doesn't understand it.

You must be Jeff Sessions son....he said people who smoke marijuana are bad(similiar)



1) Poor spelling

2) Obvious native English speaker due to use of colloquialisms such as "bad news", yet poor grasp of English

3) Inability to form a logical, cogent argument

4) Thoroughly indoctrinated by mass media propaganda to the point partisan politics comes up in a 31-word screed

5) Poor grasp of foundational philosophy, i.e. reference to ethical value judgments in an inappropriate situation. 


Now, most likely, this poster is on the left hand side of the genetic IQ distribution curve and is biologically incapable of higher levels of reasoning. But, this is a trait I have personally observed in many marijuana users.  


Bottom line kids: don't use marijuana

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#30 LCJ990

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Posted 06 October 2019 - 01:20 PM

i purchased my noopept from nootropics depot, i think that because of my previous benzo misuse that my GABA levels were already very low, i might of just needed that small nudge to push myself over the edge. I am not 100% sure it was exictotoxicity but all signs and symptoms lead to it. MRI showed brain lesions which is a very good indicator.

  • Is benzodiazepine withdrawal ignited?Do you have persistent symptoms?

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