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              Advocacy & Research for Unlimited Lifespans

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Escaping aging is the only way to prove any philosophy and the only thing there is to do.

Posted by brokenportal , 14 August 2008 · 1,835 views

Is there a philosophy of finding answers out there? I think that there should be a philosophy whos main point is that we need to keep looking for the answers. Well, actually I think that the indefinite life extension revolution is writing that philosophy, is the essence of that philosophy. Its the best kind of philosophy there is too, one of action.

We cant really prove any philosophy. We have so much more to know, discover, find out. To kind of know, or think we pretty much know, but never really know, seems to me to be a waste of time. I want to know my world, my universe, everything about everything about what it means to exist, what existence means. Sure I may never know, but I want to, and so we try. Why the hell not?

If your a jew in a concentration camp you might as well try to escape right? Your living in pointlessness, theres nothing better you could do than try to eliminate that from your life right? If you dont succeed your life would still be pointless, but at least theres a chance if you try.

Might as well try to escape agings grip and try to master existence. What else is there to do really? Die? theres really nothing better to do. Not trying to grant your self access to the universe is like sitting in a concentration camp next to a pile of shovels and guns and just playing cards. This is what life is for, trying to master existence is what life is for.

The philosophy of life extension is the meaning of life. It is the holy grail of philosophies, its the one that philosophy has been looking for. Lets fullfill our destinies. This is the meaning of life.

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