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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Father time, more impressed by frogs that manage to jump from bucket to land at his feet?

Posted by brokenportal , 03 February 2008 · 2,244 views

If time is a river, and all of human history is a vast river then lets say we had a being like a hypothetical father time who's perception made him see that vast river as though it were enough water to fill a bucket.

So as hes walking along one day he notices a bucket spill over and watches the water of our hundreds and hundreds of modern and thousands and thousands of old and historic and ancient and super ancient history pour by him. He'd mainly see stuff like, killing, killing, death, birth, building, falling, killing, vanity, building, birth, killing, falling, death, building, and on and on The only thing I can think of that might be especially noticeable to him would be those frogs not being swept with the spilled water but trying to jump from the buckets stream.

I would think he'd watch the show put on by the frogs that were killing and building and falling in cycle as the water rushed 20 feet across the room and down the nearby drain, and then reach out and catch those trying to jump from the stream into a destiny much more vast than the spill from the bucket of water.

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