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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Over population is not the life extensionists problem, its the non life extensionists.

Posted by brokenportal , 05 June 2008 · 2,232 views

underpopulation evolution having kids the old must die
Over population is not life extensionists problem, its the non life extensionists.

The only way to prevent potential overpopulation is to advocate death?

We'll compress the situation so we can analyze it. Instead of 6 billion people being trapped on the planet, we'll talk about it in terms of 600 people being trapped in a warehouse, forever.

Alright, they have babies, they have babies, they have babies, soon, oh crap, theres no more room left.

"Ok Eddy, you, Mike, Dianne and the bunch are the oldest at 65 now. We need some room. Could you jump into that blender please?"

"Sure we'll jump into that blender. It makes the life we lived more full!" ~jump~

"Thanks guys!" (looking down into blender waving.)

So the oldest have to die? What if the oldest people were 40? What if they were 30? Well, there's no room right? They better die.

Suzy and Tommy are in the corner screwing away. 1, 2, now 3 babies...

"Randy, hey!"

Randy looks up from playing cards, "yes?"

"Hey, all the 65 year olds are dead, you're the oldest at 64. Tom and Sue here just popped out another one and Bob is firing up the blender. I hate to bother you but we're going to need you to jump into the blender."

"Dang, I had a sweet hand too. Well guys, its been nice knowing you but Tom and Suzy need to have another kid."

Death, the old have to make room for babies.

Related topic: http://www.longecity...tion-challenge/

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