Biomarkers of Aging Self Experimentation (BASE)
Non-Profit Open Source Project to Advance Longevity Science Aging Biomarkers


  • BASE is a partnership between LongeCity and OpenCures
  • Participants can record, analyse, share, and compare their biomarker data in an effort to collectively identify potential anti-aging interventions
  • Qualifying participants may claim a small subsidy for their biomarker tests
  • The initiative is at an early stage - we are currently looking for alpha testers
  • Background

    LongeCity ( is an international, not-for-profit, membership-based organization.

    Our forums are a nexus for information exchange and discussion about various methods of slowing or reversing the aging process. Many have devised individual strategies for living longer - but how to assess them?

    The LongeCity Biomarkers of Aging Self Experimentation (BASE) program began as an effort to encourage objective measurement of aging biomarkers.

    In order to foster a ‘citizen scientist’ culture of objective self-monitoring and knowledge sharing, LongeCity supports Members in procuring tests for a variety of biological age markers.

    In the beginning, results were logged manually. While LongeCity continues to encourage open discussion of aging biomarkers on our forum, we are looking to establish a more advanced and structured platform for recording and analyzing individual biomarker data.

    To this end we have partnered with OpenCures.


    Founded by Kevin Perrott PhD, a former Director of LongeCity, OpenCures is a California For-Benefit Company with a mission to help self-directed researchers to access cutting-edge tools like mass spectrometry to measure their own biomarkers.

    OpenCures aims to create the first open source platform that allows individuals to collate, manage and analyse their own health data.


    Your data

  • As part of our agreement with OpenCures all LongeCity members will be able to use the platform free of charge.
  • The data you contribute will remain yours and can be deleted and exported at any time.
  • You don’t have to disclose your name and can choose how much information to share with whom. (However, it would be great to share as much information as you think may be pertinent regarding lifestyle, diet, supplementation etc. that might shine a light on your results for further analysis.)
  • Members are encouraged to log their previous BASE results into the platform. It is our intention to make the collected data openly accessible and produce reports on interesting findings. In the interim, results can be discussed in an internal forum (Members only)
  • Tests

    To contribute data, participants will first need to procure their own tests and assays. BASE is aiming to accomodate a range of inputs from various sources.
    Purchasing OpenCures proteomic and metabolomic analysis services is not a requirement to take part in BASE.
    Make sure you use the resources on LongeCity and elsewhere to make an informed decision about which tests and providers to choose.
    further reading & discussion: testing technologies & providers (internal forum).

    - LongeCity will continue to offer Members a small subsidy for well-designed self-experiments (n=1).
    - To qualify you need to be a Member of the Immortality Institute. (If you are not yet a member - it may well be worth joining since the grant more than covers your membership donation.)
    - Use our contact form (select "BASE") stating which tests you would like to seek support for.
    - We will get back to you with any questions and to confirm the level of reimbursement. Normally this will be ca.$100. Forays into novel interventions may receive special consideration.
    - Payment (via paypal to your registered email address) will be issued after you have shared the test results and a valid receipt.
    - There is no entitlement to the subsidy. Testing grants are the discretion of LongeCity and may depend on many factors including the availability of funds and the quality and utility of the data.


    As the project evolves, we aim to add progressively more tools to
    -- design experiments (before/after comparisons; statistical tools)
    -- log, annotate and curate data
    -- analyse, interpret and visualise their own biomarker data
    -- share, pool and compare data with others

    Demo Video

    Now open for alpha testing!

    At this stage, we are looking for AlphaTesters to get in on the ‘ground floor’ and advise the developers on how the features are working, which tools to add and improve etc.

    To register your interest please use our contact form and select "BASE".

    We will follow up with a link to the portal and invite you to an online platform where you can give feedback to the developers and receive updates.
    You can also use the above form if you have any questions about the initiative.