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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

brokenportal's Blog


Needed, 1 life extension roomate, apply with in.

Posted by brokenportal , 25 July 2008 - - - - - - · 1,082 views

This is a standing offer to any serious person for indefinite life extension. I need a roomate whos into life extension. The rent is free. All you need is an undying drive to support the cause.

The projects are numerous. People that fight for causes like this should organize as much as possible. Like, you would never see the pentagon as a non building...


The daily forecast

Posted by brokenportal , 25 June 2008 - - - - - - · 1,247 views

Todays forecast is bright and sunny all day long with the winds of change steady through out the day. Brainstorms moving in for the after noon with day dreams receding into the night as things heat up. The dreams will continue to increase as they move outside the box into clear nighttime skys. The stars will be out with a possibility of dreams...


The park closes at ten, when that time comes its light out and you have to leave.

Posted by brokenportal , 24 June 2008 - - - - - - · 915 views

I sumbitted this blog to digg. Go to digg and add a digg to all the life extension blogs you can find, I saw about 4 of them when I was there, and add some more too. I should have linked that digg from here, what was I thinking. In any case...

The park closes at ten, when that time comes its light out and you have to leave.

That's how a lot...


Over population is not the life extensionists problem, its the non life extensionists.

Posted by brokenportal , 05 June 2008 - - - - - - · 2,181 views
underpopulation, evolution and 2 more...
Over population is not life extensionists problem, its the non life extensionists.

The only way to prevent potential overpopulation is to advocate death?

We'll compress the situation so we can analyze it. Instead of 6 billion people being trapped on the planet, we'll talk about it in terms of 600 people being trapped in a warehouse,...


This causes progress and glad to be here with you all.

Posted by brokenportal , 14 May 2008 - - - - - - · 845 views

You know, ten years ago this movement was nothing, as far as I know there was no movement at all. The wills of all of us... Its amazing to think of it, I have to pause and reminince. I had no idea who any of you were 10 and even 5 years ago. I dreamed people like you all existed, and you did. Im so glad to be a part of this ride with all of you. Hopefully...


reminder on how restless our competition is

Posted by brokenportal , 14 May 2008 - - - - - - · 1,206 views


Posted Image

Our enemy is as restless as he is relentless. We really have to keep our efforts stepped up if we want to compete.


brainstorm on projects I want to, and think I can take on

Posted by brokenportal , 24 April 2008 - - - - - - · 3,968 views

Im going nuts here thinking of all the stuff I want do for this cause.

The booth at university centers or wherever else they may fit in, mall etc..
• Tshirts and merchandise to sell for their profit from all orgs
• Pamphlets
• Power point style packets stapled
• Tv playing Aubrey videos


Indefinite life extension is bigger than Civil Rights, revolutions, etc... combined. Join now, you need your help

Posted by brokenportal , 11 April 2008 - - - - - - · 1,903 views

This cause is bigger than revolutions, its bigger than the great Greek, and Macedonian, and Mongolian conquests, its bigger than the industrial revolution, its bigger than the great depression, all the strangling famines, its bigger than war, its bigger than Martin Luther King Jr and the Civil Rights Movement, bigger than all of them combined. The movement...


Your alive! A myspace blog of mine I would love feedback on.

Posted by brokenportal , 07 March 2008 - - - - - - · 1,966 views

Alive, your alive. Do you know how many people aren’t? A lot. Do you think the dead or the unborn would like to be alive? If we could magically talk to them for 1 minute, do you think they would say they like to be alive? You know the answer.

Now check this out, you, are, alive. Your alive right now. Your alive!! Do you know how much that means?...


They found the "fountain of youth." Now it needs to be excavated.

Posted by brokenportal , 07 March 2008 - - - - - - · 2,825 views

Please for the love of life, help support getting the fountain of youth excavated. Seriously, to anybody who doesnt want to support this, are you kidding me? They found the freaking fountain of youth and you would rather eat chips and watch tv than lend them a shovel or even make them a sandwich so they can continue to dig?

We found it in our cells. We...

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