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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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brainstorm on projects I want to, and think I can take on

Posted by brokenportal , 24 April 2008 · 4,006 views

Im going nuts here thinking of all the stuff I want do for this cause.

The booth at university centers or wherever else they may fit in, mall etc..
• Tshirts and merchandise to sell for their profit from all orgs
• Pamphlets
• Power point style packets stapled
• Tv playing Aubrey videos
• Ending aging books for sale, and any others
• Flyer my booth around the area in conjunction with deGrey, sens, mprize etc..
• Petition for government officials from coalition to extend life
• Raffle for books, all books on the subject

Find talent to help, petition them
• Musicians
• Cartoonists
• Video clip makers
• Photoshop pros
• Local and national commercial makers
o You can get a premade add for $500 and advertise it locally for like $2000 for three months
 Find volunteers to make ads instead of buy one
 Get a network of people to agree and we can get local tv ads for different demographics of the country, paid by each person. Or is national pool cheaper?
o Nationally I found, from what I gather you can do it for like $50,000
o Find best prices for the quality on these

Do myspace invites and bulletins etc to upcoming Aubrey lectures
• Get list of upcoming locations from Aubrey
• Suggest to him, talk to him about how to get a booking agent
o Consult his booking agent
o Find people to help get him a booking agent

Do a fund raiser page somewhere for my projects (to raise more money for imminst, mprize etc…)
• Myspace
• New web site

Do youtube videos
• Interview people about their ideas on life extension etc..
• Get people to do Kevins challenge
• Make up clever things
o Clock hang, like pulling back hands of time,
o grim reaper beat down,
o grave yard skits
o etc..

Make a variety of literature
• Trifolds for orgs that don’t have them
• Events flyers
• General info Info flyers

Do "flyers incentive club" gimmick
• Talk to guy already doing it, (aegist was it?)
• Use a 20 flyers club signature for your name, then 50, 100, 150, 250, 500, 750, 1000 and so on.

Buy books to give away and photograph with the person to propel ending aging book challenge and book in general
• Especially give to libraries and get picture of the book with the librarian

When initiating something then find people to help.

Apr 24 2008 11:44 PM
Good thing the bulleting doesnt work when transfered from word. I even re indented it all here and it went back when posting.
Richard Leis
Apr 28 2008 01:53 AM
Thank you very much for listing these great suggestions...this can provide ideas for others, and ImmInst as a whole.
May 14 2008 03:20 AM

Thank you very much for listing these great suggestions...this can provide ideas for others, and ImmInst as a whole.

Thanks for your comment. It helps keep the momentum in my motivation.

I have this promotions ideas list in microsoft word. Its part of a larger more encompassing list idea I tried pushing over the years but thats another discussion.

I add to this microsoft word list quite often, sometimes every day. The accessability and good organization of this because of word makes me wish I could find a way to link an interactive bullets list like this to a public life extension site. Imminst, hopefully would go for it if I could figure out how to make it interactive.

Ive looked, tryed different things. I dont know how to find a place like that. I dont think there is one. Do you know who may be able to tell us or make a page like that? It pretty much just needs to be a microsoft word document that we can all access, maybe just directors to keep it you know, keep out the... the frivolousness from people that arent sure exactly what its purpose is.

It makes it super easy to narrow projects down from the general to the specifics of what needs to be done, and to what needs to be done next.

Its like, we could have various topics with project ideas floating around in various places, getting buried sometimes, etc... hard to come to conclusion of next steps sometimes, but bulleting just makes it easier than pie, rather than so so much discussion, theres more of just, this this this and then its all outlined and then you make sub bulleted lists where needed, of actual contacts that seem fitted to those tasks.

Like, say if you look at the topic up there, under the "Booth" idea one of the things to include in the booth is t shirts. We can make packages of various things to send out to people to set up booths, to get the tshirts ready, so for example under tshirts we can put a further bulleted area that says to the effect, "pledge 250 dollars here so we can get another 100 shirts ready for this" Then in a further sub bullet we list the people who sign up, or whatever, you can bullet the idea in different directions to accomplish it.

Or lets say, from the topic, "musicians" one sub branch may be a list of lyrics that support the life extension cause, then under that in a further sub bullet people can add transhumanists names who they know to be transhumanist musicians. We can compile that list, and when we want to work on a project, we go there, contact those people and try to persuade them to do it. If they need say 200 dollars to do it, or whatever then under one of the lyrics we put a sub bullet saying "pledge 200 dollars and john doe will record these lyrics to song." or whatever.

Those are just random examples, but it applies to everything. Does this make sense? or is this just .. frivolousness. I think its a powerful tool. I just dont know how to make it interactive in the right way nor how to get people to see it and help.
I really like the idea of T-shirts. Its free advertising.

Could even have a little store on this site selling a few such things. There are places you can design and order small amounts of T-Shirts. Its not hard, my husband's office did one for a pub crawl (i-drink, cute but probably sue-able!).

Probably want to make it classy rather than cutesy though, like those t-shirts you buy to support this or that cause.

It would be nice to have an imminst (or New Name) symbol people could wear on jewelry/clothing. Visual is good.

- Tracy (Mey)
This could probably be done easily with a wiki page for projects.

I really do admire your motivation to actually get things started, the life extension movement needs more people like you!
This could probably be done easily with a wiki page for projects.

I really do admire your motivation to actually get things started, the life extension movement needs more people like you!

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